
Oct 25, 2017
ANNOUNCER: Ladies and gentlemen! Please put your hands together, and give a warm welcome to your host for the evening — Billy Crystal!


BILLY: Hellooooooooo, beautiful people! Hellooooooooo!

What a year it's been! What a year! Wowie!


BILLY: Thank you, thank you… You're too kind!

Oh boy — where do I begin?

2017 was a year… of speaking up! Of brave souls who had the courage to challenge the establishment. To call out those men who abuse their power and privilege!

…I'm of course referring to you guys, calling out Sumo Digital.

I used to think DOOM's Icon of Sin was the only icon I'd ever want to blow up with a rocket launcher — but then I saw the icon for Snake Pass!



BILLY: Welcome to the Golden TITS — the Terrific Icons for The Switch! Tonight, we're gonna give some love to the icons that shined bright in 2017.

The voters were you, esteemed members of the ResetEra Academy. You guys and gals know a good icon when you see one.

Who will take home the Golden TITS? We're giving out five of 'em tonight.

For those who win, this will be the defining moment of their careers.

Here's what the trophies look like — ain't they a beauty?


BILLY: Now let's get this show on the road!


Super Bomberman R


Nocturnowl said:
If you were to ask an all powerful deity to show you the complete opposite to the horrific Bomberman Act 0 art then this is what your eyes would be blessed with. Yet we need not ask Gods for assistance, it exists! Bomberman and friends look so rad that I've almost wanted to splurge £30 on the game just because the art beckons me, I have so far resisted as I wait for an e shop sale, one day this blessed comic styled icon will grace my home screen, and on that day a tear of joy will seep down my face.

Phife Dawg said:
I know it's super busy but Blue and the logo stick out nicely and it fits the crazyness that ensues when you play the game

Axass said:
the comic book style is unique among Switch icons and makes it stand out in a super colourful way.

zroid said:
beautiful 2D artwork that perfectly encapsulates the chaos and fun of Bomberman. And those character expressions!

Jessie said:
So fun looking. The art alone sold me on the game.


Golf Story


Nav said:
A dinosaur skeleton. A jack-o'-lantern. A sneaky mole, stalking the course flag. And who is swinging the club? Make no mistake -- Golf Story's icon evokes perfectly that this isn't just an ordinary golf game, but a complete narrative experience with multiple locales and characters. Add to that the gorgeous use of color and I find the icon near-perfect. If only the logo were a bit more like the game's expressive fonts, it would be my overall pick.

EarthPainting said:
Gives the vibes of a resort, and to me already communicates that this is going to be more than a simple sports game.

Nocturnowl said:
Look at that colour! you can immediately tell from one glance that this ain't your father's golf, this ain't no glory at St Andrews. Nah son we got a hodgepodge of fantastical environments slamming together to create the craziest fairway you ever laid eyes upon. Granted the Cave woman looking lass is striking the ball away from the pin/green but errrrr shush.

Naner said:
Instead of a bunch of action, this icon has a peaceful flag. And that's really what golf is all about.

Sheldon said:
The easily readable name (and the golf ball in place of the letter O) perfectly convey that this is a golf game so the art can afford to go all in on conveying there is so much more to it. What is the Story about? Golf and moles and dragon bones and haunted lands? I'm intrigued.

UberTag said:
golfing has never seemed so exciting; I want to frame this icon and hang it up on my wall as a piece of art

D.Lo said:
perfect summary of the adventure within


L.A. Noire


Astrochelys said:
Looks like a proper detective cover, very stylish.

VZ_Blade said:
I can always appreciate classy artwork for the cover. The style of it certainly did take me back to 1940s Los Angeles.

mutantmagnet said:
Just look at it and compare it to similar game icons trying to sell itself as a crime game. It's vibrant, sexy and mysterious in that package. It stands out so well while glancing compared to anything else.

Nisaba said:
A really cool old movie-style icon.

Nikpls said:
gets the game's vibes across and integrates the wordmark properly into the design

Jessie said:
Very different from other Switch icons, but gets it "right" and really makes me want to play the game.

AndrewGPK said:
just classic, and well balanced, classic hollywood perfection

Spazerbeam said:
Just a wonderful painting like icon with great composition. Nothing new but it's nice.

