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Jan 6, 2019
Rotten Tomatoes - 52% (Top Critics 33%)

Hollywood Reporter said:
Space Force just isn't close to consistent — especially in the first half of the season, the misses outweigh the hits — and even as it settles into itself a little more, it's hard to buy all the eventual smoothing out of characters and plot lines from that choppy beginning. As star-studded, erratic sci-fi satires from spectacularly talented creators go, Space Force has a lot in common with HBO's maddening Avenue 5. Maybe both shows will work through their kinks by a second season, but don't go into this first set of Space Force episodes without expecting the rough patches.

‘Space Force’: TV Review

Netflix's new comedy 'Space Force' finds Steve Carell and Greg Daniels reuniting in an attempt to locate humor in the real-life strangeness of Donald Trump's new branch of the military.

Rolling Stone said:
But the way Naird stalks through most of the episodes as a defiantly ignorant, periodically bigoted asshole feels unfortunately very reminiscent of that first Office season when Michael was unbearable. And, worse, where Michael's power was extremely limited, Naird is in charge of an entire service branch, with billions of dollars subject to his erratic whims. It won't be long into viewing before your level of exasperated despair will match that of Space Force chief scientist Adrian Mallory (John Malkovich), whose every good idea keeps being wrecked by this imbecile who not only won't listen to reason, but doesn't seem to believe in the concept.

'Space Force' Review: Netflix Comedy Suffers Failure to Launch

'Space Force,' Netflix's comedy about the proposed military branch, makes Steve Carell's general unbearably noxious. Alan Sepinwall's review

Collider said:
Space Force is a weird show. It's political but not necessarily specific. Funny but oftentimes quite broad. And surprisingly sweet at times. It kind of defies description, which I suppose makes it a Greg Daniels show.

Indeed, Space Force is unlike anything the co-creator of King of the Hill, the U.S. version of The Office, and Parks and Recreation has done before, and yet has an unmistakable sincerity that shines through in the best episodes, and a heavy attention to character. But navigating the world of satire and politics proves to be a somewhat bumpy ride, even if the journey smooths out by the end.

Space Force Review: Steve Carell Charms in Netflix Comedy Series

Netflix's comedy series Space Force, from the creator of The Office, finds Steve Carell playing the general in charge of getting Space Force off the ground.

Variety said:
But when "Space Force" tries to go bigger or more inspiring with its plot, it buckles under the weight of its own ambition. It creeps along as the branch makes vanishingly little progress before suddenly lurching it forward to land on the moon. Its pieces of political satire are both too literal (as when a young liberal congresswoman named "Anabela Ysidro-Campos," played by Ginger Gonzaga, gives Space Force's hell in a hearing that evokes an "SNL" cold open) and too dated (Mark's annoying communications manager, played by Ben Schwartz, is "Tony Scarapiducci," or more colloquially, "Fuck Tony" as in "FuckJerry," I guess?). And like it does with its supposed hero, the show swings wildly between finding the idea of Space Force both ridiculous and inspiring. When it finally does land on an idea, it does so with conviction, but without much of a foundation to support it.

‘Space Force’ with Steve Carell and John Malkovich: TV Review

Given the talent and enormous machine behind it, “Space Force” should by all rights be better than “fine.”

IndieWire said:
With all that in mind, "Space Force" is a diversionary delight at best. Missed opportunities abound (whether it's under-developed characters or first-draft jokes), and anyone expecting a "Veep"-level satire or "Office"-like innovation may be disappointed. Season 2, which seems inevitable given the talent involved, could easily go haywire or refine itself into something better. As it stands, "Space Force" is clearly made with joy. Maybe it won't fill the "Office"-sized hole in Netflix subscribers' hearts when the series leaves the service later this year, and perhaps it could serve a greater purpose than silly fun. But I certainly prefer this version over one that only aims to recreate the past.

‘Space Force’ Review: Steve Carell’s Netflix Comedy Is Glitzy, Frivolous Fun

Steve Carell's "Space Force" isn't Netflix's take on "The Office," or a "Veep"-like political satire — it's a (very pretty) farce. [Review]

/Film said:
While Space Force starts with some promise and a decent ensemble of characters, there are too many distractions outside of the show's primary premise to make it work smoothly as a whole. But even beyond that, the mere premise of Space Force starts to feel too big, and it ends up swallowing up a lot of the comedy real estate and taking the show in a far less interesting direction towards the end of the first season, all at a speed that makes it all rather unbelievable. The final moments of the first season finale feel so messy and outside of the wheelhouse of the best parts of the show that I have no idea what's going to happen with a prospective second season, and it will take a lot convincing for me to have a desire to find out.

'Space Force' Review: Netflix's Comedy Series Shoots For The Moon, But Can't Stay On Trajectory - SlashFilm

In our Space Force review, find out what works and what doesn't in the new Netflix comedy series from The Office creator Greg Daniels and Steve Carell.

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Weekend Planner
Oct 29, 2017
Wrexham, Wales
Watching this for review at the moment, it's really disappointing so far. Barely laughing at all. It's just super broad and...whatever.


