Oct 25, 2017
I'm probably the only on here who feels this way. But I think the stand alone movies are leagues better than the trilogies.

Rogue One was an actual good war movie. Just happened to be set in Star Wars which made it even better.
Solo was a sweet heist movie that also happened to be set in Star Wars.
I think Solo is my favourite one followed by Rogue one and then... Episode 5 I guess.
"Just happened to be set in Star Wars"
What? Rogue One is two hours of Star Wars fan wankery


user requested ban
Oct 28, 2017
I am on the record as thinking of Boba Fett as the most overrated character in sci-fi history, and you can BET Disney is now shitting bricks over the thought of him carrying his own movie. You think Solo was 'fan service'?

The difference however is that Boba Fett doesn't require recasting an icon; you just have to put somebody in the mask.

I loved Solo but recasting that part seems to have really deflated hype, along with releasing this movie too soon after TLJ.

Episode 9 won't hit for another year and a half and it'll do huge numbers (probably more than TLJ) while giving people an opportunity to reset.

That said, I agree that Fett is criminally overrated but I also think James Mangold could do something pretty spectacular with the character.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
The scene where the Marauder leader takes off her mask and everyone looks around at each other confused was unintentionally hilarious. My buddy and I looked at each other confused, like "... who is this?" and the characters were all looking at each other like the actors weren't sure what was going on either, for an entire long 15 seconds everyone just stares at each other "did someone screw up the scene? Should we restart?"
I've only seen the film once but I don't remember it dragging on like that.

Beckett comments that Enfys and the Cloud-Riders have been a thorn in his and Crimson Dawn's side for a while. Like the audience they're expecting a hardened, tough-as-nails pirate and she's just a kid. That's why they're all surprised.


Oct 27, 2017
I liked the movie far more than I thought I would. I thought I would hate Solo's actor (having no prior familiarity, he just looked like another Hollywood "pretty boy" to me, but while he's no Ford (nobody is), he did seem to get Han pretty well, and had the mannerisms, way of speaking, body language down pat. I love Chewy as a full character for once, and not just comedy window dressing, the Lando actor was spot on.

I will concede that yes, this is probably the most "unnecessary" Star Wars film- it doesn't have very big stakes- basically its a big Star Wars heist film [...]

I enjoyed the film except for when it was decided to lazily change that laid back premise. It broke the original movies in many ways. Solo effectively underwrote the entire Rebel Alliance by gifting a fleet's worth of fuel to the marauders. In later films he then risked murder via Jabba to blow up the Death Star to save the rebel base and sacrificed himself being frozen for a bitch princess who does nothing but complain about how selfish he is. You don't think Han would've reminded people about the expensive as shit Coaxium he risked his life to gift them?

By Ep6 Han should just be like:

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Indiana Jones

Oct 27, 2017
Am I wrong or did the movie have a really stupid plot point:

They explain a heist that the boss leader Vos doesn't like because it may implicate the Crimson Dawn group and piss off an ally. The gang says they can go in without any links to the CD and he agrees. Then what does he immediately do? HE SENDS QI'RA ALONG - Y'NOW THE GIRL WITH THE CRIMSON DAWN TATTOO/BRANDING!!!! Brilliant!

I liked the movie a lot... but this moment did jump out to me. This is the sort of inconsistency that should have been caught and fixed, if not in the actual scriptwriting process, then in editing. Just egregiously bad.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Am I wrong or did the movie have a really stupid plot point:

They explain a heist that the boss leader Vos doesn't like because it may implicate the Crimson Dawn group and piss off an ally. The gang says they can go in without any links to the CD and he agrees. Then what does he immediately do? HE SENDS QI'RA ALONG - Y'NOW THE GIRL WITH THE CRIMSON DAWN TATTOO/BRANDING!!!! Brilliant!
Oh man, yeah you right. I liked this movie a lot, but yep that's pretty goofy.
Nov 1, 2017
I agree with RLM's Jay that the obnoxious robot dying made me feel absolutely nothing as the movie acts like it's some big fucking deal.


