Oct 27, 2017
Against the Storm was fun, alphabetically the first I chose to play tonight. Rainy, melancholic kind of town management / city builder with what seems like cool lore. The vibe was great, reminiscent of Burmecia in FFIX. The world is under constant magical rain, it's cool.


Oct 27, 2017
Scars Above was pretty fun but I gave up after dying to the first boss. It's sort of a AA sci-fi Souls, writing was a bit hokey and Syfy channel-esque but the actual game was tight and snappy. I can see people liking it but I'm not really sold now.

Eternal Cylinder is absolutely god-tier. Been an ACE Team fan for a long time and had this on my wishlist on Epic, but the demo really sold me, it's so fucking weird and great and beautiful. I quit after getting eaten by a sphere of flesh with human teeth, no more for me thanks, I'd prefer to buy it an play it without stopping.

Deleted member 1594

Account closed at user request
Oct 25, 2017
Superfuse was pretty fun. An RPG that doesn't feel generic. I finished the demo and wanted more... then realized I stayed up way too late playing it. So that's a good sign.

I've also played like 90 minutes of Zero Sievert but taht game is hard as hell. I'm not outpacing the damage I'm receiving with money and medkits so I just inevitably keep dying.
Dec 23, 2017

Nice! I didn't know it was inspired by Mischief Makers, Tomba, and Klonoa.

I'm gonna need to give this a download!



Oct 25, 2017
Nice! I didn't know it was inspired by Mischief Makers, Tomba, and Klonoa.

I'm gonna need to give this a download!

i think at its root its primarily tomba focused but you use the grab and shake, and throw mechs for alot of stuff like combat and solving puzzles/quests. its definitely shaping up to be something special!

I ran through about 20 more demos and wasnt sure if i should leave a bunch of negative reviews and critiques and instead just skip over them.

Extremely powerful Capybaras
I did not find myself enthralled by vampire survivors so any clones have the same reaction. However, this game does have a few things that would make me want to play again, a dash button, charming graphics, and up to 4-player multiplayer. I would like to see how this game handles 4 juiced up players. aside from that i called it at two runs.

Sidestep Legends
graphics are lacking in this pretty bland looking vampire survivor-esque game. the big difference here is you do not attack, auto or other, any enemies and instead focus on evading. All skills unlocked and modified are centered on defense(dash, tele, shield, heal, decoy) as you collect xp and gold evading projectiles from unseen enemies. the boss wave requires you to hurt the boss by luring him into traps. Traps and chests are activated by standing in the items aoe until a timer finishes. the game scaling felt pretty slow and again this genre isnt my fav. I though the hud, movement, and general feel felt like a moba with the VS-flavor

black and white celshaded game that felt like a Binding of Issac game with more of a physics centered gameplay. swap between, initially two, colors that grant different auto-attack abilities. the red paint summons projectiles that fire at you but go through you, black paint grants orbs that you consume to regenerate your dash meter, later green paint has the ability to summon pot plants or vine whips. all your weapons spawn two grids behind you and aim at you, this combined with a non-grid based hit detection ment targeting enemies was pretty frustrating. thematically fine but a few improvements to game speed, hit detection, and general combat feel would make this a lot better.

Dimensional Slaughter
fast wave based fps shooter, you have a ton of mobility options, a pistol with alt fire and giant lunging punch on a meter. killing enemies gives health, killing with lunge punch gives ammo. feels good and snappy and has a super generous aim correction, however some of the enemies felt cheap and theres no logic on how enemies respawn. Killing a pack of enemies felt funny when the blood would clear and new enemies were standing in the center. a few tweaks to balance would make this a bit more enjoyable but they got the feel down pretty good. gun roomba sucks.

This FPS kicked ass. youre a skeleton with a chain latern. you explore dark catacombs and use your chain latern, a drop kick, a pistol, and later a shotgun to kill enemies. tons of mobility options as well dash, slide, run, wall jump, and dive are all there. the big kicker for this game is the chain latern. you can use it to stun and juggle enemies, grapple hook on to wood material and reel yourself in or swing, and when enemies are dazed, grab the enemies to throw at other enemies or convert into ammo. enemies go into a stunned state when out of hp and must be thrown or dropkicked into walls, off cliffs, or other enemies in order to be killed. if enemies are not gibbed and left stunned, they'll resurrect and attack you. you can also use the latern to drink from to refill your health. lots to explore and lots to kill, super fun and with a few more tweaks will be a sleeper hit.


Blue Sabers - Early Mission
Japanese shootemup in the vein of raiden / ddp. you have three weapons each with their own resources and a giant plane you can summon, when summoned you can dock into the giant plane and use it to hit enemies and passively refill your ammo the caveat being the entire plane is a hitbox so it can't sustain an entire boss fight without getting destroyed. Has a sick metal soundtrack and two different planes available. also has some bad english options.


Vengeful Guardian Moonrider
awesome game, 2d platformer with pixel graphics in the vein of shinobi or ninja gaiden, feels more genesis like then anything else. youre a cybernetic samurai ninja in the future, simple enough. you have a jump, three hit combo, dash, dashing attack, and a meter-dependant super punch. level design is solid enough and felt more correct of the 16 bit era then other modern ninja games. music was good too.


celeste clone almost to a T. take that how you want, felt pretty good but ledge detection was a bit off for me, felt like the game detects walls higher than the floor so times i'd try to land on a ledge would end with me gripping an invisible wall above the ground. aside from that pretty nice pixel art and music and definitely hits those celeste notes.

Ship of Fools.
Liked this one, rogue-like game with charming visuals and designs. you (and a partner) man a ship as you cross a giant hex based map finding enemies and treasure. the ship has a two stations each side for placing different types of cannons and center ports for an ammo generator among other things. you have to juggle keeping cannons loaded to shoot at enemies in the waters as well as fighting off enemies boarding your ship. single button grabs a cannon as well as places it, another mounts and dismounts it. projectiles target at you or your ship damage the ship's floor boards and you can find resources to repair as well as charge up your attack to deflect said projectile. felt pretty fun solo and would definitely play it again with a friend, game would be a staple if it ever reaches four player mayhem too.


