
Oct 26, 2017
Not wanting to have to discuss politics in every thing is not "alt-right".

I use games as an escape from the troubles of life, a gaming forum for me was a place to discuss escapism with others.
Then ignore those threads. Games and other mediums are almost always in some way political. Trying to seperate that is bullshit. And yes, not inherently alt-right, but definitely something those types would cheer on.

Deleted member 4372

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I knew I wasnt a prominent member, but . . . to have it confirmed by not being consulted for this kinda stings.
Oct 27, 2017
Politics is a part of everything. People who can't see that after it's pointed out to them are very often benefiting from the status quo and just see "normal" things as non-political, even though it took a great amount of political movement to get to where things are. Trying to extricate the politics from news, entertainment and everyday life is fundamentally flawed.

I honestly feel bad for anyone who thinks this way.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Florida, USA
Admins should keep open and sticky a thread where users can make suggestions for what they would like to see.

Often times threads are closed because management get in their feelings over a post, but fail to realize the bigger picture.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017

During the short-lived Entertainment-era a useful listing was made of all the hangout threads currently around, a sticky thread with that list could be made in Etcetera to shine a light on them.

Deleted member 45

User requested account closure
Oct 24, 2017
Suggestion from me similar to that would be expanding the spotlight program and sticky several OTs at a time in EtcetERA as opposed to only one (it was limited to one before, right?). A bit more scrolling won't hurt the user experience much. Number of threads and intervals, as well as maybe priority depending on activity (I doubt Dragon Ball Super ERA needs to be stickied for example) could be tried around with until you find an optimal solution.

Thanks for the suggestion! In the past we've done multiple community spotlights, but it wasn't consistent. Sometimes it'd be 1, sometimes 2. We're going to be looking at the spotlight program to see how we can improve it to get more eyes on those threads.

When does the Great Emoji Experiment begin breh


A couple of things about this, which a user I'm quoting also notes below. A/B tests are not as simple as you might think and there is a reason that there is an entire profession, User Research, dedicated to these types of design experiments.

You need answers to the following questions before you even consider an A/B test:
  • Experimental Design:
    • As pointed out via the user below, how are you going to sample the ResetERA population?
      • If you're including stakeholders, like Mods, why are you and do the benefits outweigh the risks?
    • Will the tests be opt in or opt out?
      • What are the pros and cons to each of these strategies?
    • Will you do a pilot study with the Prominent Members?
    • Before you even considered a redesign, did you speak with your users to collect feedback and get a direction?
    • How many variables should you change in an A/B test in order to make valid assumptions?
    • How long do you need to let participants use the experimental design in order to collect adequate, accurate data?
      • Note: The time used for this "experiment" was not enough. The data was biased by poor user onboarding, shock from the change, and limited timeframe.
  • Data:
    • How many users will you need to collect data from before you feel confident that you're making the right decision?
    • How are you collecting usage metrics?
    • Are you just basing decisions off of quantitative metrics? Or are you doing qualitative follow-ups based on trends you see?
    • Will you publish all, or some of the data to the ResetERA?
People often misunderstand how to do design research and overly leverage quantitative data assuming they're doing it right. I implore you, if you're going to attempt to do this? Make sure that you're doing it correctly. Otherwise stakeholders will just double down on bad decisions utilizing false data to plug their ears to feedback.

I agree with you 100%. It's absolutely tricky to do right which is why we don't have that infrastructure ready to go yet. I'd love to continue this discussion 1-1 if you have some time.


Oct 26, 2017
Gaming. The admins were very clear that any politically charged topic had still place in the other sub forums. The new sub forum was just regarding topics about literal politics
That's not what the poster means when he wants a politics subforum. People saying yes to that want any kind of politics banished to that thread so they can talk about games without having to read about game companies treat women like shit etc.

It's vastly different to what the mods attempted with an Entertainment and an Etcetera section that still allows politics overlap.


Oct 25, 2017
If history is a guide, eventually we standard members will be able to elect tribunes so we can have our day in the forumocracy.


Yes but the tribunate office was infamous for being exploited by the likes of the proto dictators prior to the collapse of the Republic.

Giving power to the plebs would lead to ruin!

And Carthage must be destroyed!


Oct 27, 2017
i like how people like to pretend that politics don't permeate everything and that wanting "politics" cordoned off to be optionally "ignored" isn't a political statement in itself


Oct 26, 2017
Some people take things too far when it comes to criticism. Admins implemented changes they thought were good, realized they weren't, and fixed it. I'm sure it was a learning experience either way.