Nov 17, 2017
Between TLJ and Solo, I feel like this is the best stretch of Star Wars films that I've lived through (in terms of release date). I was born after the OT, so they don't count.

PT had some high points but I generally don't consider them to be "quality" films.

I liked TFA and Rogue One (for very different reasons) but I feel like Lucasfilm has hit their stride with the last 2 (any BO disappointments not withstanding). The wait for Episode IX is going to be brutal.
Oct 27, 2017
Am I wrong or did the movie have a really stupid plot point:

They explain a heist that the boss leader Vos doesn't like because it may implicate the Crimson Dawn group and piss off an ally. The gang says they can go in without any links to the CD and he agrees. Then what does he immediately do? HE SENDS QI'RA ALONG - Y'NOW THE GIRL WITH THE CRIMSON DAWN TATTOO/BRANDING!!!! Brilliant!

They were trying to say that Qi'ra could be absolutely trusted, but not these other clowns. But yeah, if she got caught and they attempted to put binders on her or something, it would be obvious. Either Vos was really not concerned about pissing off an ally and just wanted to send Qi'ra anyway, or it indeed does fall under broken continuity.


Oct 27, 2017

As I predicted, Mike and Rich enjoyed it, Jay wasn't won over. I loved at how much they shitted on Rogue One and how Solo was a much better film in comparison. I'm stealing that, "Rogue One was written by a football linebacker."

I also agree with Jay's point that L3 seemed in poor taste, as if the movie was mocking social justice movements.


Dec 22, 2017
As I predicted, Mike and Rich enjoyed it, Jay wasn't won over. I loved at how much they shitted on Rogue One and how Solo was a much better film in comparison. I'm stealing that, "Rogue One was written by a football linebacker."

I also agree with Jay's point that L3 seemed in poor taste, as if the movie was mocking social justice movements.

I didn't get that out of L3 at all. I thought the "equal rights" line was more a dark criticism of how Star Wars changed from robots just being intelligent tools in ANH to being emotional characters in the movies afterwards. I'd argue that there's more in RLM's own videos mocking social justice movements than there was in Solo, and I say that as a fan of both RLM and the movie.


Oct 27, 2017
I definitely agree with them on the cinemagtography, it's like Ron Howard has forgotten how to light a set since doing those terrible Da Vinci Code films.


Oct 27, 2017
I didn't get that out of L3 at all. I thought the "equal rights" line was more a dark criticism of how Star Wars changed from robots just being intelligent tools in ANH to being emotional characters in the movies afterwards. I'd argue that there's more in RLM's own videos mocking social justice movements than there was in Solo, and I say that as a fan of both RLM and the movie.

The problem is the movie treats L3's advocacy as a joke, like she's a malfunctioning droid spewing funny, little nonsense. Lando rolls his eyes at her "equal rights" joke, he tells her to get on the ship when she gets upset at the droid combat arena, and nobody else even pays her any mind when she spouts that "nonsense" unless it's to jokingly humor her. It'd be one thing if she spouted that stuff and some character took it to heart, but they all laugh at her. And, we know that Han Solo in later movies treats droids like crap. He never for a second consider C3-P0 to be a person, he treats Threepio like an annoying thing. It's a weird thing to have in a movie.

On a side note, I agree that I've never been a fan of their pot shots at social justice movements especially since it's just a bunch of white guys. For instance, their pseudo-mokcing of Wonder Woman being important for women just made me cringe because they just didn't get it.


Dec 22, 2017
The problem is the movie treats L3's advocacy as a joke, like she's a malfunctioning droid spewing funny, little nonsense. Lando rolls his eyes at her "equal rights" joke, he tells her to get on the ship when she gets upset at the droid combat arena, and nobody else even pays her any mind when she spouts that "nonsense" unless it's to jokingly humor her. It'd be one thing if she spouted that stuff and some character took it to heart, but they all laugh at her. And, we know that Han Solo in later movies treats droids like crap. He never for a second consider C3-P0 to be a person, he treats Threepio like an annoying thing. It's a weird thing to have in a movie.

On a side note, I agree that I've never been a fan of their pot shots at social justice movements especially since it's just a bunch of white guys. For instance, their pseudo-mokcing of Wonder Woman being important for women just made me cringe because they just didn't get it.

