
Oct 27, 2017
It's dumb. Same thing people said about SFV being SFIV with better textures 8 years ago. If it's not a radical stylistic departure, people will say dumb shit.

It's this. People need drastic stylistic changes just to recognize that something has been changed, otherwise they Berenstain Bears themselves into statements that just don't hold to any scrutiny. The version of Tekken 7 that people imagine when they compare it to Tekken 8 isn't a version that actually exists, same with SFIV and SFV.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I mean your first mistake was listening to ERA. People dont know what they are talking about on here most of the time. This same shite happened with SF V for example.


Prophet of Regret Corrupted by Vengeance
Nov 7, 2019
Don't bother trying to reason with it. Happens every fighting game (or even non fighting games) where people have brain farts on what the previous game actually looked like.

This. Whenever visuals come up someone on the internet is gonna complain. Sometimes its a PS2 game (I wish I had the kinda PS2 some of them had), sometimes its barely better than the prior entry.

s y

Nov 8, 2017
I mean it happened with gg xrd then again with strive
Are you saying that Xrd to Strive was the same leap as sprites to Xrd? Because that makes no sense. It's a style change more than any kind of huge technical advancement. Personally, I prefer Xrd's uniform lighting.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Are you saying that Xrd to Strive was the same leap as sprites to Xrd? Because that makes no sense. It's a style change more than any kind of huge technical advancement. Personally, I prefer Xrd's uniform lighting.
A sub 720p picture isnt really the best example, and it's not just the game in still images the animations in strive dunk on xrd free as well outside of a few things


Oct 31, 2017
7 is 720p still to this day on any Xbox console, it's really really awful, bordering on unplayable. The sheer resolution bump will make my eyes explode.

The character models being so low res is what distracted me the most, even on PC with everything turned up, there a mod to improve it but still it wasn't pretty.


Oct 25, 2017
People ain't smart for all the reasons people said in this very thread lol.


Oct 28, 2017
Cause people need to get their eyeballs checked. Tekken 8 blows Tekken 7 out of the water visually and it's not even close.

Tekken 7


Tekken 8:



Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
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Jan 14, 2021
Looking at the screenshots in this thread, Tekken 7 seems to be inconsistent with itself (or is very much at the mercy of whatever hardware it's being played on). Xiaoyu looks fine, Lars and Asuka less so.

I think the feeling was that first few trailers right after that initial reveal trailer with Jin and Kazuya didn't look as visually impressive as that initial trailer, and a lot of people had that opinion. But now, the visuals in trailers ever since the I think Paul character trailer has looked *really* good. If nothing changed, then something made the good visuals more noticeable.

I personally think the game has good visuals, even during that period of time when folks thought it didn't look as impressive as the reveal trailer, but I'm not really a stickler for fighting game visuals.
I believe Harada commented on Twitter that the Sept. 2022 reveal trailer was effectively "peak performance" that could serve as a target for the final game when development was finished. If that statement was true, it makes sense that later trailers post-December have come closer to meeting the visuals (or our perception of the visuals) of the original reveal.


Oct 29, 2017
We have had this conversation with a lot of games and their sequels. Its just how people remembered how a game look looks in their minds. Good example was Last of Us remastered and The last of us part 1. Difference was huge and people kept aing it looks the same and some even said worse. And until like you someone does a side to side you see the major difference.
Oct 26, 2017
I don't care for Tekken, but the last three videos are making me reconsider. It's looking really good. The only thing I'm noticing is that the high fidelity makes non-animated accessories stand out. But that could be added later, and it won't really be relevant in actual gameplay.

Deleted member 81119

User-requested account closure
Sep 19, 2020
I think video quality and people watching small videos on YouTube or on their mobile makes it harder to spot the differences between 7 and 8.


Jan 27, 2018
They would deliberately have to make it look like Tekken 7 at this point. The game came out so long ago


Oct 25, 2017
People have been saying this about almost every game since the PS4 era. Its mostly just people misremembering older titles.
But Graphics isn't really evolving between consoles like it did back in the PS1-PS2 jump.

When you look at these trailers on a mobile screen or on youtube the differences do become smaller. But when you do a side by side comparison it becomes very clear.

Deleted member 3924

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
The Baiken comparison pic is extra funny because the shading is different since there's no hard sunlight in that part of the stage, making the character a more saturated skintone in the shade. They figured out a dynamic lighting setup which is pretty huge.

Same stage, different part of the level.

The same character can be lit in completely different ways.

Baked lighting looks great but it has limitations in comparison. They're only getting more proficient at this.

shrug seems like a huge leap to me dont know what to say, admittedly baiken is literally the worst example as well


xrd looks like weekly released show compared to strive's full movie budget quality look

Faust is a great comparison. Not that Xrd doesn't still look better than most games, its just, there's levels.
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s y

Nov 8, 2017
Not from afar like that, but up-close the fine-tuning and detailing are SUPER apparent they got better. :O
A lot of this is still a style thing. I'm not saying there's no improvement, the original post I quoted said the jump from sprites to Xrd was similar to the jump from Xrd to Strive, which I think is insane.
The Baiken comparison pic is extra funny because the shading is different since there's no hard sunlight in that part of the stage, making the character a more saturated skintone in the shade. They figured out a dynamic lighting setup which is pretty huge.

Same stage, different part of the level.

The same character can be lit in completely different ways.

Baked lighting looks great but it has limitations in comparison. They're only getting more proficient at this.

Faust is a great comparison. Not that Xrd doesn't still look better than most games, its just, there's levels.
It's a conscious decision regarding the lighting. I am not a fan of the dynamic lighting used in Strive. There's Fighterz and post-strive arc sys titles like Granblue or DnF which also have uniform, Xrd-like lighting. I think those look better than Strive too.


