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Apr 26, 2019
  • I have to think that Chris Terrio keeps landing himself these jobs because he knows how to talk a good game. I was reminded of how he spoke during the BvS press junket too: he can really talk up the movie in a way that makes things sounds far deeper and more thoughtful than is actually reflected in the work. As one example — he went off about how powerful a thing it would be for 3PO to sacrifice his memory, the way past heroes like Obi-Wan sacrificed themselves, and that it was especially resonant here because 3PO is like the keeper of the story. And I just kept then why did you undo it not much later in the film? What was the point of the sacrifice if no actual sacrifice was made?! This man's Oscar needs to be revoked.

When this happened and the thing with Chewie happened I thought they were going to actually do some surprising stuff. But then it just immediately undoes it.


Oct 27, 2017
It really should have been Lando captured by the First Order instead of Chewie and uncle Lando could have had a chat with his nephew about Han.

Also, Terrio forgot that 3PO's mind was wiped in ROTS and it's R2 who's meant to be the keeper of the saga.


Oct 25, 2017
They could have leaned so well into the 3P0 thing too. Sure, have R2 load his memories into a different protocol droid, who is sympathetic, but insists he IS NOT C-3P0. A real grumpy bastard or something. Could have played well.


Oct 27, 2017
  • I have to think that Chris Terrio keeps landing himself these jobs because he knows how to talk a good game. I was reminded of how he spoke during the BvS press junket too: he can really talk up the movie in a way that makes things sounds far deeper and more thoughtful than is actually reflected in the work. As one example — he went off about how powerful a thing it would be for 3PO to sacrifice his memory, the way past heroes like Obi-Wan sacrificed themselves, and that it was especially resonant here because 3PO is like the keeper of the story. And I just kept then why did you undo it not much later in the film? What was the point of the sacrifice if no actual sacrifice was made?! This man's Oscar needs to be revoked.
Hearing him talk, he really does sound thoughtful. I honestly think both movies have a few good ideas that sound great when he describes them. But he isn't the director, a producer, or the money man. He brings the ideas, but he doesn't have final say. He understands the themes and the power of the ideas, but if JJ or KK or anyone above him says "but nah we can't kill Chewie" then that's that. I find it hard to blame him for anything when the faults of BvS and TRoS really are very distinctly borne from the "vision" or storytelling tendencies of Zack Snyder and JJ Abrams.


Oct 25, 2017
I really wish they'd talk a bit about what they're planning with the films.

Before D&D left, they were gonna have a trilogy going up until 2026. Now they're talking about maybe moving away from trilogies. We also now know that Taika Waititi will have a movie, Feige will be producing one and they're talking to JD Dillard about a movie project. JD's isn't known to be a movie for theatrical release or Disney+ but assuming it's the former, then those are 3 movie projects that fill up the previous release schedule.

Now, Bob Iger had also said that they wanted the movies to be the huge tonepole Star Wars stories with Disney+ filling in the smaller gaps (Rogue One/Solo). If this is the case, then will the three new projects that we know of be connected and tell one story? I just don't know how you distinguish between smaller and larger stories if each movie ends up being standalone. At that point is the difference just in budget and not the story's scale?


Oct 27, 2017
The Last Jedi is the movie that keeps on giving with rewatches.

This shot is in the exact middle of the movie. And I mean exact.



Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Ended this fine day with a full re-watch of the Siege of Mandalore. God, I am very pleased that Clone Wars ended this good. This arc is truly one of the finest in the Star Wars universe.

Actually focused on the prequel era this time really, which I enjoyed. Revenge of the Sith might still be a very flawed movie, but I feel like seeing it again alongside the end of the show was very good and made me appreciate it some more. I wasn't sure before, maybe I do put it above TROS in the end, just a bit. XD

I am happy that I am quite passionate for the IP, so I can be looking at this day highly, which then leads right into my birthday the next day, which is happening quite soon now. XD Cheers for whatever comes next for Star Wars, and I hope the High Republic stuff turns out well.


Oct 27, 2017
Do you think there's a chance we'll ever get extended editions of any of the films?

