
Oct 25, 2017
I fell off Mando's last season, didn't watch Ashoka and don't feel a ton of pull to watch this. Is it worth catching up? I really liked early Mandolorian but after Boba it just felt like it dragged.

I can survive silly SW shows (I survived Boba fett's 1950s scooters) but I don't expect dull.


Oct 27, 2017
So a group of Jedi saw something in the forest and may or may not have reacted in an un-Jedilike way and may or may not have pinned the whole thing on a dead kid that's not dead and shits about to surface. Fun setup


#1 Celtics fan / #7 Serbia fan
Oct 25, 2017
I fell off Mando's last season, didn't watch Ashoka and don't feel a ton of pull to watch this. Is it worth catching up? I really liked early Mandolorian but after Boba it just felt like it dragged.

I can survive silly SW shows (I survived Boba fett's 1950s scooters) but I don't expect dull.
You don't need to catch up to anything to watch this show. Maybe rewatch TPM if you hate yourself.


attempting to circumvent a ban with an alt account
Jul 5, 2019
I feel Carrie-Ann Moss baited, dammit... Really thought she would actually be in the series. Apart from that it was fun. I don't think I'm made for the current fashion of very short seasons though, I grew up with "25 episodes of 45 minutes is one season" tv so now everything feels way too short.


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Guys we're still getting more of Trinity…


One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
That was a fun couple of episodes. It's nice to see the Jedi before everything went bad, haven't kept up with the High Republic stuff so all of this is new to me.

I wonder if they'll keep the slight wushu touch the fights had in these episodes. It would be a neat way to show how the Jedi of the Prequels have started to lose their way if they lost the elegance they once had.


Dec 3, 2018
So a group of Jedi saw something in the forest and may or may not have reacted in an un-Jedilike way and may or may not have pinned the whole thing on a dead kid that's not dead and shits about to surface. Fun setup
Yeah it's gonna turn out they're culpable for burning down Osha's village in some way. I hope we get there soon because the response/aftermath of that reveal is where things could really pick up. You've got characters like Yord and Jecki very much drinking the Jedi kool aid, gonna be interesting to see whether that's still the case when the dirty laundry about their masters starts getting aired.

Then you've got Sol telling Osha to let go of her grief for all these years, only for it to turn out that he's been hiding the truth from her the whole time. That's the drama I need from this show
Last edited:


Nov 15, 2017
Really enjoyed both episodes, I'm excited to see where this goes. I'll finally watch Andor to pass the time between eps


▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Jan 25, 2018
Still not a fan of wookie jedis

Outside of that I had fun with these first 2 episodes.
Interested in seeing the rest!


Sep 19, 2019
Yeah it's gonna turn out they're culpable for burning down Osha's village in some way. I hope we get there soon because the response/aftermath of that reveal is where things could really pick up. You've got characters like Yord and Jecki very much drinking the Jedi kool aid, gonna be interesting to see whether that's still the case when the dirty laundry about their masters starts getting aired.

Then you've got Sol telling Osha to let go of her grief for all these years, only for it to turn out that he's been hiding the truth from her the whole time. That's the drama I need from this show
Yeah, it seems very obvious Sol is covering up some aspect of this, especially for him to so immediately believe Osha. Can't wait for shit to hit the fan.


#1 Celtics fan / #7 Serbia fan
Oct 25, 2017
Jedi are def sus

Kendrick Lamar: The Jedi Temple 'bout to get raided too
Oct 29, 2017
Is The Acolyte show connected to any other Star Wars shows I would be missing out on by not watching them yet? I haven't yet seen Asohka, specifically. Or Clone Wars/Rebels.


Oct 27, 2017
Cool that Lee Jung Jae is billed in the credits last name first, instead of Jung Jae Lee.

Nice little touch.


Sep 18, 2018
we had better, because this would be some crazy false advertising otherwise lol…

They also hid Osha exists despite seemingly being the main character outside Sol/Mae. I wouldn't be surprised if there's a lot of stuff they're holding back/trying to trick us with.

Is The Acolyte show connected to any other Star Wars shows I would be missing out on by not watching them yet? I haven't yet seen Asohka, specifically. Or Clone Wars/Rebels.