Dewdrop Dyntasy
metroidvania where you play a bee carrying a 2-shot gun and has an emphasis on using your gun for combat as well as movement. shooting down at the apex of your jump increases your jump height, granting you access to platforms otherwise out of reach. this skill is essential in combat as well as often your regular jump will not displace you high enough to evade charging and attacking enemies. Music is realllly solid, graphics are simple and can be repeatative and bland. the characters are all pretty unique and dialogue is fun but its lacking a few things to reallllly cinch it as a good buy, but worth trying out to see if it clicks with you.


Dec 13, 2017
I've thus far played:

9 Years of Shadows
Witch Knight
Bunny Graveyard
Entropy Centre
Scars Above
Double Shake
Go Home Annie

It just occurred to me that all but two have female protagonists. I don't know if that's just coincidence or a sign of the industry nudging (if only in the indie space) towards better inclusivity, but I want to be optimistic. I'm so used to playing games with male leads that the shift caught my attention.


Oct 25, 2017
I've thus far played:

9 Years of Shadows
Witch Knight
Bunny Graveyard
Entropy Centre
Scars Above
Double Shake
Go Home Annie

It just occurred to me that all but two have female protagonists. I don't know if that's just coincidence or a sign of the industry nudging (if only in the indie space) towards better inclusivity, but I want to be optimistic. I'm so used to playing games with male leads that the shift caught my attention.
There's nearly 100 games in this Next Fest that have the female protagonist label. It's definitely improved in recent years, probably thanks to pushes for diversity and inclusion since Anita Sarkeesian and others in the space.


Oct 25, 2017
Thanks for creating the thread Uzzy!


I remember catching this in a showcase a year back or so. Based on the demo, it really executes its premise well. The animations are really charming. Sometimes it's easy to solve a puzzle before you get it yourself but the solutions are clever before and after.


This one was a chill point and click game with an interesting premise. You basically solve little puzzles to get bones and organs for "birthing" yourself. It sounds creepy but the game had a nice melancholy feel to it.


Oct 25, 2017
Tried four demos last night:

I feel like it's hard for me to assess a souls-like fairly, when I can't help but compare them to From's output, which isn't really fair. I did enjoy Asterigos, and it deserves a chance to prove itself. The combat feels good, but there is room for improvement. You can tell a lot of love went into this game, there are lots of extra animations and details that you usually only see in games with high levels of polish. Definitely worth keeping an eye on when it releases in a few days.

This demo is stellar, I added the game to my wishlist right after playing it. A wonderful and imaginative genre mash-up.

Another game riding the coattails of Vampire Survivors. The balance in this demo feels extremely off. You level too fast and spend almost as much time reviewing your level-up choices as you are in the game. My first (and only) run lasted far too long - I didn't even take any damage for at least five minutes. The battlefield also felt too busy with special effects obscuring the horde. This could possibly be tweaked with settings. I feel like this genre is going to have lots of competition in the coming months/years, and my impression is that Soulstone Survivors is not doing enough to differentiate itself.

I'm a big fan of this game's artstyle. Gliding on the water feels sublime. My worry for this game is that it will end up being more style than substance. I did not like the camera auto-snapping to grapple points. Otherwise, the platforming felt okay. The combat feels deliberately simple, which could be due to the restricted demo. Will check back in after reviews come in.
Oct 25, 2017
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Oct 26, 2017

And another one

Spellbook Demonslayers on Steam

Slay endless hordes of demons to protect the Cosmic Library! Steal their abilities, find powerful equipment, and unlock the secrets of each spellbook to become unstoppable! Will you be able to destroy the demonic legion?
Oct 25, 2017
And another one

Spellbook Demonslayers on Steam

Slay endless hordes of demons to protect the Cosmic Library! Steal their abilities, find powerful equipment, and unlock the secrets of each spellbook to become unstoppable! Will you be able to destroy the demonic legion?

Yeah, I forgot to add that, too.

Meanwhile, in my Steam Library....

RIP to my free time 💀
May 10, 2021
Dang I was looking forward to that too. What was wrong

The button prompts were wrong very often. After the first (tutorial?) boss you get a mechanic to shoot projectiles. The game told me to shot with X but the shoot button is RT. But there was no way I could control where to shot. You have to destroy a barrier with it but the projectiles were just shot into the upper left corner.

The navigation in the menus was weirdly slow and didn't feel very responsive.

There seem to be a lot of various bugs in the demo if you read through the Steam Forum.

I really hope the Demo is just based on a really early build because the EGS page says it will be released next week.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 14, 2020
The button prompts were wrong very often. After the first (tutorial?) boss you get a mechanic to shoot projectiles. The game told me to shot with X but the shoot button is RT. But there was no way I could control where to shot. You have to destroy a barrier with it but the projectiles were just shot into the upper left corner.

The navigation in the menus was weirdly slow and didn't feel very responsive.

There seem to be a lot of various bugs in the demo if you read through the Steam Forum.

I really hope the Demo is just based on a really early build because the EGS page says it will be released next week.

Hmm I won't waste my time and just wait for reviews. Thanks for the heads up


Dec 13, 2017
The button prompts were wrong very often. After the first (tutorial?) boss you get a mechanic to shoot projectiles. The game told me to shot with X but the shoot button is RT. But there was no way I could control where to shot. You have to destroy a barrier with it but the projectiles were just shot into the upper left corner.

The navigation in the menus was weirdly slow and didn't feel very responsive.

There seem to be a lot of various bugs in the demo if you read through the Steam Forum.

I really hope the Demo is just based on a really early build because the EGS page says it will be released next week.
At one point there was a prompt explaining that the right stick could be used to freely aim the shots. Was that working? The controls bugged out on me several times so maybe not, I want the game to be good but I share your concerns.


