Oct 25, 2017
I guess I will watch it in chunks on HBO Max for a week or so until Im able to finish it, in to rush to watch this unfold


▲ Legend ▲
Nov 7, 2017
So would the matrix 1 if you released a script summary in this format. Calling a super special person living in a computer simulation "the one" sounds like ready player 1 tier writing, but obviously nobody had a problem with it there.
You are right, I am just perplexed y the videogame by warnerbros thing


Jan 16, 2018
You are right, I am just perplexed y the videogame by warnerbros thing

The Videogame he´s working on is probably the actual next Version of the Matrix (if the leaks are correct about the twist being Neo having control over the Matrix) und who ever is "employing" him is trying to keep him brainwashed to shape the Matrix after their own ideas. Re-contectualizing the past as mere videogames Neo developed makes sense as a control-tool to keep him from questioning too much without out-right saying his memoires (or flashes of memories probably) are completely false.
It´s like whenever somebody tries to talk simulation theory in earnest, first thing they get are dismissive Matrix-jokes.
Making the "Matrix" (as in the actual movies) a Videogame in-universe would absolutely be a good way to keep people (including Neo) from taking the actual matrix seriously.

I am probably totally of base here story-wise but within this specific universe, i think their angle can absolutely work


May 17, 2018
So I saw the matrix trilogy at an age that I don't remember most of it, but I watched 1 and 2 recently.

The Matrix is incredibly small compared the the sequels, and I think it would look terrible on paper. "The power of love" is in 1 and 2, and I expect it will be a player in 3 too.
I think I like 2 better than 1 because of the deeper lore. 2 doesn't feel complete but I know its because its really The Matrix and The Matrix 2(part 1 and 2)


Oct 27, 2017
It actually sounds like a fairly straight forward sequel/reboot type of thing except for the events of the previous Matrix being in-universe games/movies (?).

So are there just Matrix games or do the movies themselves exist in universe because we've seen literal shots from the original movie playing in universe in the trailer.

Trinity having One powers is something only idiots will get their panties in a twist about but it isn't much of a reach.

She's already established as having a inexplicable bond with Neo having brought him back to life, already established as having superhuman capabilities in the Matrix (how far off is levitating and walking on walls from just all out flying?) and in Matrix Revolutions Neo puts his hand inside of her body to remove a bullet or jump start her heart? We see their code basically merge. Everyone just accepted Smith having uber powers because his code merged with Neo at the end of the first movie, so what's so different here?

The movie being basically a love story about two people who were in love in a past life is very much in the vein of Cloud Atlas too.


▲ Legend ▲
Nov 12, 2019
I actually like the idea of them just flying off at the end. Hopefully it will allow for a set-up with future Matrix movies that don't involve Neo and Trinity, or at least not in major roles. Give them an "overseer"-type role where they hang around administrating over the Matrix off-screen, while allowing for a new cast of characters to go off on new Matrix adventures (assuming Lana Wachowski even has any interest in doing that).

One of the problems these "20+ year later sequels" have is how to balance the old cast with a new cast. Generally speaking, either the old cast outshines the new cast, or the old cast is just there to get bumped off to make room for the new cast. Neither approach seems to go over with fans very well. Matrix could do something pretty special if it can figure out how to close off Neo and Trinity's story while also leaving room for future adventures with a new cast.


Oct 27, 2017
I actually like the idea of them just flying off at the end. Hopefully it will allow for a set-up with future Matrix movies that don't involve Neo and Trinity, or at least not in major roles. Give them an "overseer"-type role where they hang around administrating over the Matrix off-screen, while allowing for a new cast of characters to go off on new Matrix adventures (assuming Lana Wachowski even has any interest in doing that).

One of the problems these "20+ year later sequels" have is how to balance the old cast with a new cast. Generally speaking, either the old cast outshines the new cast, or the old cast is just there to get bumped off to make room for the new cast. Neither approach seems to go over with fans very well. Matrix could do something pretty special if it can figure out how to close off Neo and Trinity's story while also leaving room for future adventures with a new cast.

Neo becomes the Architect, heh.

FPS murderer

Oct 27, 2017
First hour of the movie is about Anderson working for a company called Deus Ex Machina that is contracted to Warner Bros to make more Matrix games and Neo "waking up".

Also, this part was hard to understand in one viewing, moments from the first movie are used (literally lifted from the first movie, the actual shots) as a way to help him remember.

