
Weekend Planner
Oct 29, 2017
Wrexham, Wales
One of the late-game boss fights is such bullshit
Malicos. Really tough to evade his attacks and even when I drop his guard meter to zero it'll magically fill again immediately under certain circumstances. Also having to spend a minute running to him every time you die is super fucking annoying.

Considering dropping it down to the easiest difficulty just to get past it.


Jul 22, 2019
Just started the game, anyway to get to that giant beast/dragon thing in the background of Bogano to fight it?

Or is it just part of the background.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
Another combat tip, the worst possible thing you can do is panic after taking heavy damage on GM, even when it comes to panic healing. Doing so=dying easily avoidable deaths. Jedi Order really wants you to think like a jedi would.


Oct 25, 2017
On Kashyyyk, there's a workbench in a cave where a spider ambushes you. Where you obtain the overcharge ability.

There's an echo on a platform in can't reach. I usuallly put this down to the meteoidvania style, just checking there's no way to get that yet right? Using it as a guage for other items I'm seeing.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
On Kashyyyk, there's a workbench in a cave where a spider ambushes you. Where you obtain the overcharge ability.

There's an echo on a platform in can't reach. I usuallly put this down to the meteoidvania style, just checking there's no way to get that yet right? Using it as a guage for other items I'm seeing.
Metroidvania design dictates that you need to come back later to get that after you have the required ability.


Dec 11, 2017
One of the late-game boss fights is such bullshit
Malicos. Really tough to evade his attacks and even when I drop his guard meter to zero it'll magically fill again immediately under certain circumstances. Also having to spend a minute running to him every time you die is super fucking annoying.

Considering dropping it down to the easiest difficulty just to get past it.

Just run around when he attacks, rollover, don't block !. There's this sweet spot to hit him after he does that jump attack. Be sure to hit him continuously until he drops his guard meter (I'm using the hold attack button), then attack using the powerful
'hold block + attack' combo where Cal split his lightsaber and jump at him

killed him on my second try


Oct 28, 2017
What is this framerate on Kashyyyk jesus. I think i'll put this game on hold for now. Dont want to play this in its current state. I'd rather deliver some sidecargo in DS lol


Oct 27, 2017
I'm honestly kind of surprised the game seems so divisive on this forum. Finished it a few days ago and yeah, while there were a few bugs and the combat wasn't necessarily From-tier, I keep reminiscing about how much I liked the game and how satisfying it was. It felt like a game "for everyone," very accessible, fun, cartoony, lighthearted. Total summer blockbuster of a game, I really can't understand hating it at all.


Oct 31, 2017
Figured. Just making sure I'm not giving up on certain items too easily and putting it down to that.
Yeah, if you want to do a "full wipe" to get all the chests/secrets I recommend to do it once you
go to Dathomir for story reasons
I did the mistake of thinking that I got all the power ups earlier and I tried to clean the 2 first planets to find lots of unavailable things.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, if you want to do a "full wipe" to get all the chests/secrets I recommend to do it once you
go to Dathomir for story reasons
I did the mistake of thinking that I got all the power ups earlier and I tried to clean the 2 first planets to find lots of unavailable things.
Ok nice tip, thanks. I'd rather not be travelling back numerous times to unlock a chest or two.


Oct 28, 2017
Playing on console? I can't imagine how bad the performance is if doing side content in DS seems more appealing.

Yes on the pro. It was "fine" on the first 2 planet but its really shit now. Everything feels clunky and off. Hope they'll fix this overtime but knowing respawns team size it will take months


Oct 31, 2017
Yes on the pro. It was "fine" on the first 2 planet but its really shit now. Everything feels clunky and off. Hope they'll fix this overtime but knowing respawns team size it will take months
I see, as I explained before on PC most of the problems are related to data streaming so it only really has framedrops in specific spots. For example, in Bogano the area surrounding the ship struggles, in the jungle planet in the room with the first "inquisitor" enemy....
Oct 27, 2017
Just got to that "moment" as well. Musical cue from ROTS in full effect.

