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Oct 26, 2017
I think Sony will have a bad wake up next gen like they had with ps3

Last gen they lost a lot of market share because they went with expensive exotic hardware that meant they were too pricy for a lot of consumers. They'll be sticking with x86 again and won't see a repeat of $599 so I don't know why you think that.


Apr 6, 2018
I completely get the point of creating a multiplayer experience. But the idea that was rejected was the creation of a TLOU Battle Royale mode. The idea was they needed to make a MP-focused title, not an add-on.

I'm not even sure what that means or why it's important but apparently just having MP added on to the single player games doesn't count.

It doesn't necessarily have to be entirely MP focused.

The problem is just that if it's gonna be added on to a SP game I don't want it to feel like an afterthought, which is what multiplayer in ND games feels like. I don't mind if it's MP added on to a SP game, but it should be able to stand on its own and be rich with content, progression, regular updates etc. It should have at least as much resources poured into it as the SP side.

Is your point here that you can make games that sell without trying to compete with others in the same space? Or are you saying that to make games at the level of a CoD or Assassin's Creed you don't need as many resources?

Tbh I'm not entirely sure what point the user I was responding to was trying to make there. They seemed to be saying that to compete with established 3rd party MP franchises Sony would need to be pooling studios, which is obviously not true.

Screen Looker

Nov 17, 2018
Tbh I'm not entirely sure what point the user I was responding to was trying to make there. They seemed to be saying that to compete with established 3rd party MP franchises Sony would need to be pooling studios, which is obviously not true.

I think they would at the very least have to create a studio just for that multiplayer focused game to create it if it took off. Popular shooters or ongoing games are very much resource hogs to try to keep the player base active.

Sony has seemingly never had the patience for that kind of investment honestly. Even with Uncharted and TLoU, I don't remember too much beyond multiplayer experience events happening. I think they're well formulated and good multiplayer games, but they're not there to be the same kind of ongoing games as the others even if they have the same monetization efforts.


Oct 27, 2017
The Milky Way
I think Sony will have a bad wake up next gen like they had with ps3

Sony will have even better first party output next gen than they have this gen. They're expanding all their teams with aggressive recruitment, have strong relationships with the likes of Bluepoint and Insomniac and they said this year that first party is more important than ever and they're increasing their investment.

They just have less to prove than Microsoft so they're keeping their cards closer to their chest.


Oct 27, 2017

Sony will have even better first party output next gen than they have this gen. They're expanding all their teams with aggressive recruitment, have strong relationships with the likes of Bluepoint and Insomniac and they said this year that first party is more important than ever and they're increasing their investment.

If they don't keep saying it though, is it really happening?

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Sony. Looks like we'll have to restate this every day for the next two years,


Oct 25, 2017
If Sony is going to buy someone, I'd hope it was someone who's future is in question. Like I really think at some point soon, someone is going to have to buy DoubleFine.
You're quite right there. Looking at some of the studios people want to be acquired (KojiPro, Insomniac, Bluepoint, Quantic Dream), none of them are struggling. Double Fine would be a good pickup due to the nature of how they have to fund projects, and I can only imagine what they can do with the kind of budget Sony could afford them.


Oct 25, 2017
Sony don't need any more studios, they've had the best exclusives this year out of the big 3 and their Japanese & VR support has been excellent.


Editor at Push Square
Oct 27, 2017
I think with multiplayer there's an opportunity at the start of the generation to get some really good Games with Service software going. I could imagine if they had a really good Twisted Metal or SOCOM available free-to-play at launch or something, it could really gain traction. And if they could then update and improve over the course of the generation, it could be a nice little money-spinner.

Of course, it's easier said than done.


Sep 1, 2018
I do not know why people are so worried if Sony loses the "first place".

Sony not being the leading company in the market in the past generation resulted in they creating PS + and PS Now, they bought Sucker Punch and Media Molecule and they invested more on first party games. Exactly the same way Microsoft had to do in this generation.

I agree that they should buy/create more studios, but not because they need to, but rather to not lose them for the competition.