Another thing besides Ping's stunts missing that makes this stand out is the use of portable cameras for realism. The originals had the feel of being mythical stories being told, this is much more in the moment.

Also, definitely more of a commentary on psychedelics being fun. The stuff with Harris just feels so…it feels like a complete reboot.

Come in man, tell us more. It's a literally a SPOILERS thread ..


Jun 19, 2019
Kind of a side bar to all of this. But does anyone else immediately dismiss a plot of something once videogames are involved as a crucial aspect.

It's weird because I play hours and hours of games weekly..and it's a billion dollar industry...yet there's this cheap quality to a story when they're in them...like I'm not ACTIVELY trying to compare Pixels to The Matrix Ressurections lol just the way media portrays them has always been cheesy I guess.


Oct 25, 2017
Kind of a side bar to all of this. But does anyone else immediately dismiss a plot of something once videogames are involved as a crucial aspect.

It's weird because I play hours and hours of games weekly..and it's a billion dollar industry...yet there's this cheap quality to a story when they're in them...like I'm not ACTIVELY trying to compare Pixels to The Matrix Ressurections lol just the way media portrays them has always been cheesy I guess.
It would be weird in Star Wars or something, but in the Matrix franchise it fits pretty well


Oct 26, 2017
The OG movie fuelled and entire generation of chuds. Hope it doesn't happen again.

Plot sounds like anime.


Oct 25, 2017
Get the feeling this is gonna review similarly to Rise of Skywalker and be massively divisive with the fanbase.
Ironically TROS photography is the one that's green as shit


whereas Matrix Resurrections actually ditched the classic Matrix green tint
To be honest I kind of dig the idea, particularly knowing the inspiration for it being a love story first. (Lana Wachowski losing her parents.)

In terms of underlying logic, it kind of sounds like Neo is almost inadvertently tied to the core of the current Matrix and the Machines are keeping him "pacified" in order to avoid stability problems or some such.

Setting up a potential trilogy exploring Neo having to administer the Matrix is actually a bit fascinating. Also, this doesn't betray Neo's sacrifice at the end of the original trilogy or his desires: Neo wanted peace. He didn't want to destroy the Machines or to fuck shit up. One of the better scenes in Revolutions was Neo having a conversation with a program and realizing the Machines were people who deserved to have their own lives.

Neo as inheritor of the Matrix itself is a unique twist I wouldn't have even thought of.


▲ Legend ▲
Nov 12, 2019
One of the plot issues that gets overlooked (mainly because the movies themselves never really bring it up) is that the Matrix can't be destroyed. Morpheus may have the destruction of the Matrix as his ultimate goal, but for all practical purposes, that goal can never be achieved. If the "real world" really is as it is depicted in these movies, the vast majority of humanity won't want to wake up and have to deal with a freezing planet and a scorched sky and no plant or animal life anywhere. The matrix has to continue to exist, at least until planet earth is livable again. And that would probably take centuries of cooperation between the humans and the machines.


Oct 25, 2017
One of the plot issues that gets overlooked (mainly because the movies themselves never really bring it up) is that the Matrix can't be destroyed. Morpheus may have the destruction of the Matrix as his ultimate goal, but for all practical purposes, that goal can never be achieved. If the "real world" really is as it is depicted in these movies, the vast majority of humanity won't want to wake up and have to deal with a freezing planet and a scorched sky and no plant or animal life anywhere. The matrix has to continue to exist, at least until planet earth is livable again. And that would probably take centuries of cooperation between the humans and the machines.
Not to mention destroying the matrix means killing off a sentient civilisation that just wants to survive. The ending of revolution gets misunderstood by many for some reason, it's not that the humans won, it's that there was a compromise in that those who wanted freedom would be freed and those who didn't would stay inside. And I liked the idea that machines were not vindictive and we're going to keep their word.

And as you say, it'd take years of cooperation to make earth liveable again for both species and for them to be self sufficient.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
To be honest I kind of dig the idea, particularly knowing the inspiration for it being a love story first. (Lana Wachowski losing her parents.)

In terms of underlying logic, it kind of sounds like Neo is almost inadvertently tied to the core of the current Matrix and the Machines are keeping him "pacified" in order to avoid stability problems or some such.

