Will Mike Johnson Get His Decorum from The U.S. House?

  • Of course

    Votes: 5 1.8%
  • Just kidding, someone gonna freak out

    Votes: 63 22.8%
  • The Dark Brandon Rises

    Votes: 208 75.4%

  • Total voters
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Oct 25, 2017
The more I see how Biden interacts with people face to face, I think he was handicapped in 2020 having only on camera messages instead of working the crowds. People claimed covid was protecting him hide when it stopped him from being himself.

One of the reports was Biden was talking to people until midnight and they started turning off the lights because he would keep going forever.


Nov 5, 2017
the more i look at it the more confused i get, at first i was like "maybe she's sitting at a different angle" but no, if she were the island wouldn't be right there, and they couldn't have moved that because it has a sink attached. it looks like they took the doors off one of the cabinets and put a microwave up there?

edit: wait what's going on with this cabinet depth

(i am choosing to go all in on conspiratorial thinking because i hate britt and i think it's funny)
The family picture, especially, really seems like an AI generated image put onto a greenscreen behind them. There's weird things, like the super tiny cabinets above the fridge, the light fixture in the corner clipping into the dude's head, the reflection on the faucet not being in line with the direction of the lighting, the placement of the faucet, and more.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017

At 81, Joe Biden Is Still The Last Guy To Leave The Party

After his State of the Union speech, the president was so eager to keep talking to people he didn't care that the lights went down or that hot mics picked him up.

Just seconds after stepping down from the dais in the House chamber, as most news networks pulled their cameras away, Biden was playfully saluting people in the audience and shouting out jokes.

"Hey Bobby! I didn't embarrass you, did I?" he said to laughs from someone nearby. It was possibly Sen. Bob Casey (D-Pa.), who Biden mentioned in his national address.

The House chamber was packed with so many of his old friends, former colleagues, his judicial and executive appointments, and even critics who wanted to talk to him. And Biden, all smiles, was here for it. He spent the next half an hour talking to anyone in earshot, taking selfies, telling stories and weighing in on climate change, Ukraine, Vladimir Putin, border security, reproductive rights and whatever other policy topics people threw his way.

HuffPost caught most of these details by watching bits of livestreams that were still going and hearing him on hot mics.


The chamber had mostly emptied out at that point. The rows and rows of seats that lawmakers usually occupy sat empty. But there was Biden, standing just feet away from where he had given his national address. Still talking.


It was now almost 11 p.m. House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.), who was still standing up there on the dais, made eye contact with Biden and tapped his watch. Time to go, man.


An aide finally had to interrupt. "Most people can't leave until we leave and we need to go this way," the aide said to the president.
"Well, are they Democrats or Republicans?" Biden asked. "I'm joking. I'm joking.... I'll get the hell out of here."


Biden was talking to Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-Ohio) when Johnson gaveled out the House, loudly declaring the joint session of Congress (and thus, SOTU) was over. Biden didn't seem to notice. He didn't seem to notice when the House adjourned, either. Or when the lights dimmed.

He was too busy posing for selfies, complimenting people's glasses and talking to Rep. Doug LaMalfa (R-Calif.) for several minutes about wildfires in California.

The president stopped again to talk to Rep. Mark Takano (D-Calif.), who thanked him for mentioning the PACT Act, a 2022 law that expanded health benefits for veterans who were exposed to burn pits and other toxic substances. Takano talked about a veteran he knew who'd directly benefited.

View: https://twitter.com/Fritschner/status/1766127919565307941


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017


Oct 25, 2017

At 81, Joe Biden Is Still The Last Guy To Leave The Party

After his State of the Union speech, the president was so eager to keep talking to people he didn't care that the lights went down or that hot mics picked him up.

Just seconds after stepping down from the dais in the House chamber, as most news networks pulled their cameras away, Biden was playfully saluting people in the audience and shouting out jokes.

"Hey Bobby! I didn't embarrass you, did I?" he said to laughs from someone nearby. It was possibly Sen. Bob Casey (D-Pa.), who Biden mentioned in his national address.

The House chamber was packed with so many of his old friends, former colleagues, his judicial and executive appointments, and even critics who wanted to talk to him. And Biden, all smiles, was here for it. He spent the next half an hour talking to anyone in earshot, taking selfies, telling stories and weighing in on climate change, Ukraine, Vladimir Putin, border security, reproductive rights and whatever other policy topics people threw his way.

HuffPost caught most of these details by watching bits of livestreams that were still going and hearing him on hot mics.