Oct 25, 2017
got a good amount of free time this week so this event was at a perfect time for me. played alot of good games today.

did not run well on my pc so thats all i got to say really.

snes pixel graphics, twin stick rougelike with weather and terrain being a factor. currency dropped by enemies let you upgrade your stats anywhere and spend on itmes on stages. each room has a different weather effect that's randomly generated, tornados spawning, jelly rain that slows you if walked into, perfect stillness that increases accuracy. good music, smooth gameplay that's rooted into a slower movespeed but turns up during bossfights and tense stages. pretty solid game, ignore the awful looking header/title screen

2d platformer with a strong influence of super metroid and prince of persia like platforming. 80s aesthetic even though it claims to be set in the 90s. you have a blaster, melee attack, and a bicycle. use the bicycle and platforming to navigate enemy and trap filled dungeons. a nice touch is the dungeons and exploring feels like it wants you to use to bicycle to get around instead of just clearing a section of a dungeon you cant on foot. strangely gorey, enemies gib when killed and heads can be used as projectiles. felt enemy projectiles were tough to evade or see but otherwise this is a solid game so far.

Fowl Scourge
very cool gothic twin stick esque game. your a plague doctor taking contracts killing plague filled beasts. you have a dodge and attack by throwing toxic? potions at enemies. you have a 4-way attack represented by the face buttons but your movement is still 8-way. graphically between gameboy snes consoles with big semi-detailed sprites. music and atmosphere is solid, liked this one alot. very short demo

cold shell
seems like a deus ex/system shock take on hotline miami. clear stages once per day for money and chasing a larger goal as well as gain notorioty. money gained and stages completed grant currency that can be used to unlock skills and improve stats. pixel art style a little weird and controls could be rough but could be ok with some polish on stages and feel.

katana rama
cyber ninja in a VR world. focuses on staying mobile while killing enemies and unlocking doors. has a lock on button that lets you dash and slice through enemies, this builds up the chain meter. build a large enough chain and spend it on killing shielded enemies and opening locked doors, both have a number denoting the required chain needed to kill/open it. right now its a bit slow and lacking on graphic detail and game feel but will be a bit more fun when it it resolves these. FFO shinobi (ps2)?

astral flux
metroidvania like roguelike. explorer strange worlds and complete missions, gathering artifacts and collecting fuel? has a timer in the o2 meter that you can refill with oxygen in map. didnt feel great and i bounced off it fairly quick.

radiant cell
synthwave like fps. had a ton of collision probs as well as a floating feel. wasnt for me.

portal dungeon
terreria or even maple story like? pick a class and kill enemies with attacks and cooldown skills collecting money and xp as you go. roguelike system that just felt too sluggish for me. the small characters and giant platforms did not help. passed on this one.

putrid shot ultra
this one was awesome. atari? esque single color pixel art where you fight enemies in waves on different stages. gain massive skills and traits on clear and fight the boss. music was great, controls felt solid. and the skill/trait upgrades were significant enough where it felt like a vampire survivor game and you were given screen clearing esque powers. these all have tags on them that traits can modify (cold, projectile, melee) esc. definitely worth a shot if you like fast platformers like downwell.

reavers of new rome
i grabbed this because i liked the aesthetics it was showing. tps adventure game where you shoot and melee enemies and progress through stages. visually enjoyed this but combat and controls were in a rough stage. had issues navigating through the stage and hitting enemies. also felt like right stick camera control was too slow and made indoor fighting awful. would give this a shot in a later stage as it's current an alpha

Tiny Troopers
squad based twin stick. surprising racist lol

hunt the night
another hit. gothic horror top down zelda game. you have a melee weapon and a gun. use the right stick to aim and consume ammo. ammo is refilled by melee attacking enemies. sound and pixel graphics are top top notch and i loved what they were going for here. boss fight was solid and the demo even has a boss rush mode with a prime version of the boss. definitely give this a shot if you like any of the following because it delivers, zelda, blood borne, castlevania.


Mar 14, 2019


Been keen on this ever since I suffered through that awful Prime Matter not-E3 "Conference", where this was the only gameplay shown.

It's a pretty linear 3rd person shooter exploration game. It's also a bit of a souls-lite, because you respawn at monolith-checkpoints and enemies respawn. However, you don't lose any resources, and some XP cubes also respawn, allowing you to farm XP to level up your skill tree.

Combat is about using your elemental weapons (electricity, fire, cryo) on appropriate enemies. Also, weak points on bosses. Demo features 3 boss-type enemies, and they're decently tough. You've got a dodge button and limited stamina, which is another souls-lite thing.

The story is, you're part of an exploration crew sent to figure out what a giant space monolith is. You spend the prologue trying to chase down a fellow crew member, but all you get are audio logs that have a very "Captain Diego from System Shock 2" vibe to his story. There's also some some puzzle elements to break up the shooting and exploring, but they've been pretty basic so far.

The demo definitely peaked my interest in the game further.

Frag Waffles

Apr 7, 2018
Gunbrella is pretty cool - feels great to play, Snappy, punchy etc. The vibe of the world is also really neat. My main concern is that there seems to be a lot of dead space in the levels. I am hoping that is due to it being early game.

Dredge has my interest piqued. At first I was like meh, roll up to a spot, do a boring little minigame, done. But as I continued and nights would roll in, I started to see the "hook". I really enjoy the aspect of "push further and further into danger for ever-better loot while still having to return to safety" in games. That could definitely be the case here. The actual act of fishing is quite boring though, which could be an issue.

I put both on the wishlist.