For those keeping "score" on Star Wars video game scores, that cue was also used in The Force Unleashed Wii version when
Starkiller says goodbye to Juno


Weekend Planner
Oct 29, 2017
Wrexham, Wales
Late-game checkpointing is super annoying
had to re-do one of the final runs through like 20 enemies because of checkpoint scarcity. Got hit by a flame and died, lmao.


Oct 25, 2017
The story following Dathomir is so good. I have so many thoughts on Cal rn, I just want to give him a hug.

Please share!

I was listening to MinnMax last night (ex-Game Informer folks), and the question was asked: What words would you use to describe Cal, excluding what he does and what he looks like?

The conclusion was that he is a nothing character, but ... I disagree! I have a weird soft spot for him.

I've beaten Bloodborne, Dark Souls 3, Nioh, and platinumed Sekiro. The boss fights on Jedi Master are difficult, if you beat the ninth sister without dying 10 times you're in the minority, She absolutely fits the "Drop the difficulty or get good" description you just mentioned.

Dunno, Ninth Sister wasn't bad at all for me.

Every Souls game is like that, with people having dramatically divergent experiences with boss fights.

In the case of Jedi, though, I had to double check what difficulty I was playing on after seeing someone vent their frustration for the nth time. Especially once you get into a certain rhythm, the bosses mostly range from very satisfying to slightly too easy, at least on Jedi Master.

I also don't think I'm especially good at the game. So I speculate my experience comes down to a couple things: I did a lot of exploring, which means more stims and skill points; and I emphasized Force regeneration abilities, including getting Best Friends or whatever ASAP, and used Force abilities left and right to put the pressure on.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Austin, TX

Riding the giant bird creature was some epic shit. Loved how they rendered the clouds in the background. Looked incredible. Didn't get her on my first try but defeated the ninth sister on my second. Great fight! Loving the lightsaber weilding bosses the most so far


Nov 1, 2017
Game is a solid 8. It was fun and good story for Star Wars, it didn't get stupid like Force Unleashed games either at least. But the combat has rough edges that need tweaking to the system. The platforming is dog shit, so much in the game and it's just so bad, really brings the whole experience down. But it's enjoyable AF. Game is full of bugs, had so many issues with enemies not spawning, or spawning randomly at wrong times, also dying in cut scenes and enemies disappearing. Had to restart sections twice cause of infinite looping glitches. The rough edges of the game and bugs just makes it feel like the game needed more time in the oven

For the ending:
So how do you see starkiller base? I got that spoiled online but I never saw it in game.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Logged into steam and i got a weird message about how i was logged in on another account b/c of origin (b/c of my shitty internet) and i go past the prompt and it deleted all my saves. 10 hours gone. Fucking god dammit. FUCK ORIGIN


Oct 28, 2017
Man, the more I play this the less I like it. I'm on Dathomir towards the end, and it's just a boring uninspired, derivative slog. It went from a pretty enjoyable first 4-5 hrs on the 2nd hardest difficulty to just cruising through on story mode to finish it.

Nothing about it impresses, from level design to graphics to enemy encounters. I can imagine that if I were a big fan of the source material it would up my enjoyment considerably.

As someone who resells on eBay, I regret buying this digitally. Oh well.


Oct 25, 2017
Game is a solid 8. It was fun and good story for Star Wars, it didn't get stupid like Force Unleashed games either at least. But the combat has rough edges that need tweaking to the system. The platforming is dog shit, so much in the game and it's just so bad, really brings the whole experience down. But it's enjoyable AF. Game is full of bugs, had so many issues with enemies not spawning, or spawning randomly at wrong times, also dying in cut scenes and enemies disappearing. Had to restart sections twice cause of infinite looping glitches. The rough edges of the game and bugs just makes it feel like the game needed more time in the oven

For the ending:
So how do you see starkiller base? I got that spoiled online but I never saw it in game.

It's not actually part of the ending or anything like that.

You just need to go back to Ilum. It's not confirmed but it basically looks what you'd expect Starkiller Base to look like during it's creation. There's a huge trench across the middle of the planet due to the Empires mining operation.



The Fallen
Oct 29, 2017
For the ending:
So how do you see starkiller base? I got that spoiled online but I never saw it in game.

