Do you think Incineroar still have a shot at making in Smash Bros as playable character?

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    Votes: 375 55.7%
  • No

    Votes: 298 44.3%

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Oct 25, 2017
what y'all mad about today

preemptively annoyed at all the Incineroar fans who will get mad that Decidueye "stole its slot"

Regulus Tera

Oct 25, 2017
  1. Sure she's OP, but Sakurai is CLEARLY going to nerf her. I also think it's a silly reason to want her out to boot - did people want Metaknight cut from Smash 4 because of Brawl? (Knowing this fanbase I wouldn't be surprised if the answer is yes, but I hope it's no)
It's this reasoning for me, added to the fact that I don't believe any amount of nerfing will ever truly make her balanced when her risk reward game is so lopsided. I don't care about Bayonetta otherwise, I actually think she's a cool character in her own games.


Jul 11, 2018
United States
.... I honestly don't understand Bayo hate.
  1. She's sorely needed woman representation. There's about one woman for every five or six men. That's a pathetic ratio. Exacerbating it by removing her is no good.
  2. Plus, unlike the other women in the game except for Samus, she's actually the star of her series.
  3. The game she represents (Bayo2) is a Nintendo-published title, so she's technically more a second party character than a third party character.
  4. Sure she's OP, but Sakurai is CLEARLY going to nerf her. I also think it's a silly reason to want her out to boot - did people want Metaknight cut from Smash 4 because of Brawl? (Knowing this fanbase I wouldn't be surprised if the answer is yes, but I hope it's no)
  5. She's objectified in her home series at times, which I understand and sympathize can be a con against playing a game for a lot of women, but Smash removes basically everything overly objectionable about either her or the way the camera gazes at her, while still keeping her as this self-confident, sassy woman.
  6. She's more relevant than and about as popular as most of the characters added this time around. Isabelle is frankly the only character I'd say really outshines her in both categories.
Like. What's the problem? Frankly, she's one of the LAST characters that should be cut. And I never even bought her DLC for Smash 4, SSBU will be my first time playing her.
The hate is to the impact her character has had on the game's meta, nothing else. Meta Knight was hated and even banned during competitive Brawl, it's not unusual.


Oct 25, 2017
That's what a sucker punch is.

Your mistake here is assuming that Let's Go will have any postgame to begin with. I expect it to be exactly the same as yellow, Cerulean Cave and literally nothing else.

You won't be able to actually enter cerulean cave, it'll be under construction kek

Deleted member 32561

User requested account closure
Nov 11, 2017
It's this reasoning for me, added to the fact that I don't believe any amount of nerfing will ever truly make her balanced when her risk reward game is so lopsided. I don't care about Bayonetta otherwise, I actually think she's a cool character in her own games.
The hate is to the impact her character has had on the game's meta, nothing else. Meta Knight was hated and even banned during competitive Brawl, it's not unusual.
Yeeeeaaaah that's just bizarre to me. I know Metaknight was hated in Brawl but I thought the general consensus would've been "nerf" not "delete entirely". If it really was the latter sentiment at least there's consistency but maaaaaaaan do I just disagree with such reasoning. Why would you cut a character- in a mascot crossover fighter no less- that may be someone's favorite just because the pros and some spammers or whatever know how to use them to a broken level? Putting in the work to make the attacks slower or whatever the issue may be can't be that hard to detract from the game at large, not when echo fighters are a thing.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
So if all the newcommer trailers have been fake outs how do you make one for a Pokemon without making people think your about to announce gen 8?


One Winged Slayer
Jan 10, 2018

I'm really liking the variation on the main theme that plays in the background of the "Battle Mode" part of the Smash Direct. Seems like it might be some sort of menu music menu music?

I actually go back and listen to this part of the Direct like once a week because of how much I love this rendition of the main theme. I think we already heard the proper menu theme at E3, but I really hope this is still available as an option in My Music.

Regulus Tera

Oct 25, 2017
Yeeeeaaaah that's just bizarre to me. I know Metaknight was hated in Brawl but I thought the general consensus would've been "nerf" not "delete entirely". If it really was the latter sentiment at least there's consistency but maaaaaaaan do I just disagree with such reasoning. Why would you cut a character- in a mascot crossover fighter no less- that may be someone's favorite just because the pros and some spammers or whatever know how to use them to a broken level? Putting in the work to make the attacks slower or whatever the issue may be can't be that hard to detract from the game at large, not when echo fighters are a thing.
The only way I can see Bayonetta truly being balanced is by removing Bat Within, Witch Time, and her automatic combos. She might as well be another character altogether at that point. She's just fundamentally designed to break a game like Smash Bros.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017

I'm really liking the variation on the main theme that plays in the background of the "Battle Mode" part of the Smash Direct. Seems like it might be some sort of menu music menu music?

I keep trying to make it work with a new trophy rush style mode, but I'm not sure how well it fits for such a hectic thing. I could see it being the alternate menu theme too

The only way I can see Bayonetta truly being balanced is by removing Bat Within, Witch Time, and her automatic combos. She might as well be another character altogether at that point. She's just fundamentally designed to break a game like Smash Bros.
Don't forget about taunt cancelling, as long as she's the only one who can do it it's a huge strength of her mind games


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
The only way I can see Bayonetta truly being balanced is by removing Bat Within, Witch Time, and her automatic combos. She might as well be another character altogether at that point. She's just fundamentally designed to break a game like Smash Bros.

