
Dec 3, 2018
The poison dealer being able to hold off Mae and pin her to the wall after betraying her was awful. So he's strong enough to do that lol after what we've seen what she's capable of. /surejan.gif
pretty sure there's more going on with him, his "lowly poison dealer" mask slipped for a sec with osha
Oct 29, 2017
I just don't understand some of the directing and editing decisions here.

In Episode 2, the Jedi in the temple are supposed to be taking them directly to Master Torbin. But Osha sees the apparition of her sister and goes a different direction only to get to the same spot the Jedi were taking them but quicker. Then they set that up for the obvious "Oh no, she got caught with a dead body casting suspicion on her" only to have Yord step in and shut that down immediately.

Why not just have the group travel together and find Torbin as a group?

Feels like it was heavily chopped up.

Yeah, that was bad. Also when they see the dealer, who clearly knows more than he lets on and they are just like "ah okay he promised that he would lead us to Mae so we can just leave him here without asking any further questions". I was like WHAT MATE? He is clearly complicit in killing Jedi and he just told you that she would come back anyway.

And the very first sentence was quite bad about the High Republic. No wars? The nihil and nameless say hi!

The first two just feels like rushed directing/writing, the last one is somewhat understandable but the nihil and the great hyperspace disaster are super important as the lead up to the fall of the Jedi.

Overall I still like it quite a bit, it just feels a bit slow for now.

I absolutely adored the trade federation cameo.

And we do need a Mae voice for Waze.


#1 Celtics fan / #7 Serbia fan
Oct 25, 2017
Hyped for episode 3

written by Jasmyne Flournoyand Eileen Shim and directed by arthouse darling Kogonada, this episode has its own sense of style and pace and essentially its own cast, providing the context and emotional core on which the rest of the series relies. Directors do not always get the freedom to bring their own voice to an episode of television, but The Acolyte does not squander Kogonada's eye, patience, or empathy.


‘The Acolyte’ Review: A Star Wars Show That’s Halfway Special (Which Beats the Average)

Set hundreds of years before the events of the Star Wars saga we know best, this show gets to tell its own story—making it better than most of the series Disney+ has pumped out.


Oct 25, 2017
No idea where Ueda is, but the Trade Federation ship had to be somewhat near Nar Shaada in Hutt Space if that's where the rest of the meknek crew went to party at the time of Mae's first assassination. So is Ueda near enough for it to be plausible for Osha to have been there and back? Don't the Nemoidian crew keep track of the mekneks enough to know their comings and goings, even if they keep it off the books should there be a Republic inspection? If Yord is so eager to utilize mind touch, why not attempt to with consent or otherwise with Osha to determine her honesty?

And yes, it is weird that Yord and Tasi didn't personally escort such a landmark suspect that Vernestra wanted to keep as under wraps as possible.

It doesn't ruin the story by any means and are just nitpicking, but these are things brought up or shown within the episode that seem to run counter to what takes place.
And the very first sentence was quite bad about the High Republic. No wars? The nihil and nameless say hi!

The first two just feels like rushed directing/writing, the last one is somewhat understandable but the nihil and the great hyperspace disaster are super important as the lead up to the fall of the Jedi.
Did the Jedi or Republic ever officially consider the conflicts with the Nihil as a war? I'm only on The Rising Storm (Worlds Republic Fair event), but they never seem to treat it that way despite the portrayal looking like a war more than not. On top of the layer of the Republic and Jedi wanting to downplay and obfuscate the threats to them even back then.


Sep 19, 2019
I think the point is that Yord is reckless and doesn't think things through. I think not accompanying Osha back to Coruscant is a good illustration of his character's flaws, and the show will probably try to show him grow or succumb to his rashness.