I've not watched Clone Wars or any of that stuff, so I missed it too.

Illum is taken over by the Empire in this game. A planet full of kyber crystals which were used to power the Death Star. Starkiller Base is essentially a larger Death Star on an ice planet. According to official maps Illum overlays the exact location of Starkiller Base.


Oct 25, 2017
I can't seem to slow multiple targets. Unlocked the skill, holding down the slow button... only ever slows one.

What am I missing?
Oct 25, 2017
I'm doing a second playthrough on Grandmaster and it's been pretty easy for the most part now that I'm familiar with all the enemy types and tactics, but I'm starting to get into fights where you clearly need to use force powers strategically but you generate force so fucking slowly that you're basically locked out of half the combat system 90% of the time. Pretty weak balancing job on Respawn's part.

I can't seem to slow multiple targets. Unlocked the skill, holding down the slow button... only ever slows one.

What am I missing?
I think you have to hold it super long. Cal will do an additional gesture when it activates, IIRC.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
I'm doing a second playthrough on Grandmaster and it's been pretty easy for the most part now that I'm familiar with all the enemy types and tactics, but I'm starting to get into fights where you clearly need to use force powers strategically but you generate force so fucking slowly that you're basically locked out of half the combat system 90% of the time. Pretty weak balancing job on Respawn's part.
The game is pretty clearly not balanced around the highest difficulty setting. Then again, what games are?


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Just finished this game. Thought that was pretty fantastic and I'm a bit surprised by all the negativity in this thread. Thought the story gets pretty good once you get to Dathomir. Played it on the second-highest difficulty and that worked out well for me. It was challenging but never frustrating and the 1-on-1 lightsaber fights felt awesome. The combat is not Sekiro-tier but better than I expected for a mainstream Star Wars title.

I can only echo the gripes about the technical side though. Played on PC but respawning still took really long sometimes. And during my playtrough I encounted every kind of possible bug, from "Falling through the world" to all kinds visual and AI glitches. It's really unfortunate but I still had an absolute blast with this game.

Don't know how long it's been since I had this much fun with an EA game.


Oct 29, 2017
I'm honestly kind of surprised the game seems so divisive on this forum. Finished it a few days ago and yeah, while there were a few bugs and the combat wasn't necessarily From-tier, I keep reminiscing about how much I liked the game and how satisfying it was. It felt like a game "for everyone," very accessible, fun, cartoony, lighthearted. Total summer blockbuster of a game, I really can't understand hating it at all.
I really enjoyed it.

That said, I definitely have some complaints though, a few of which are just personal preferences.

I wish the game leaned a bit more into the RPG elements. I wish the game just stuck to one difficulty level, I feel like that forces better balancing and design. Which definitely felt like an issue at times.

I also think exploring needs to be more rewarding. To go with that level design could use some work(or some sort of traversal system like in the Souls games).

By the end, I really had no desire to return to certain planets to use my recently unlocked skills, one, because the reward was likely not worth it, and two, it requires so much backtracking and retracking that it becomes a chore.

And the fact that exploration really did seem pointless took away a lot of the allure of the game, that to me one of it's biggest strengths was the exploration possibilities.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
I've seen plenty of people beating it on Grand Master, I think it's more a YMMV thing.
Oh of course, the game is absolutely beatable on GM. My point was just that that difficulty setting is intended to be much more punishing and restrictive than the intended experience (Jedi Master). GM is not meant to let you do whatever you want whenever you want


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I found GM to be a very rewarding and fair experience. There were sections or bosses that after I got through them I couldn't imagine having the same sense of satisfaction doing it on easier diff. Not to sound elitist though, everyone likes different things so *shrug* it really worked/clicked for me though.


One Winged Slayer
Dec 28, 2017
Finally getting around to playing this.
Just "finished" the first planet (I know I need to backtrack). I did beat the Ogdo Bogdo or whatever his name was mini boss.

I'm playing on Xbox One S. The texture pop in is atrocious. So bad, there was a scene where BD-1 wanted to scan something, which just looked like a smeared wall to me, he scanned it and a whole hole thing played out and then the texture of a painting popped in.