Oct 24, 2017
We're part of Next Fest with ATONE too. If Norse mythology meets Life is Strange x Guitar Hero in an entirely hand-drawn Hyper Light Drifter style 2D aesthetic, with music by the composer of Outer Wilds sounds good, give it a shot 🙏



Oct 27, 2017
More impressions if anyone is interested

SKALD: Against the Black Priory: Insanely good. Very much the DNA of Ultima and that era of RPGs but VERY snappy, modern, and enjoyable feeling to play and interact with. Shockingly good writing so far too, there is an intriguing sense of melancholy and lurking cosmic dread, I thought it would be much more goofy and straightforward. A few UI gripes and things but nothing that could not be easily worked out, the bones are great and I'm super excited for this one now.

LEGO Bricktales: As a diehard Captain Toad Treasure Tracker stan I'm all over this. It's that game but with Lego building to solve the puzzles. Hell yes. And FINALLY a Lego game where the actual levels are made of Lego not just generic looking 3D assets with a brick poking out here and there. They're beautifully built.

Gunbrellla: Way into this. It's Devolver and has the air of a "prestige pixel art side-scroller" a la Shovel Knight or Owlboy. Appreciate that it is NOT a Metroidvania, from the looks of it. Seems like a high skill ceiling given the mobility and firing modes of the titular weapon. Definitely interested in this, would buy.

Flat Eye: This is kind of a total mind fuck, I really don't want to say more it's like 10 minutes just check it out but rest assured it doesn't seem to be what it seems to be, if that makes sense.

Hell is Others on Steam

Hell is Others is an extraction top-down shooter combining roguelike elements. Outside the safety of your apartment lies the noir hellscape that is Century City. A city of endless night that straddles the line between reality and insanity. Explore, hunt, and loot in a place where blood is currency.
Hell is Others: Maybe did not give this one a chance but it didn't click with me. I loved the vibe and the strange city / afterlife / wherever the hell you are. But it had kind of an odd presentation in terms of UI clashing with the pixel art, some extremely tiny text, etc. The elements didn't blend or feel great to interact with, I'm big on game feel and it just wasn't there at this point. I got to a door I couldn't open and just kind of gave up, we'll see later on if things improve.

10 Dead Doves on Steam

10 Dead Doves is a single-player, fixed-perspective narrative horror set in the heart of Appalachia. Avoid strange noises, collect lifelines, and creep through a forest that seems to hate you. Will you discover why the birds drop dead -- or leave behind nothing but footprints?
10 Dead Doves: Another miss for me. I get what they're emulating and I like the fixed camera and tank controls. But copying 90s survival horror and adventure doesn't mean things have to be so slooooow. You move slow, there's a delay interacting with everything, the characters speak slow, huge pauses between voice lines, etc. I also found the character's banter genuine but also extremely grating, god help me if I had to hang out with these two mopes. Lastly, I could not get my head around the tone of the voice acting. Was it meant to be earnest, funny, or simply hearken back to PS1 era janky voice acting? Not sure what was deliberate and what was incidental.

Forever Skies on Steam

Forever Skies is a first-person post-apocalyptic survival game. Return to Earth, ravaged by an ecological disaster. Fly, upgrade and customize your mobile high-tech airship base. Scavenge resources to survive, face dangers on the surface and hunt for viral pathogens to cure a mysterious illness.
Forever Skies: Seems like a promising survival game. Love the setting (skyscrapers on a dead earth above clouds of miasma) and the overall graphical quality and presentation is insane. If there is a good story and hook to keep exploring (like in say, Grounded or Subnautica) I'll be way into this. But the demo is timed for 20 minutes and the game is slow paced so I didn't see much yet. Cool game though.

Chasm: The Rift on Steam

Prepare for terror in this ground-breaking classic old-school FPS. Following the destruction of Time you are left to battle in this horrific hellhole of multilevel interconnected missions populated by gruesome grotesque creatures.
Chasm: The Rift: Apparently this was a Ukrainian "boomer shooter" from 1997 that is being remastered? Unless this is some sort of viral marketing / ARG stunt that I'm falling for. Either way I did not know that and thought it was just a throwback like Dusk while I played the demo. It's supremely simple, no hooks or gimmicks, but I loved it. I see a lot of castle-ish medieval stuff in the promo screens so I'm excited to see where the levels and enemy designs go. I'll get it once I finish Amid Evil and am in the mood for another old-school shooter, which admittedly we are spoiled with many of lately.

Clash: Artifacts of Chaos on Steam

Hunted by mercenaries of an enemy with untold power, the fighter Pseudo and the creature under his protection begin a perilous quest to the edges of strange lands.
Clash: Artifacts of Chaos: Really like ACE Team's unique vibes even if I don't love all their actual games. This is sort of a janky take on God of War set in their strange, Hieronymus Bosch-esque world of Zeno Clash. It's hard to tell how finished parts of it are though. There are a lot of moments that seem a little flat in terms of sound effects, voice acting and cutscene direction for instance, and some things are totally unexplained by tutorials. But the overall structure is good and I enjoyed the combat. As long as it winds up being just "pretty good" I'm probably in later on because I love the strange worlds that ACE Team creates and any vessel for exploring them is interesting to me.

ZERO Sievert on Steam

ZERO Sievert is a tense top-down extraction shooter that challenges you to scavenge a procedurally-generated wasteland, loot gear, and explore what’s left of a devastated world. When the odds are stacked against you, you’ll need to do more than just survive...
Zero Sievert: Bounced right off this. The writing seemed like an amateur take on "in Soviet Russia!!" and I could not get my gun to reload for the life of me. Likely a bug? Just gave up on it rather quickly so perhaps not a fair take but it did nothing to intrigue me at this point. Especially in a world where its core concept of survival and retrieval has been done in so many other games, take your pick of what vibe you want (Tarkov, Zomboid, Hunt, etc etc etc, most of which I don't play actively but appreciate the existence of).