Anakin vibes.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I agree that Jecki being a dumbass is the explanation we have to roll with, but then they show Jecki as having a good head on her shoulders, so it's still weird 😅


Jun 28, 2018
First two episodes were just OK... I like the fight choreography for the most part, but I'm not feeling reeled in by the premise so far. Mainly I found the characters extremely bland and seemingly one dimensional. Outside Osha and Manny Jacinto's character there aren't too many performances I would say have captivated me. Whatever Manny Jacinto is doing is working for me. I understand the Jedi are supposed to be arrogant and self-righteous at this point in history but the Jedi side of the cast are all so bland. And I really hope Yord gets clapped. The smugness on the guy is totally infuriating. I'm starting to think Anakin was right all along.

In terms of returning characters, isn't it pretty much guaranteed that
Yoda appears? He says in Revenge of the Sith, "Good relationship with Wookies, have I" (lol), so he probably spent time on Kashyyyk.
Oct 29, 2017
Did the Jedi or Republic ever officially consider the conflicts with the Nihil as a war? I'm only on The Rising Storm (Worlds Republic Fair event), but they never seem to treat it that way despite the portrayal looking like a war more than not. On top of the layer of the Republic and Jedi wanting to downplay and obfuscate the threats to them even back then.

You are not wrong, and these are perfectly reasonable explanations. I just hope we see more acknowledgment towards those events, that essentially set the path for the downfall and Yoda's ideology.

I feel like the worst is the escort thing. I wouldn't call this nitpicking. These kind of things are easily noticeable, they are not just a Starbucks cup. One or two is not a biggie, but when most people talk about bad writing, it is when these kind of things take over and become way too frequent. And that's a valid criticism.

But two episodes in this can go anywhere yet, and the new era carries it hard, so hard that I can't see how I wouldn't enjoy this if the current state of affairs remain.


▲ Legend ▲
Nov 15, 2017
Did the Jedi or Republic ever officially consider the conflicts with the Nihil as a war? I'm only on The Rising Storm (Worlds Republic Fair event), but they never seem to treat it that way despite the portrayal looking like a war more than not. On top of the layer of the Republic and Jedi wanting to downplay and obfuscate the threats to them even back then.

No, they did not. And it's worth noting that it's fairly contained to one portion of the galaxy. I think the books have made it clear so far that it will ultimately be seen as a "conflict" or skirmish, not a full war.


Jan 6, 2022
I really can't stand Yord not sure that is intentional that they made him unlikable, but you just wanna smack him in his self righteous face.

And none of the characters really stand out for me so far, with the exception of Vernestra Rwoh who I only know because I read the books.


Nov 8, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
These first two episodes are like the definition of alright. I'm hoping it ramps up and makes me actually care about these characters cause the HR setting can only hook me so far.


Legendary Duelist
Oct 25, 2017
Costa Rica
Yord is an arrogant muscle head that will be humbled.

Jecki feels like a smartass that can smell the Jedi bullshit.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
Yeah, that was bad. Also when they see the dealer, who clearly knows more than he lets on and they are just like "ah okay he promised that he would lead us to Mae so we can just leave him here without asking any further questions". I was like WHAT MATE? He is clearly complicit in killing Jedi and he just told you that she would come back anyway.
Missed the part where they had eyes on him the whole time after? He waited until they made the mistake of looking away hours after the fact to run away.

And the very first sentence was quite bad about the High Republic. No wars? The nihil and nameless say hi!
The Nihil conflict wasn't a galactic scale war. It was
series of small incidents, which suddenly escalated into what can be described as huge terrorist attacks the Jedi couldn't prevent or retaliate against, which turned into forced segregation

In a sense the game the Nihil played basically ensured that they never could get into an attempt at war, because they'd get BTFO extremely quickly.
Apr 27, 2020
It was "Ok"

I did find it funny how the Jedi Master did a 180 in like 5 mins regarding the supposed death and believing she's alive.


#1 Celtics fan / #7 Serbia fan
Oct 25, 2017
Wait.. Torbin is supposed to be this dude?



Goddamn rough 16 years.



Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
Writing and editing is once again amateur hour huh. We can't we ever get competent people writing, editing, and directing Star Wars, dammit? 😩

- What an utter waste of Carrie-Anne Moss. I hope she gets flashback scenes but still.
- Why are there no human (hell, Jedi!) escort on prisoner ship with a JEDI MURDER SUSPECT?! Come ON
- Why did Osha split up from the rest going to Torbin, only to arrive at Torbin first, only to have a "oh this looks bad", only to have this immediately dispelled? It really feels completely contrived and useless.
- Why on EARTH are they saying "collaborate and we'll just let you off with a warning" to the poisoner, when they LITERALLY just heard him on a hot mic that he purposefully provided the poison for a murder? In fact, it's when he said this that you decided to "'move in"! HE'S A JEDI MURDER ACCESSORY AND YOU'RE LETTING HIM GO??? WHAT

The last part is the most insane tbh. It makes absolutely no sense. Even if the purpose is to show the Jedi are becoming stupid and completely inept as an institution, this is a level of stupidity from ALL of the present characters that is frankly inexplicable. The guy just said "did the poison work?" and "he will be pleased", he's obviously complicit, you know it, you know Mae is returning so you don't even need his further collaboration, just arrest him FFS 🤦‍♀️

The fire in the vacuum of space on the trade federation ship bothered me far more than it should have. I guess it's no different than fireballs from exploded ships in space as well, but for some reason I was bugged by what looked like a fire in a fireplace where there is no possibility of flames.
lol this annoyed me too

None of this is smart critique, it's cinema sins level nonsense.
Nah. It affects editing and pacing and when there's a pile of errors and contrived writing like that it adds up into way more. It's not just this one little thing, it's many jarring moments.

The part with the poisoner is completely absurd, surely you can acknowledge that?


Sep 16, 2020
I don't quite get the comments about the slow pace. I feel like it's moving fairly quickly and any faster would be approaching Rise of Skywalker levels of pacing.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't quite get the comments about the slow pace. I feel like it's moving fairly quickly and any faster would be approaching Rise of Skywalker levels of pacing.

Yeah, the plot of the show is that Mae wants to kill 4 jedi and she's already killed 2, fought a third and is on the planet of the 4th. They didn't drag out the twins reveal, or the suspicion of Osha. In truth I wish the show would slow down a bit to give us moments showing who these characters are rather than just 100% dedicated to explaining or progressing the main plot


Oct 26, 2017
The last part is the most insane tbh. It makes absolutely no sense. Even if the purpose is to show the Jedi are becoming stupid and completely inept as an institution, this is a level of stupidity from ALL of the present characters that is frankly inexplicable. The guy just said "did the poison work?" and "he will be pleased", he's obviously complicit, you know it, you know Mae is returning so you don't even need his further collaboration, just arrest him FFS 🤦‍♀️
Couldn't this just be that the Jedi don't just want the poison guy but also the Sith master pulling the strings? Sol asked them to wait after he said "did the poison work?" so that he could hear him talk about "pleasing him". Maybe they wanted to use him to lead the Jedi to Sith master.


Oct 26, 2017
That was rough, so much of the scenarios/writing feels so hamfisted and poor, both in their cliched intention and execution.


Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
Couldn't this just be that the Jedi don't just want the poison guy but also the Sith master pulling the strings? Sol asked them to wait after he said "did the poison work?" so that he could hear him talk about "pleasing him". Maybe they wanted to use him to lead the Jedi to Sith master.
Still wouldn't make sense to "let him go with a warning", quite the opposite


#1 Celtics fan / #7 Serbia fan
Oct 25, 2017
Couldn't this just be that the Jedi don't just want the poison guy but also the Sith master pulling the strings? Sol asked them to wait after he said "did the poison work?" so that he could hear him talk about "pleasing him". Maybe they wanted to use him to lead the Jedi to Sith master.
Yeah its this.


Legendary Duelist
Oct 25, 2017
Costa Rica
There's also the deal with "Killing a Jedi without a weapon" being Mae's trial, and so far she has consistently failed and is likely lying to her master about using poison.

