
Oct 27, 2017
They had 50 years to codify something that's overwhelmingly popular (somewhere like 70%+ in support of it) into law but didn't.


Jun 13, 2018
Yeah, that is what I thought. And he lost that majority because of his push for the Affordable Care Act.

Nope, he lost it because Ted Kennedy had died and Massachusetts voters replaced him with a Republican. Had they elected a Democrat, he would've kept it for 10 more months.


When Obama Had "Total Control of Congress"

The Reverend Lies are easy to get away with if they are repeated often enough and given voice by many different people. Repeat a lie often enough and that lie often becomes conventional wisdom. Repe…

Did (Bill) Clinton every have enough?

He never had 60 and he had a Republican majority senate for 6 of 8 years.


Nov 11, 2017

If the democratic party was worth a damn all the pro rights members would constantly and very publicly be torching people like Joe Manchin. Absolutely bury him for all is corruption, call him a Republican. Just fucking torch him.

Instead they all pretend like he's an honest broker and a reasonable chap and anything besides a piece of shit and just ask us to vote in even more people that they will do nothing to keep in line.

The reason the Republican party is successful is they have an agenda and push for it ruthlessly and torch anyone who gets in the way. The democratic party sees someone like Manchin and it's just "oh golly gee can't do nothing there, guess women don't get rights"


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
At what point do people get pushed so far that the peaceful protests stop and violent ones start? Once 2-3 more horrific rulings come down?

People feel hopeless and rightly so. How much longer will they just stand by and watch all this happen, I wonder.
This is literally where I'm at. This, then gay marriage, civil liberties for all minorities, it's over. This country needs to literally be torn down to the studs.


Oct 25, 2017
A lot of people did. The Dems have all three branches. Nothing changes. I'll always check a box but it feels ceremonial at best. Republicans win even when they lose.

EDIT: I phrased this improperly and I apologize. My intent was not to discourage voting. I understand how the system works. I feel helpless and disheartened and didn't express myself clearly.
This is why you vote in EVERY election. Midterm, presidential, local. All of them. Every time.


Oct 25, 2017

I agree, but what can be done? With regards to Ginni Thomas, that woman is never going to a courtroom, much less a cell.

In regards to SC, you have to go after those special interest groups like the Freedom Foundation (that hold an elitest event every year and they choose who would be the next Justice).


Oct 25, 2017
What a dumpster fire of a thread. Conservative judges do something bad, and it's Obama/Hillary's fault. Embarassing.


Oct 25, 2017
We all knew it was coming after Garland was denied by McConell, followed by Trump being elected in 2016 (and RBG's gamble that Clinton would be elected instead of stepping down under Obama).
But if these assholes think its over, they got a fight coming.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Manchin isn't gonna vote to pack the courts. Or remove the filibuster. He's just virtue signaling. He's not stupid. He obviously saw this coming a mile away.

He doesn't give a shit about people's rights.


Oct 25, 2017
Oh but i do have empathy and I think there some good even in the united states just not the majority. The US have brought a lot of suffering to themselves but even worse to others and mostly just for greed and a lust for power. So yeah i'm sorry for the good people who are suffering but that country is rotten to the core and still has too much influence on the global scene.
And you thought this, a topic about a ruling that the vast majority of Americans don't support and will cause great suffering and strife, was the right time to come let us know that you don't feel sorry for innocent, powerless American people because of our shitty government?

Get a grip.


Oct 26, 2017
IIRC, states like Missouri have or are planning to implement Texas style "bounty hunter" laws where civil lawsuits can be brought against people who had or facilitate an abortion.

One thing that I don't see brought up much is how corrosive this type of enforcement could be in communites. Any woman who loses a pregnancy for whatever reason is going to be looking over their shoulder wondering if a neighbor or coworker is going to accuse them of having an abortion. Same goes for anyone connected; if that woman confides with another person about a pregnancy and then goes have an abortion, is that person going to need to be worried about getting dragged into a lawsuit and have to prove they didn't give them pro-abortion advice?

