
Oct 28, 2017
Not really, not at all. Sora was always the least interesting thing in a fantasy game with mickey mouse, donald duck, goofy, the gummy bears, etc etc.

Simon belmont was always an iconic badass with a chain whip hunting dracula. He was the star of the show. Sora is just generic nomura final fantasy stand in. He's pretty much just a player avatar designed to be vaguely familiar to people who played FFVII. He worked well within the context of disney characters but removed from that, I don't see the appeal at all.

I mean, I get that kingdom hearts is a popular franchise but....would it have been popular without mickey mouse?

Tell that to the people literaly crying tears of joy today across the streams.

Come on... Your bubble isn't everybody's bubble. I don't care that much about Sora but I can at least understand the why of the immense excitement: nostalgia, connection to KH games, protagonist appeal, iconic look etc.


Dec 15, 2018
Sora is the antithesis to almost everything FF has been lately and Nomura has gone on record saying he doesn't relate to him lmao what nonsense

Deleted member 34949

Account closed at user request
Nov 30, 2017
Not really, not at all. Sora was always the least interesting thing in a fantasy game with mickey mouse, donald duck, goofy, the gummy bears, etc etc.

Simon belmont was always an iconic badass with a chain whip hunting dracula. He was the star of the show. Sora is just generic nomura final fantasy stand in. He's pretty much just a player avatar designed to be vaguely familiar to people who played FFVII. He worked well within the context of disney characters but removed from that, I don't see the appeal at all.

I mean, I get that kingdom hearts is a popular franchise but....would it have been popular without mickey mouse?

Sora's a ball of fuckin' sunshine compared to literally every FF protagonist outside of maybe Zidane.


Oct 27, 2017
The English Wilderness
Simon belmont was always an iconic badass


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Not really, not at all. Sora was always the least interesting thing in a fantasy game with mickey mouse, donald duck, goofy, the gummy bears, etc etc.

Simon belmont was always an iconic badass with a chain whip hunting dracula. He was the star of the show. Sora is just generic nomura final fantasy stand in. He's pretty much just a player avatar designed to be vaguely familiar to people who played FFVII. He worked well within the context of disney characters but removed from that, I don't see the appeal at all.

I mean, I get that kingdom hearts is a popular franchise but....would it have been popular without mickey mouse?


Considering Mickey wasn't even in the first game...? Yes.


Unshakable Resolve
Oct 25, 2017
This forum is so out of touch sometimes. This is what the fans wanted and it's a fucking miracle that it happened. I never thought that they would pull it off.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Orlando, FL
You say that he stands out, but I bet you can't explain why. Or how he's not basically just disneyfied ccloud with different color hair.
Cloud and Sora share like no personality traits whatsoever. Sora is a big ball of goofy (no pun intended) fun and has a big heart. He's always up for adventuring and shares deep bonds with basically everyone he meets. He makes for an very likable protagonist simply because of his positive energy, and he meshes well with all the Disney worlds he travels to.

Like, the reason the role of the main playable character for KH1 shifted from Riku to him is because he fits in more with the whimsical tone the games go for.


Unshakable Resolve - One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Sora's design with the clown shoes and the ridiculous onesy is iconic as fuck, I don't know what some people are smoking. He looks weird but he somehow works.

He's also a moron, very akin to Luffy. So yeah, he's a great main character.


Oct 25, 2017
Not really, not at all. Sora was always the least interesting thing in a fantasy game with mickey mouse, donald duck, goofy, the gummy bears, etc etc.

Simon belmont was always an iconic badass with a chain whip hunting dracula. He was the star of the show. Sora is just generic nomura final fantasy stand in. He's pretty much just a player avatar designed to be vaguely familiar to people who played FFVII. He worked well within the context of disney characters but removed from that, I don't see the appeal at all.

I mean, I get that kingdom hearts is a popular franchise but....would it have been popular without mickey mouse?

Lol imagine being this worked up about a goofy anime boy whos like always positive


One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
Sora is the kind of character who can shout "My friends are my power!" at a bad guy and somehow make it work. His friends include Donald Duck and Goofy, mind you and he STILL makes it work.

He's also a lovable idiot whose main victories comes from his hilariously simple approach of going after whoever has a plan and savagely beating them down with a giant key and friendship.