Insect Worlds on Steam

Immerse yourself in the world of insects. Explore fascinating forests and learn about their way of life. Complete quests and mini-games, fight or collect resources and cards. Admire the microcosm from a completely different perspective and learn new facts about plants and insects.
Insect Worlds: This is borderline unplayable, there are no sound effects, the performance is horrible, and the UI is a disaster. And yet... there is something here I am interested by. I love the idea of being a bug and just cruising around a little yard learning about all kinds of other bugs. In its current form this is beyond janky and not even really a game of any kind but there are promising elements as sort of an education game, but it will need a lot of work. Arguably worth playing just for the comedy of controlling a funny beetle in this ultra-janky German education tool.


Jun 22, 2020
Am I missing where I'm supposed to find these demos in my library? I went through and theoretically added a bunch of these to my library without downloading them, but now I can't find where they are. They're not with the rest of my non-downloaded games, which is where I expected to find them.

Anyway, my experiences with these demos is that my non-gaming laptop won't run a lot of them. But from what I've been able to play, I've found a few promising ones. I didn't play much of any of them, only enough to know whether I'd be interested in the final product, but these are the ones I've hit on so far:

  • Decarnation is a psychological horror game that looks like it was made in RPGMaker, but the milieu is really interesting (the Paris art and performance scene in the early '90s) so it has me curious on that basis alone. The writing so far is a lot of the female main character dealing with skeevy men, and that can easily go wrong, but it was good as far as I played.
  • Still Ridge is a point-and-click about a sleep therapist who treats his patients by diving into their dreams. The scene of the first dream is a farm on the Pakistan-Afghanistan border and includes frank discussion of, let's say, how people view the US when subjected to American military force. The prose is good, and gives the sense of the main character as an intelligent and thoughtful individual. The aesthetic is PS1 era, with bitmap faces stretched over low-poly bodies, which has obvious and frequently-mentioned uses for dreamlike aesthetics. I didn't play far enough to see if this potential was realized, however.
  • Deadeye Deepfake Simulacrum looks like Ultima IV, but there's a crazy amount going on under the hood. It's a cyberpunk game that actually bothered to simulate the hacking portion, which means there's a lot more command-line typing than in something like Deus Ex or Shadowrun. There's also shooting, after a fashion, and a bunch of other stuff like Esper powers, but I didn't do much beyond the tutorial other than die twice because I knew I'd have to relearn everything once I got the actual game.
  • Enchained is a weird first-person action game that looks like King's Field but you move a lot faster and are apparently a skeleton. I say weird because the first weapon you get is a grappling chain, and you kill enemies by whacking them with the end of the chain until they run out of stamina, then hitting them again to air-juggle them, grappling them while they're in the air, and then throwing them at a wall. It's so ridiculously overcomplicated that I can't help but want to see what else there is.


Oct 25, 2017
The demo for Dredge was really promising, relaxing but dreadful atmosphere. Another that I quit because it was enough to win me over, why spoil more.


I am in LOVE with this game. And there's NOTHING Relaxing about it at night lmao. I was at night fishing up a fucked up fish (The aberrations are fucked) and SOMETHING roared and attacked me and I fucking panicked and got the hell out of there to crash head first into some rocks and died.

I need this game.


Oct 25, 2017


Been keen on this ever since I suffered through that awful Prime Matter not-E3 "Conference", where this was the only gameplay shown.

It's a pretty linear 3rd person shooter exploration game. It's also a bit of a souls-lite, because you respawn at monolith-checkpoints and enemies respawn. However, you don't lose any resources, and some XP cubes also respawn, allowing you to farm XP to level up your skill tree./QUOTE]

I was excited to try this but no luck on Steam Deck. Navigation menu won't load on the title screen sadly.
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Oct 25, 2017
Am I missing where I'm supposed to find these demos in my library? I went through and theoretically added a bunch of these to my library without downloading them, but now I can't find where they are. They're not with the rest of my non-downloaded games, which is where I expected to find them.
yeah that feature doesnt seem to work. dl only


Oct 25, 2017
quick summary before bed

shadow of the guild
rough in all departments. metroidvania with an edgey assassin protag. lots of abilities and skills + stealth kills ala mark of assassin but no hook for me.

spark in the dark
cool and eerie dungeon crawler, top down camera with 3d graphics. I really like the idea this game was going for, surviving in a hardcore procedurally generated dungeon built to kill you. extremely minimum hud with only a stamina bar present, hp bar shows when losing/restoring health and your character announcing things (hes almost dead, im poisoned, i need a key) are your only context of whats going on. its a bit too light on context as its easy to pass over important information, it wouldnt hurt to make pickups glow a bit. altogether it needs a lot of love and player input to find that spot of immersion and difficulty while keeping players informed. not wishlisted but will follow the dev.

fps, enjoyed this one. shotguns felt satisfied as did the grenade laucher. has a spooky vibe more so than horror.

dark souls combat with a lot more juice to it. visually its a nordic inspired game looking like a mix of botw and horizon but the combat is 100% a dark souls child. pretty enjoyable and you get to explore and fight two bosses in the demo.

fun and decent squad based twinstick game. take l4d add in cute mobile-esque graphics and replace zombies with weird bright alien creatures and you get an idea of what the game offers. 4 different classes to chose from with their own perks and weapons, stack this with weapons you find on stage and you have a solid armament of weapons to choose from. two gripes from me was it was fairly easy and i did not feel overwhelmed at any moment and the other was the weapon sounds were pretty muffled. if they have harder difficulties/denser mobs and juice up the weapon sounds i think this will be a fun party shooter, right now its a casual one.

the knight witch
thought this was okay, a horizontal shmup in the vein of deathsmiles or sine more with card base weapons. the graphics hit or miss and there is the cardinal sin of not showing you your characters hitbox [from what i could tell legs to just below hat were your hitbox]. card based system where cards from your deck shuffle on to your buttons and u consume mp dropped by enemies to activate em. had a whole story thing going on that quickly tuned me up

bravery and greed
enjoyed this one. 2d pixel platformer thats also a roguelike. up to four player loot collecting and monster smashing is offered here as well as pvp/team pvp. 4 different classes to chose from with fantasy tropeings (warrior, paladin, rouge, wizard). the wizard teashades sold me, having access to a minion justified the pick. combat felt fast and really good and more players looks like it'd be a hectic event. would like to see more later on.

robocop vs terminator with a bad jump and enemies loading and dying off screen. passed on this one.