The chamber had mostly emptied out at that point. The rows and rows of seats that lawmakers usually occupy sat empty. But there was Biden, standing just feet away from where he had given his national address. Still talking.


It was now almost 11 p.m. House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.), who was still standing up there on the dais, made eye contact with Biden and tapped his watch. Time to go, man.


An aide finally had to interrupt. "Most people can't leave until we leave and we need to go this way," the aide said to the president.
"Well, are they Democrats or Republicans?" Biden asked. "I'm joking. I'm joking.... I'll get the hell out of here."


Biden was talking to Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-Ohio) when Johnson gaveled out the House, loudly declaring the joint session of Congress (and thus, SOTU) was over. Biden didn't seem to notice. He didn't seem to notice when the House adjourned, either. Or when the lights dimmed.

He was too busy posing for selfies, complimenting people's glasses and talking to Rep. Doug LaMalfa (R-Calif.) for several minutes about wildfires in California.

The president stopped again to talk to Rep. Mark Takano (D-Calif.), who thanked him for mentioning the PACT Act, a 2022 law that expanded health benefits for veterans who were exposed to burn pits and other toxic substances. Takano talked about a veteran he knew who'd directly benefited.

View: https://twitter.com/Fritschner/status/1766127919565307941

He's just a good dude. His character is taken for granted IMO.


Oct 27, 2017
Haha no. I can't afford shit, I got student loans I'm never gonna pay off and my rent is over 2k. I'd like for them not to be as well but I also care about the lives that are being destroyed rn. So no, not fuck you unless all you care about are those things mentioned. Sorry to offend but this is aimed at folks who think Biden is gonna save us and calls anyone who is against him a republican or an idiot which happens a lot. Sorry if what i said came off as angry but that's probably because i am, because i have friends who have family who've died with assistance from our tax dollars.

TL/DR I'm want low rent, I want a house, I want affordable healthcare for me and my child but at a time when there are people fearing for their lives and their family's life someone who merely does that isn't going to get any props from me when my tax money is funding oppression.

Right, and as a black dude I've long been accustomed to voting for harm reduction. I have no allusions about a perfect candidate. I vote for the candidate who will do less harm to me, the country, and the world as a whole. And that is Joe Biden. I can disagree all I want about Gaza and border policy, but I know Trump is far worse. So, I go for Biden. Simple as that.

Other people can talk about whatever else they want, but to act like things won't be worse under Trump can only be if you're in a position of privilege such that you will not feel the effects. Even on Gaza, Biden has been bad. But I know that Trump will 100% get more Palestinians killed. 100%. So again, it's not a choice to me.
Jan 18, 2018
Right, and as a black dude I've long been accustomed to voting for harm reduction. I have no allusions about a perfect candidate. I vote for the candidate who will do less harm to me, the country, and the world as a whole. And that is Joe Biden. I can disagree all I want about Gaza and border policy, but I know Trump is far worse. So, I go for Biden. Simple as that.

Other people can talk about whatever else they want, but to act like things won't be worse under Trump can only be if you're in a position of privilege such that you will not feel the effects. Even on Gaza, Biden has been bad. But I know that Trump will 100% get more Palestinians killed. 100%. So again, it's not a choice to me.
I hear you, I'm voting and of course voting for the best chance to give us more time before slipping into full on facism instead of the soft facism we on now. But Ima hate it every step of the way. Sucks that the choices for some is "how many of us do we want to die?". "Which old white racist will fuck is up the least?". I'll play this vote blue no matter who game for as long as I have to but I'll be damned if I'm not going to complain about it.


Oct 28, 2017
I hear you, I'm voting and of course voting for the best chance to give us more time before slipping into full on facism instead of the soft facism we on now. But Ima hate it every step of the way. Sucks that the choices for some is "how many of us do we want to die?". "Which old white racist will fuck is up the least?". I'll play this vote blue no matter who game for as long as I have to but I'll be damned if I'm not going to complain about it.
It's a real life trolley problem. 😃


Nov 8, 2018
Fuckin hell…how can anyone think he wouldn't be so much worse? Him winning in November would be devastating for people the world over.

Trump had Jared float a peace plan when he was in office and it was basically written by the Israelis. It's not surprising and if you think Biden is giving carte blanche to Israel now, it will absolutely be worse under Trump (as will the safety of Jews domestically since the GOP base has a penchant for tiki torches and hate crimes).


Oct 25, 2017
East Lansing, MI
Maybe I'm just weird, but I dunno how anyone can say that's a great speech when he legitimatized the right wing talking points about the "border crisis" and dangers of "illegals."