Sheldon said:
The movie poster is a well-worn gimmick, yet it fits the game and is done well here so it sells the detective fantasy. I'd feel classy if I had this icon displayed on my Switch screen.

zroid said:
not much needs be said about this icon, it's gorgeous and evokes the style and ambiance of the game perfectly. Great use of a border as well.

StraySheep said:
It's all been said already. Perfect classic Hollywood poster.

Boiled Goose said:
good aesthetic design


Mario Kart 8 Deluxe


Sheldon said:
The first game icon that made a home on my Switch screen and the one that defined what they ought to strife for: Be pleasant to look at and make you want to turn on the game and PLAY. Right now! Has colorful charme, nice composition and intangibles like getting the theme to Rainbow Road playing in my head.

skurk said:
Very inviting framing with strong colors, how can you not want to just jump straight into the game when seeing this icon?

carlosrox said:
has a fabulous use of color and a very slick composition.

VZ_Blade said:
This cover pops out like no other. The use of color just pulls you in and everyone's gesture on the icon is suggesting that it will be a great experience.

Naner said:
Beautiful game and an icon that matches. MK8 on Wii U had beautiful artwork and MK8D just says "what if we made it better?".

Boiled Goose said:
very aesthetically pleasing. Looks fun. Easy to read title

Jessie said:
Beautiful new perspective of an old game and an even older stage. I love the rainbow colors.

Neiteio said:
I had to really think about this one to make sure that my bias toward this game (one of my favorites) wasn't coloring my view. But it truly is what I consider a perfect icon. Like Christmas lights at night, the electric colors of Rainbow Road glow in the darkness, inviting you to the Mushroom Kingdom with a beautifully composed scene featuring Mario, Bowser and Peach racing toward the screen, their vehicles gleaming in the light. Everything is shiny and colorful, and detailed yet clear. It's especially beautiful on the Switch home menu's dark theme. It's an icon that conveys the love and care that went into the game, and that makes your Switch collection look and feel more "premium" just by being there. It's what every icon should aspire to be. :-)


The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (NA)


Spring-Loaded said:
Every aspect of this icon is good. Put this at the bottom because it's pretty straightforward and will get plenty of acknowledgement elsewhere, but it's still very strong. Evokes adventure, the weathered wordmark and Master Sword are well placed in the image and the artwork's fantastic. Plainly showcases the player's motivation at the outset of the game, which is fitting as there's no twists or questions about what you need to do: Ganon took over Hyrule Castle and the world is suffering because of it, and you need to undo that.

zroid said:
I'm almost sorry to put this one first because it feels cliched. But BOTW is the OG Switch icon, and it has everything you want in an icon. Captures the majesty of the world immaculately, and gave rise to the vista icon meme (with good reason). The text is just as striking and adds as much to the icon as the image itself. It's incredible that one of best icons was literally the first, and yet so many games have failed to step up in the same way (at least, not until we badgered their creators incessantly). Good work, Nintendo!

Astrochelys said:
Even without knowing what the game is about, you can sense something from the icon. It indicates to open world, exploration and battle. It's pretty as a... well, picture.

VZ_Blade said:
Link with a sword, looking towards the vast world of Hyrule (which is most likely unknown to him) echoes the way how I would depict a sprawling adventure in a single image. Everytime I look at this icon, it never fails to remind me the sense of awe and discovery in my playthrough.

EarthPainting said:
Just a nice layout and easy to read at multiple sizes.

Barn said:
has already become an iconic piece of gaming artwork. Unlike most other icons, it tells you exactly what to expect from the game.

Zevenberge said:
it beautifully paints the atmosphere

Nisaba said:
Link gazing out into Hyrule, ready for adventure. The art is lovely and the icon conveys that sense of exploration well. :)

Spazerbeam said:
Really gives you a grand sense of adventure.

Naner said:
Much like the game itself, its key art is one of the most beautiful pieces of all time. Makes me want to hop in again just by looking at it.

Axass said:
a true romantic painting, invoking an endless sense of adventure.


BILLY: Zelda, please, stop! You're killing it, they're dead! They're already dead!

You've already taken all the GotYs — can't you let other games get some love?


