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Sep 29, 2021
elden ring
god of war
gears of war
halo infinite
fallout 3 4 76


RDR2 also has invisible walls if you climb up the mountains.

Youre right though halo infinite, gears of war etc are absolutetly the exact same thing as a massive BGS rpg

Doskoi Panda

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Wtf, the landing spots/areas/tiles are the size of Skyrim?

And people are mad about this?
well, we don't have exact measurements, but the rough math insinuates that they're each way way bigger than Skyrim

it takes twice as much time to walk from your ship (presumably at the center of the explorable area) straight to the border of the explorable area around your ship, as it does to walk the entirety of Skyrim from east to west, apparently. even with the fudgy bullshit 'how long it takes to walk x distance in two different games' math, it's still pretty clear that landing zones in Starfield are each several times larger than the entirety of Skyrim at minimum
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Game Developer
Jun 10, 2018

Neeeeerds. Are we done with the main menu and the whatever the hell followed it, and have moved to whatever this planet traversal stupidity now is?

Sooooooo looking forward to thursday and friday! :D


Oct 25, 2017

Neeeeerds. Are we done with the main menu and the whatever the hell followed it, and have moved to whatever this planet traversal stupidity now is?

Sooooooo looking forward to thursday and friday! :D

I cant take Friday off :( but it looks like Ill be working on 4 hours of sleep or less hahah.

Im taking the next Friday off though


Oct 25, 2017
I'm just glad they're doing early access for this game so I can distract myself from stupid discourse when the reviews land by actually playing the game.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't like the UI design but I've hated it since Skyrim or whenever, so. Down with minimalism.


Oct 25, 2017
I know we can board enemy ships but has anything been said about wether our own ship can be boarded by the enemy?

It would be so cool to get in situations where you and your companions are fighting off enemies in your ship's interior.


Jun 5, 2022
I know we can board enemy ships but has anything been said about wether our own ship can be boarded by the enemy?

It would be so cool to get in situations where you and your companions are fighting off enemies in your ship's interior.

That Wanted trait which leads to mercenaries hunting you down would play nicely into that. Didn't they even show footage of the mercenaries right outside of your ship confronting you in the gameplay deep dive? Maybe it was their ship.

Edit: I checked, It was their ship. Here's hoping they can raid ships too!


Oct 27, 2017
So I'm catching up on the news from earlier and I don't think I'm understanding how it works. Is this image accurate?



One Winged Slayer
Jun 9, 2019
So, can the loaded areas of the planet overlap? Like, if I choose one landing zone (not the big, "proper" ones, but just a literal random point on the planet) to land, and then I leave and land on a point directly next to it, will the explorable area be relatively similar, or will it generate an entirely different seed for that explorable area, even if they should ostensibly overlap?

Or is it precisely like that above image, where there's either imaginary or imposed space between the permissible areas to land despite you being able to technically land "anywhere"?

Not that it really matters, but I'm curious as to the specifics of it.

Kinetic Koala

Jan 6, 2023
I wonder if Kid Stuff is any good.

Wanted seems great. Jet Pack is a must

Jet Pack isn't a trait though, it's a skill. Otherwise totally agree.

So I'm catching up on the news from earlier and I don't think I'm understanding how it works. Is this image accurate?


Seems like it, though I feel like the landing spot will almost always be center of whatever tile is explorable.


Oct 27, 2017
Lol yeah I believe so. Is that your pic?

lol yeah (amazing Paint skills I know). I was reading all these tweets on the way home about this trying to conceptualize how this works. Apparently though we can land anywhere? I guess the game just generates a playable space of a predetermined area around wherever land.


Nov 6, 2017
If every landing point gives me a Skyrim-sized tile to fuck around in, I would have never known you couldn't actually walk around an entire planet if the specifics hadn't been disclosed because that shit's for crazy people.

Explore the POIs, scan local flora & fauna if I haven't 100% explored the biome yet, then get back in my ship and fuck off somewhere else.

Rygar 8Bit

Oct 25, 2017
If every landing point gives me a Skyrim-sized tile to fuck around in, I would have never known you couldn't actually walk around an entire planet if the specifics hadn't been disclosed because that shit's for crazy people.

Explore the POIs, scan local flora & fauna if I haven't 100% explored the biome yet, then get back in my ship and fuck off somewhere else.

Plus I'm assuming it's going to be like Mass Effect where you're only there to get the 1 POI that is on the planet and then leave anyway.


Oct 25, 2017
With only 6 days before reviews drop and this being the last weekend in a pre-Starfield world, what is everyone playing this weekend/week?

Age of Empires IV. It's so good and they did a wonderful job with the controls.

Also easy to take a break from when Starfield happens, since there's no story or where you are, you need to keep up with.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
I have Gamepass but buying this. Any game that are classics are purchased immediately for me.
Ya this is where I'm at. I also really really want to avoid a situation where I have a gamepass locked save and want to mod but the mod requires the steam version. I'm not one to replay games so that would just fucking kill it for me.