Acolyte is 100% unconnected from any of the prior shows/movies. Very easy jumping on point.


Oct 30, 2017
Is it just me or is the picture quality utter shit? My wife was watching Grey's Anatomy on D+ before I put this on and it's bright, clear, pin sharp. This looks muddy, and has some sort of horrible motion blur going on. Really distracting.


Apr 14, 2018
I protected myself from Star Wars for the last 6 years, waiting for a project not tied to references, old actors, stale planets, and mishandled nostalgia. This show is very refreshing and I like it a lot so far.

I'm looking at the cast list to figure out who The Master is. The setup is a good mystery. I wonder why Mae still intends to go through with the plan if her sister is still alive.


Oct 27, 2017
Is it just me or is the picture quality utter shit? My wife was watching Grey's Anatomy on D+ before I put this on and it's bright, clear, pin sharp. This looks muddy, and has some sort of horrible motion blur going on. Really distracting.

They added a grain filter to the image which is something streaming just does not handle well.

Gravemind IV

Nov 26, 2017
Writing and editing is once again amateur hour huh. We can't we ever get competent people writing, editing, and directing Star Wars, dammit? 😩

- What an utter waste of Carrie-Anne Moss. I hope she gets flashback scenes but still.
- Why are there no human (hell, Jedi!) escort on prisoner ship with a JEDI MURDER SUSPECT?! Come ON
- Why did Osha split up from the rest going to Torbin, only to arrive at Torbin first, only to have a "oh this looks bad", only to have this immediately dispelled? It really feels completely contrived and useless.
- Why on EARTH are they saying "collaborate and we'll just let you off with a warning" to the poisoner, when they LITERALLY just heard him on a hot mic that he purposefully provided the poison for a murder? In fact, it's when he said this that you decided to "'move in"! HE'S A JEDI MURDER ACCESSORY AND YOU'RE LETTING HIM GO??? WHAT

The last part is the most insane tbh. It makes absolutely no sense. Even if the purpose is to show the Jedi are becoming stupid and completely inept as an institution, this is a level of stupidity from ALL of the present characters that is frankly inexplicable. The guy just said "did the poison work?" and "he will be pleased", he's obviously complicit, you know it, you know Mae is returning so you don't even need his further collaboration, just arrest him FFS 🤦‍♀️

lol this annoyed me too

Nah. It affects editing and pacing and when there's a pile of errors and contrived writing like that it adds up into way more. It's not just this one little thing, it's many jarring moments.

The part with the poisoner is completely absurd, surely you can acknowledge that?

Fully agree. Had to let out an audible groan when they didn't accompany her on the prison ship. The bit with the poison dealer.. fuck me man, what they picked up from the convo should have told them enough to haul his ass back to Coruscant. The Jedi seemed to be a-ok with mind controlling random escapees, but they let this guy just go with a slap on the wrist?


Oct 30, 2017
They added a grain filter to the image which is something streaming just does not handle well.
Ah that explains it, why would you do that when it's only going to be streamed? It's like watching a DVD or something. Ah well, the first episode really hasn't grabbed me anyway, not sure I can be bothered watching any more. All these Star Wars series (apart from Andor) are just so...flat. You can tell they're just made because D+ needs content and not because anyone actually cares about making them.


Nov 7, 2022
Rewatched these 2 episodes just now, and I enjoyed it a bit more than before, though I still have issues with the pacing and the horrible grain filter that they have. Not to mention these swipes and the abrupt endings to the episodes.


Oct 30, 2017
Fully agree. Had to let out an audible groan when they didn't accompany her on the prison ship. The bit with the poison dealer.. fuck me man, what they picked up from the convo should have told them enough to haul his ass back to Coruscant. The Jedi seemed to be a-ok with mind controlling random escapees, but they let this guy just go with a slap on the wrist?
In one of the first scenes they're outside the ship, in space, and some random wires catch fire. In space. Then they put it out with a fire extinguisher. In space. Just....ugh.


Oct 27, 2017
That was the worst beginning to any Star Wars show I have seen.

Acting, directing, writing. All terrible.