Moves like witch time, sing, disable, etc all fall into that nightmare to balance realm. Make them too potent and they become easy to spam to be good at moves, make them too weak and they aren't used at all.


Oct 25, 2017
The only way I can see Bayonetta truly being balanced is by removing Bat Within, Witch Time, and her automatic combos. She might as well be another character altogether at that point. She's just fundamentally designed to break a game like Smash Bros.
I think Bayonetta would probably just need a significant change to Witch Twist
She'd still be good, but not having the ability to just carry people off the top of the screen with ease would go a long way, I have to imagine


Nov 5, 2017
Going back to the original leak that had Skull Kid in it, one thing he stated was how the remaining character reveals would play into upcoming game reveals. Interestingly, Simon Belmont's reveal featured Luigi with the new Poltergust and Plunger from Luigi's Mansion 3. In addition to Isabelle's reveal segueing into Animal Crossing Switch. With Luigi's Mansion 3 hint in SSB it wasn't even a related character reveal.

Deleted member 176

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Going back to the original leak that had Skull Kid in it, one thing he stated was how the remaining character reveals would play into upcoming game reveals. Interestingly, Simon Belmont's reveal featured Luigi with the new Poltergust and Plunger from Luigi's Mansion 3. In addition to Isabelle's reveal segueing into Animal Crossing Switch. With Luigi's Mansion 3 hint in SSB it wasn't even a related character reveal.
Please don't


User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
Going back to the original leak that had Skull Kid in it, one thing he stated was how the remaining character reveals would play into upcoming game reveals. Interestingly, Simon Belmont's reveal featured Luigi with the new Poltergust and Plunger from Luigi's Mansion 3. In addition to Isabelle's reveal segueing into Animal Crossing Switch. With Luigi's Mansion 3 hint in SSB it wasn't even a related character reveal.

I thought we all agreed to put loz18 behind us.

Regulus Tera

Oct 25, 2017
FWIW all the shit talk I do about Bayonetta is gonna be the same kind of shit talk I do when Dante gets confirmed to have a thousand more options than every other character in the game

Alternatively, Sora.


Jul 11, 2018
United States
Yeeeeaaaah that's just bizarre to me. I know Metaknight was hated in Brawl but I thought the general consensus would've been "nerf" not "delete entirely". If it really was the latter sentiment at least there's consistency but maaaaaaaan do I just disagree with such reasoning. Why would you cut a character- in a mascot crossover fighter no less- that may be someone's favorite just because the pros and some spammers or whatever know how to use them to a broken level? Putting in the work to make the attacks slower or whatever the issue may be can't be that hard to detract from the game at large, not when echo fighters are a thing.
Eh, there's always going to be people who are way too reactionary and say "take X thing out of the game that I hate." Doesn't mean you should give them the time of day, it's just immature. Bayonetta deserves to be in the game regardless of design flaws with the way she plays in Smash.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Going back to the original leak that had Skull Kid in it, one thing he stated was how the remaining character reveals would play into upcoming game reveals. Interestingly, Simon Belmont's reveal featured Luigi with the new Poltergust and Plunger from Luigi's Mansion 3. In addition to Isabelle's reveal segueing into Animal Crossing Switch. With Luigi's Mansion 3 hint in SSB it wasn't even a related character reveal.

This falls flat on it's face for any gen 7 mon that isn't an alolan form


Nov 5, 2017

I thought we all agreed to put loz18 behind us.
Sorry guys lol. I fade in and out of this thread. I was rather skeptical of it but I haven't kept up with it at all.........

Anyway I'll pass on Tony the Tiger's inferior brother joining the roster. I want some Gen 3 or 7 representation but if the best they have is Inceroar then they can keep it. Granted last time I shit talked a character it got confirmed shortly after(K. Rool) and I actually ended up liking the execution.

This falls flat on it's face for any gen 7 mon that isn't an alolan form

Not necessarily it could segue from LGP/LGE to facing a trainer using a newer gen pokemon. While not a gen 7 pokemon, they could do a Pokemon LGP/LGE transition to Pokemon Go which reveals a trainer using a Gen 3 Pokemon. While I would love a new pokemon, if there are a small amount of remaining newcomers. Then I would rather just wait for DLC for a Gen 8 Pokemon.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
It's not hard to nerf Witch Twist, just don't make it like frame 4 and safe on block, which AFAIK they already did do that.

Pretty much all her strongest options already got nerfed.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 29, 2017
Sorry guys lol. I fade in and out of this thread. I was rather skeptical of it but I haven't kept up with it at all.........

Anyway I'll pass on Tony the Tiger's inferior brother joining the roster. I want some Gen 3 or 7 representation but if the best they have is Inceroar then they can keep it. Granted last time I shit talked a character it got confirmed shortly after(K. Rool) and I actually ended up liking the execution.

Not necessarily it could segue from LGP/LGE to facing a trainer using a newer gen pokemon. While not a gen 7 pokemon, they could do a Pokemon LGP/LGE transition to Pokemon Go which reveals a trainer using a Gen 3 Pokemon. While I would love a new pokemon, if there are a small amount of remaining newcomers. Then I would rather just wait for DLC for a Gen 8 Pokemon.
Give me a gen 5 mon instead, I want playable Genesect so I can make a case for there being a Kamen Rider in the game.
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