Setting up a potential trilogy exploring Neo having to administer the Matrix is actually a bit fascinating. Also, this doesn't betray Neo's sacrifice at the end of the original trilogy or his desires: Neo wanted peace. He didn't want to destroy the Machines or to fuck shit up. One of the better scenes in Revolutions was Neo having a conversation with a program and realizing the Machines were people who deserved to have their own lives.

Neo as inheritor of the Matrix itself is a unique twist I wouldn't have even thought of.
Just a minor point of pedantic clarification: programs and machines are two separate factions lol. Machines run the world outside and harvest humans for power, programs inhabit the matrix and the machines computer programs in general. But otherwise I agree with everything you said


Oct 25, 2017
The ending of revolution gets misunderstood by many for some reason, it's not that the humans won, it's that there was a compromise in that those who wanted freedom would be freed and those who didn't would stay inside.
Does that mean that after Revolutions, humans in the Matrix are aware that they are in a simulation?


Oct 25, 2017
I don't think those plugged in are aware they are plugged in post peace. Like as a term of the treaty.
It's kind of a strange deal 🤔 The machines won't prevent people who want to be freed from being freed, but those people have to know that they can be freed in the first place. I guess that's why there are still Agents and Agents can still kill people left and right to protect the secret.


Oct 27, 2017
To be honest I kind of dig the idea, particularly knowing the inspiration for it being a love story first. (Lana Wachowski losing her parents.)

In terms of underlying logic, it kind of sounds like Neo is almost inadvertently tied to the core of the current Matrix and the Machines are keeping him "pacified" in order to avoid stability problems or some such.

Setting up a potential trilogy exploring Neo having to administer the Matrix is actually a bit fascinating. Also, this doesn't betray Neo's sacrifice at the end of the original trilogy or his desires: Neo wanted peace. He didn't want to destroy the Machines or to fuck shit up. One of the better scenes in Revolutions was Neo having a conversation with a program and realizing the Machines were people who deserved to have their own lives.

Neo as inheritor of the Matrix itself is a unique twist I wouldn't have even thought of.

It all kinda makes sense though based on what's in the 3 previous movies and the Animatrix.

The machines did try repeatedly to be peaceful and make peace with humans in the past (Animatrix: Second Renaissance), it was humans who were the aggressors, nuking Zero One (machine country) and blackened the sky.

The machines rewarding Neo's sacrifice and coming to "like" him and rebuilding his body along with his love, Trinity, and letting him live inside the Matrix as a successful software engineer seems logical.

We know there are multiple versions/iterations of the Matrix and even multiple Neo type iterations, so well Neo being in the 7th version of the Matrix also makes sense.

Neo becoming the new Architect in some ways also kind of feels ... right? He's kind of the perfect choice, someone who can create a better system.

There's nothing there that makes me go "oh wow, that's totally bat shit crazy" other than the decision to make the events of the Matrix trilogy in-universe movies/games. That is pretty bold, lol, but it actually would make sense for the machines to do this, so people would dismiss the idea of the Matrix itself as "that's just a movie/game, c'mon it can't be real", it would allow for easier assimilation into the program.


Oct 25, 2017
Does that mean that after Revolutions, humans in the Matrix are aware that they are in a simulation?

I don't think those plugged in are aware they are plugged in post peace. Like as a term of the treaty.
IIRC "all humans in the matrix are aware on a subconscious level that they are in a simulation, and if they come to reject this then they are awoken". Agents probably work to prevent anyone from trying to spread that message loud and "force the question" in a way that would throw things out of balance


Oct 27, 2017
Actually I remember reading an incorrect leak prior to this main leak that was a lot crazier, like Neo is actually reborn as Trinity in the new Matrix ... now that would've set some idiots off the deep end.

This leak is less bold than that.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Not to mention destroying the matrix means killing off a sentient civilisation that just wants to survive. The ending of revolution gets misunderstood by many for some reason, it's not that the humans won, it's that there was a compromise in that those who wanted freedom would be freed and those who didn't would stay inside. And I liked the idea that machines were not vindictive and we're going to keep their word.

And as you say, it'd take years of cooperation to make earth liveable again for both species and for them to be self sufficient.

Yeah. I really don't like the idea of the machines just going "actually we decided to fuck you all over again", so I really hope that this storyline is just about like a FEW rogue machines turning evil rather than the war just...starting again during Niobe's fucking lifetime. What was the point of the previous trilogy if all it led to was a temporary, fragile peace that broke again immediately?


