
Oct 25, 2017
There was already a dissident movement that was bolstered by Spock. Also it's not like they can be really isolated when scattered to the wind and Tal Shiar only have so many tentacles.
There does seem to be elements from Non Canon Star trek works cropping up an becoming canon. Romulans embrace a much more open Society in Star Trek online for instance with a new Romulan republic where the Tal Shiar etc. is an enemy of the state after the supernova incident though they are obviously still trying to control romulans future. The 2380s Uniform is straight out of the Comic Books and those same books even introduce the Odyssey Class from Star trek online.

Star Trek Online has always had good relations with CBS so bleedover isnt a huge issue especially now that CBS has full control of the license again.
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Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt-account
Oct 29, 2017
They should totally get Tom Hardy to cameo in a nightmare sequence as Shinzon. He'd probably do it.

Agent Unknown

Oct 26, 2017
JMS has also said he doesn't believe that Michael Piller and Ira Steven Behr knew about it. As the idea was pitched by a Paramount executive and they just ran with it.

The identical name Dukat gives away the shared origin.
Except B5's Dukat was a great man cut short in war, DS9's Dukat was basically Hitler.

B5 was supposed to be the diplomatic center. DS9 was a frontier station pushed into the lime light.

And both shows went in very different directions. Some similar concepts crop up. But that often happens in speculative fiction that is produced at the same time.

They are both great shows, there is no reason to attack one to uplift the other.

Besides Dukat, Lyta/Leeta is another possible giveaway.

And I wasn't referring to Piller or Behr. I said Paramount ripped off the general concept and outline for Babylon 5 after they had the story bible in their possession which seems to clearly have helped seed more than a few big scale ideas and general plot hooks on DS9 beyond simple things like shared character names.

Anyways, I'm not attacking Deep Space Nine, as you said they're both great shows. I watched both shows in the '90s when they aired back to back every Saturday night from 12am-2am syndicated on a local station and have fond memories of both. In any case here is the quote from jms for context:

"Were Pillar and Berman aware of B5 at any time? No. Of that I am also confident. The only question in my mind is to what degree did the development people steer them? One scenario is that they did not steer them at ALL…but knowing of B5, and knowing how swell it would be if they could co-opt B5, if Pillar and Berman came up with a space station on their own, they would likely say nothing, even though they might be viewed as being under a moral obligation to say something. Another scenario is that they gave direction to the creative folks without telling them the origin of that direction. There are several ways of dealing with this. One is to launch a major suit with full powers of discovery. The result is that DS9 gets tied up for months, maybe even years in litigation, and maybe the show doesn't go forward. It also means hundreds of thousands of dollars spent by Warners and me and others pursuing this…not to mention the sense of ill will that will fly back and forth."
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Oct 25, 2017
JMS has also said he doesn't believe that Michael Piller and Ira Steven Behr knew about it. As the idea was pitched by a Paramount executive and they just ran with it.

The identical name Dukat gives away the shared origin.
Except B5's Dukat was a great man cut short in war, DS9's Dukat was basically Hitler.

B5 was supposed to be the diplomatic center. DS9 was a frontier station pushed into the lime light.

And both shows went in very different directions. Some similar concepts crop up. But that often happens in speculative fiction that is produced at the same time.

They are both great shows, there is no reason to attack one to uplift the other.
At the time JMS thinks Paramount stole an actor from him - on DS9 he was the Admiral guy who tried to get Earth to declare martial law or whatever and on B5 he was the leader of the Earth resistance - and was really bitter about it. He ended up killing the character so he could replace him with another actor. lol


Ugly, Queer, Gender-Fluid, Drive-In Mutant, yes?
Apr 22, 2018
Tampa, Fl
Besides Dukat, Lyta/Leeta is another possible giveaway.

And I wasn't referring to Piller or Behr. I said Paramount ripped off the general concept and outline for Babylon 5 after they had the story bible in their possession which seems to clearly have helped seed more than a few big scale ideas and general plot hooks on DS9 beyond simple things like shared character names.

Anyways, I'm not attacking Deep Space Nine, as you said they're both great shows. I watched both shows in the '90s when they aired back to back every Saturday night from 12am-2am syndicated on a local station and have fond memories of both. In any case here is the quote from jms for context:

I didn't think you were. I just have seen too many conversations turn into that and I wanted to just nip it in the bud.

Kal Shintar

Dec 11, 2018
Besides Dukat, Lyta/Leeta is another possible giveaway.

And I wasn't referring to Piller or Behr. I said Paramount ripped off the general concept and outline for Babylon 5 after they had the story bible in their possession which seems to clearly have helped seed more than a few big scale ideas and general plot hooks on DS9 beyond simple things like shared character names.