I absolutely agree that it treats her advocacy as a joke, but I felt like it was more dark sci-fi humor than any sort of commentary on the social justice movement.

Some of their pot shots have made me laugh, but a lot of them have been kinda bad or cringey, especially from Mike/Rich. I feel like this comes out much more often in their more improvised shows than in their more scripted stuff, although the TFA review made a lot of dumb arguments.
Oct 25, 2017
You know, I saw this over the weekend and I haven't really known what I want to say about it for a while, but I think I figured it out. My overall reaction is mixed but I've got some praise for it where it's due.

In a movie that exists to satisfy check boxes they surprisingly managed to accomplish some things I've been waiting for since they revived it in 2015. And they did it in this movie? That's unexpected. And by that I mean two things: I saw new things, and I saw weird shit.

Diving in a little deeper to the criminal underbelly of the galaxy felt more fresh than anything the other new movies have done so far, even while it was doing so to check boxes we already expected. And I got to see a freaky 9 foot caterpillar lady with a bad sun allergy, and a giant black hole tentacle skull monster with a shitload of eyes, a star destroyer flying through some space tornado shit, and a gang of costumes that dont look anything like the rebels or the empire, and a dirty muddy battlescene that looked nothing like any other battle in these movies. And it was all directly involved in the plot, rather than background decoration. And even when it was just background decoration, it was more weird shit that makes you think, like giant crystal skulls or Therm fucking Scissorpunch. I love this shit so hard.

Like, the movie managed to be both the least creative and most creative new star wars movie at the same time. It delivered for me in ways 2015+ Star Wars hasn't been able to until now. Which is weird considering the plot exists to go down a checklist of tired old expectations in the first place. Isn't that funny?

And the music. The music in this I think had more fun than anything 2015+, too. My girlfriend said some tracks in this movie were too good for the scenes they were in, and I'm inclined to agree. Powell really impressed and gave this movie an energy it couldn't achieve without. Even when he was repeating existing tracks he managed to give them a new energy that made them feel more fresh than when Johnny revisted them in TLJ. I regret doubting Powell.

I want more Ron Howard Star Wars, especially if next time it's not in service of a checklist.
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Oct 25, 2017
Saw this on Twitter and I think this is way some people are saying the movie looks too dark.

I first saw the movie in an AMC and the Proxima was crazy dark and then throughout the movie it had random scenes were it was pretty dark but then I saw it in another theater and that was no longer the case.


Developer at Insomniac Games
Oct 25, 2017
Burbank CA
Saw this on Twitter and I think this is way some people are saying the movie looks too dark.

I first saw the movie in an AMC and the Proxima was crazy dark and then throughout the movie it had random scenes were it was pretty dark but then I saw it in another theater and that was no longer the case.

I could totally see that - I've only seen it on Laser IMAX and it's looked great both times


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Austin, TX
Saw it at Alamo and didn't have a problem. I'll say that a lot of scenes also featured some heavy fog. That mixed with the darker lighting I bet gave some folks a problem.


Oct 30, 2017
I agree with RLM's Jay that the obnoxious robot dying made me feel absolutely nothing as the movie acts like it's some big fucking deal.

Yeah, I'm surprised just how little Lando's whole plot points worked for me, even if I enjoyed L3 and Glover's acting. He was the weakest part of the movie for me. If they would've reworked that just a bit, Solo would've been top 5 for me.

Although I have to see it again to be sure. Only seen it once, at midnight.
Oct 27, 2017
Never seeing the cartoon, Darth Maul going from forgettable ninja bodyguard to smarmy old gangster type was fun to see. My big issue with it remains that he had no business coming back the way he died.
In what world is Darth Maul forgettable? Him and podracing are 2 of the only things people love about Episode 1 and there are tons of people who said he should've been the main villain for the entire prequel trilogy

Deleted member 17810

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Saw this on Twitter and I think this is way some people are saying the movie looks too dark.

I first saw the movie in an AMC and the Proxima was crazy dark and then throughout the movie it had random scenes were it was pretty dark but then I saw it in another theater and that was no longer the case.