In particular, I'm, of course, thinking of TROS after this latest rewatch. It could benefit greatly from more breathing room and more time for effects work to actually pull off more young Leia scenes, for example. I'd also want the Hux and Pryde on Exogol opening reinserted.
Oct 27, 2017
After rewatching TROS again I didn't love it as much as I did in cinemas but I remain positive

While it does some things I disagree with or think is hugely dumb I tried not to dwell on this and just take the movie for what it is.

Still enjoyable for me, just seeing all the main characters together and that fight on the Death star remains is so fucking cool. The scene with Han and Ben is really good and I still got goosebumps when the allied fleet arrives

TLJ still the best

Also I just saw that apparently Taika has been confirmed to be involved with a new Star Wars movie and that they've got another untitled D+ series coming

I just need new Star Wars man, as cool as s7 Clone Wars was it was just bridging a gap and I already knew what the result was I need something NEW

Or at the very least give me Cassian's spy show or Ewan Kenobi already!


Oct 27, 2017
Do you think there's a chance we'll ever get extended editions of any of the films?

In particular, I'm, of course, thinking of TROS after this latest rewatch. It could benefit greatly from more breathing room and more time for effects work to actually pull off more young Leia scenes, for example. I'd also want the Hux and Pryde on Exogol opening reinserted.

I would really like Leia and the Resistance, and Kylo on the Falcon put back into TFA, Luke mourning Han, and Rey's Third Lesson in TLJ, and anything in TRoS.


Oct 27, 2017
I really wish they'd talk a bit about what they're planning with the films.

Before D&D left, they were gonna have a trilogy going up until 2026. Now they're talking about maybe moving away from trilogies. We also now know that Taika Waititi will have a movie, Feige will be producing one and they're talking to JD Dillard about a movie project. JD's isn't known to be a movie for theatrical release or Disney+ but assuming it's the former, then those are 3 movie projects that fill up the previous release schedule.

Now, Bob Iger had also said that they wanted the movies to be the huge tonepole Star Wars stories with Disney+ filling in the smaller gaps (Rogue One/Solo). If this is the case, then will the three new projects that we know of be connected and tell one story? I just don't know how you distinguish between smaller and larger stories if each movie ends up being standalone. At that point is the difference just in budget and not the story's scale?
If celebration does not happen this year hopefully they release a roadmap for the movies. They need to. This is when we'll probably have it confirmed that Rian's movies are not happening.


Oct 27, 2017
I wish I had omnipresence, I'm so genuinely curious about the conversation where they decide:

They brought him back because somewhere along the line JJ got it in his head that they had to tie all 9 films together and he was the link. If he was going to come back I would have preferred it that he was some sort of spirit. Like the dark side attempt at force ghosts.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
They brought him back because somewhere along the line JJ got it in his head that they had to tie all 9 films together and he was the link. If he was going to come back I would have preferred it that he was some sort of spirit. Like the dark side attempt at force ghosts.
That's literally what my exact assumption was when the first trailer concluded with the death star wreckage.

Hands down the best scene in the show.


Oct 27, 2017
One surprisingly candid bit in The Skywalker Legacy doc was that they seemed to land on the idea of the dagger map pretty late in the game, and couldn't decide what the macguffin to point Rey to the Death Star ruins should be. You see JJ go through other props, like a scroll and a few other things, and just can't figure out how to crack it. Also interesting that the VFX artists who created the Death Star ruins originally had the whole dish sitting in the water intact, and JJ thought that was too on the nose, haha

Hearing him talk, he really does sound thoughtful. I honestly think both movies have a few good ideas that sound great when he describes them. But he isn't the director, a producer, or the money man. He brings the ideas, but he doesn't have final say. He understands the themes and the power of the ideas, but if JJ or KK or anyone above him says "but nah we can't kill Chewie" then that's that. I find it hard to blame him for anything when the faults of BvS and TRoS really are very distinctly borne from the "vision" or storytelling tendencies of Zack Snyder and JJ Abrams.

