PhaZe 5

Oct 27, 2017
The more I think about Enfys Nest being some random, magical, badass 15 year old war hero, the more I dislike it. Reveal did nothing for me.

I sighed audibly when this happened, not so much that she was a child, but because it had to be tied to a rebellion angle. It was just like...ffs, WHY. Corny AF.

PhaZe 5

Oct 27, 2017
Enfys Nest being a little kid was great, it's kinda like with the Kylo Ren reveal since you expect some Maul looking fucker but it's just Ben Solo.

im fairly certain Kylo Ren was outed as Ben Solo before the mask came off.

Was one of the missed opportunities from TFA imo. Keeping his identity a secret up until Han asks him to take off the mask would have really been crazy.


Oct 25, 2017
im fairly certain Kylo Ren was outed as Ben Solo before the mask came off.

Was one of the missed opportunities from TFA imo. Keeping his identity a secret up until Han asks him to take off the mask would have really been crazy.
Yeah but he's a Darkside user, so you're not expecting him to look completely normal.

Hollywood Duo

Oct 25, 2017
Movie was good, not great. I can't believe the resources they poured in to it. Count me as another where the beginning was way too dark and I could barely make out what was going on.


user requested ban
Oct 28, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
I've heard a similar thought, but I don't know how you could take it as anything else aside from the rebellion we all know.

Her speech at the end was about how the crime syndicates were terrorizing people all over the galaxy. It really gives the impression she is talking about taking on the crime syndicates. Then when she asked that one person to draw the symbol it was specifically for the Crimson Dawn (I thought she was drawing the Death Star). But then she talks about how Crimson Dawn intends to sell the fuel to the Empire so it makes them seem related directly.

PhaZe 5

Oct 27, 2017
Her speech at the end was about how the crime syndicates were terrorizing people all over the galaxy. It really gives the impression she is talking about taking on the crime syndicates. Then when she asked that one person to draw the symbol it was specifically for the Crimson Dawn (I thought she was drawing the Death Star). But then she talks about how Crimson Dawn intends to sell the fuel to the Empire so it makes them seem related directly.

Yea, and there's evidence of Imperials outright working with or turning the other cheek to syndicate activity throughout the film. It's actually pretty cool stuff that I'd love to see more of. I just have rebellion fatigue.


Oct 25, 2017
It was very cool to see Edrio Two-Tubes in there, assuming it was him (from Rogue One) which lead me to feel her crew would evolve into the lineage of Saw's partisans, but who knows. This is 10 years prior to Rogue One.

Saw was already around doing his thing (see the absolutely depressing book Rebel Rising) but there was probably some crossover.


Oct 26, 2017
Well...I mean, we all already know that he survived. We've known that for a long time, and it makes sense that it's possible he's alive based on how he was cut.

I'm aware he's been alive for a while, but I've always thought it was a bit silly. Like Fett, he was a bit character, rezzed for being popular. It's not a big deal though, warranting the smallest scoff from me.

I mean, just like Fett you can make a case for Maul surviving in spite of the fact that the original intent was for both being dead. In a movie, cutting someone in half and tossing them into a hole, is essentially a giant neon sign saying "this dude is dead". But I get it, I was the same way about Fett it the 90's.
Oct 27, 2017
I said this earlier in this thread. It's more than likely dark because the projectionist is bad at their job or not setting the bulb to the proper brightness. It happens all the time at the big chain theaters.

Was my experience at the theater, the opening Proxima scenes and a few transitions from indoors/covered to outside were darker.


Nov 17, 2017
I've been a SW fan since the beginning and I think the franchise is in the best place it's ever been.

Some people will try to spin Solo's soft box office as proof that the brand is losing relevance but I'm relatively certain Episode 9 will end up making more than the TLJ and is pretty much another billion dollar earner.

I just wish Solo was doing better because it's really good.

I think there's many reasons that Solo is performing the way it is at the box office but I won't waste time with that here as there are plenty of ongoing discussions elsewhere. Needless to say, I think many people are simply falling victim to hyperbole about Star Wars, as a whole, if they are going to use the OW of one film to declare the decline of one of America's biggest pop culture franchises. People might actually be singing a slightly different tune if the budget hadn't ballooned due to all the re-shoots. It might've been viewed as a more "modest" Star Wars film.

Episode IX will be fine. Looking forward to IX reminded me of how much I liked the ending of TLJ - it left us in a place where I didn't know what to expect next. As long as the build-up, trailers, marketing, etc. is all handled well, Episode IX should easily hit a billion. I guess the real question is how high will it go? TFA level or TLJ level?

I'm also a bit disappointed in the BO performance of Solo but, as I've said in this thread and others, it's only because I would actually like to see more of Young Han, Young Lando, Qi'ra, etc. but it seems like the projected BO performance might doom any sort of sequel or follow-on film. It's too bad, really... these characters and the actors/actresses that portrayed them really did a phenomenal job.