Oct 25, 2017
It's kind of a strange deal 🤔 The machines won't prevent people who want to be freed from being freed, but those people have to know that they can be freed in the first place. I guess that's why there are still Agents and Agents can still kill people left and right to protect the secret.
It basically means those who are like redpills i.e. subconsciously reject the Matrix will be freed and sent to Zion/handed over to humans, rather than the resistance freeing then one by one while being hunted by machines both in the Matrix and out in the real world. It also means the cycle of destroying Zion won't happen and Human population would be allowed to grow in the real world.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
IIRC "all humans in the matrix are aware on a subconscious level that they are in a simulation, and if they come to reject this then they are awoken". Agents probably work to prevent anyone from trying to spread that message loud and "force the question" in a way that would throw things out of balance

I mean they have a point. Humanity trying to BREAK the Matrix from within would destroy the system and fuck over everyone for the sake of a couple people wanting to escape. It's easier to just let the people who want to get out get out vs. having someone destroy the system while everyone's plugged in and potentially kill millions of humans who aren't prepared for the world shift along with all the machines who depend on the system to survive.


Oct 25, 2017
The machines and humans outside the Matrix should work together to clean up the sky IMO. This way humans could slowly rebuild the Earth, and machines could get a more ethical power source (solar energy).
Dec 29, 2017
The machines and humans outside the Matrix should work together to clean up the sky IMO. This way humans could slowly rebuild the Earth, and machines could get a more ethical power source (solar energy).

I had this idea for a Matrix sequel that revolved around that. If the humans restored the atmosphere, the machines could go back to solar power. The matrix would eventually be shut down but what about the programs living in secret exile in the matrix. Would they get erased along with the matrix? Would they fight to stop the restoration of the atmosphere?

Deleted member 35509

Account closed at user request
Dec 6, 2017
It all kinda makes sense though based on what's in the 3 previous movies and the Animatrix.

The machines did try repeatedly to be peaceful and make peace with humans in the past (Animatrix: Second Renaissance), it was humans who were the aggressors, nuking Zero One (machine country) and blackened the sky.

The machines rewarding Neo's sacrifice and coming to "like" him and rebuilding his body along with his love, Trinity, and letting him live inside the Matrix as a successful software engineer seems logical.

We know there are multiple versions/iterations of the Matrix and even multiple Neo type iterations, so well Neo being in the 7th version of the Matrix also makes sense.

Neo becoming the new Architect in some ways also kind of feels ... right? He's kind of the perfect choice, someone who can create a better system.

There's nothing there that makes me go "oh wow, that's totally bat shit crazy" other than the decision to make the events of the Matrix trilogy in-universe movies/games. That is pretty bold, lol, but it actually would make sense for the machines to do this, so people would dismiss the idea of the Matrix itself as "that's just a movie/game, c'mon it can't be real", it would allow for easier assimilation into the program.

That's a major theme and how the movie is relevant again. The evil and the illusion is SO transparent, we either don't believe it or are passive/complacent in our own lives (this is a good present day political allegory).

The more I think on it, the more I liked it. Especially for being so bold. It's loaded with a lot of hippy-dippy stuff Lana is into these days but it works.


Nov 12, 2017
This is nowhere near as insane as people are making it out to be.
  • Neo's power and motivation being fueled by his love for Trinity was always a theme. That this would continue to be a focus here is not the least bit shocking.

  • The original Matrix trilogy is still canon and is still very important. Everything that happened in those movies, love them or hate them, still has weight.

  • Evil machines keeping Neo from remembering by decontextualizing his memories in the form of video games doesn't seem like a reach. One of the most common fan theories was that they would create the movie trilogy to exist within the Matrix so that any doubts Neo had about his reality could be explained away as "you're just remembering that from the movie" that he was possibly involved in/starred in. This is the same thing but as a video game. Unless I'm missing a big piece here, I think this can totally work.
I'm still wary of this. Previous Wachowski projects are dicey at best, Speed Racer apologists notwithstanding (I'm one of them). I'm also sad about certain actors not returning and I don't like the early screenings describing it as more of a "romance" and a "comedy" with "almost no martial arts". I deeply hope that this is wrong, but I'm also trying to keep an open mind.