IDK, I don't think the killings are supposed to be the main plot


Apr 25, 2024
I really liked these first two episodes. I had fun and don't get the criticism. Looking forward to the next episodes.


Oct 28, 2017
It is nice to see a show with different pacing and feeling compared with Mando, Andor or the ST.

I don't know much what to think yet, but it has been a fun ride so far, I just think things are going a bit rushed and they could have used more of Trinity and the floating guy. Also to show a bit more of the High Republic as well.

Protagonist is fine, but she needs more screen time to shine (I wasn't sure if she wanted to stun Mae or let her go at the end of episode 2) and the Qui Gon guy is another standout too.

As for the discourse, ofc people are already nitpicking everything lol
Last edited:


Aug 30, 2020
I thought it was fine. Fun Star Wars stuff. Probably could have just been a movie and probably would be if commissioned today.

The twins are definitely a force dyad, which is an interesting piece of lore to pull on.


Oct 26, 2017
NGL finished the first episode and it's like the Matrix X Star Wars crossover I wanted during the 2000's. It's pretty damn cool!
Oct 25, 2017
Some folks appear to have concerns or confusion regarding Yord. He seems to me to represent the Establishment Jedi. Very much a product of the bureaucratic system. Well meaning, but rigid and lacking nuance. He's been promoted to Knight, but he knows more about office politics than he does about taking meaningful action. I thnk he's tagging along to represent the naivety of the Order in contrast to Sol, who seems characterized a bit like Qui-gon, a wiser and more nuanced personality. The younger Yord may even currently represent the coming future generations of Jedi, the ones we see in the prequels that lacked the nuance to properly address Anakin, and quick to draw lightsabers to solve their problems. Although it's possible that Yord himself may show some growth before the end of the series.

Now, to be honest I don't actually enjoy Yord that much right now, but maybe that's kinda the point. Pencil pusher that gets dragged along for a real adventure is not an uncommon trope. Time will tell, I'll have to wait and see where they go with him.
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
I liked it. Some of the direction made certain parts look goofy and cheap, but overall it was a strong start.

The fight scenes were really well done. Mae's attacks bouncing off meditating guy's force barrier gave me a good chuckle.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
I thought it was fine. Fun Star Wars stuff. Probably could have just been a movie and probably would be if commissioned today.

The twins are definitely a force dyad, which is an interesting piece of lore to pull on.
Funny detail I noticed is that Osha had a vision which revealed to her that her sister was alive, the framing made it seem like they were communicating with each other through the force. But seemingly that's not how it works, because Mae assumed that Osha was dead, so Osha's vision was solely her own instead of force call ala the dyad. So maybe they had a connection that got severed somehow?


Aug 30, 2020
Funny detail I noticed is that Osha had a vision which revealed to her that her sister was alive, the framing made it seem like they were communicating with each other through the force. But seemingly that's not how it works, because Mae assumed that Osha was dead, so Osha's vision was solely her own instead of force call ala the dyad. So maybe they had a connection that got severed somehow?
Oh interesting, I hadn't quite twigged that.

Maybe the Sith is playing on their minds?


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 31, 2017
I dig this so far. Definitely feels kinda low budget compared to the movies, but it's the first thing in a while to give me the feeling I got watching the originals for the first time. It's nice getting something that actually feels like NEW Star Wars, instead of just trying to remind me of things I already saw. (Not counting Andor here, love that show but it's definitely a different vibe than usual. More like a great show that uses Star Wars to tell its story.)


Feb 21, 2018
Chicago, IL
Jesus Christ, trying to talk about this show online is like navigating a minefield in an enclosed, pitch-black room.

At least I have IRL friends to talk to; touching grass doesn't seem so bad right now.


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
The fire in the vacuum of space on the trade federation ship bothered me far more than it should have. I guess it's no different than fireballs from exploded ships in space as well, but for some reason I was bugged by what looked like a fire in a fireplace where there is no possibility of flames.






Oct 25, 2017
Crazy they killed Trinity in 5 minutes. She was cool as shit for the entire 5 minutes.