Oct 27, 2017
I saw Solo this weekend and actually enjoyed it (once it got past the opening with the worm crime boss...).

I did not expect to like Alden Eiren-hardname as Han Solo, but he grew on me by the end. Very much enjoyed the number of middle fingers the movie threw up at Uncle George (like Han shooting first).

Anyway, I was at a get together for my wife's friend's this weekend, and all the husbands were relegated to our own space at the party (a group of about 7), I was the only person that had seen (or planned) to see Solo. The reason most stated for not wanting to see Solo: "I don't want to give money to support Kathleen Kennedy's SJW campaign she's doing with Star Wars with all these female leads and POC and inclusion. We're sending her a message that we don't want that in our Star Wars."


I was completely dumbfounded. Each one of these men have at least one daughter they're raising...and it's disgusting they wouldn't want Star Wars to give little girls characters to look up to besides Leia.
I didn't realize Star Wars was an all white guys club.

I'm pretty sure I'm not getting invited back after the argument that ensued.


Oct 31, 2017
As I predicted, Mike and Rich enjoyed it, Jay wasn't won over. I loved at how much they shitted on Rogue One and how Solo was a much better film in comparison. I'm stealing that, "Rogue One was written by a football linebacker."

I also agree with Jay's point that L3 seemed in poor taste, as if the movie was mocking social justice movements.
That was more positive than I thought it would be. I made the same face Jay did when Rich started talking about 'emotional heart'.


Oct 25, 2017
Speaking of L3's death, a moment that I really love is when Lano says she's not part of the ship and then everything gets really quiet and for a few beats you just see the Falcon flying around in really wide shots. I'm glad they gave that a moment to breath before going back to the action.


Oct 25, 2017
I saw Solo this weekend and actually enjoyed it (once it got past the opening with the worm crime boss...).

I did not expect to like Alden Eiren-hardname as Han Solo, but he grew on me by the end. Very much enjoyed the number of middle fingers the movie threw up at Uncle George (like Han shooting first).

Anyway, I was at a get together for my wife's friend's this weekend, and all the husbands were relegated to our own space at the party (a group of about 7), I was the only person that had seen (or planned) to see Solo. The reason most stated for not wanting to see Solo: "I don't want to give money to support Kathleen Kennedy's SJW campaign she's doing with Star Wars with all these female leads and POC and inclusion. We're sending her a message that we don't want that in our Star Wars."


I was completely dumbfounded. Each one of these men have at least one daughter they're raising...and it's disgusting they wouldn't want Star Wars to give little girls characters to look up to besides Leia.
I didn't realize Star Wars was an all white guys club.

I'm pretty sure I'm not getting invited back after the argument that ensued.

They can stick with the white boys' club that was Legends.


Oct 25, 2017
Austin, TX
Why did they make a plan to pull off the heist without tying the theft to Crimson Dawn, but then send a Crimson Dawn lieutenant with their sigil tattooed on her wrist? What if the rival gang killed/captured her?


Nov 17, 2017
Why did they make a plan to pull off the heist without tying the theft to Crimson Dawn, but then send a Crimson Dawn lieutenant with their sigil tattooed on her wrist? What if the rival gang killed/captured her?

I might be totally wrong on this but I thought they were more worried about a heist being tied back to Crimson Dawn when they were still discussing plans to steal/procure refined coaxium.

It seemed like they had slightly different concerns when they shifted their approach to getting unrefined coaxium from a mining colony/slave camp, i.e. they had to send someone with credibility (a lieutenant) in order to even get within the confines of the mine.

If none of that is accurate, it's probably just a oversight on the script.


Oct 25, 2017
To the east of Parts Unknown...
Just got back from Solo, thought it was a fun movie. I think the biggest weakness is probably that it could have been about anyone else besides Han and still worked. Of course if you tried to make it a bigger film it would have stumbled into all the classic Star Wars stuff and been another Rogue One. It's just a nice little space adventure movie and I'll give it props for that.


Oct 25, 2017
So, that was specifically called Old Republic Mandalorian armor. I guess if we ever get an Old Republic movie, you'll have Samurai Boba Fetts running around doing baller Samurai Boba Fett shit.
Oct 27, 2017
Just got back from Solo, thought it was a fun movie. I think the biggest weakness is probably that it could have been about anyone else besides Han and still worked. Of course if you tried to make it a bigger film it would have stumbled into all the classic Star Wars stuff and been another Rogue One. It's just a nice little space adventure movie and I'll give it props for that.

There was a movie that came out while I was a boy that was like this, and it's talked about this way now, where the main character didn't have much of an impact on the story. Sure, there were exciting chase sequences and special effects, hints of romance, smuggling, and a genteel antagonist more interested in fine dining than just being a mean man.

Funny enough, that movie was also written by Lawrence Kasdan. The movie is Raiders Of The Lost Ark. Not the best movie ever, and very much b-movie popcorn flick in style, but it led to many great movies in the future.