Aaron D.

Oct 25, 2017
  • Deadeye Deepfake Simulacrum looks like Ultima IV, but there's a crazy amount going on under the hood. It's a cyberpunk game that actually bothered to simulate the hacking portion, which means there's a lot more command-line typing than in something like Deus Ex or Shadowrun. There's also shooting, after a fashion, and a bunch of other stuff like Esper powers, but I didn't do much beyond the tutorial other than die twice because I knew I'd have to relearn everything once I got the actual game.


Thanks for pointing this one out.

Deadeye has been on my radar for quite some time and is one of my more anticipated releases of the year. The demo has been out for a while now.

It's a nice hybrid on command line hacking and stealth/action map traversal, two gameplay styles you don't often see fused together. Love the minimalist presentation. Writing seems really spicy too.

Just a week to go.


533.489 paid youtubers cant be wrong
Oct 28, 2017
only had time to try potionomics and undecember so far. loved the first, meh on the second

really hate that this is just one week and starting right on a monday. just cant have time to try everything i want


Oct 25, 2017


Really liked this one. It's a fusion of the team-based gameplay of Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime and Overcooked with the roguelike sensibilities and personality of Cult of the Lamb. Text could've been larger for a tv/party game though.


This was amusing but a little too shallow for me. The moveset being a linear cycle wasn't satisfying, especially when you would run out of projectiles. It does feel like a professional take on a flash game I would play as a kid, so props for that.
May 28, 2020
Some of my favs so far:


Great artstyle and very clearly thoughtout loop. Me and my freind stuggled a bit to get through to the end a just finally scrapped by so I'm hoping the chance to heal up a up happnes at the end of each level.


Raft with a dash of Subnautica but with an airship. If you like survival or first person scifi games, check this out. Timer is a bummer but I get it. At least it gave me a clear ending so I could move to more demos. Some people say it runs a little choopy but the devs cleary mention they are still working on optimization so yeah, of course something this beefy isn't going to run like butter on a Steam Deck or a graphics card from like 2014.


Its the time shifting mechanic from Dishonoured 2's Crack in the Slab level mixed with Portal. Super clever. Wears it's influence and love to Portal on it's sleeve. Game comes out like a month from now so the demo is super polished


Frost Punk surival city building but instead of snow, you're building your own little Rapture from Bioshock under the ocean. Demo hints at quite a deep game (ocean joke achived) with a lot of key choices and events you'll need to deal with.
May 28, 2020
Am I missing where I'm supposed to find these demos in my library? I went through and theoretically added a bunch of these to my library without downloading them, but now I can't find where they are. They're not with the rest of my non-downloaded games, which is where I expected to find them.

Anyway, my experiences with these demos is that my non-gaming laptop won't run a lot of them. But from what I've been able to play, I've found a few promising ones. I didn't play much of any of them, only enough to know whether I'd be interested in the final product, but these are the ones I've hit on so far:

  • Decarnation is a psychological horror game that looks like it was made in RPGMaker, but the milieu is really interesting (the Paris art and performance scene in the early '90s) so it has me curious on that basis alone. The writing so far is a lot of the female main character dealing with skeevy men, and that can easily go wrong, but it was good as far as I played.
  • Still Ridge is a point-and-click about a sleep therapist who treats his patients by diving into their dreams. The scene of the first dream is a farm on the Pakistan-Afghanistan border and includes frank discussion of, let's say, how people view the US when subjected to American military force. The prose is good, and gives the sense of the main character as an intelligent and thoughtful individual. The aesthetic is PS1 era, with bitmap faces stretched over low-poly bodies, which has obvious and frequently-mentioned uses for dreamlike aesthetics. I didn't play far enough to see if this potential was realized, however.
  • Deadeye Deepfake Simulacrum looks like Ultima IV, but there's a crazy amount going on under the hood. It's a cyberpunk game that actually bothered to simulate the hacking portion, which means there's a lot more command-line typing than in something like Deus Ex or Shadowrun. There's also shooting, after a fashion, and a bunch of other stuff like Esper powers, but I didn't do much beyond the tutorial other than die twice because I knew I'd have to relearn everything once I got the actual game.
  • Enchained is a weird first-person action game that looks like King's Field but you move a lot faster and are apparently a skeleton. I say weird because the first weapon you get is a grappling chain, and you kill enemies by whacking them with the end of the chain until they run out of stamina, then hitting them again to air-juggle them, grappling them while they're in the air, and then throwing them at a wall. It's so ridiculously overcomplicated that I can't help but want to see what else there is.
I had the same thing :( Like an hour and a half of browsing and adding to library wasted since nothing appeared anywhere. I don't understand what the "Add to Library" buton does in this case.


Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
My wishlist just doubled in size. Quite a lot of promising games.


Oct 28, 2017
I'm honestly having a blast with Friends Vs Friends, it's the huge winner of the event for me.


Oct 28, 2017
These are my personal highlights so far:


It controls very well, movement and combat are satisfying. Had fun with the demo and forced myself to stop before what seemed to be a boss fight to avoid spoilers for the actual game.


Definitely intriguing. I don't know about the management part, but I liked the Diner Dash gameplay where I'm juggling many tasks.


What a gem. A chill adventure game with light management and life sim elements.