Oct 26, 2017
Lake Titicaca
I'm still waiting for Sony "to crank up the communication with fans". I think Shawn Layden said this a few months ago.

Not much has happened since then. Some exciting Playstation-related news would be nice.

Some journo should sit down Shawn Layden and have an in-depth discussion with him about the PS Classic, skipping E3 and Sony's attitude towards backwards compatibility. That's the kind of communicate I'd like to hear right now.

Screen Looker

Nov 17, 2018
Some journo should sit down Shawn Layden and have an in-depth discussion with him about the PS Classic, skipping E3 and Sony's attitude towards backwards compatibility. That's the kind of communicate I'd like to hear right now.

Ya'll... there is a whole blog and podcast run by PlayStation you can get all kinds of communication from Sony on if you want lol


Oct 26, 2017
I am surprised we didn't get a single leak about what will be shown at TGA. Normally, we should have gotten few leaks here and there like in the previous years. I am talking about all games in general. We got MK11 leak.

Here is a leak: the Metal Gear movie will be shown there.
This is just my assumption since Vogt-Roberts is preparing something for the TGA and both him and Kojima will be there. :p


Oct 27, 2017
I do not know why people are so worried if Sony loses the "first place".

Sony not being the leading company in the market in the past generation resulted in they creating PS + and PS Now, they bought Sucker Punch and Media Molecule and they invested more on first party games. Exactly the same way Microsoft had to do in this generation.

I agree that they should buy/create more studios, but not because they need to, but rather to not lose them for the competition.
I think they absolutely need to. But rather than purchasing studios, I'd be happier if Sony invested in simply expanding the existing studios. I'm sure there's talent inside Naughty Dog, Santa Monica, Guerilla, Sony Japan etc. who would be in a position to lead games. There always is; we just don't tend to know about them until they're actually given the opportunity.

The rumors of a new San Diego team have me excited for that reason because it seems like they just set up a new studio. And that will definitely help if they're working on a AAA release.

As for why Sony needs more teams, it's a simple matter of development timelines. You can't always rely on partnerships and Sony have had to rely on them to a significant degree this generation. All the big games they released in 2015 were partnerships. Even this year, two of the three big games are partnership titles. And even with these releases taken into account, the early generation output left a lot to be desired. It's only in the second half of the generation where it feels like things are picking up and we have a bunch of big titles to come in 2019. But you have to consider that games are taking upwards of 5 years now in development and not every Sony team is making a AAA game. To avoid gaps and to allow your teams the right amount of time, you're bound to need more teams.

It's basically a necessity at this point since you don't really know if these partnerships will continue or if they run into other snags. Ideally, I'd want to play 3 big AAA games from Sony a year, alongside a few AA ones, but that isn't happening with the current amount of studios and teams, especially if we want a couple new IP thrown in because those are definitely going to require more time due to being an unknown entity. They're going to need to create another 2-3 teams to add to the rotation, and that's with existing partnerships like Insomniac, Quantic Dream etc. still in the mix.

As it stands, I would not be surprised at all that the first one to two years of the PS5 end up dry again from a first party perspective. The only difference is that we should hopefully get one or two sequels to big IP like Horizon, Spider-Man, or God of War at least in that time. You don't want studios trying to rush and meet release dates. You have to give them time. But then by the same metric, if you don't have enough manpower, there will be obviously be periods where the output will decrease. So for the right balance, you need more teams making games.

And really, Sony has been massively successful this generation. There's literally no reason for them not to invest some more into their studios.


Jan 21, 2018
I see Sony funding a big third party exclusive for PS5 while continuing to build their own studios before they acquire any new studio. I say the exclusive funding because they have made so much money this gen and it is a quick and effective move to gain buying incentive early on in the gen


Oct 27, 2017
I see Sony funding a big third party exclusive for PS5 while continuing to build their own studios before they acquire any new studio. I say the exclusive funding because they have made so much money this gen and it is a quick and effective move to gain buying incentive early on in the gen
That's kind of the one thing I hope they don't do. Not that I mind first party publishers securing third party exclusives since I understand it's a part of the game, but it's not like it's an extra game so it doesn't actually benefit me as an owner of the system. If it's third party, we're likely getting that game anyway. Securing it as an exclusive just means you're stopping it from coming to another system. The net result is still just one game though.