"This guy are sick"
Nov 27, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
Very solid pick. The most appropriate DLC character for smash I can think of. Not a huge kingdom Hearts fan, but i'm happy for literally everyone that wanted him. He does look pretty interesting to play. A bit of a bummer Mickey and the gang aren't included, but I know that would be a licensing and rights nightmare as much as it already was.

Lunar Wolf

Nov 6, 2017
Los Angeles
You say that he stands out, but I bet you can't explain why. Or how he's not basically just disneyfied ccloud with different color hair.

Sora's not really like a Disneyfied Cloud at all. The closest thing to a Disneyfied Cloud is literally Roxas. The brooding blonde in black that goes through existential crisis that has shit happen to him in a mansion


Sora is much closer to Zack Fair. The happy, goofy dark-haired guy with a sad ending (if you consider KH III as your personal ending)




Oct 27, 2017
Summerside PEI
....really? Can't tell if you're trolling. These look the same to you?


lol their hair is nearly identical i'm dying k;jas;dljf;kdjsa

Please don't ban me for this, I really genuinely believe Sora is just another spikey haired generic final fantasy design, I'm sorry for this deeply controversial take. I'm sorry for my ignorance, please enjoy him in the upcoming fighter pass for Super Smash Bros Ultimate.


Oct 27, 2017
i love making comments about things i didn't play and then galslighting people who call me out!


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
lol their hair is nearly identical i'm dying k;jas;dljf;kdjsa

Please don't ban me for this, I really genuinely believe Sora is just another spikey haired generic final fantasy design, I'm sorry for this deeply controversial take. I'm sorry for my ignorance, please enjoy him in the upcoming fighter pass for Super Smash Bros Ultimate.

Do you... judge everyone as similar in appearance based on a somewhat similar hair style?


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Orlando, FL
lol their hair is nearly identical i'm dying k;jas;dljf;kdjsa

Please don't ban me for this, I really genuinely believe Sora is just another spikey haired generic final fantasy design, I'm sorry for this deeply controversial take. I'm sorry for my ignorance, please enjoy him in the upcoming fighter pass for Super Smash Bros Ultimate.
I really don't see how you can see that keyblade and those giant Mickey Mouse shoes and think it's "generic".

Deleted member 34949

Account closed at user request
Nov 30, 2017
If we were talking any Sora past KH1/Chain of Memories, I'd understand the generic FF stand in argument.

KH1 Sora has more in common with Mickey Mouse design wise than FF characters, spiky hair notwithstanding. (Hell, KH2 even pokes fun at the spiky hair = FF character thing)


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
You say that he stands out, but I bet you can't explain why. Or how he's not basically just disneyfied ccloud with different color hair.

Deleting what I wrote about Cloud and such since others have obviously covered it, but...

He may be a "generic FF character" in that he was an OC designed by Nomura, so that's fair enough if not exactly insightful as criticism of how he looks, I guess. But the reason people are arguing is that you questioned his appeal at all, which... obviously goes beyond looks? He is appealing in general, not just for his appearance or how he plays off Disney characters.


Oct 27, 2017
No no no, Riku is the generic FF stand-in (if I remember correctly, when KH1 was being initially designed Riku was supposed to be the main character, even). Sora stands out as a protagonist even when compared to many other JRPGs, which is why he's so popular.
Riku was never intended to be the main character, but you're correct that he was designed like a traditional FF protagonist to contrast with Sora who is more like a traditional Disney protagonist.


Oct 27, 2017
Summerside PEI
Deleting what I wrote about Cloud and such since others have obviously covered it, but...

He may be a "generic FF character" in that he was an OC designed by Nomura, so that's fair enough if not exactly insightful as criticism of how he looks, I guess. But the reason people are arguing is that you questioned his appeal at all, which... obvious goes beyond looks? He is appealing in general, not just for his appearance or how he plays off Disney characters.
I legitimately think his entire appeal is based off of the fact that he's a final fantasy bro in a alternate reality disney universe.

I mean, it's understandable that they aren't putting disney stuff in smash but still the only remotely appealing thing about Kingdom hearts to me is the disney IP. That's my big, bold take.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
God that character design.

Obviously a pick that will make a lot of people happy, but sora was the one person I never wanted to see. So naturally here he is.