Oct 27, 2017

ENCHAIN: Super retro style dungeon-FPS where you play as a skeleton fighting many other skeletons. The "hook" is your bizarre chain lantern weapon that you can grab and launch enemies with, it's really such an odd idea for a mechanic but it was certainly a ton of fun, albeit a little finnicky to use. The physics and controls are really very wonky at first, I think they need some fine tuning on the swinging mechanics as well as the grappling, but the level design was a delight full of shortcuts and secrets and hidden paths. Had a great time with this but it needs a little work, a little more variety in the level aesthetics, and some more sound effects and music. But the main hook, the chain lantern, is fun and absolutely hilarious in frantic, messy way.

illWill: This was a pretty standard issue "modern retro" FPS with sort of a low poly horrorcore aesthetic. Not bad, good impactful weapons, but for me it lacked a hook or anything that really set it apart. Sometimes that's OK if it's incredibly well done but there were some issues with weapon balance and feedback from taking damage that held it back from greatness. What they have is a good feeling core but it will live and die on its level design and variety of its encounters. Not sold now but if it comes out and reviews are good, I'll give it a shot for sure.

The Gold Hawk

Jan 30, 2019

I feel like it's hard for me to assess a souls-like fairly, when I can't help but compare them to From's output, which isn't really fair. I did enjoy Asterigos, and it deserves a chance to prove itself. The combat feels good, but there is room for improvement. You can tell a lot of love went into this game, there are lots of extra animations and details that you usually only see in games with high levels of polish. Definitely worth keeping an eye on when it releases in a few days.

I too would like to give a shout out to Asterigos. The most aesthetically 2000's game I have seen in a while and I don't mean that in a bad way.

Saw it listed as a soulslike in a few articles, which I didn't really get the feel of when I played. It started with the protagonist, a redheaded barbarian lady saying how she had somehow lost her gear...had some Forbidden West PTSD... and I did roll my eyes when I got to a checkpoint and it said "if you rest here you can travel and heal but all the enemies will respawn" however, at least in the demo, it had some fairly reasonably difficulty settings. Combat wasn't completely dependant on perfect dodge/block/parry timing and the health pickups were fairly plentiful. But, getting sloppy with attacks/heals could still punish you.

I managed to take down the first bosses using some cool magical spells, hammering some attacks and the occasional, weapon dependent, block/dodge and still managed to make it look it cool and exciting. It honestly gave me Kingdoms of Amalur vibes, in a good way.

Definitely recommend people give it a shout.



Oct 25, 2017
So here's one I'm having a ridiculous amount of fun with and haven't seen talked about yet:


It's a simple sort of puzzler, you've got a 6x6 grid of cards representing monsters, items, armor, health potions and gold. The object is to get from the upper left of the grid to the bottom right, but you can only move one square right or down at a time. After five maps, you're taken to a small Camp stage that has health, armor, gold and new spell pickups, and then you pick a new zone and continue.

Easy fun but with a lot of depth, between planning routes through each map and your special abilities which require set movements to trigger (an ability that gives you more armor, for example, may require moving right once and down twice to activate), there's a lot of depth. Full game comes out on the 18th, too.


Oct 27, 2017

Season: A Letter to the Future: Lovely little experience, walking around a somber town with some Nausicaa kind of vibes while getting ready to set out on a bike journey. Gorgeous and relaxing atmosphere with a very (very!) stylish protagonist. And while the writing was bordering on a little too "earnest" for my tastes, it seems like the game will focus on themes of memory and time that could emotionally resonate with me. I'm intrigued by the world that was hinted, there's an apocalyptic undercurrent that seems interesting. Hard to get a feel for the story at this point but this was really promising, the atmosphere and world alone are extremely enticing to me. Definitely getting this unless it winds up being a critical disaster.

Asterigos: Curse of the Stars: I was honestly very shocked at how good the combat in this game was. Really responsive and enjoyable. I didn't particularly care for the writing or the voice acting -- my jaded ass can only handle so many young plucky adventuresome protagonists before I want to vomit and retreat from the world -- but there is a pretty decent level of polish. It reminds me of Kena though it's not quite at that level of slickness yet. It's a Souls-like too, but pretty forgiving and a lot more family-friendly in its approach so far. Probably not for me but I appreciate it and it does what it says on the tin, as they say.

Spark in the Dark: Gruelingly slow and oppressive dungeon crawler with heavy, physics-based combat and extremely minimal UI. I enjoyed the tension and the unimaginably dark and dreary atmosphere, but it needs some balancing work, especially when it comes to accruing wounds and then trying (but failing) to rest in order to heal them. Had fun with the demo and laughed many times at my own clumsy deaths, but I probably won't be spending more time with this to be fully honest, I have a few similar games on my backlog that are better and more polished.

Jett: The Far Shore: A game from a year or so ago but new to me. Very unique and beautiful "haute sci-fi" kind of atmosphere with what seem to be some Eastern influences in terms of the culture and aesthetics. The demo was basically a flying tutorial and a goodbye to the planet you are going to be leaving. Interesting so far but a little slow and self-indulgent in its pacing. I also could not get the game to "feel" right, it seemed as though it was running at <30 FPS despite being >100 FPS with G-sync running correctly and all that. Odd, but not the worst thing in the world since the game doesn't appear to be too fast paced or demanding.


Oct 26, 2017

Jett: The Far Shore: A game from a year or so ago but new to me. Very unique and beautiful "haute sci-fi" kind of atmosphere with what seem to be some Eastern influences in terms of the culture and aesthetics. The demo was basically a flying tutorial and a goodbye to the planet you are going to be leaving. Interesting so far but a little slow and self-indulgent in its pacing. I also could not get the game to "feel" right, it seemed as though it was running at <30 FPS despite being >100 FPS with G-sync running correctly and all that. Odd, but not the worst thing in the world since the game doesn't appear to be too fast paced or demanding.

If you're interested in Jett: The Far Shore, Nextlander (3 former Giant Bomb people) interviewed one of the devs for roughly 30 minutes last year. It's Episode 023, dated Nov 10, 2021 and there are timestamps to get to it if you wanted to skip everything else (interview is at the end).