Oct 28, 2017
I remember not laughing at all during the trailer. Ill probably eventually check it out but I'm in no rush.
Oct 27, 2017
Mount Airy, MD
I gotta say, I've never really seen the appeal of reviews of comedic shows/movies. It's way too fucking personal what makes you laugh/clicks with you for me to feel like a reviewer can tell me anything useful.


Oct 25, 2017
The trailer wasn't funny, so I suppose this was to be expected. Hopefully they do better in season 2.


Oct 25, 2017
First seasons are often always a rough ride. Hope it can find its legs, it was a cool idea


Oct 27, 2017
The trailer wasn't great but i was expecting a bit better reviews.
I'm still gonna check it out. Hope it gets better.


Oct 25, 2017
None of the trailers were funny for me, so I kind of expected this. Too bad, I still had a bit of irrational hope.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, I remember (and confirmed by rewatching during quarantine) the first season of parks and rec was terrible.

and just like the office, the 2nd season the show turns into top tier amazing.


Nov 20, 2017
I posted recently I heard 'mixed' things about this.

I actually heard awful things about this but wanted to give it a fair shake of the stick given the cast.

I'll still check it out but yikes.

Garp TXB

Apr 1, 2020
Can't do it. I can't do anything remotely associated with Trump's policies, even a parody that had turned out excellent.


Oct 25, 2017
First review comparing it to Avenue 5, yikes.

Trailer wasn't funny at all but comedy trailers aren't necessarily a good indication of the show. Still, not sounding promising at all. The cast is too good to waste, hopefully it gels together eventually.


Oct 25, 2017
Literally strikes me as a show that would have been better left off as a trailer. Its whole conception was just to meme on bad orange man to own the MAGAts, they clearly didn't actually have any good ideas of how to make a real show around it

I am not surprised by this in the slightest


Oct 25, 2017
Richmond, VA
Rolling Stone said:
But the way Naird stalks through most of the episodes as a defiantly ignorant, periodically bigoted asshole feels unfortunately very reminiscent of that first Office season when Michael was unbearable

Here in lies the problem Carell faces with typecasting. Make the character too angry, it's Michael Scott season 1. Make him too likeable and he's Michael Scott later seasons. I don't think he can win here.

Maybe his character shouldn't have been in charge of the program?


Oct 25, 2017
richmond, va
clearly the greg daniels fuse is 1 season long, the explosion is 2 seasons long, and then the fallout is however long the rest of the show is

so who knows

honestly not a fan of the concept though

Porco Rosso

Oct 25, 2017
About average like I expected. Mediocre show propped up by the cast. I'll still check it out because not much else is coming out anyway and I like the cast.

As an aside, I loved Bojack Horseman immediately and reviewers trashed Season 1 for that too.

Has Carell really been in anything noteworthy since 2013? Feels like everything since has been mediocre.

I really enjoyed Beautiful Boy but I'm not sure what the general reception was.

Loud Wrong

Feb 24, 2020
Sounds like the trailer was a fair representation of the final product. Hopefully HBO Max and Central Park don't also disappoint.

Ctrl Alt Del

Jun 10, 2018
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

I love almost everyone involved in this so this is unfortunate to hear.
As an aside, I loved Bojack Horseman immediately and reviewers trashed Season 1 for that too.
I loved Bojack Horseman and I actually dropped the show when it originally aired because I couldn't get past the first season, when they were still testing the waters and finding a suitable character dynamic that established itself on the following seasons. If anything, ti's the weakest season by far.

Porco Rosso

Oct 25, 2017

I loved Bojack Horseman and I actually dropped the show when it originally aired because I couldn't get past the first season, when they were still testing the waters and finding a suitable character dynamic that established itself on the following seasons. If anything, ti's the weakest season by far.

I was on board almost immediately for Bojack but it's easily the worst season, with the first 2 or 3 episodes being the worst of the series. I'm hoping this follows a similar trajectory where we see the glimmers of future greatness near the end of the season because I really want to like this.


Nov 14, 2019
I'm one of the few who really enjoyed Avenue 5 so maybe this will be awesome. Or maybe the comparison's are no deeper than "in space and comedy."

Deleted member 8579

Oct 26, 2017
Like Avenue 8, I have high hopes but it's just not funny.


Oct 25, 2017
After watching Upload on Amazon (another Greg Daniels show) I was starting to strongly suspect Daniels works best when with another showrunner. It almost lands but not quite and has the same issues with being too broad comedically and jokes aren't earned. I enjoyed it as a slight easy watch so I suspect I'll enjoy spaceforce as a background show but I was pretty prepared for this. Hopefully he'll get some wittier writers in the room for season 2 of both shows and they'll find their groove but if not don't expect much more than dated, stale and occasionally chuckle worthy


Oct 25, 2017
S1 office comparisons? I'm out then. Hopefully S2 is better. The trailer seems to have been pretty indicative of the amount of laughs.

Lots of talent here so I'm sure they'll get it right eventually.

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
I wasn't expecting much which is a shame with a cast as stacked as this.