Bradford Young's incredible style is also pretty underexposed when compared to other directors of photography. So if you have a theater running their projector bulb's on half brightness (as many do to save costs) than you might be missing a lot of detail sadly.

His style is interesting though, and it's been said that his way of lighting scenes is much friendlier to darker skin tones. Most DP's are usually functioning off what looks best for white actors and that is generally what is taught to a lot of people today.


Oct 25, 2017
I know a few other people in this thread mentioned that it was a dark movie but I thought it looked fine on the liemax 2D projection i saw. Certainly better than their example scenes in the RLM video

Deleted member 17810

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
This is a cool article on Bradford Young's style: http://www.chicagotribune.com/entertainment/movies/ct-ent-bradford-young-0527-story.html

The fault of the darkness is entirely on the part of the projector. This passed through way too many hands, including executives, to be released "too dark".

I hope on BR release, they have recommendations for calibrating your TV just right.

I'm listening to the RLM review and it's embarrassing that they hate on the cinematography so much. Opinions are one thing... but it's objectively fantastic work from Young.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017

now to the important bits. hows the band scene rank among all the franchise in universe music performances?

1. Cantina Band - ANH
2. Lapti Nek - ROTJ
3. Chicken in the Pot - Solo
4. Jabba Flow - TFA
99. Jedi Rocks - ROTJ special edition


Oct 25, 2017
Saw this on Twitter and I think this is way some people are saying the movie looks too dark.

I first saw the movie in an AMC and the Proxima was crazy dark and then throughout the movie it had random scenes were it was pretty dark but then I saw it in another theater and that was no longer the case.

I said this earlier in this thread. It's more than likely dark because the projectionist is bad at their job or not setting the bulb to the proper brightness. It happens all the time at the big chain theaters.


user requested ban
Oct 28, 2017
Between TLJ and Solo, I feel like this is the best stretch of Star Wars films that I've lived through (in terms of release date). I was born after the OT, so they don't count.

PT had some high points but I generally don't consider them to be "quality" films.

I liked TFA and Rogue One (for very different reasons) but I feel like Lucasfilm has hit their stride with the last 2 (any BO disappointments not withstanding). The wait for Episode IX is going to be brutal.

I've been a SW fan since the beginning and I think the franchise is in the best place it's ever been.

Some people will try to spin Solo's soft box office as proof that the brand is losing relevance but I'm relatively certain Episode 9 will end up making more than the TLJ and is pretty much another billion dollar earner.

I just wish Solo was doing better because it's really good.


Oct 25, 2017
Both times I saw it (2 different theaters) it was perfectly clear. Only time I thought things looked murky in a bad way were in Proxima's lair.


Oct 28, 2017
The more I think about Enfys Nest being some random, magical, badass 15 year old war hero, the more I dislike it. Reveal did nothing for me.


user requested ban
Oct 28, 2017
In what world is Darth Maul forgettable? Him and podracing are 2 of the only things people love about Episode 1 and there are tons of people who said he should've been the main villain for the entire prequel trilogy

Maul is one of the most compelling villains ever put to celluloid, specifically his aesthetic.

He's basically pure, unadulterated darkness; the ethos of the Sith personified in such as way as there is nothing even remotely humanlike left.

There's a lot I like about the PT despite their many flaws and Darth Maul sits atop that list and always will.

I just hope his inclusion here pans out in other films down the line.


Oct 28, 2017
I feel this film deserves to be making more money than it is. I seriously can't believe I liked it more than TFA. I had real low expectations going in.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
The more I think about Enfys Nest being some random, magical, badass 15 year old war hero, the more I dislike it. Reveal did nothing for me.
what would have worked better then? grungy alien or something? That'd have been cool.
I like the reveal as it is. It was kinda jarring, it felt like we were supposed to be shocked and surprised, like am I supposed to know who that is? but it's really just a pause for the cast where it sinks in, this thorn in our side has just been a kid.


Oct 25, 2017
Enfys Nest being a little kid was great, it's kinda like with the Kylo Ren reveal since you expect some Maul looking fucker but it's just Ben Solo.