I can potentially see woman's health and pregnancy in general becoming toxic topics really fast

Oh, it's already SUPER fucking toxic.
The GA law that got scrapped a couple years ago had a provision where anyone that experienced a miscarriage would more or less get investigated by state officials. It's going to get a whole lot worse in red states for so many people.


You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
Nope, he lost it because Ted Kennedy had died and Massachusetts voters replaced him with a Republican. Had they elected a Democrat, he would've kept it for 10 more months.


When Obama Had "Total Control of Congress"

The Reverend Lies are easy to get away with if they are repeated often enough and given voice by many different people. Repeat a lie often enough and that lie often becomes conventional wisdom. Repe…

He never had 60 and he had a Republican majority senate for 6 of 8 years.
Gotta love NE fuckery. Dems need to solidify that region, but stuff like this always happens.


Apr 24, 2020
legitimately what are the states united by? the name United States just doesn't work anymore, if the list of federal things is so small and can't be adjusted

we're united by the fact that we all proudly remove our hats and stand for the singing of our beautiful national anthem at sporting events


Alt Account
May 24, 2022
Disgusting and abhorrent. Watching from Europe and I can't believe how progressively worse USA is becoming.


Oct 27, 2017
God This really fucking sucks. More than sucks man this is downright terrifying.

The key is to start organizing. Yes vote for the damn Democrats who get stopped at every single roadblock possible, whether intentional or not. Especially vote for progressives in local and state races. Protest, make your voice heard. BUT ALSO start organizing in our work places and unionize. Shut down anti-union propaganda where you can. You can see how Starbucks and Amazon do everything in their power to stop it from happening because they know once you get that ball rolling, it's a snowball effect. If there's one thing these monsters listen to it's money. I don't think we can continue to expect things to change enough through our democracy. It's nice if it works on occasion of course.

Everything fucking sucks, we're all tired I know. We don't all have the ability to rock the boat, its lofty, and if you're a Texas teacher its even illegal, I understand. I don't mean to disparage. But we gotta get some gains where we can while its still possible. I know today feels lost, but tomorrow and in the days to come, do what you can.

Cow Mengde

Oct 26, 2017
What is with all the infighting that's what got us in this mess, now is the time to unify and take control back.


If we can't even manage a basic coalition because we turn on each other the second we don't get what we want, we will NEVER take power back from the right wing. At the end of the day, that is the problem - the right wing coalition is completely unshakeable, whereas the left wing collapses in on itself like a black hole with infighting whenever it matters most for us to be unified.

Sadly, this is also true.


Oct 25, 2017
Manchin is a piece of shit. And it is amazing people continue to believe anything he says.


Oct 27, 2017
If the democratic party was worth a damn all the pro rights members would constantly and very publicly be torching people like Joe Manchin. Absolutely bury him for all is corruption, call him a Republican. Just fucking torch him.

Instead they all pretend like he's an honest broker and a reasonable chap and anything besides a piece of shit and just ask us to vote in even more people that they will do nothing to keep in line.

The reason the Republican party is successful is they have an agenda and push for it ruthlessly and torch anyone who gets in the way. The democratic party sees someone like Manchin and it's just "oh golly gee can't do nothing there, guess women don't get rights"

You're not gonna get anything better from West Virginia. It is a losing battle.


Jun 13, 2019
From NewRepublic. There was absolutely a way for Obama to make an appointment. He chose not to because decorum and all that. And yeah, I have been plugged into politics since 2004 and over time my cynicism grew over democrats wanting to play by the rules, while gop abuse them whenever given the chance.
This right here, in addition to Roe being overturned today, is what fills me with utter pessimism.

A charter written over 200 years ago, even with amendments, is not equipped to deal with the GOP gerrymandering, voter suppression, and a stacked Supreme Court that will make it all legal.

There are two ways to legally fix it. One is amendments, and the other is a Constitutional Convention. Neither will happen due to GOP control of the Senate and state legislatures.

Unless folks from CA, NY, IL etc are willing to move to fly over country in numbers massive enough to change the demographics, I don't really see a long term fix.

I'll vote this year and encourage all Americans to do the same. It doesn't change my worry that this entire thing is untenable.