Oct 30, 2017
I'm really enjoying this.

Already up to episode 6 and the show really picks up for me after the first two episodes where it finds it grove better with scenes making me crack up throughout.


Oct 29, 2017
I'm two episodes in, and while I don't hate the show, it's just.. not very funny?

I mean, there are jokes that I like and it's amusing but I don't think it's gone beyond hearty chuckle.


Dec 13, 2017
For those who didn't like the first episode, try the second. I really wasn't feeling the first episode, but the second is a loooooot better.

I really enjoyed the series as a whole, but you can't go into it thinking it's going to be The Office because it really isn't. It had a lot more cute/sweet moments than I expected.


Oct 26, 2017
Went in expecting a really bad show and it wasn't that bad, and it gets better throughout the season.

Also once you get used to it's weirdness. I guess expectations are everything.

They should cut 3-4 characters that don't work though (the wife, the russian, some of the generals, some other secondary characters), and focus on the things that do


Oct 25, 2017
I enjoyed it enough to watch it until the end in a few days, but it does need work. It does get a bit better and funnier, but not enough.

I tought the premise was set up so it would take a few seasons to reach the objective set by POTUS, and then they do it quickly. There is a lot of stuff that seemed like it was going to be developed, and then was just rushed or omitted, like (don't know if we can say spoilers here) a character starting to study to become an astronaut and then...becomes one off-screen. Tone whiplash is a thing here, too, specially in the last episode.

It really looks and feel like an expensive show, who knows if it get renewed, but I hope it does.
Oct 26, 2017
I've got one episode left, been watching sporadically. Not as bad as reviews made it out but not something I would recommend to anyone


Oct 27, 2017
I had hoped it had more realism in the space operations, but that went out the window very quickly.


Oct 26, 2017
United States
Just finished the show after watching 2-3 episodes a day for a week and the last episode left me clamoring for more.

Honestly, the first episode was amazing, and witty and funny. The second episode through I want to say the fourth were a bit of a slog. For some reason the jokes weren't landing for me in the middle as well. But the last few episodes kept me hooked.

I was hoping they would do more with so many side-storylines, though. Like Adrian/Jerome or the mom. Even if most scenes of the daughter were... awkwardly written I kind of wanted to see her go along the path she started... but it seems like she always found a "new path" every episode.

They found their footing at the end so I'm looking forward to second season being even better.


Oct 27, 2017
Finished it and Upload just had a whole lot more heart and felt like a more cohesive project overall that has an intriguing plotline going forward. This felt like they just threw some shit at a wall and connected what stuck with some string. Then they realized there was not nearly enough shit so they picked some off the floor, licked it, and threw it back. The finale was just that idea ramped up without really waiting to see what fell.


Oct 27, 2017
It starts out bad but gets good.

I think people forget character driven comedies often have really mediocre/poor first seasons.

Parks and Rec 1st season? Eh.

Parks and Rec 2nd season? Hell yea.

US Office 1st season? Eh.

US Office 2nd season? Hell yea.

Deleted member 1698

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Oct 25, 2017
man the response this show is so uneven. I still am interested in watching.

The first episode is well worth watching. It will save you wanting to waste more time on this series plus any future show you watch will seem much better if only by comparison.

The show just flat out sucks.

which is a shame given the talent. You can just see the meeting where they came up with the idea and everyone agreed that "this would be fun... right? We could do lots of interesting stuff... right?" But then everyone immediately lost interest but somehow it still got filmed and released.

A master class in going through the motions.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
The daughter is a weird character.

Like they go out of their way to say she's 18, I guess, to make sure her dating obviously older dudes is less creepy. But like, she's also a juniour in high school, and has plotlines revolving around needing help with math homework from Dad. I feel like they probably didn't settle on her age until well into production, because her storylines are all over the place. Feels like half her stories would make way more sense if she was like 14 or something.

Like, all the stuff with the Russian guy everyone just reacts to him being after her for spying reasons but nobody is like "woah, this is massively creepy"


Oct 25, 2017
Tonally, this show is all over the place. It's absolutely nothing like The Office/PR, so don't go in expecting that. Is it a satire, a screwball comedy, a dramedy?

Lisa Kudrow showing up and disappearing for half the season was a missed opportunity. Why not have some in jail segments to help us get to know her character? John Malkovich/Carell (plz stop that gruff voice) scenes were great. Ali/Chan scenes were good. All of the inter-branch fighting was a bore.

It found itself in the latter half of the season, but still wasn't a great watch. 6/10.
Oct 26, 2017
I had no plans of watching this after seeing the bad reviews, but I caught an episode while my wife was watching. I'm kind of hooked already after just an episode.

Book One

Oct 25, 2017
Watched the whole thing and I just can't agree with the negative reviews. Especially not the 'awful/worst show' takes.

It feels to me a lot like a show finding itself first season and leading into really solid follow up seasons.


Oct 25, 2017
I loved this show. I may have already said that in this thread, but it popped up and I'll say it again.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
It's certainly not a great show, but I enjoy it overall.
Malkovich, Captain Ali, and Dr. Chang all really elevate it for me and make it worthwhile.
I'm kind of indifferent about Carrel and his daughter.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm two episodes in, and while I don't hate the show, it's just.. not very funny?

I mean, there are jokes that I like and it's amusing but I don't think it's gone beyond hearty chuckle.
I personally found that the later half of the show was way more hilarious than the first half. Its definately feels like a situation where they had to grow into their roles before the jokes started to land.
Oct 26, 2017
I think the biggest misstep the show makes is actually sending people to the moon. It would've been way better if it showed how much of a failure the space force vis a vis Trump is.


Oct 27, 2017
The daughter is a weird character.

Like they go out of their way to say she's 18, I guess, to make sure her dating obviously older dudes is less creepy. But like, she's also a juniour in high school, and has plotlines revolving around needing help with math homework from Dad. I feel like they probably didn't settle on her age until well into production, because her storylines are all over the place. Feels like half her stories would make way more sense if she was like 14 or something.

Like, all the stuff with the Russian guy everyone just reacts to him being after her for spying reasons but nobody is like "woah, this is massively creepy"
I thought they said she was 16 which made the hard partying 24 even more confusing in the show.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 29, 2017
Did the spousal unit also watch Avenue 5? Lol
Not sure, is that another Netflix show? We watched it cause she really loves carell, I like him a lot too and showed her stuff like The Office and 40 year old virgin and old TDS clips when we first started dating. Now she has The Office on all the time lol.

I think the biggest misstep the show makes is actually sending people to the moon. It would've been way better if it showed how much of a failure the space force vis a vis Trump is.
Yeah it happens so fast and seemingly way too easy. The show jumps sporadically more then a few times and it was jarring every time