Anyways, I'm not attacking Deep Space Nine, as you said they're both great shows. I watched both shows in the '90s when they aired back to back every Saturday night from 12am-2am syndicated on a local station and have fond memories of both. In any case here is the quote from jms for context:
It's bullshit. The original outline of Babylon 5 is avalible in script book 15, and whilst some the stuff from that did happen in the series, there's stuff that was in the series that didn't appear in the script outline or bible. Such as the original scripts didn't make Sinclair Valen, whilst he was important to the Minbari its because he'll have a son, with Delenn, who will fufill some prophecy and save the Minbari. The Shadow vs Vorlons wasn't some great philosophical thing, it was just a straight power play. Earth and Minbar would have another war which eventually Earth would win. No Earth Coup, though the character would go on the run from Earth. Babylon 4 would be stolen but bought forward in time to become Babylon Prime, which would behave more like a ship! Most importantly most of the big revelations and developments would have occurred in the sequel series Babylon Prime!

Many of the corroborative actions or admittance are distorted: For instance the supposed DS9 actor who told JMS that it was rip off and who loved his show is a distortion of story by Patricia Tallman about one of the set crew from DS9 wondering what she was doing on DS9 'slumming it'. The supposed TV exec who announced that that at one point Paramount was going to just film B5 as DS9 to launch their new channel is a random blog post with no follow up and the person who posted it not being contactable. Even then what they posted seemingly conflates DS9 and Voyager, ie Voyager was devised to help UPN.

As for Deep Space Nine, the person who green light it was Brandon Tartikoff, who only joined Paramount in 1991, long after JMS has pitched B5. They wanted a spin off and decided that it couldn't be another ship based series. Tatikoff pitched it as The Rifleman in space : A law man, with son come to a frontier town, stocked with the usual characters, barkeep, native, ectera. At it was going to be set on a planetary starbase near a native town, there was some thought given to setting it before TOS, but that was rejected as they thought that it would look to primitive, then it was decided to set it on Bajor(a) Lt Ro Laren would command the base and the main character would be Dr Julian Amos!

Of course they quickly realised that it would cost too much in location shots so swapped to space station. The first iteration was a massive, very ancient space station that had been taken over and built on by thousands of different species. This was refined to what eventually became DS9.

Something JMS doesn't like to mention is that his wife worked for Michael Pillar during the period! He knows exactly what, when and how DS9 came about but the loves playing the plucky under dog.

The only case of copying is where the Baybon 5 sfx guy admitted to copying the Defiant with the Whitestar!


Oct 25, 2017
New episode tomorrow

1.03 The End is the Beginning

Completely unaware of her special nature, Soji continues her work and captures the attention of the Borg cube research project's executive director. After rehashing past events with a reluctant Raffi, Picard seeks others willing to join his search for Bruce Maddox, including pilot and former Starfleet officer Cristóbal Rios.
Oct 25, 2017
Just watched the first episode on Youtube and I'm hooked. Anyone do the math on when it ends? Are there any bi weeks, or is it a straight 10 weeks? I'm down with paying for CBS for 2 months, but don't want to pull the trigger to be a week short and have to buy a third month to watch the last episode.
Oct 25, 2017
Just watched the first episode on Youtube and I'm hooked. Anyone do the math on when it ends? Are there any bi weeks, or is it a straight 10 weeks? I'm down with paying for CBS for 2 months, but don't want to pull the trigger to be a week short and have to buy a third month to watch the last episode.
I believe it's 10 weeks straight, at least that's how it's been for Disco season 1 and 2 and you should be able to get a free trial (either one or two weeks I think)


Oct 27, 2017
Just watched the first episode on Youtube and I'm hooked. Anyone do the math on when it ends? Are there any bi weeks, or is it a straight 10 weeks? I'm down with paying for CBS for 2 months, but don't want to pull the trigger to be a week short and have to buy a third month to watch the last episode.
It should be 10 straight weeks so that would need to be factored into a sub.

Agent Unknown

Oct 26, 2017
It's bullshit. The original outline of Babylon 5 is avalible in script book 15, and whilst some the stuff from that did happen in the series, there's stuff that was in the series that didn't appear in the script outline or bible. Such as the original scripts didn't make Sinclair Valen, whilst he was important to the Minbari its because he'll have a son, with Delenn, who will fufill some prophecy and save the Minbari. The Shadow vs Vorlons wasn't some great philosophical thing, it was just a straight power play. Earth and Minbar would have another war which eventually Earth would win. No Earth Coup, though the character would go on the run from Earth. Babylon 4 would be stolen but bought forward in time to become Babylon Prime, which would behave more like a ship! Most importantly most of the big revelations and developments would have occurred in the sequel series Babylon Prime!