Dec 3, 2018
lol yeah (amazing Paint skills I know). I was reading all these tweets on the way home about this trying to conceptualize how this works. Apparently though we can land anywhere? I guess the game just generates a playable space of a predetermined area around wherever land.
Nah it's great haha, boils down PlanetGate quite nicely

You can set your own landing spot in addition to the suggested ones the game throws at you, but IIRC the leaker tried placing a cluster of landing points right next to each other and they each produced their own distinct bubbles without any overlap. So your image still works!

(This isn't really spoilers, just responding to the Q. I just realized this isn't the leak thread so I'm tagging to be extra careful)


Jan 10, 2020
in my case these news could make the game a bit more interesting, if this actually means that the hand-crafted parts are not 0.1% ot the total, but something like 10% or more


Oct 25, 2017
So I'm catching up on the news from earlier and I don't think I'm understanding how it works. Is this image accurate?

But what is the playable area? How much is static/dynamic? What exactly is procedural? Is it all flat land with some rocks? Deserts? Or are there different types of jungles with different densities?

Is there variety in things like cliffsides, valleys, caves, etc? Are there large areas like playable buildings and cities? Or are they all handcrafted? I have so many questions lol


Unlimited Capacity
Oct 26, 2017
But what is the playable area? How much is static/dynamic? What exactly is procedural? Is it all flat land with some rocks? Deserts? Or are there different types of jungles with different densities?

Is there variety in things like cliffsides, valleys, caves, etc? Are there large areas like playable buildings and cities? Or are they all handcrafted? I have so many questions lol

Does it really matter? What would the answer need to be for you to not want to play anymore?


Apr 27, 2019
I find it amusing that there's so much discussion around planets, when you don't really need to land on any if your base is on your ship. Nobody has talked about the space stations and capital ships that each look like massive places in themselves.


Prophet of Truth
Jun 12, 2020
I find it amusing that there's so much discussion around planets, when you don't really need to land on any if your base is on your ship. Nobody has talked about the space stations and capital ships that each look like massive places in themselves.
The good thing about the leakers wasting all their time trying to circumnavigate planets on foot is they're not playing the actual game enough to spoil absolutely everything.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 27, 2017
But what is the playable area? How much is static/dynamic? What exactly is procedural? Is it all flat land with some rocks? Deserts? Or are there different types of jungles with different densities?

Is there variety in things like cliffsides, valleys, caves, etc? Are there large areas like playable buildings and cities? Or are they all handcrafted? I have so many questions lol
The Direct already answered a lot of this.
Planets have been procedurally generated with handcrafted locations (points of interest, cities etc) and also can dynamically add (also handcrafted) points of interest like mines or whatever as you explore. They've shown off a decent variety of environments including fields and caves.
Just watch the direct.


Nov 28, 2017

Man's averaging 12 hours a day he's a unit. No way he's putting in that much time and not loving it.

Also multiple reviewers seem to think this whole planet traversal controversy is dumb or overblown. That should show whatever the situation is it doesn't affect the flow of the game in any negative way.


Alt account
Mar 8, 2022
So the question is, which review outlets can be trusted to give an honest review and not be overly biased either way. I'm planning to use the reviews to decide if I want to pay the extra £20 for early access.


One Winged Slayer
Aug 15, 2019
So, can the loaded areas of the planet overlap? Like, if I choose one landing zone (not the big, "proper" ones, but just a literal random point on the planet) to land, and then I leave and land on a point directly next to it, will the explorable area be relatively similar, or will it generate an entirely different seed for that explorable area, even if they should ostensibly overlap?

Or is it precisely like that above image, where there's either imaginary or imposed space between the permissible areas to land despite you being able to technically land "anywhere"?

Not that it really matters, but I'm curious as to the specifics of it.
I don't think we'll know until some serious datamining, since the zones are pretty small relative to the landing selection globe. Not quite sure on the measurements since I don't even know how to approach those calculations, but eyeballing it and based on the one measurement we do have of zone size (40 minute walking radius), I'm pretty sure the landing zone icons on that globe representation are a lot bigger than the actual zones themselves. So it's probably near impossible to verify by testing alone since it's impossible to guarantee you've got an adjacent zone. Like, placing a zone right next to another on the globe wouldn't actually get you an adjacent zone, you'd probably need a significant degree of overlap between the icons and I imagine that may not even be possible with cursor snapping likely being a thing. All this assuming the globe is properly scaled and planets are relatively 1:1 with real life, which granted may not be the case

So basically who knows? I could see it working either way, though since terrain is said to be consistent on a single planet regardless of playthrough, I'm thinking that the proc gen is on a planet basis and thus adjacent tiles should be rather similar since the algorithm would probably take that sort of thing into account. This tracks with what the dev team has said about them generating a bunch of tiles and then wrapping them around a globe. It's just that, for all practical purposes, you're never going to actually see two adjacent zones, at least in vanilla
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