
One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I played both versions and it's not, playing with a gamecube controller is night and day. The flow of movement that is able to be had with a controller shows how much the games were fine-tuned for them

This is ridiculous.

If you wanted the garbage GameCube controls back you could pretend you had them by just not moving the reticle unless you were standing still.

Nobody would want to do that though because it's a damned Terrible control scheme.


Oct 30, 2017
I would love the Prime Trilogy & 4 with options for Gyro and GC style controls, but I did like the Wii mote controls as well, could they be done with the JoyCons? I'm all for more options


Restless Insomniac
Oct 25, 2017
It'll have twin stick, gyro, or both. Either way it's not really the same situation as the original Prime.


Oct 27, 2017
Seattle WA
I prefer Z lock which makes the second stick useless, but occasionally I want to aim manually with a second stick. But really Z lock is arguably the #1 thing that made Prime what it was and twin stick shooters are a dime a dozen.

All options should be supported including traditional, dual stick, pointer, and motion.


Oct 25, 2017
I dont know if itll be the standard but it will be an option for sure. Lock On should remain in addition to free camera movement. Prime 3 made it work.

Also: optional gyro aiming is coming for sure.


Oct 27, 2017
Nintendo isn't developing MP4 so that design is kind of irrelevant from it's production and development standpoint into Tanabe and the developers and this post is really stupid in what it's trying to say.

Being developed by an third party didn't save the last star fox though, did it?

Sometimes Nintendo likes to force "new ways to play," especially if it is with a franchise that they see as less primary. Now, to be fair, may last post was really sarcastic, but I do think that there is truth to the idea that Nintendo is willing to shake things up in terms of structure and control schemes in ways that some in their audience may not enjoy. On the other hand, Samus Returns got a lot right when it comes to Metroid, so I have a lot of hope that M4 won't try to do something drastic in terms of control scheme.
Oct 25, 2017
Personally, I'd think that GCN controls, with the sole change that holding R turns on Gyro, would work really well for what Metroid is, but we won't get that.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Probably as an option but gyro will be the default, as it has been with every Nintendo title involving aiming on Switch. Hopefully lock on targeting is still a main mechanic since it correctly prevents the series from becoming too action focused and leads to a more deliberate style of combat


Oct 27, 2017
I dunno, the lock-on system worked damn well. I'm sure gyro is gonna be the way to aim though.


Aug 10, 2018
More than anything else I'm hoping for the godlike motion controls from Prime 3 and the trilogy.

Its not a traditional fps anyway, but motion controls in fps games are my absolute favourite way to control them. I finished Wolfenstien 2 on the hardest difficulty using them on switch. So good.
Judging from the imprecise gyro controls of Okami HD on switch, I'm afraid we won't get the same pixel perfect pointer controls we were spoiled with on the Wii.

I do wonder if they could implement Wii remote backwards compatibility in a software update and release a USB sensor bar or something ala the smash bros/gc controller situation. And maybe that sensor bar could be used with the right joycon pointed at the screen. It would be less than ideal, but it could work.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Perth, Australia
Yes. There's no chance in hell that it doesn't when even Zelda and Mario games have embraced standard dual stick controls for aiming projectiles.

I suspect it'll use the gyro also, though whether that's just gyro assist or a full blown MP3 style alternate control mode, remains to be seen.


Jan 11, 2018
I haven't played Doom but I like the implementation in FortNight, you can really tune the motion. I'd be happy with this sort of hybrid scheme.

Toa Axis

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I certainly hope so. I don't mind the Prime 1 and 2's controls, but dual analog controls are simply more fluid and less cumbersome. The Switch also has more buttons than a GameCube controller (clickable sticks and an extra shoulder button), so the developers have more options control-wise than Retro did with the GameCube titles.

I would not mind seeing an option for the original controls, however; people who are not experienced with first person games may find dual analog controls daunting, and the original games' control scheme was a big strength in that regard. All movement and aiming was handled entirely on one stick (with the latter needing the assistance of a button press), meaning that it was very simple to control even for the uninitiated. I definitely think that such a thing should be an option for accessibility.

As for prospective Prime 3/Trilogy-style controls... I would love that, but without an IR reference point like what we had with the Wii, I can't imagine it would be too accurate. Plus, holding the right Joycon upside down not only feels a little awkward, but completely cuts off access to a trigger and shoulder button - while also making the face buttons harder to reach. If aiming is completely gyro-based, on the other hand, then it would get very tedious to constantly re-center the aiming, especially for a first person title. Gyro-assisted aiming would be a superior option, IMO.


Oct 25, 2017
If it's not dual stick it's not gonna be worth playing, leave the awful gc/Wii control schemes in the past where they belong


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Twin stick aiming controls have been a mainstay in the industry for years so I never got the argument that anyone rolling up on the fourth metroid prime wouldn't be used to them.

Pata Hikari

Jan 15, 2018
I hope not you didn't need dual analogue in Metroid Prime. You have a lock on and the second sticks use for weapon switching is great.


Oct 25, 2017
New Zealand
Judging from the imprecise gyro controls of Okami HD on switch, I'm afraid we won't get the same pixel perfect pointer controls we were spoiled with on the Wii.

I do wonder if they could implement Wii remote backwards compatibility in a software update and release a USB sensor bar or something ala the smash bros/gc controller situation. And maybe that sensor bar could be used with the right joycon pointed at the screen. It would be less than ideal, but it could work.
They can totally use a combination of stick and gyro just like almost every other fps on switch and I'd be totally fine with that (TBH I'd be super surprised if they didn't at this point)
Wolfenstein 2 felt a lot like playing MP3 :) Which is funny because a lot of people complained about the shooting in that game, I've only played it on switch with gyro and it was awesome for me.


God help us the mods are making weekend threads
Jul 30, 2018
United States
I hope so. I went into the original games expecting something like Halo and was disappointed at first because I didn't know what the games were all about.


Nov 7, 2017
I don't even think the next Metroid game is guaranteed to stay as "Prime 4", but I imagine it would be on par with Splatoon 2's options.

AR Starts

Oct 25, 2017
I don't understand the people that want gyro or motion as the primary control scheme. I had to turn off gyro on splatoon immediately. Awful way to play any first person game. Dual sticks should be the standard.