Many of the corroborative actions or admittance are distorted: For instance the supposed DS9 actor who told JMS that it was rip off and who loved his show is a distortion of story by Patricia Tallman about one of the set crew from DS9 wondering what she was doing on DS9 'slumming it'. The supposed TV exec who announced that that at one point Paramount was going to just film B5 as DS9 to launch their new channel is a random blog post with no follow up and the person who posted it not being contactable. Even then what they posted seemingly conflates DS9 and Voyager, ie Voyager was devised to help UPN.

As for Deep Space Nine, the person who green light it was Brandon Tartikoff, who only joined Paramount in 1991, long after JMS has pitched B5. They wanted a spin off and decided that it couldn't be another ship based series. Tatikoff pitched it as The Rifleman in space : A law man, with son come to a frontier town, stocked with the usual characters, barkeep, native, ectera. At it was going to be set on a planetary starbase near a native town, there was some thought given to setting it before TOS, but that was rejected as they thought that it would look to primitive, then it was decided to set it on Bajor(a) Lt Ro Laren would command the base and the main character would be Dr Julian Amos!

Of course they quickly realised that it would cost too much in location shots so swapped to space station. The first iteration was a massive, very ancient space station that had been taken over and built on by thousands of different species. This was refined to what eventually became DS9.

Something JMS doesn't like to mention is that his wife worked for Michael Pillar during the period! He knows exactly what, when and how DS9 came about but the loves playing the plucky under dog.

The only case of copying is where the Baybon 5 sfx guy admitted to copying the Defiant with the Whitestar!

Edit: Hey, I'm gonna private message you my thoughts on this if that's OK because I don't want to derail the thread too much further.


Completely non-threatening
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
See, if this show wasn't weekly then we wouldn't have gotten another B5/DS9 argument.

Weekly release > single day drop


Prophet of Truth - Hero of Bowerstone
Oct 25, 2017
I watched last weeks episode Wednesday night/Thursday morning at 1 AM. Is it always up at midnight local time?

Never mind it's 1 AM here, I just happened to browse CBS right when it went up I guess.


Jul 13, 2019
I didn't mean it like that. It just that i feel the show seems so basic to me.

"A super secret organization is pursuing a very special persion with mysterious "powers" and the main character has a "destiny" to protect her", cue 15 minute fast cut ninja fightning scenes, some very obvious bad guy acting and next we're gonna see the main character collect a ragtag group of rebels who's not only gonna be chased by a super mysterious alien super secret section 31, but the federation too! Throw in some references everybody knows like the Borg and you got a Kurtzman show baby!

Maybe i'm just jaded.

Look, I hate Kurtzman as much as any living human being should (which is completely and utterly) but this shwo does not feel like a kurtzman show. They actually talk about ideas. There are multiple sit down and talk sequences and very little pew-pew. Also the main character isn't doing war crimes every 5 seconds. Kurtsman doesn't appear to have much input or influence on the show.


Oct 25, 2017
Look, I hate Kurtzman as much as any living human being should (which is completely and utterly) but this shwo does not feel like a kurtzman show. They actually talk about ideas. There are multiple sit down and talk sequences and very little pew-pew. Also the main character isn't doing war crimes every 5 seconds. Kurtsman doesn't appear to have much input or influence on the show.
It has been suggested that Kurtzman and Orci are bad writers, but at least they are (were) writers, so they know what it feels like to have a producer shit on your writing, which means that as producers they are popular and well liked by the writers that work under them, because K&O let the writers write and don't shit on their work (at least, much less than some other producers who have zero background in writing do).

It's sort of like how the John Wick movies were directed by a former stuntman, and they have great stunts. It helps when the stuntmen and the director all speak the same language.

K&O have a much better track record as producers than they do as writers. Like, the K&O-written "Transformers 2" was a terrible movie, but the K&O-produced "Transformers Prime" was debatably the best Transformers cartoon ever made, and the cartoon franchise fell apart as soon as K&O walked away.


Very low key
Oct 25, 2017
Patrick Stewart is holding my attention still which is a really good thing because not much else in this show is. Every scene away from him (especially on the Borg ship) feels like a trial. And while I'm not much of a nitpicker, it's really hard for me to reconcile this show's vision of the future with established Trek. Just Raffi living in poverty on a supposedly moneyless Earth (while she points out Picard is far richer) took me immediately out of the episode. In our current political climate, I want this show to be a lot more comforting than it is but it's basically following in Discovery's footsteps, which is immensely disappointing.

Deleted member 14568

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
wow this was so much better than last week and that engage moment 😻😻😻😻😻😻
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Oct 28, 2017
Babylon 5 is my favorite show by far but S1 is a bit clunky here and there. Like a lot of shows that take a while to find their footing (TNG, Buffy, X-files, Fringe all come to mind) it has its ups and downs at first.