I've been resisting to post in here, but it just feels like we're going further and further to the right and liberals are just cheering 4 more years while telling leftists that if we don't vote for this guy we're going to fall into fascism.


Oct 27, 2017
Maybe I'm just weird, but I dunno how anyone can say that's a great speech when he legitimatized the right wing talking points about the "border crisis" and dangers of "illegals."

I've been resisting to post in here, but it just feels like we're going further and further to the right and liberals are just cheering 4 more years while telling leftists that if we don't vote for this guy we're going to fall into fascism.

Yes, you will be enabling the fall into fascism. I detest the current immigration stance of the administration, and the nation at large, but pretending that your protest vote is anything but harmful after what happened in 2016 is childish.


Sep 12, 2018
Right, and as a black dude I've long been accustomed to voting for harm reduction. I have no allusions about a perfect candidate. I vote for the candidate who will do less harm to me, the country, and the world as a whole. And that is Joe Biden. I can disagree all I want about Gaza and border policy, but I know Trump is far worse. So, I go for Biden. Simple as that.

Other people can talk about whatever else they want, but to act like things won't be worse under Trump can only be if you're in a position of privilege such that you will not feel the effects. Even on Gaza, Biden has been bad. But I know that Trump will 100% get more Palestinians killed. 100%. So again, it's not a choice to me.
Saying the genocide can get 100% worse downplays how bad it is now and the lives already lost.

We're already living through the worse case scenario. Biden is giving the Israeli gov't a blank check in real time and is not conditioning aid. 30,000 innocent civilians have been killed and counting. I have many Palestinian friends and all of them have know that Trump will be just as bad if not worst on this. But the point is Biden has blood on his hands right now


Oct 28, 2017
Maybe I'm just weird, but I dunno how anyone can say that's a great speech when he legitimatized the right wing talking points about the "border crisis" and dangers of "illegals."

I've been resisting to post in here, but it just feels like we're going further and further to the right and liberals are just cheering 4 more years while telling leftists that if we don't vote for this guy we're going to fall into fascism.
Yeah that was the lowest point in the speech for me, especially the bit about "legals" also killing people? Which was even worse.

And while there are a couple provisions that might be minor improvements, like increasing the number of immigration judges, the bill is falling for right wing talking points and making it even harder for asylum seekers to get in legally.

That said, there are legitimate problems with cities having their services overloaded with the influx of people coming in, and I don't think the bill actually does anything to give them more money to handle it


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, though hopefully we get more info. Funny enough, during the actual strike the thing looked more like an S-300 but the camera is so crappy it could be artifacting.

Edit: Also not sure if the crew was there or not, vehicles moved (or were different) throughout the video and being it didn't move doubt they were in the vehicle. How close they were though for an Iskander impact is the real question, as it is a large warhead.

I hear you, I'm voting and of course voting for the best chance to give us more time before slipping into full on facism instead of the soft facism we on now. But Ima hate it every step of the way. Sucks that the choices for some is "how many of us do we want to die?". "Which old white racist will fuck is up the least?". I'll play this vote blue no matter who game for as long as I have to but I'll be damned if I'm not going to complain about it.


Saying the genocide can get 100% worse downplays how bad it is now and the lives already lost.

We're already living through the worse case scenario. Biden is giving the Israeli gov't a blank check in real time and is not conditioning aid. 30,000 innocent civilians have been killed and counting. I have many Palestinian friends and all of them have know that Trump will be just as bad if not worst on this. But the point is Biden has blood on his hands right now

No, we are not living the worst case scenario, pay attention. Just scroll above to see the suggestion from Trump's Ambassador to Israel which would completely eliminate Gaza AND The West Bank. You're talking nonsense if you think what's happening now is the worse it can get, it CAN get MUCH worse.


Dec 9, 2017
Fuckin hell…how can anyone think he wouldn't be so much worse? Him winning in November would be devastating for people the world over.

I feel like in a few years, most of the "F Biden" posts here and elsewhere will probably be viewed about as favourably as all the anti-Hillary posts from years ago, only to end up with Trump.


Oct 25, 2017
East Lansing, MI
Yes, you will be enabling the fall into fascism. I detest the current immigration stance of the administration, and the nation at large, but pretending that your protest vote is anything but harmful after what happened in 2016 is childish.

I never said anything about not voting for him but the fact you went straight into vote shaming proves my point.

