
Oct 25, 2017
The super-rich are preparing to immediately leave the UK if Jeremy Corbyn becomes prime minister, fearing they will lose billions of pounds if the Labour leader does "go after" the wealthy elite with new taxes, possible capital controls and a clampdown on private schools.

Lawyers and accountants for the UK's richest families said they had been deluged with calls from millionaire and billionaire clients asking for help and advice on moving countries, shifting their fortunes offshore and making early gifts to their children to avoid the Labour leader's threat to tax all inheritances above £125,000.


Gotta love the upper class. Maybe it's time to eat them.

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Oct 26, 2017
London, UK
Don't forget that basically nothing you hear in an election period is true, and this story is designed to scare some specific subset of people which, presumably, it'll do.

Johnny Blaze

Oct 29, 2017
Imagine every country having laws and governments where the rich want to get away from but then they can't and the "socialists" come after "their" money. That would be heaven.


Oct 25, 2017
not sure how much sympathy they'd get.

although an inheritance tax limit of £125k is a bit scary. Limit now is around 3x that but will already often mean you can't leave your house to your kids without them needing to sell it to pay the tax. Why even tax inheritance anyway? I already paid tax when I earned it. Or maybe have exclusions for property and only make it countabkenif the property is sold?


Oct 26, 2017
As if they're going to leave their lavish London homes, their access to private schools and the financial centers, and all their old boys networks.

They can get fucked.


Oct 27, 2017
What is the source? You hid it behind a url tag in a quote tag. The only way to see it is to click it.


Oct 26, 2017
not sure how much sympathy they'd get.

although an inheritance tax limit of £125k is a bit scary. Limit now is around 3x that but will already often mean you can't leave your house to your kids without them needing to sell it to pay the tax. Why even tax inheritance anyway? I already paid tax when I earned it. Or maybe have exclusions for property and only make it countabkenif the property is sold?
Because if you allow the rich to accumulate wealth generation on generation eventually all the money gets concentrated in one group.


Oct 25, 2017
I'd call their bluff because even the super wealthy are very entrenched into whatever local high society.


Oct 25, 2017
Obviously not the main headliner but 125k for inheritance tax seems fucking ridiculous if there aren't a ton of exemptions.
That being said it's probably only gonna screw over what little is left of the middle class anyway since actually rich people can afford all the dirty tricks to avoid it 🤷‍♂️


Oct 25, 2017
They'll be fine with Brexit, probably make a profit fucking over the working and middle classes.

Those in poverty deserve to suffer in their view so fuck the super rich cunts of this country.
Of course they will be fine. Remember the financial crisis a few years ago? It was for sure not the rich who lost money in the aftermath of it...


Oct 25, 2017
Judges making sure Brexit has to go through parliament = enemies of the people

Super Rich people leaving cos they will get taxed a bit more = it's Corbyns fault
Oct 26, 2017
they can float on the bodies of the poor in an economic depression, but if you make them pay high taxes, it's a direct loss.
They'll be fine with Brexit, probably make a profit fucking over the working and middle classes.

Those in poverty deserve to suffer in their view so fuck the super rich cunts of this country.

Are they confident that once a giant recession hits taxes on the wealthy will not also rise?


Nov 6, 2017
Inheritance tax should be 100% over say 500k.
Get those rich old folks out there actually spending their money


Oct 27, 2017
Are they confident that once a giant recession hits taxes on the wealthy will not also rise?

Uh, yeah.

For the last 40 years the conservative ideology on job creation has always been cut the taxes on the wealthy and let it trickle down. They have nothing major to fear from recession as long as there is a Tory government. Corbyn is going to come after them in ANY economy.
Oct 26, 2017
Uh, yeah.

For the last 40 years the conservative ideology on job creation has always been cut the taxes on the wealthy and let it trickle down. They have nothing major to fear from recession as long as there is a Tory government. Corbyn is going to come after them in ANY economy.

Thanks for the explanations. I'm not a citizen of the UK so this is informative.
The system sucks, it seems.


Oct 31, 2017
not sure how much sympathy they'd get.

although an inheritance tax limit of £125k is a bit scary. Limit now is around 3x that but will already often mean you can't leave your house to your kids without them needing to sell it to pay the tax. Why even tax inheritance anyway? I already paid tax when I earned it. Or maybe have exclusions for property and only make it countabkenif the property is sold?
I don't think this is true unless your pretty damn well off in the first place. The limit is £325,000 you pay 50% on any amount above that with 325,000 removed. That means your house would have to be worth like 300,000+ with the rest being everything else you own to even be worried about doing that.

Most people don't own £300,000 homes to leave as inheritance. If anything it'd be the lawyers that get you if you use them.


Nov 10, 2017
Hargreaves said the stockbroker employed about 1,700 people and had "created a vast amount of wealth for this country".

He added: "If you create a tax regime that is not going to welcome and support people like me who create wealth then you are going to rapidly reduce the health of your economy."

Hargreaves said he paid about £40m in tax last year, and "if 50 of us [the biggest taxpayers] got on a plane and left, that would put a big hole in the chancellor's budget".

Hubris at its highest


Nov 16, 2017
I dont think you people realize the -suffering- these people will go through if labour wins. Can you imagine 10 less bottles of Cristal per year and a new boat every 3 years instead of 2???
Not really though, this just digs into the savings of money they dont even use at all; but it -could- have been a slight reduction in theoretical life quality.
And you people complain about your "rent" and "groceries". Pah. Wait til you have to tell your son he'll have to make do with a Ferrari instead of a Veyron.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't think this is true unless your pretty damn well off in the first place. The limit is £325,000 you pay 50% on any amount above that with 325,000 removed. That means your house would have to be worth like 300,000+ with the rest being everything else you own to even be worried about doing that.

Most people don't own £300,000 homes to leave as inheritance. If anything it'd be the lawyers that get you if you use them.

300k is probably the average price for most/many homes in the south

Croc Man

Oct 27, 2017
Theres a whole generation of people screwed over by the economy who can only dream of the independent financial existence their parents enjoyed...unless they inherit it.
Don't take the one thing that will help them through old age.

Set the bar a lot higher, people shouldn't have to sell family homes because they can't afford the tax.


Oct 26, 2017
This threat has never made any sense to me.

The point of taxing them more is that they're not currently paying their fair share. How does it hinder the country at all if they leave?
If anything, since rich people are effectively leeching on the system by avoiding takes, we'd probably be better off if they left.


Oct 31, 2017
Because if you allow the rich to accumulate wealth generation on generation eventually all the money gets concentrated in one group.
That's going to hit the middle class not touch the rich. There's literally a thousand current loop holes to dodge that and the rich would be informed and planned for that. The only people that would find themselves having anything to do with inheritance tax bands are the middle class because they'd be unawared and unlikely to have prepared this situation in the first place. Most inheritance cases are dealt via intestacy laws.
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