Yaya is going to be awesome as a new version of Morpheus, Johnathan Gross as a villain is perfect (can't wait for him to chew scenery Hugo Weaving-style) and the reports of "positive trans representation" being there is all really good stuff.

Now excuse me while I listen to this Matrix Master Playlist on Spotify.



Oct 25, 2017
So... why does new Morpheus, who is an agent, try to make Neo the One again? I don't follow.


▲ Legend ▲
Nov 12, 2019
Not to mention destroying the matrix means killing off a sentient civilisation that just wants to survive. The ending of revolution gets misunderstood by many for some reason, it's not that the humans won, it's that there was a compromise in that those who wanted freedom would be freed and those who didn't would stay inside. And I liked the idea that machines were not vindictive and we're going to keep their word.

And as you say, it'd take years of cooperation to make earth liveable again for both species and for them to be self sufficient.
One of the ways in which Revolutions dropped the ball (in my opinion) is that it didn't do enough to show us a side of the machine world that wasn't hostile to humans. You had the Oracle and Sati and her family, but that was about it. Plus, one very big thing that's missing from the pay-off is Neo arguing with the machine leader (whatever that thing is that shows up at the end) that the matrix has become a prison for the machines as well as for the humans, and the machines have become just as trapped within their caste system inside the matrix as the humans have. There should be another option besides the relentless quest to make a perfect matrix (which is really what the conflict in the original trilogy comes down to--the Architect's inability to consider any options other than creating a perfect matrix).

Actually I remember reading an incorrect leak prior to this main leak that was a lot crazier, like Neo is actually reborn as Trinity in the new Matrix ... now that would've set some idiots off the deep end.

This leak is less bold than that.
Yeah, I don't really see anything here that should cause too much of a shitstorm, unless there's something that hasn't been mentioned yet.

Yeah. I really don't like the idea of the machines just going "actually we decided to fuck you all over again", so I really hope that this storyline is just about like a FEW rogue machines turning evil rather than the war just...starting again during Niobe's fucking lifetime. What was the point of the previous trilogy if all it led to was a temporary, fragile peace that broke again immediately?
Sounds like the Star Wars sequels, lol.

The most fundamental conceptual problem with those movies was the decision to just repeat the exact same conflict from the original movies. Every other problem those movies had stemmed from that one ill-advised decision.

Let's hope the Matrix avoids that fate, at least.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Sounds like the Star Wars sequels, lol.

The most fundamental conceptual problem with those movies was the decision to just repeat the exact same conflict from the original movies. Every other problem those movies had stemmed from that one ill-advised decision.

Let's hope the Matrix avoids that fate, at least.



▲ Legend ▲
Nov 17, 2017
Hmm, I hope it's better than it sounds... but it's hard to see how that could be, lol


Oct 27, 2017
So... why does new Morpheus, who is an agent, try to make Neo the One again? I don't follow.

I think the story is he doesn't realize he's Morpheus, the character of Bugs "awakens" him and he rejects being an Agent. And after that welp, Morpheus gonna Morpheus and try to enlighten Neo. Though I wonder if "Agent Morpheus" paused for a moment and thought it odd that he's the only POC Agent, lol.


May 17, 2018
Watched 3. This movie is fantastic visually; like the best 4K HDR I've seen considering its nearly 20 years old. But I don't understand why it spends so much time on human world action. Its less exciting than The Matrix fights and downright boring watching those mechs shoot for 25 minutes.

Seems like this movie will be exactly what it was always going to be compared to the other movies. Its an entire trilogy about love and faith.


One Winged Slayer - Formerly Undead Fantasy
Oct 25, 2017
Rewatched the trilogy recently and consider me in the hype train.

I wonder if Smith 2.0 remembers the events of the original trilogy or not.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm going to bump this because I think there's too many spoilers in the new teaser trailer thread and I get some people don't want that. So we have this thread anyway for more spoiler-y discussion, might as well use it.

Regarding Trailer 2 + new commercials: I mean the trailers and commercials all look fantastic, my question though is yes apparently Neo is a
game designer who's created games called "The Matrix" which basically contain the events of the original films, but the trailers also seem to indicate the actual Matrix movies also exist in universe here, and to me that's a little more kinda iffy. I'm not really sure if that's going to work for me, like wouldn't people be constantly coming up to Anderson and going "hey you look just like Neo from the Matrix movies".