Oct 27, 2017
I played so far:

Vengeful Guardian: Moonrider on Steam

Vengeful Guardian: Moonrider is a side-scrolling action platformer that channels the golden age of classic 16-bit action games in a full-throttle quest for revenge. Created to defend a totalitarian state, the Moonrider rejects its programming and now seeks vengeance on its creators.
2D platforming game similar to the classic Shinobi games from the megadrive / genesis with a pinch of Strider. Expect a lot of dive kicking and wall jumping.

Gravity Circuit on Steam

Gravity Circuit is a flashy action packed 2D platformer in the spirit of console classics. Follow Kai, a lone operative war hero who harnesses the mysterious powers of the Gravity Circuit, on an adventure in a futuristic world inhabited by sentient robots.
2D platforming game really reminiscent of Megaman, with melee attacks and a grappling hook not only used for traversal but also to grab and throw enemies Tomba style.

The Sirena Expedition on Steam

The Sirena Expedition is a short PSX-style horror-platformer in which you explore a mysterious underwater facility.
3D exploration game with 2D movement similar to the Klonoa games. Great psx aesthetics and intriguing setting in an abandoned underwater facility.

Save 80% on Scars Above on Steam

Scars Above is a challenging sci-fi third-person action adventure shooter combining the rewarding feel of overcoming difficulty with a compelling and intricate story, set in a mysterious alien world to explore.
Sci-fi tps with ps3 era game design and 'Souls' respawn mechanics (because of course). The shooting remind me of Gears minus the cover system (there is active reload), and there is also a weak point system with different elements and combos. It is a bit rough, and the Souls inspiration is starting to get old already, but the setting is interesing.


I also downloaded JETT but the demo had italian subtitles that i could not change, so i wasn't able to play it.
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Oct 25, 2017
really going to emphasize trying hunt the night here its a really well done zelda esque game with gorgeous gothic pixel art.


only had time to try potionomics and undecember so far. loved the first, meh on the second

really hate that this is just one week and starting right on a monday. just cant have time to try everything i want
make time for superfuse, its far and away the premiere arpg here and a quick 15 minute playthrough. has skill tree and a skill modifier system and melee feels great. i only hope gearing isnt completely reliant on loot dropping with the correct modifiers ala borderlands and the full game offers some crafting options.

Superfuse on Steam

Superfuse is a comic-book-styled hack'n'slash ARPG with a rich and accessible skill customization system. Craft unique skills from a huge array of powerful fuses, select one of three classes and embark on this journey alone or with up to 3 friends. When humanity needs hope, be the hero!


533.489 paid youtubers cant be wrong
Oct 28, 2017
really going to emphasize trying hunt the night here its a really well done zelda esque game with gorgeous gothic pixel art.


make time for superfuse, its far and away the premiere arpg here and a quick 15 minute playthrough. has skill tree and a skill modifier system and melee feels great. i only hope gearing isnt completely reliant on loot dropping with the correct modifiers ala borderlands and the full game offers some crafting options.

Superfuse on Steam

Superfuse is a comic-book-styled hack'n'slash ARPG with a rich and accessible skill customization system. Craft unique skills from a huge array of powerful fuses, select one of three classes and embark on this journey alone or with up to 3 friends. When humanity needs hope, be the hero!

will do, thanks for the rec. always on the lookout for new arpgs


Oct 27, 2017

The Knight Witch: Perhaps not the most evocative title but ohhhh my lord is this game ready for prime time. What a great package. I was frankly turned off by the catchphrase laden descriptions I read (it's a Metroidvania bullet hell with collectible card elements, oh boy) but it's actually thoughtfully combined and really works. Great balance, great difficulty, gorgeous presentation, and even some nice writing and character work. Overall very snappy, smooth, and fun to play. Definitely a case of a demo winning me over, I really enjoyed what I played.

Turbo Overkill: Good lord this is retro FPS heaven. Love it. It's that perfect type of game that looks much stupider than it actually is. The levels and encounters are excitingly designed, there is a nice gimmick / hook via the body augmentations and purchasable upgrades, but there isn't so much extraneous stuff that it slows the game down. The weapons are all memorable and shamelessly imbalanced, and you have a damn chainsaw for a leg that lets you slide through crowds of enemies and just insta-gib them. The vibe, the speed, the soundtrack, the gunplay, it all just works impeccably. And while story of course takes a distant back seat in games like this, there is a pretty obviously present villain and sense of why the world is the way it is, which I appreciate. Another one that's definitely ready for prime time. My only gripe was that it was a little hard to tell certain enemies apart, but they all have glowing eyes so it seems easy enough to just change the colors slightly so you know that grenade guys are orange, shotguns are blue, whatever, something like that.

Earth From Another Sun: One of the most comically yet earnestly ambitious games I have ever seen. It's a space game with basically everything, you navigate space, get resources, fight things in FPS mode etc. Did I like it? No not particularly. My interest waned when I was tasked with getting "20 iron scraps." But on the bootup splash screen the developers do promise that this will become "one of the best games in the world," so apparently there is no need for worry. Honestly their sincerity is kind of endearing but the game is... pretty boring. Maybe there is more to discover but the intro and onboarding needs to be more engaging.

Shoot to Kill: Nothing that noteworthy aside from the environmental destruction impressing me a bit here and there. The architecture of the levels is cool but the game is kind of washed out and ugly. It's fine if a retro FPSs isn't trying to do anything wildly new, but it's a bit disorienting when there isn't a clear reference point. I'm not sure exactly what era or what game this is harkening back to? PS2? Early 2000s PC? It doesn't quite remind me of anything in particular, at least not anything fondly remembered. And there isn't really a "thing" this game does that feels new or different, which might allow me to overlook other flaws. The guns don't feel great either, especially the burst fire assault rifle, it's very "sticky" to use. Not super interested at this point.

If you're interested in Jett: The Far Shore, Nextlander (3 former Giant Bomb people) interviewed one of the devs for roughly 30 minutes last year. It's Episode 023, dated Nov 10, 2021 and there are timestamps to get to it if you wanted to skip everything else (interview is at the end).
Cool I'll check it out, thanks!
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