The ideal solution to me would be leaving that multiplatform, and putting that money towards an exclusive, either internally or via partnership with an external development studio. That way you end up with two games, rather than just one game that isn't appearing on another system.

Although having said that, I'm now reminded that Sony Santa Monica will apparently be making 2 games next? You have the God of War sequel but Cory Barlog is apparently going to work on a new IP. That must mean they are expanding to allow him peeps to work on his game. So that's an extra team there potentially along with Sony San Diego. Ideally, if they could also expand Naughty Dog and Guerilla, as well as Japan Studio so they actually develop a AAA title for once, I'd be very happy. That'd be 5 more teams essentially and that'd cover potential gaps, even if certain teams have to take 5-6 years on a new IP.


Oct 25, 2017
Los Angeles
You don't need to pool your studios to make a game that people will buy, just like Sony didn't need to pool their studios to compete with Assassin's Creed, or how other 3rd party devs didn't need to to compete with CoD.
Sony does not compete with Assassin's Creed. So not sure what that even means. And as for CoD, their only competition is Battlefield which is made by DICE which is a humongous studio of over 600+ developers who don't even annualize it. Activision has 3 different studios making CoD games. So again, they would need to have a huge studio only to make this game or pool other ones together to compete in that space.


Using an alt account to circumvent a ban
Aug 21, 2018
I think they absolutely need to. But rather than purchasing studios, I'd be happier if Sony invested in simply expanding the existing studios. I'm sure there's talent inside Naughty Dog, Santa Monica, Guerilla, Sony Japan etc. who would be in a position to lead games. There always is; we just don't tend to know about them until they're actually given the opportunity.

The rumors of a new San Diego team have me excited for that reason because it seems like they just set up a new studio. And that will definitely help if they're working on a AAA release.

As for why Sony needs more teams, it's a simple matter of development timelines. You can't always rely on partnerships and Sony have had to rely on them to a significant degree this generation. All the big games they released in 2015 were partnerships. Even this year, two of the three big games are partnership titles. And even with these releases taken into account, the early generation output left a lot to be desired. It's only in the second half of the generation where it feels like things are picking up and we have a bunch of big titles to come in 2019. But you have to consider that games are taking upwards of 5 years now in development and not every Sony team is making a AAA game. To avoid gaps and to allow your teams the right amount of time, you're bound to need more teams.

It's basically a necessity at this point since you don't really know if these partnerships will continue or if they run into other snags. Ideally, I'd want to play 3 big AAA games from Sony a year, alongside a few AA ones, but that isn't happening with the current amount of studios and teams, especially if we want a couple new IP thrown in because those are definitely going to require more time due to being an unknown entity. They're going to need to create another 2-3 teams to add to the rotation, and that's with existing partnerships like Insomniac, Quantic Dream etc. still in the mix.

As it stands, I would not be surprised at all that the first one to two years of the PS5 end up dry again from a first party perspective. The only difference is that we should hopefully get one or two sequels to big IP like Horizon, Spider-Man, or God of War at least in that time. You don't want studios trying to rush and meet release dates. You have to give them time. But then by the same metric, if you don't have enough manpower, there will be obviously be periods where the output will decrease. So for the right balance, you need more teams making games.

And really, Sony has been massively successful this generation. There's literally no reason for them not to invest some more into their studios.
That is the reality. But people is this thread can't understand that
They think everything is fine.

They forgot about how dry 2013-2016 were. And besides uncharted 4 the only great exclusive on these years came from a third party(bloodborne).

Sony can't handle next gen they way the handle this one. PlayStation is everything for the company now.

They need more teams. Can be buying studios or making second teams on their best studios(guerrilla, ND, Sam, sp) at least theses 4 with 2 teams.