Oct 28, 2017
It was bretty good. In terms of tone and visual design, this is the only Disney Wars movie to feel 100% at home with George's originals. Not surprised Ron Howard got Lucas' world to a much better degree than either JJ or Rian

tbh, im more interested in seeing another movie starring this dude as Han as I am seeing anything involving the boring ass characters from the new trilogy. Also, the Imperial Han scenes made me want a War movie from the Imperials point of view. Would be pretty cool.


Oct 31, 2017
I was hoping my to like it more than I did, sadly. I liked a few moments and it looked great. Maybe a second viewing I'll be more into it.

Think biggest let down for me was his bond with Chewie. I thought it was a life debt he had, but as soon as he's free Chewie runs off in the opposite direction.


Oct 25, 2017
I also agree with Jay's point that L3 seemed in poor taste, as if the movie was mocking social justice movements.
Yeah, but intentions don't matter. It's about the result.
Exactly what I thought too. And it's a shame because it could have been an awesome character if they had handled it better. Bringing these questions in the SW universe could be great, and I've wondered about the free will of the droids since I was a kid. But L3 was not a compelling character, she's clearly a bit crazy, so her activism seems tied to that in a way, and it's unfortunate.
At some point during the movie Lando was like "oh boy, here she goes again", he almost rolled his eyes. I think it was in the Falcon cockpit. And for a sec I thought there was some unfortunate irony in there somewhere, that the dude released This is America a few weeks ago and I see him now caring for a droid that seem to parody what the alt-right see as "SJW". I would be surprised if Glover thought L3 was a good character.
I think if they had just toned it down a bit during the Kessel Mine battle it would have been better.

Anyway, I'll have to post my thoughts on the movie in more details later (for now I can say I liked it a lot, and thank god it was better than Rogue One).
Last edited:


Oct 26, 2017
New York
Easily the worst Disney Star Wars, and I honestly put this in prequel territory. You could really tell this movie was in production hell. Little to no cohesion with scenes and the editing was so abrupt at parts. Comedy bits fell completely flat for me. Could have done without Kira entirely. Donald Glover was freaking awesome as Lando but criminally under utilized and I nominate L3 as the worst droid in Star Wars history. The majority of the movie should have just been Solo, Lando, and Chewie.

It had its moments (the scene with the giant space squid was pretty dope) and the Maul reveal but then it just ended. Were they planning on making a direct sequel to this or something?


Oct 25, 2017
and the editing was so abrupt at parts.
I liked the movie but I agree with this. Some transitions were a bit jarring. It didn't always flow very well.
It had its moments (the scene with the giant space squid was pretty dope) and the Maul reveal but then it just ended. Were they planning on making a direct sequel to this or something?
I think we don't really know at this point. It could be a set up for the rumoured Obi-Wan movie or the Boba Fett one.
Oct 25, 2017
I went in expecting to be annoyed and frustrated but honestly I had a great time, it's not a spectacular movie but it's a lot of fun which is all I really wanted. The stuff with maul at the end has me wondering when this movie actually takes place, since maul and obi-wans story is FAIRLY STRONGLY concluded at the end of star wars rebels season 3. Which takes place something like 2BBY?
Were they planning on making a direct sequel to this or something?
I think the rumor is that they signed the cast for 3 of these.


Oct 27, 2017
Just got back and I was definitely surprised. Choppy at times but a great ride. Had more fun here than with TLJ.


Oct 25, 2017
I went in expecting to be annoyed and frustrated but honestly I had a great time, it's not a spectacular movie but it's a lot of fun which is all I really wanted.

I think the rumor is that they signed the cast for 3 of these.
For real? Did they cancel the other 2? Because I can't see where they would fit two more movies between episode 4


Oct 26, 2017
Did your theater cheer when Chewy took the chair and the Star Wars music blazes? Cause mine sure as hell didn't. I actually laughed at what I saw. Still seats and no excitement.


Oct 27, 2017
I watched and liked it, but I've always prefered the non jedi side of StarWars so yeah, I hope they made enough for sequel :d

I really liked how they show Star destroyers being constructed in the background in the beginning.


Oct 25, 2017
Why was it so dark? I missed the explanation. I just got back from seeing it and I loved it! But ya some scenes were way to dark compared to the trailers I seennat home on the tv

Theaters are notoriously cheap when it comes to not running their bulbs at full brightness, resulting in a dimmer image than intended. The films DP, Bradford Young, shooting style emphasizes a lot of deep shadows and you really need to watch it on a format with excellent black levels to experience the cinematography but very few theater chains are willing to provide that quality. I imagine it looks great at a venue equipped with Dolby Cinema.

Should look spectacular on Blu-Ray.


Oct 25, 2017
I'll tell ya, there was a while there where I thought Peter Jackson's house (Weta?) was doing better work than ILM, but holy cow have the effects in these four Star Wars movies been *outstanding*. Just crazy great.
Yep. They're on a whole different level. The kessel heist was amazing. Especially as a big falcon fan. It's great to see a whole scene dedicated to it.