It made me wish for more speeder chases by Robert Rodriguez. That's how bad it was.

Awful, awful, awful.

I'm kinda shocked. Biggest sin was wasting the fantastic casting of Carrie-Ann Moss as a Jedi on this show.


Oct 27, 2017
Instantly killing off Carrie Anne Mosse was a big bummer. Also seems like the trailers made a much bigger deal about finding out the idenity of the mysterious Assassin than the show itself. That the four jedi did something bad on that planet is also not exactly played as a secret so I hope they have some bigger revelations in store besides that.

Most positive aspect so far are the fight scenes which have a good Matrix like energy, should be exciting when there's actual lightsabers clashing.
Most negative part are probably all the inner Jedi politic discussion which just feel awfully stilted in acting and writing not unlike the prequels.
Also just some general oddness here and there, like Osha first saying that she has faith in the Jedi proving her innocence but then running away anyway after the ship crash or Mae fleeing the city and then just showing right back up in the city again, even meeting the same guy the Jedi already knew about.


Sep 7, 2018
I have to say that it is beyond belief how much money Disney is throwing towards low quality TV shows. With the exception of Andor, and Mando seasons 1&2, their output has been shockingly bad. Hard for me to see how this could cost so much given how the show looks.

Hello Snake

Nov 25, 2020
I watched the 2nd episode today, and am still really into it. I didn't believe what people say about Star Wars fans can never be happy, until I read this thread. 😅

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
Fully agree. Had to let out an audible groan when they didn't accompany her on the prison ship. The bit with the poison dealer.. fuck me man, what they picked up from the convo should have told them enough to haul his ass back to Coruscant. The Jedi seemed to be a-ok with mind controlling random escapees, but they let this guy just go with a slap on the wrist?
Genuinely astounding how y'all aren't picking up on the part where he was literally being tracked by the Jedi. Like they didn't let him go he genuinely was on the equivalent of house arrest. And it's literally pointed out that Yord not accompanying Osha on the ship was a mistake on his part which is why he's spent so much time overcompensating.

The jedi making easily avoidable mistakes led to their downfall and we're seeing the early signs of that. Beyond that, think of it from Yord's perspecttive, what is an unarmed force sensitive who willingly surrendered without resisting gonna do? Mind trick the droids?

Osha first saying that she has faith in the Jedi proving her innocence but then running away anyway after the ship crash or Mae fleeing the city and then just showing right back up in the city again, even meeting the same guy the Jedi already knew about.
Mae went back to kill Yimir and Osha had the critical thinking skills to realize how it looked that she was the sole survivor of a prison's ship crash post prison riot. Same as her realizing how it looked when the dude got poisoned and she was holding the bottle. Neither of those are oddities in the script.


Oct 27, 2017
I thought the two eps were pretty good, much better than I expected after reading comments in this thread. I was expecting book of boba bad based on the nitpicks. oh no, a Star Wars uses wipes!

it was better paced than Ashoka's first few episodes, you didn't fell like you needed to watch dozens of animated eps. maybe because I still love me some old school action adventure shows that this was fine. Took me a while to realise one Jedi was the kid from Logan. One silly bit, The goofy Jedi after he realised he couldn't see the dealer fella with Mae.

gutted no more Carrie Anne moss but since she's a Jedi….
this is filmed in the UK, right?

yeah, I quite enjoyed that So far.


Sep 18, 2018
I honestly kinda want to watch it again even though I only liked not loved what I've seen so far. I'm curious if there's anything I missed.

Also, shout out to the creative team for getting a live action Selkath in there. It went by pretty quick so I couldn't tell if it was all CGI or not. It's pretty clear Lucasfilm is hiring people who love KOTOR, Andor had a big shout out to it too.


Jul 27, 2018
Fully agree. Had to let out an audible groan when they didn't accompany her on the prison ship. The bit with the poison dealer.. fuck me man, what they picked up from the convo should have told them enough to haul his ass back to Coruscant. The Jedi seemed to be a-ok with mind controlling random escapees, but they let this guy just go with a slap on the wrist?
I thought they were keeping an eye out on him and his shop in order to catch mae again? Once they lose sight of him, they try to give chase while mae and him escape