For this they need around 400-500 staff on each of these studios.


Using an alt account to circumvent a ban
Aug 21, 2018
That's kind of the one thing I hope they don't do. Not that I mind first party publishers securing third party exclusives since I understand it's a part of the game, but it's not like it's an extra game so it doesn't actually benefit me as an owner of the system. If it's third party, we're likely getting that game anyway. Securing it as an exclusive just means you're stopping it from coming to another system. The net result is still just one game though.

The ideal solution to me would be leaving that multiplatform, and putting that money towards an exclusive, either internally or via partnership with an external development studio. That way you end up with two games, rather than just one game that isn't appearing on another system.

Although having said that, I'm now reminded that Sony Santa Monica will apparently be making 2 games next? You have the God of War sequel but Cory Barlog is apparently going to work on a new IP. That must mean they are expanding to allow him peeps to work on his game. So that's an extra team there potentially along with Sony San Diego. Ideally, if they could also expand Naughty Dog and Guerilla, as well as Japan Studio so they actually develop a AAA title for once, I'd be very happy. That'd be 5 more teams essentially and that'd cover potential gaps, even if certain teams have to take 5-6 years on a new IP.
SSM doesn't have enough staff for 2 AAA games.

They barely have 200 hundred people there. They need to double that to make 2 games at the same time.


Self-requested ban
Apr 9, 2018
I think they absolutely need to. But rather than purchasing studios, I'd be happier if Sony invested in simply expanding the existing studios. I'm sure there's talent inside Naughty Dog, Santa Monica, Guerilla, Sony Japan etc. who would be in a position to lead games. There always is; we just don't tend to know about them until they're actually given the opportunity.

The rumors of a new San Diego team have me excited for that reason because it seems like they just set up a new studio. And that will definitely help if they're working on a AAA release.

As for why Sony needs more teams, it's a simple matter of development timelines. You can't always rely on partnerships and Sony have had to rely on them to a significant degree this generation. All the big games they released in 2015 were partnerships. Even this year, two of the three big games are partnership titles. And even with these releases taken into account, the early generation output left a lot to be desired. It's only in the second half of the generation where it feels like things are picking up and we have a bunch of big titles to come in 2019. But you have to consider that games are taking upwards of 5 years now in development and not every Sony team is making a AAA game. To avoid gaps and to allow your teams the right amount of time, you're bound to need more teams.

It's basically a necessity at this point since you don't really know if these partnerships will continue or if they run into other snags. Ideally, I'd want to play 3 big AAA games from Sony a year, alongside a few AA ones, but that isn't happening with the current amount of studios and teams, especially if we want a couple new IP thrown in because those are definitely going to require more time due to being an unknown entity. They're going to need to create another 2-3 teams to add to the rotation, and that's with existing partnerships like Insomniac, Quantic Dream etc. still in the mix.

As it stands, I would not be surprised at all that the first one to two years of the PS5 end up dry again from a first party perspective. The only difference is that we should hopefully get one or two sequels to big IP like Horizon, Spider-Man, or God of War at least in that time. You don't want studios trying to rush and meet release dates. You have to give them time. But then by the same metric, if you don't have enough manpower, there will be obviously be periods where the output will decrease. So for the right balance, you need more teams making games.

And really, Sony has been massively successful this generation. There's literally no reason for them not to invest some more into their studios.
Uhhh...They've been doing that for a while my dude


Oct 27, 2017
SSM doesn't have enough staff for 2 AAA games.

They barely have 200 hundred people there. They need to double that to make 2 games at the same time.
I'm assuming they must be planning on expanding when Barlog's ready to gear up for his new game. Don't see how they can work on a God of War sequel as well as a Cory Barlog new IP unless they do that, unless their intention is to move from God of War 2 to Cory Barlog's game once the former is done. In which case, we're back to square one since you'd just be waiting 6-7 years for God of War 3 then.

Uhhh...They've been doing that for a while my dude
It'd be nice if you elaborated then, man. Clearly I don't know aside from Sony San Diego and possibly Santa Monica as you can tell from my post.