Anyone that is a fan of DS9 should watch it. The way characters grow and change and make mistakes feels very realistic. If you really must have the over-the-top positivity of TNG then no, you probably won't like it. It is definitely more realistic in how people will still be the same in the future (drugs / alcohol still a problem, racism still a thing, etc).

What is scary is how much it captures the current political did it during the Bush admin too, but for slightly different reasons (terrorism, patriotic jingoism, etc).


Oct 27, 2017
Three weeks in and it feels like we're finally starting the show.

Unfortunately the preview looked pretty generic and boring.

It's a shame that the two Romulan helpers aren't tagging along. I really liked them. I was afraid one or the other was going to get killed during the assault on the chateau.
Oct 27, 2017
The first three episodes could probably be edited into a serviceable episode of television. So much padding. So much. I was glad to see more meat on the bone for Alison Pill to work with this week. She has a monologue that was very good. The number of times Raffi worked her nickname for Picard into conversation felt odd. People don't generally weave their names for one another into every damn sentence. It's more likely to use it as a greeting or as an exclamation. Raffi uses it every three seconds in the flashback scene. Driven, intelligent character with a complicated history with Picard (see the Crusher family) has always been a good dynamic so I want to see where this goes. I hope he doesn't win her trust back over the next seven episodes because that seems too easy. Star Trek Han Solo Man is less interesting than his navigational computer. Tossing synthohol on the wound was so dumb I just about lost my shit. Considering that it is an emergency navigational hologram I feel like odds are decent that Star Trek Han Solo Man eats a lethal disruptor blast this season and Picard inherits a spaceship.


Oct 26, 2017
Babylon 5 is my favorite show by far but S1 is a bit clunky here and there. Like a lot of shows that take a while to find their footing (TNG, Buffy, X-files, Fringe all come to mind) it has its ups and downs at first.

Anyone that is a fan of DS9 should watch it. The way characters grow and change and make mistakes feels very realistic. If you really must have the over-the-top positivity of TNG then no, you probably won't like it. It is definitely more realistic in how people will still be the same in the future (drugs / alcohol still a problem, racism still a thing, etc).

What is scary is how much it captures the current political did it during the Bush admin too, but for slightly different reasons (terrorism, patriotic jingoism, etc).
I love B5 so much. I have not enjoyed DS9 as much but I never focused on it really. Maybe I should give it another try.

Dr Doom

Oct 25, 2017
Surround sound this episode is great. Almost all scenes have atmospheric surround sound
I'm liking the political intrigue.

Damn it. He's an old man stop making Patrick do action scenes.

Engage (in his Sunday wardrobe) love it


Aug 22, 2018
This has to be the most open conspiracy in history.

Raffi: "I have concrete evidence that the Federation conspired with the Romulans to murder thousands of its citizens."
Picard: "Nah, I don't care about that."

Like, why phrase it so explicitly so that there's no choice but for the character to appear more stupid than they are and not ask the questions any normal person would a la Lost? By having her claim as more baseless and unstable, you could have then used the moment to show how strung out mentally Raffi is, rather than her having to outright state "I am paranoid because of the drugs I take". All Good Things did a better job of conveying the same thing 20 years ago with senile Picard trying to convince others of the time anomaly.

That Romulan Borg interview was a very, very rote "marked person visits a mental institute to talk with the crazy but not crazy mystic" we've seen a thousand times before.

A lot of talk about price, poverty, and firings for a post-money world that's supposed to be literally paradise. It's like the writers can't conceive of any other lens than the corporate one. Lack of imagination is a bad sign for a sci-fi show.

I guess I'm just tired of "conspiracy" as a premise. We all know where it's heading. Lots of chasing of sources, only for them to breath out a cryptic last word before they snuff it, or finding damaged data to decrypt one key phrase to send them on another chase. "I was a mole all along", "we've been framed and now the authorities are after us", "this goes all the way to the top"

And it looks next episode like we've still got more setup, with the recruitment of the warrior monk character. There's only so many times I can watch cliched damaged outcasts push Picard away before he turns on the roguish charm to show he's not just a stuffed shirt and they fall in line.

People say there's no going back to flat-lit daytime TV style TNG, but these writing and concepts are so.... stale and old.


Dec 19, 2017
Hi everyone, I have a quick question: do I need to watch ST: Discovery before this show or is it standalone?


Oct 28, 2017
More than ever we need Trek that's more akin to Roddenberry Trek. I'm just not feeling this cynical take on TNG.

Mr. Pointy

Oct 28, 2017
So it's implied that the Zhat Vash did that thing where they let a handful of people get assimilated in order to kill a Borg cube with a virus they'd been infected with. Like that one episode of Voyager.


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
Romulan Peyton List <3

dr agnes is totally spying for the Commodore isn't it

Whenever the bulk of a major conversation happens offscreen, I just assume it results in shenanigans so I agree with this. She either promised her something or is holding something over her.