Dec 15, 2018
I legitimately think his entire appeal is based off of the fact that he's a final fantasy bro in a alternate reality disney universe.

I mean, it's understandable that they aren't putting disney stuff in smash but still the only remotely appealing thing about Kingdom hearts to me is the disney IP. That's my big, bold take.
I'm sorry but you have a total misread of this franchise. Many of the fans come to it for the original characters and story, not the WOW THIS IS MY CHILDHOOD Disney and FF stuff. There's a reason Nomura and co were fine with cutting out most of the FF stuff for 3, these things have become less and less important as time went on and people started loving the original stuff.

He's also a lovable idiot whose main victories comes from his hilariously simple approach of going after whoever has a plan and savagely beating them down with a giant key and friendship.
Never forget the story of KH so far has been the same old man losing to a dumb kid, donald duck, and goofy three times in a row lmao


The San Symphony Project
Sep 2, 2019
United Kingdom
I'm still kinda shook this is real even 3-4 hours later. I had basically completely discounted this as even being possible and yet, here we are. Think it was a fantastic character to end on, and maybe the last major "impossible" get.

It's a huge shame about the lack of diversity in the roster given the overwhelming amount of characters there are, but I also can't not be happy about this inclusion.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
I legitimately think his entire appeal is based off of the fact that he's a final fantasy bro in a alternate reality disney universe.

I mean, it's understandable that they aren't putting disney stuff in smash but still the only remotely appealing thing about Kingdom hearts to me is the disney IP. That's my big, bold take.

As someone who has proclaimed they tried only 2 games and disliked both of them, can you see how your take might not be the prevailing take for people who like the series?


Oct 25, 2017
Love it. Opens the doors for many other possibilities. Good last addition to the roster!


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Jan 11, 2019
Not really, not at all. Sora was always the least interesting thing in a fantasy game with mickey mouse, donald duck, goofy, the gummy bears, etc etc.

Simon belmont was always an iconic badass with a chain whip hunting dracula. He was the star of the show. Sora is just generic nomura final fantasy stand in. He's pretty much just a player avatar designed to be vaguely familiar to people who played FFVII. He worked well within the context of disney characters but removed from that, I don't see the appeal at all.

I mean, I get that kingdom hearts is a popular franchise but....would it have been popular without mickey mouse?


Damn. This is the worst take I've seen in this place in a long, long time. Mickey is in the first game for all of 3 seconds. And it was his silhouette.

Yes, a quality action RPG by Squaresoft featuring the level of charm that KH has was going to be popular, especially in Japan where it features a theme song by one of the most popular artists of all time at her near-commercial peak. Get real.

I legitimately think his entire appeal is based off of the fact that he's a final fantasy bro in a alternate reality disney universe.

I mean, it's understandable that they aren't putting disney stuff in smash but still the only remotely appealing thing about Kingdom hearts to me is the disney IP. That's my big, bold take.

Bud, a MASSIVE number of KH fans don't give a single fuck about Final Fantasy. What makes you think that Sora's appeal is tied to the fact that he's, according to you, an FF stand-in? He acts nothing like any lead FF character. He looks nothing like one outside of art style BECAUSE HE IS DRAWN BY THE SAME PERSON as a ton of other FF characters. He wears a fucking Mickey Mouse onesie and wears clown shoes bro.

You already admitted you didn't play the games. Like just stop lol.
Last edited:


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
I'm sorry but you have a total misread of this franchise. Many of the fans come to it for the original characters and story, not the WOW THIS IS MY CHILDHOOD Disney and FF stuff. There's a reason Nomura and co were fine with cutting out most of the FF stuff for 3, these things have become less and less important as time went on and people started loving the original stuff.

Never forget the story of KH so far has been the same old man losing to a dumb kid, donald duck, and goofy three times in a row lmao

It's exactly this. As a kid with no FF experience, the Disney stuff was why I was interested in 1, sure. But I certainly stayed with the series for the original characters/story, and I'm sure a lot of people did too. The game increasingly becomes about that - as should be obvious given all the talk about how convoluted the story gets - and that's what I was interested in.

Like it was neat and nostalgic seeing Toy Story in 3 and all, but that's not why I was there. It was to see what happened to all the original characters after what's been building up in the story across all the games.