I don't mean in terms of story ideas or plot points; almost everything he talks about in a plot sense in the doc is in the movie anyway, with the notable exception of "when the Dyad comes together for the light it's more powerful than we imagined." I meant more in terms of how he frames certain story decisions, referencing Arthur Miller, referencing Campbell, etc. It's this erudite projection onto the work that isn't actually reflected in the work. Going back to my 3PO example, he frames the sacrifice of 3PO's memory as this big blow to the story, that 3PO was the keeper of the tale, that him losing his memory is like the opening crawl dissolving. And he frames it in this really weighty manner and it never comes off like that in the actual movie.

On BvS I think Terrio just wrote the script and was hands off after that. But on TROS he seems like a pretty close partner of JJ's, he's seen on set all the time, etc. And he even talked about this in an interview iirc, where he had far more creative involvement and partnership with JJ on TROS compared to his work on BvS. In any event, when you have these two maligned big franchise movies where the common thread they share is the same screenwriter, I'm inclined to think that writer is at least somewhat culpable lol.

They brought him back because somewhere along the line JJ got it in his head that they had to tie all 9 films together and he was the link. If he was going to come back I would have preferred it that he was some sort of spirit. Like the dark side attempt at force ghosts.
This was also touched on in the doc, I can't remember if it was JJ or Terrio (I want to say Terrio though), but one of them said something like bringing back Palpatine seemed like the logical conclusion because Star Wars is a multi-generational story about Skywalkers and Palpatines. And I was it isn't. It only became a story of Skywalkers and Palpatines because TROS made it that way!
Oct 27, 2017
Well I just finished Rebels and may I just say


More controversially Rebels >>> TCW imo I just enjoyed Rebels much more as it appeals to my tastes more. Its a combination of a consistent returning cast, a single continually developing story and the way it focuses on the more spiritual and philosophical facets of the force just trumps pretty laser sword fights for me.

The Force in Rebels is genuinely mystifying and feels much more impactful to me than it did in TCW. It instills hope and wonder and intrigue in me and I love that about it and I now just want it to continue or something like it at least, even with new characters in a new era or whatever

Just give me more spiritual space magic and less glorified telekinesis pls


Oct 27, 2017
The Last Jedi is the movie that keeps on giving with rewatches.

This shot is in the exact middle of the movie. And I mean exact.


I'm watching TLJ + Rian's commentary and it's really fun. It sounds like he had such a blast working with everyone. Amazing to learn what was practical as well when he mentions it. The entire Throne Room set? So awesome. I only made it partially through last night so I'm excited to finish the rest tonight. Disney+ has it as the last item under Extras if anyone wants to check it out.


Oct 27, 2017
Among the many bad decisions, the dagger map was one of the worst.

This is my jam right now:

The 23 Worst Parts of 'Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker' - TheWrap

This movie is a mess in a lot of different ways

No. 5 is something I keep forgetting until someone brings it up and then I have to relive it all over again:

5. Luke and Leia knew about Rey's lineage the whole time

Shortly after TFA came out there were so many fan theories about how Rey must have secretly been Leia or Luke's daughter, and I always thought that was such a ridiculous idea because it would mean that Luke and/or Leia were just pretending not to recognise their own daughter/niece and deliberately keeping her in the dark regarding her parentage, and, like, why would they do that? What possible reason could they have, and why would JJ choose to write them that way? That's so cruel and out of character.

Then along comes TROS and hey guess what it's now canon that Leia and Luke knew who Rey was and were just keeping her in the dark about it the whole time. And revealed in such a throwaway line, too. There's no significance given to Luke revealing that he knew, no angry "How could you do that to me?" reaction from Rey; it just comes and goes. They could have just cut that line out and not made Luke and Leia do such a heartless thing for no apparent reason, but nope. How cruel and out of character.
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Oct 27, 2017
I do think that was a dumb reveal, but I don't think it indicates any heartlessness on their part. She comes to them looking for guidance, she's a blank slate of potential, and telling her she's the granddaughter of the worst person in the galaxy feels like it'd be the crueler thing to do.

There was a real missed opportunity though to parallel Luke withholding that truth from Rey with how Obi-Wan withheld the truth about Vader from Luke. In a movie stuffed with callbacks, why was this not mentioned?!


