
"This guy are sick"
The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
The top 10 are pretty well known but for reference for the rest:



Maki is my pick for the next Final Fight character to get "promoted" to the main roster since she hasn't been in a game since the Alpha series.
Sigh.. i gotta start voting on these damn polls because none of my favorites from V is in the top 50.


Jun 7, 2019
I dig the more realistic and high fidelity approach of this pre-rendered teaser but people are interpreting way too much into it. Who knows if it actually will look like that ingame but I assume with the RE engine they will go for a high fidelity, more realistic look with high quality models and graphics which I dig.
This gen 3D fighters like Tekken 7, Soul Calibur and Dead or Alive were more up to my taste than 2D ones (both gameplay and graphically).

SF is without the doubt the series that inspires all the other fighters and this teaser looked cool and I'm excited what they have cooked up with SF 6. A lot, and I mean a lot went wrong with SF V but since Ono got replaced the game got better and better and the new people in charge seems to understand what they're doing.
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Spotlighting Black Excellence - Diversity Analyst
Oct 25, 2017
Houston, TX
I dig the more realistic and high fidelity approach of this pre-rendered teaser but people are interpreting way too much into it. Who knows if it actually will look like that ingame but I assume with the RE engine they will go for a high fidelity, more realistic look with high quality models. I'm very interested of that, 3D fighters like Tekken 7, Soul Calibur and Dead or Alive 6 with their high quality character models and overall way more impressive graphics just looked much better (for my taste) than most other fighters.

SF is without the doubt the game that inspires all the other fighters and this teaser looked cool and I'm excited what they have cooked up with SF 6. A lot, and I mean a lot went wrong with SF V but since Ono has gone at least the gameplay got better and the new people in charge seems to understand what they're doing and have to do.
The end of the trailer more-or-less confirms that's all in-engine (it mentions that the footage is of a game still in development). Similar trailers for RE Engine games ended up looking the same or better in the final product.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
South Central Los Angeles
I cant stop watching the trailer lmao
Summer plsssssss

It's actually pretty hype. I had a negative kneejerk reaction to it because of the art style change, but the more I watch it the more I start to think of the possibilities and I just want Capcom to put me out of my misery already.

That shot where Luke does the finger gun and Ryu gets in his classic Philly Shell stance…my god. If the game actually looks like that we are in for a ride.


Sep 1, 2018
It's actually pretty hype. I had a negative kneejerk reaction to it because of the art style change, but the more I watch it the more I start to think of the possibilities and I just want Capcom to put me out of my misery already.

That shot where Luke does the finger gun and Ryu gets in his classic Philly Shell stance…my god. If the game actually looks like that we are in for a ride.
Im just hoping we get atleast something from the VJump article


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
It's actually pretty hype. I had a negative kneejerk reaction to it because of the art style change, but the more I watch it the more I start to think of the possibilities and I just want Capcom to put me out of my misery already.

That shot where Luke does the finger gun and Ryu gets in his classic Philly Shell stance…my god. If the game actually looks like that we are in for a ride.
It's honestly cool to see people genuinely excited for Street Fighter again.


Nov 27, 2017
I hope they bring back Adon.

Also, I didn't really like Kens default outfit in V. Hope they spruce what he's wearing. I assume his hair will be glorious, lol.


Oct 25, 2017
the Netherlands
But this list was always sus. Sakura is not the popular SF character. She's just...not.
I think this particular contest was a mix of genuine, all-time popularity and simply which characters people wanted to see in SFV... and at that point, Sakura was absolutely #1.

The hype around her died down when she was added and some people weren't sold on her new design + some dumb complaints about her face and animations.

I think she'd still easily reach top 10, possible even top 5 if Capcom held a popularity contest right now.


Oct 25, 2017
For base roster I'm thinking

Violent Ken
Evil Ryu
Sheng Long
Dark Sakura


Jul 26, 2019
Sakura, Akuma, Evil Ryu, Cammy, Juri are inevitable because of $$$ and sure hit DLC

They should had drop Makoto in SFV a huge missed opportunity for $$$ haha
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Dec 6, 2017
Dark Sakura should just be her with a emo look. Nothing else, no evil eyes or effects around her. She doesn't even have intent to kill, just going through a phase.

Rice Eater

Oct 26, 2017

All the talk about the logo being really corporate definitely feels like it nails a direction that Capcom wants to take SF6 in. Feels like they really want to get down to business with their Esports initiative. No more fun and games, which I guess you could say their past logos represented.

They announced a lot of partnerships last week and I'm sure they want to continue building on that. This new logo is like them wanting potential sponsors and companies they may collaborate with to know that they're serious business this time.

Dark Ninja

Oct 27, 2017
All the talk about the logo being really corporate definitely feels like it nails a direction that Capcom wants to take SF6 in. Feels like they really want to get down to business with their Esports initiative. No more fun and games, which I guess you could say their past logos represented.

They announced a lot of partnerships last week and I'm sure they want to continue building on that. This new logo is like them wanting potential sponsors and companies they may collaborate with to know that they're serious business this time.
Uh are you forgetting all the SFV merchandise, partnerships, and sponsorships? They whored out the franchise like crazy for the past 5 years this is just continuation. Slapping the Street Fighter brand on anything that would have it.

Just Great

Oct 25, 2017
Uh are you forgetting all the SFV merchandise, partnerships, and sponsorships? They whored out the franchise like crazy for the past 5 years this is just continuation. Slapping the Street Fighter brand on anything that would have it.

Yeah, they literally announced this at a tournament with ads featuring SF characters edited to hold Arby's sandwiches.


Oct 25, 2017
If next gen exclusive it should be entirely possible.

RE engine is good at pushing 60 fps too.
Yup, that's my train of thought. While its of course not confirmed, I can see a next gen only SF game looking as detailed as this, running at a rock solid 60FPS. Really, the RE Engine has been about the best thing to happen to Capcom for some time.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
I think the reason why no platforms were announced is because they're not sure if it's going to be current gen only or not. I also think it will be on Xbox.


Jan 16, 2022
I feel like Luke has a lot of charm with his movement and animations in the trailer. I really hope the entire cast is as expressive as him.

Deleted member 1102

Account closed at user request
Oct 25, 2017
What are the chances of Ibuki coming back

She's my main in 4 and 5 🥺

She's easily the most popular SF3 newcomer (I know Makoto ranks very highly but Ibuki is usually the most used character from those games), so I think she has a pretty good chance. I think she'll be DLC eventually though, don't really see her for base roster.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
She's easily the most popular SF3 newcomer (I know Makoto ranks very highly but Ibuki is usually the most used character from those games), so I think she has a pretty good chance. I think she'll be DLC eventually though, don't really see her for base roster.

I will take it!