Editor at Push Square
Oct 27, 2017
It's really weird how people are panicking over Sony's first-party. They've been amazing for almost a decade now, why aren't we trusting them to continue getting it right? Like I get there's conversations to be had, but I'm not sure why we suddenly feel like they don't know what they're doing.
Oct 27, 2017
That is the reality. But people is this thread can't understand that
They think everything is fine.

They forgot about how dry 2013-2016 were. And besides uncharted 4 the only great exclusive on these years came from a third party(bloodborne).

Sony can't handle next gen they way the handle this one. PlayStation is everything for the company now.

They need more teams. Can be buying studios or making second teams on their best studios(guerrilla, ND, Sam, sp) at least theses 4 with 2 teams.

For this they need around 400-500 staff on each of these studios.
Sony should hire you


Oct 27, 2017
That is the reality. But people is this thread can't understand that
They think everything is fine.

They forgot about how dry 2013-2016 were. And besides uncharted 4 the only great exclusive on these years came from a third party(bloodborne).

Sony can't handle next gen they way the handle this one. PlayStation is everything for the company now.

They need more teams. Can be buying studios or making second teams on their best studios(guerrilla, ND, Sam, sp) at least theses 4 with 2 teams.

For this they need around 400-500 staff on each of these studios.
Hmm I remember playing Until Dawn, Ratchet, The Last Guardian and others during those years and all of them were great exclusives. I think Sony is just fine. Quit panicking.


Oct 27, 2017
Hmm I remember playing Until Dawn, Ratchet, The Last Guardian and others during those years and all of them were great exclusives. I think Sony is just fine. Quit panicking.
He ain't panicking. You can provide constructive critique without pretending things are absolutely perfect. No one is blasting them or anything. 2014 and 2015 were pretty weak years on the first party front overall. And games like Shadow Fall, Knack, Infamous, DriveClub, and The Order, needed more time in the oven. Had they gotten that time though, you'd have next to nothing in those years because they obviously wouldn't have been releasing at the point they did. And keep in mind DriveClub resulted in studio closure. We can both be happy about Sony's output while also recognizing that they can't keep regular releases coming at the same kind of quality we've come to expect with the same amount of resource as development demands increase.

That's not panic, unless you just want peeps to cheer lead. I don't know why you dudes jump to these kind of shitposts really, because that's what they are. You don't engage discussions in good faith and lean to hyperbole. Not everything is a console warrioring.

Someone saying "they need to increase output in early years" is not the same as "oh my god, PS5 will have no games, what do we do". Their overall output has already declined compared to PS3 years even if the peaks of major releases are of the same quality. That will only continue as teams need more time to deliver quality releases.


Oct 25, 2017
It's really weird how people are panicking over Sony's first-party. They've been amazing for almost a decade now, why aren't we trusting them to continue getting it right? Like I get there's conversations to be had, but I'm not sure why we suddenly feel like they don't know what they're doing.

Agreed. Yeah OK there was a bit of a slow start to this gen but that's not all that unusual for Sony. They kinda did the same when kicking off with the PS3 too. The fact is though Sony's first party output has been firing on all cylinders for a few years now and hopefully that continues.

I don't see a need to hit the panic button, certainly not while we've just seen some really fantastic years of games being released.


Self Requested Ban
Nov 12, 2017
It is entirely likely that Sony will have a Gran Turismo and a Horizon in the first twelve months. Putting it way ahead of the first year of their last two platforms.


Self-requested ban
Apr 9, 2018
I'm assuming they must be planning on expanding when Barlog's ready to gear up for his new game. Don't see how they can work on a God of War sequel as well as a Cory Barlog new IP unless they do that, unless their intention is to move from God of War 2 to Cory Barlog's game once the former is done. In which case, we're back to square one since you'd just be waiting 6-7 years for God of War 3 then.

It'd be nice if you elaborated then, man. Clearly I don't know aside from Sony San Diego and possibly Santa Monica as you can tell from my post.
Here you go broseph.
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