It wasn't a very efficient or effective learning experience for them, but maybe the feedback of it all will be valuable when they research and implement other ways to improve the forum structure.


Oct 25, 2017
We should just kill OTs tbh.

All they do is breed bait users.

Just having ETCEra, then a separate part for politics.
I feel like OTs contain a whole lot of people who would otherwise try to make threads about edgy/inflammatory opinions they have. The types people make threads for months later, but would be chaos upon release.

Also, without OTs, larger releases would dominate forums for weeks at a time. That alone makes them worth it.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Politics is a part of everything. People who can't see that after it's pointed out to them are very often benefiting from the status quo and just see "normal" things as non-political, even though it took a great amount of political movement to get to where things are. Trying to extricate the politics from news, entertainment and everyday life is fundamentally flawed.

Surely you could recognize the difference between representation in games, James Gunn's eviction from Disney and the latest Trump related thread.

Deleted member 835

User requested account deletion
Oct 25, 2017
talking to prominent members is fine

not disclosing what entails a "prominent member" is not fine

splitting entertainment and other topics into two separate forums is fine

lumping OTs into those forums is not fine

reversing the changes after community feedback is great

talking down to the nonproms and attempting to shut down discourse regarding the attempted changes is awful

slighting mods and admins because of the situation is not fine

resetera fucked up, but fucking up is fine. so long as the fuck-up is understood and similar fuck-ups are prevented in the future.
I said already back near the start

I was one, community resettlers and people that make the threads were asked. I had no problem with the idea.

We were told what was going to happen a few days before it did, the wheels were already in motion. Shitting on "prominent members" for no reason

We were told like a day or two before you guys. Everything had been finalised by then. We were "polled"


Thanked By SGM
Oct 25, 2017
They should do this structure:

  • Games
    • Hangouts
  • EtcetEra
    • Hangouts
  • Politics

Easy. Done.

This is exactly what Gaf did lol. I would rather they did Entertainment instead of Politics, but either would work and help solve the problem they were attempting.

Edit: what are prominent members? Are they just the resettleres?
Oct 27, 2017
By the by, do you have any specific examples you'd like to highlight? It's okay if you don't.

Not about to wade through all the now trashfire feedback threads for it, so nothing specific. But it happened often enough from different posters with no real action taken on them that I found myself walking away thinking the moderation here is strangely out of whack. Like I legitimately don't get how that's OK, it's why I tend to not participate in said threads till now.

If I ever run into more and I'm not feeling too lazy, I'll probably quote them.


Oct 27, 2017
I just assumed that the site was down because someone dun goofed or a moose was released in a server room somewhere.


Oct 25, 2017
If the issue is that not enough people use hangouts, then putting hangouts in etcetera would be a really bad idea - since they're guaranteed to never be seen. At least when they're in their own section - less popular hangouts are sometimes also on the front page.


Oct 25, 2017
When a thousand people say "hey don't do this obviously stupid and unwise thing, here's why not to do it," and a couple people go "I'm gonna do it anyway, fuck you," that's not "trying, failing, fixing it," that's being an idiot who doesn't listen to good sense.
But... they did listen. Five fucking hours after implementing the changes. Sure many would've liked them to listen earlier but they did listen. So fast I didnt get to see this change go live!

And who exactly do you want fired? No moderator here gets paid you know that right?
Oct 25, 2017
Okay need to get some work done, even on labor day. Just love that people are being so exceptionally transparent now, before it was we want communities to thrive and to see all those wonderful OT's we never got to see. Now its clear, we just don't want to see politics anymore can you please make em take it elsewhere. I'm just trying to watch some football.


Alt Account
Aug 19, 2018
We could also take the Facebook approach, surround yourself with people that agree with you. So...

Gaming right
Gaming left
Off topic right
Off topic left


Oct 28, 2017
Come the fuck on! Disaster? Please! It lasted all of 5 hours and many of us on this side of the globe didnt even see it in action because we were asleep.

Yes it was a mistake but a disaster? A disaster is what happened with the old place. In a month no one will remember this bump on the road.
Well.. we still remember Day and Night era lol.
Oct 27, 2017
i like how people like to pretend that politics don't permeate everything and that wanting "politics" cordoned off to be optionally "ignored" isn't a political statement in itself

I like how people keep pretending that everyone only consumes ResetEra and no other media or news outlets, and this wanting a separate section for politics means they are super privileged white people who dont consume any politics ever.

If it's not on ResetEra, it doesnt exist!