Oct 25, 2017
I like to think it wasn't the whole time, that Luke didn't know while he was alive in TLJ and that Leia learned about it while training her post TLJ. The formal is dumb as fuck but the latter is completely fine with me.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm sure the thought process behind "Luke always knew" was looking at the moment in TLJ when Luke says he's afraid of Rey's raw potential and that it reminds him of Ben's raw strength, and thinking that fear needed a further explanation. It's in the line with the whole idea of there needing to be a bigger explanation behind Rey's power. Why is Rey so strong in the Force? Because she's a Palpatine. Why is Luke afraid of how strong she is? Because he must know she's a Palpatine.

Remember that TFA was originally going to end with just the presence of Luke's Force strength levitating boulders around him. TROS mentions how Luke was hunting down clues for Exegol's location, presumably chasing rumors of Palpatine being alive. I just think the idea of Luke not being aware of everything was anathema to JJ and Terrio. Rian's depiction of Luke was of a man who had deliberately cut himself off and taken himself out of the fight. I don't think, had JJ done Episode VIII, Luke would've been unaware of Han's death for instance. So Luke always knowing that Rey was a Palpatine is an overcorrection to ensure that Luke was always in the know with what was going on here.
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Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
I like to think it wasn't the whole time, that Luke didn't know while he was alive in TLJ and that Leia learned about it while training her post TLJ. The formal is dumb as fuck but the latter is completely fine with me.
But that raises so many questions. Leia never met the emperor. Not even so much as sensing him. How does this work in universe, you can just sense someone's heritage? Like the reduced the idea of this mystical energy down to a poor man's version of that time in the cell saga where everyone kept sensing specific people's power levels based on whatever Cell was doing.


Oct 25, 2017
How does this work in universe, you can just sense someone's heritage?

I mean, yeah.

Luke is able to sense Darth Vader is his father and Leia sensed Luke.

"Search your feelings. You know it to be true"

"I know. Somehow...I've always known."

People being able to sense stuff like this through the Force isn't all that out there. Leia spending a ton of time with Rey, and sussing out who she really was through the Force, makes total sense.


Oct 27, 2017
Leia intuited her mother's beauty and sadness based on the couple seconds of interaction she had with her as a newborn, lol. I don't have an issue with Leia being adept enough to sense the dark side in Rey and put two and two together.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
I mean, yeah.

Luke is able to sense Darth Vader is his father and Leia sensed Luke.

"Search your feelings. You know it to be true"

"I know. Somehow...I've always known."

People being able to sense stuff like this through the Force isn't all that out there. Leia spending a ton of time with Rey, and sussing out who she really was through the Force, makes total sense.
These are family members.

"Search your feelings. You know it to be true."

isn't meant to be taken so literal that it means Luke sensed that Vader was his father. Only that he believed in a character development sense. He questioned it up to a year later. One of the greatest things they ever did was throwing out the idea of the importance of genetics and chosen one narratives, by literally making the main villain state, "I thought the chosen one hero would be this guy, turns out I was wrong about that,'s this person instead. I am totally not winging it lads" it's funny. Duel of the Fates was exactly about this concept of denying the chosen one narrative and emphasizing the heroism of regular people. I think that's the reason people are holding Ahsoka in such a regard these things. She's currently holding the "it doesn't matter one bit where you come from" torch after it was taken away from Rey. A line like "a scavenger girl is no match for the likes of me" sticks out as woefully disingenuous and offbase in the same film that argues that that scavenger girl is only powerful because of her specific bloodline.

Leia intuited her mother's beauty and sadness based on the couple seconds of interaction she had with her as a newborn, lol.
This was stupid AF too lmao.


Oct 25, 2017
These are family members.
I really don't see why this would matter.

Can you only sense someone's heritage through the Force if they have similar DNA? Is that point we're just talking about midichlorian level stuff, it's arbitrary restriction to literal space magic. Which I honestly find it odd since I've seen you go at it in hundreds of threads with people arguing similar positions when it comes to TLJ and that movie's depiction of the Force.

The Force literally restored Kanan's eyesight right before he died in Rebels, it allowed a character to enter a dimension that connects all time and space but Leia sensing that Rey was a Palpatine after a year of training her is just too out there?

I get you dislike the movie but that's silly.


Oct 30, 2017
I wish I had omnipresence, I'm so genuinely curious about the conversation where they decide:


Really you have to put a lot of TROS's failings down to JJ's selfishness.