BILLY: But seriously, congratulations to all of tonight's winners! You truly make this the most iconic system of all!

For those curious, here's the full list of votes!

Note that we didn't count any vote for the original version of an icon that's since been changed. We also didn't count Zelda votes where the voter didn't specify NA or EU.

Although we did count the rest of the ballot!

Clearly, it didn't hurt Zelda's prospects…


01) Breath of the Wild (NA): 69 points
02) Mario Kart 8 Deluxe: 48 points
03) L.A. Noire: 41 points
04) Golf Story: 30 points
05) Super Bomberman R: 28 points
06) SteamWorld Dig 2: 27 points
07) Super Mario Odyssey: 23 points
08) Kingdom: New Lands: 15 points
09) Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle: 15 points
10) Splatoon 2: 15 points
11) Gonner: 13 points
12) The Binding of Isaac Afterbirth: 13 points
13) ARMS: 12 points
14) VVVVVV: 11 points
15) Battle Chef Brigade: 9 points
16) Breath of the Wild (EU): 9 points
17) Cave Story +: 8 points
18) I Am Setsuna: 8 points
19) PAN-PAN: 8 points
20) Gorogoa: 7 points
21) Human Resource Machine: 7 points
22) Sonic Mania: 7 points
23) The Flame in the Flood: 7 points
24) Lost Sphear: 5 points
25) Penguin-Kun Gira Gira Wars: 5 points
26) Sonic Forces: 5 points
27) Wonder Boy: 5 points
28) Troll and I: 5 points
29) DOOM: 4 points
30) Kamiko: 4 points
31) Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime: 4 points
32) Namco Museum: 4 points
33) Pokken Tournament DX: 4 points
34) Semispheres: 4 points
35) Skyrim: 4 points
36) Snipperclips: 4 points
37) Stardew Valley: 4 points
38) Dragon Quest X: 3 points
39) Ninja Showdown: 3 points
40) Oxenfree: 3 points
41) Perspective: 3 points
42) RiME: 3 points
43) Yono and the Celestial Elephants: 3 points
44) BUTCHER: 2 points
45) Has Been Heroes: 2 points
46) Heroes of the Monkey: 2 points
47) Slime-san: 2 points
48) The Coma Recut: 2 points
49) The Mummy Remastered: 2 points
50) VOEZ: 2 points
51) lttle Dew 2+: 2 points
52) Pankapu: 1 votes
53) Planetera DX: 1 points
54) Quest of Dungeons: 1 points
55) The End is Nigh: 1 points
56) Wheels of Aurelia: 1 points
57) Worms WMD: 1 points
58) Xenoblade Chronicles 2: 1 points

For a gallery all of the contenders:

BILLY: And thaaaaaat's a wrap! See you in 2018!

(Maybe… If I feel like doing this!)



Oct 27, 2017
Glad the L.A Noire icon got recognition, one of the coolest icons easily

Lord Brady

Oct 26, 2017
These awards suck. Where's Picross S? Where's the majesty of Puyo Puyo Tetris? #justiceforpuzzlegames


Dec 10, 2017
I take it from these results people don't like the minimalist icons that lack a logo or game title.

Deleted member 2793

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Great thread. Nice to see Switch owners have good taste and voted for Bomberman R. Amazing artstyle.


Oct 25, 2017
TITS is just an acronym, guys. Read the OP!

The real outrage here is that SteamWorld Dig 2 lost by one vote

(Although Bomberman is quite deserving and got my vote)


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Amazing thread. First time I see an award thread like this.

Great picks and description aswell. I almost feel icon critics is a thing!!


Oct 25, 2017
Can we take a moment to shame the people who voted for Sonic Mania?

Absolutely disgusting!


Oct 25, 2017
I didn't vote for Zelda, but it's definitely a beautiful icon

Kinda crazy that it did so well even with several disqualified votes, and the EU icon also getting a decent level of support

TIFTS then

But I know, that's not those round things hanging from a womans chest. So clever.
Hey, men have nipples too

Deleted member 8112

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Neiteio had an avatar that said "That would be TITS HD" for a long while now, this is nothing but a joke related to that and it's not sexist, Jesus. Stop looking for problems where there are none.