Oct 27, 2017
I do think there's work to be made in antialiasing and self shadowing terms, but it looks fantastic otherwise.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
People are smoking the good shit, the game looks fantastic.

I do think they've dropped the ball with the female characters tho.

Them still being blobs when they put a lot of focus on their muscle tech feels very jarring when compared to the male cast.

I find it especially funny that SF6 which is much more cartoony has actually gone in the opposite direction and given it's female cast some great muscle definition.

Deleted member 3924

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
It's a conscious decision regarding the lighting. I am not a fan of the dynamic lighting used in Strive. There's Fighterz and post-strive arc sys titles like Granblue or DnF which also have uniform, Xrd-like lighting. I think those look better than Strive too.

You can prefer other styles, but that wasn't the argument afaik.

What was being done with characters with hair and particles are a world apart with the lighting and animation for example. Its night and day.
Even with that shitty gif compression it should be obvious. Its like everything from loose clothing to just faces being able move in a less stiff manner.

Better quality comparison. Xrd. GGST.
I get the preference thing, really. Its just a discussion on tech.
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Oct 27, 2017
I feel that Tekken 8 looks fine, it's just that it looks kinda mediocre compared to how amazing SF6 is looking.
It just feels very rigid and static in comparison, more like a mod or highres texture upgrade.


Oct 29, 2017
I feel that Tekken 8 looks fine, it's just that it looks kinda mediocre compared to how amazing SF6 is looking.
It just feels very rigid and static in comparison, more like a mod or highres texture upgrade.
I prefer SF6's overall art direction but it clearly looks cross gen in comparison to Tekken 8. Models, lighting and environments look a lot better in the latter.


Oct 25, 2017
My only explanation is that a lot of these people never played Tekken 7 (or maybe Tekken at all) and just say whatever comes to their mind.
There is massive difference, T7 models look like plastic action figures in comparison.


Oct 29, 2017
I think those feelings dissipated after seeing the actual gameplay footage. It just looks so much more dynamic. Going back to T7 is really hard for me now, it just looks so lifeless and plain, even though it is technically still a pretty good-looking game.


Feb 12, 2018
I mostly just don't like the flashing lights and screen shake, it's uncomfortable to look at


Oct 27, 2017
I prefer SF6's overall art direction but it clearly looks cross gen in comparison to Tekken 8. Models, lighting and environments look a lot better in the latter.
The effects look overdone and cheap imo, they should definitely be toned down as they take away more than they add.


Spotlighting Black Excellence - Diversity Analyst
Oct 25, 2017
Houston, TX
I mean you had dumbasses say sf5 visually looked the same as sf4 years ago as well. People blind as fuck
Not too uncommon with fighting games. I remember the same things being said about SFIV>V. It doesn't make a lot of sense, but whatever.
Those complaints ended up being so common that SF6 deviated heavily from SFIV & SFV by going for stylized realism.

As for Tekken 8, it's the same form of stylized realism that every Tekken game has tried to go for. They're just doing a much better job of it.

I prefer SF6's overall art direction but it clearly looks cross gen in comparison to Tekken 8. Models, lighting and environments look a lot better in the latter.
SF6 & T8's models aren't far off from each other, but T8's stages pull far ahead.

Deleted member 128578

Dec 2, 2022
It's because most people assume that games in the past had better graphics than they actually did and it usually takes direct comparisons to show them that's not the case.

I remember Patrick Klepek being incensed that Final Fantasy VIII Remastered 'had no visual improvements' after it was revealed and only once he was shown direct comparisons showing how improved the new models were did he admit that he actually just forgot how poorly the original's graphics aged.


Oct 25, 2017
It looks fantastic, don't get me wrong, but I think the problem has deeper roots. You look at those trailers and the casual player wouldn't be able to tell the difference from Tekken 5 to Tekken 8 outside graphics. Animations looked the same, impacts feedback looks the same, characters are the same as 20 years ago while I'm getting fatter and older. Casual players need a bigger shake up to be interested.

I think this is a problem for most fighting games, though.


Oct 25, 2017
It looks fantastic, don't get me wrong, but I think the problem has deeper roots. You look at those trailers and the casual player wouldn't be able to tell the difference from Tekken 5 to Tekken 8 outside graphics. Animations looked the same, impacts feedback looks the same, characters are the same as 20 years ago while I'm getting fatter and older. Casual players need a bigger shake up to be interested.

I think this is a problem for most fighting games, though.
They're very different games if you know what to look for though gameplay wise too. Lars for example is very different.

How would Tekken need to "shake up" to attract casuals? Turn into a Battle Royale?


Spotlighting Black Excellence - Diversity Analyst
Oct 25, 2017
Houston, TX
They're very different games if you know what to look for though gameplay wise too.

How would Tekken need to "shake up" to attract casuals? Turn into a Battle Royale?
A more radical artistic change, like what SF6 is doing. But to do so for Tekken would mean to go even more stylized, which may put off more mainstream fans.


Oct 28, 2017
Strive looks so much better than Xrd it's unbelievable. Baiken is a flawed comparison because her popularity shot up and she was a DLC character so they didn't want to mess with the winning formula, to my absolute chagrin. She looks out of place compared to the sheer upgrades other characters have received in visuals and character designs


Mar 16, 2018
I think it's a "that's how I remember it looked like" problem.

There's been a lot of discussion about Guilty Gear in this thread but what's important is that we all acknowledge that "Momentary Life" is better then all of Baiken's other themes.