Dagobah cave
Binary sunset
Parental revelation
Throne room with withered Dark Lord

These SW tropes were already used and twisted into a more surprising form in TLJ but he just couldn't resist doing them again himself in TROS, just in a horribly predictable and boring way.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
I really don't see why this would matter.

Can you only sense someone's heritage through the Force if they have similar DNA? Is that point we're just talking about midichlorian level stuff, it's arbitrary restriction to literal space magic. Which I honestly find it odd since I've seen you go at it in hundreds of threads with people arguing similar positions when it comes to TLJ and that movie's depiction of the Force.

The Force literally restored Kanan's eyesight right before he died in Rebels, it allowed a character to enter a dimension that connects all time and space but Leia sensing that Rey was a Palpatine after a year of training her is just too out there?

I get you dislike the movie but that's silly.
I think it's just the notion of

"Ok I've never met this Palpatine person. He died before we ever interacted." Which begs the question of what in tarnation is Leia's frame for reference for "x person is a Palpatine" They've really left the post TLJ EU a mess because they're gonna have to boil it down to Leia having a vision about it or something. And thankfully they've avoided the part where she possibly saw a vision of him clapping cheeks with the clone explanation. I can't even fathom how they're gonna approach that jedi hunter dude because even Filoni would struggle to turn that guy into anything but the biggest jobber in SW history.
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Oct 25, 2017
I think it's just the notion of

"Ok I've never met this Palpatine person. He died before we ever interacted." Which begs the question of what in tarnation is Leia's frame for reference for "x person is a Palpatine" They've really left the post TLJ EU a mess because they're gonna have to boil it down to Leia having a vision about it or something.
It's the Force, man. Actual space magic and Palpatine is the lucifer of Star Wars, a darkness that's beyond anything else in that world. I just don't see how it's at all a logical leap that Leia could suss out Rey's heritage through the Force (something that she did with Luke) after creating a bond with her.

If I had a problem with something so basic then I'm not sure if I could look at all the ways the Force has been used in this entire franchise and not be annoyed by it all.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah I don't think Leia is running a facial recognition database in her head when she's deducing Rey's lineage. However it works is happening on a subconscious, intuitive level. I don't think Leia would have needed to sense Palpatine beforehand and have that impression printed onto her brain to run a side-by-side.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
It's the Force, man. Actual space magic and Palpatine is the lucifer of Star Wars, a darkness that's beyond anything else in that world. I just don't see how it's at all a logical leap that Leia could suss out Rey's heritage through the Force (something that she did with Luke) after creating a bond with her.

If I had a problem with something so basic then I'm not sure if I could look at all the ways the Force has been used in this entire franchise and not be annoyed by it all.
I mean it is absolutely valid to be annoyed at how some writers portray the force vs. some others. Like some people get why the force itself is compelling as a metaphor for narrative and others really miss the mark and use it to justify bad plot developments.


Oct 27, 2017
A line like "a scavenger girl is no match for the likes of me" sticks out as woefully disingenuous and offbase in the same film that argues that that scavenger girl is only powerful because of her specific bloodline.
It's because the movie wants to have its cake and it eat too. Maybe to appease people who still wanted Rey Nobody. That line did stand out to people I've seen the movie with as confusing, it almost opens up the possibility that Palpatine was lying the whole time - which maybe could have been a nice reversal of the Vader reveal, if Palpatine was almost inspired by how it worked out for Luke and Vader.

Unfortunately at least half of what Palpatine says in the movie makes no sense. Palpatine tells Rey he's her only family left. Then he wants her to kill him for killing her family. But then he tells her if she kills him she'll become him and they'll become one. Rey says she's come to end the Sith, and Palpatine responds that she'll become all the Sith if she kills that will help convince her.

You know what would have made sense in this movie? Palpatine who is barely alive going after the one character who has a Force healing ability specifically so that she can heal him. I mean it's bizarre that didn't have anything to do with that scene. If I had to keep Palpatine in the movie, I would have obscured his appearance in the beginning, and when Rey goes to meet him Palpatine is casting the illusion of old grandpa Palpatine from Revenge of the Sith using the lie about her being family to invoke sympathy so that Rey will heal him.