In case you didn't know, Congress is trying to ban a subversive social media platform, the national guard is assisting in checking bags in New York, LA is allowing police to observe and record every camera in the city including private cameras, books and medical procedures are being banned nationwide.

It could be worse but we're not slipping into fascism. We're already there.
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Oct 29, 2017
Saying the genocide can get 100% worse downplays how bad it is now and the lives already lost.

We're already living through the worse case scenario. Biden is giving the Israeli gov't a blank check in real time and is not conditioning aid. 30,000 innocent civilians have been killed and counting. I have many Palestinian friends and all of them have know that Trump will be just as bad if not worst on this. But the point is Biden has blood on his hands right now

What? Of course it can get worse.

I feel like in a few years, most of the "F Biden" posts here and elsewhere will probably be viewed about as favourably as all the anti-Hillary posts from years ago, only to end up with Trump.

I think you're probably right.
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Alt account
Feb 20, 2024
I feel like in a few years, most of the "F Biden" posts here and elsewhere will probably be viewed about as favourably as all the anti-Hillary posts from years ago, only to end up with Trump.

This election is Biden's fuck up. It will be on him if he loses it because he's a genocide enabler.


Oct 27, 2017
I mean, last week Trump insinuated that Israel wasn't going hard enough, it absolutely can get much, much worse


Oct 27, 2017

The fucked up part of being arab on this forum is that so many users here are desensitized to Arab slaughter that they have accepted the mass murder of people like me as the status quo of politics.

Some how I'm the bad guy for hating a participant to my kind's Genocide.

"That's my president!" They'll clap and cheer but I say fuck him, thats a line too far.

Not our blood on his hands, saying fuck him.

it's pathetic


Aug 1, 2018
I feel like in a few years, most of the "F Biden" posts here and elsewhere will probably be viewed about as favourably as all the anti-Hillary posts from years ago, only to end up with Trump.

That's because folks refuse to acknowledge that this a problem of Biden's making. He is at fault for his policy positions. Trump voters will be responsible for Trump winning.

But instead, folks will focus on the small amount of protest votes.


Nov 20, 2017
That's because folks refuse to acknowledge that this a problem of Biden's making. He is at fault for his policy positions. Trump voters will be responsible for Trump winning.

But instead, folks will focus on the small amount of protest votes.

Protest votes will help Trump. Hope a second Trump presidency is worth feeling holier than thou.

Elections are not about social signaling. They're pragmatic exercises with real impacts on real people's lives, and in the US, they're a binary choice.


Aug 1, 2018
Protest votes will help Trump. Hope a second Trump presidency is worth feeling holier than thou.

Elections are not about social signaling. They're pragmatic exercises with real impacts on real people's lives, and in the US, they're a binary choice.

I'm not arguing they won't help Trump.

Yes so perhaps the candidate should change their position for everyone's sake. There should be more ire for the ones causing folks to not want to vote and for those that actually cast a vote for Trump.

Disco Stu

Oct 27, 2017
That's because folks refuse to acknowledge that this a problem of Biden's making. He is at fault for his policy positions. Trump voters will be responsible for Trump winning.

But instead, folks will focus on the small amount of protest votes.
With margins this thin, it's ignorant and dangerous to think that protest votes can't/wont impact things. This isn't a purity test. This is real life.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm not arguing they won't help Trump.

Yes so perhaps the candidate should change their position for everyone's sake. There should be more ire for the ones causing folks to not want to vote and for those that actually cast a vote for Trump.

Plus this is a "now" issue. In 8 months at the election there probably won't be a Gaza to speak of if Biden doesn't change his rhetoric and actions.
Biden risking his election chances over this is baffling to me.


Oct 25, 2017
I hope Biden does what it takes to win because the alternative is much more harmful for everyone. He isn't perfect but if he loses, nothing gets better or even stays the same but literally everything gets worse.

Many can be insulated from that but there will be a material amount of lives lost around the world in the balance between a Biden presidency and a Trump one. and it won't really affect him, just regular ass people. And the courts. and the fabric of society.

I truly wish people would zoom out. Sometimes life is about shitty decisions. People have their reasons for perhaps casting this as one. But if you have the ability to make a positive impact without harm to yourself, i hope you get a twang of personal responsibility and act on it appropriately.

Disco Stu

Oct 27, 2017
Then perhaps Biden should change his position.

It's not about a purity test. It's not some trivial matter. It's a genocide.
I'm not saying he shouldn't change his position. I'm just saying a vote for anyone other than Biden is a vote for the GOP. The world can't afford that. Especially the people in Gaza and Ukraine.
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