Oct 25, 2017
It's not that they know that bugs me, it's that it feels unearned. Like everything in TROS, it just pops out of nowhere. If Luke/Leia was shown even once meditating on the Force, and started to come to realize it slowly, I would have embraced it. Hell, have Stephen Stanton come back to do Obi-Wan's voice to talk to Luke about it. Leia could then speak to Luke. I love weird wacky Star Wars, and weird wacky Force shit. They didn't lean into it enough.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
It's because the movie wants to have its cake and it eat too. Maybe to appease people who still wanted Rey Nobody. That line did stand out to people I've seen the movie with as confusing, it almost opens up the possibility that Palpatine was lying the whole time - which maybe could have been a nice reversal of the Vader reveal, if Palpatine was almost inspired by how it worked out for Luke and Vader.

Unfortunately at least half of what Palpatine says in the movie makes no sense. Palpatine tells Rey he's her only family left. Then he wants her to kill him for killing her family. But then he tells her if she kills him she'll become him and they'll become one. Rey says she's come to end the Sith, and Palpatine responds that she'll become all the Sith if she kills that will help convince her.

You know what would have made sense in this movie? Palpatine who is barely alive going after the one character who has a Force healing ability specifically so that she can heal him. I mean it's bizarre that didn't have anything to do with that scene. If I had to keep Palpatine in the movie, I would have obscured his appearance in the beginning, and when Rey goes to meet him Palpatine is casting the illusion of old grandpa Palpatine from Revenge of the Sith using the lie about her being family to invoke sympathy so that Rey will heal him.
Bruh if they had gone with Rey Palpatine being a bold faced lie that would've been a perfect way to reinforce the themes of TLJ and as a jumping off point from Rey having a deep seated desire to fit neatly into the SW box and her insecurity when it comes to handling the weight of all this.



Oct 27, 2017
I think one of the biggest issues I have with Rey Palpatine going back to it is just how boring it is. It feels like going backwards after TLJ after that already answered the question. I want to see what happens next and not go back to focusing on the past.

I also got what you said this time about "you have his power" coming off as a little sexist. It's like she can't just be powerful (and she wasn't even shown as that powerful in this first two) on her own.


Oct 30, 2017
Snoke said "darkness rises and light to meet it". That's the only explanation we needed for Rey's powers. The Force awakened in Rey as a counterpoint to Kylo. That's all we needed to know.


Oct 27, 2017
Snoke said "darkness rises and light to meet it". That's the only explanation we needed for Rey's powers. The Force awakened in Rey as a counterpoint to Kylo. That's all we needed to know.
And the Dyad idea in TRoS was an appropriate follow-up to this, but the movie doesn't expound on it. Rey and Ben raise their sabers against Sidious, and you think great, here comes the Dyad in full effect! - and then nothing.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
Snoke said "darkness rises and light to meet it". That's the only explanation we needed for Rey's powers. The Force awakened in Rey as a counterpoint to Kylo. That's all we needed to know.
It's such a nuanced line because Snoke would've said that about ANYONE who challenged Kylo. Luke, Rey, Ahsoka, Ezra, whatever.

And the Dyad idea in TRoS was an appropriate follow-up to this, but the movie doesn't expound on it. Rey and Ben raise their sabers against Sidious, and you think great, here comes the Dyad in full effect! - and then nothing.
I like how Palps accidentally absorbs their life force. Which apparently runs in the family since Rey accidentally uses force lightning.


Oct 27, 2017
I like how Palps accidentally absorbs their life force. Which apparently runs in the family since Rey accidentally uses force lightning.
I love how his 'plan' is just constant happy accidents. First he wants Rey dead, then he doesn't, then fuck it I'll just restore myself from you both. What exactly did he want?


Oct 27, 2017
ZORII: Wanna come with me?
POE: I can't walk out on this war. Not till it's over.

That line really bothered me just seeing TLJ. That and Poe's smuggler past just don't fit for me.


Oct 27, 2017
Here's a video from a guy making a fanedit on adding in Force ghosts in the final confrontation, it looks way better than I would expect from any fan edit.

Password: jedi