Dec 22, 2017
I dont see him stepping down. It seems like that is mostly behind him already, which is probably more to do with the pandemic than anything else. But if this turns out to be anything, I see him getting stronger as a candidate:

And, he wasnt on my list of choices for President, but it seems like were stuck with him

jesus is there a thread on this?


Oct 25, 2017
Biden will sooner that Reade's allegations reelect Trump than step down. Which is a possible outcome. Once COVID-19 stops dominating the news cycle, the rape allegation and subsequent corroboration becomes a lot more juicy for CNN/MSNBC/NYT/WaPo to run with. "But her emails" squared. Trump's campaign runs with the horrific audio in round-the-clock attack ads. Kills turnout among women and younger voters, saving Trump from his own incompetence.

But in the remote hypothetical that Biden actually does step down over being exposed, the replacement has to be a woman. Warren as a unifier for the party would probably be the best possible outcome. Sanders if the party wanted their best chance to win. Klobuchar or Harris if they basically just throw their hands in the air and give up.
By the time COVID isn't dominating the cycle, we will be months into the Biden administration.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
I would be interested to hear how everyone who voted for him in the primary somehow no longer belong to the party.

What I mean is, they're not going to ignore the entire field of potential Democrat candidates to hand the nomination to an independent who lost WORSE this time than he did against Hillary.

There would be a fight.
May 31, 2018
Bernie was rejected by 70% of primary voters.

Nothing gets my Bernie-loving buddy to turn red every time I mention that stat when he starts crying about wanting all the free stuff Bernie was supposedly going to hand out. Apparently he doesn't like that the majority of the country told him "no."

A lot of people are going to vote against Joe just because they didn't get their way. Sure enough my buddy posted absolutely anything bad about Joe Biden from any rinkydink site he could find. In the comments he would always put a gif of Bernie laughing.


Oct 25, 2017

the idea that the claims made against biden was going away anytime soon was foolishness. they were all putting their collective heads in the sand about it. i understand the stakes, but there's a way to handle combating trump and still respecting the accuser

and i really don't know. bernie? warren? there's not many great choices that everyone will be happy with


Oct 28, 2017
Cuomo is in the spotlight because New York is in worse shape than California. His slowness to act actually made him politically more popular than the other governors.

Cuomo is totally shit, I agree. That can be the truth at the same damn time it's the truth that he'd be able to win in a landslide.

And that would be easily be used against him by the Trump Campaign.

Trump will take credit for all the other states low death #s, in comparison to New York's #s. Which he will blame on Cuomo's slow response. Which there will be video footage to show. And yes there will be footage of Trump downplaying it as well... but that's what Trump and his base/Rs like to do....bring you down to their level for the fight. People have low expectations of Trump, higher expectations of others.


Oct 26, 2017
He's not stepping down, but he is pretty old with COVID around anything can happen. I really hope it doesn't because I think Trump wins if Biden doesn't run.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
And that would be easily be used against him by the Trump Campaign.

Trump will take credit for all the other states low death #s, in comparison to New York's #s. Which he will blame on Cuomo's slow response. Which there will be video footage to show. And yes there will be footage of Trump downplaying it as well... but that's what Trump and his base/Rs like to do....bring you down to their level for the fight. People have low expectations of Trump, higher expectations of others.
You're simultaneously overestimating Trump and selectively overestimating voters. The people who will believe all the shit Trump spouts at face value are his unlosable base. His 40% that he'd have no matter what happens. Besides, way things are going, by the time election time rolls around New York will probably be past most of it while resurgences happen everywhere else.


Oct 28, 2017
Nothing gets my Bernie-loving buddy to turn red every time I mention that stat when he starts crying about wanting all the free stuff Bernie was supposedly going to hand out. Apparently he doesn't like that the majority of the country told him "no."

A lot of people are going to vote against Joe just because they didn't get their way. Sure enough my buddy posted absolutely anything bad about Joe Biden from any rinkydink site he could find. In the comments he would always put a gif of Bernie laughing.

Um... did you see the exit polls on how most of those same voters viewed Bernie's policy?

Either they thought Biden would be for the same policy, or they just wanted to vote for who they thought (told!) at the time...could beat Trump.


Oct 26, 2017
What's all this Cuomo shit??? DO YALL NOT REMEMBER EARLY ON HOW HE WAS AGAINST SHELTER IN PLACE???? waving off San Francisco's approach? Being publicly ignorant about what it meant?

If you're going to push for some Governor who got attention because of this pandemic, you would think Gavin Newsom's name would be brought up before Cuomo... but hey "New York" right?

Cuomo speaks out his ass at times as well. Yall love just jumping on new trends just for the fuck of it.

I don't trust Establishment Democracts, but I trust Gavin more so than Cuomo, if I had to choose. And no it's not just because he was a former Mayor of San Francisco or the current Governor of California.

You are confusing who people want, with people being reasonable and telling you who they would expect the delegates to choose.. No one here has forgotten anything about Cuomo....

But the Dems would definitely put him up there right now on name recognition alone if things were thrown into chaos like that.

Maybe read the thread instead of jumping in and blasting everyone as if they are some weird Cuomo fanboys or something.


Nov 8, 2017
Nothing gets my Bernie-loving buddy to turn red every time I mention that stat when he starts crying about wanting all the free stuff Bernie was supposedly going to hand out. Apparently he doesn't like that the majority of the country told him "no."

A lot of people are going to vote against Joe just because they didn't get their way. Sure enough my buddy posted absolutely anything bad about Joe Biden from any rinkydink site he could find. In the comments he would always put a gif of Bernie laughing.

How red does your face get when you see loved ones fail to hit their GoFundMe goals for live-saving medical procedures?


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Um... did you see the exit polls on how most of those same voters viewed Bernie's policy?

Either they thought Biden would be for the same policy, or they just wanted to vote for who they thought (told!) at the time...could beat Trump.
Have you seen polling of the public option? It polls higher. People don't know the difference. They want "something".
Oct 25, 2017
I would like to see Sanders or Warren, but I have no idea how that even works...I'm also unsure if they would be able to garner the support.


Oct 25, 2017
He's not stepping down so no point putting any serious thought to it. For a just for fun thought, I don't know. Would be tough. Bernie can't get people to vote for him so gonna rule him out. I'd probably avoid most of the primary candidates and try to go outside that for a dark horse and hope for the best.


Oct 28, 2017
You are confusing who people want, with people being reasonable and telling you who they would expect the delegates to choose.. No one here has forgotten anything about Cuomo....

But the Dems would definitely put him up there right now on name recognition alone if things were thrown into chaos like that.

Maybe read the thread instead of jumping in and blasting everyone as if they are some weird Cuomo fanboys or something.

I could replace "Cuomo" with "Biden", and your post will look similar from sometime back.

Ignore what's in front of you.

Folks will never learn.
Oct 26, 2017
There will be an actual convention where delegates decide his replacement

And it would not be Bernie, he does not have enough support to come close
May 31, 2018
User banned (2 weeks): trolling and classist rhetoric over a series of posts
How red does your face get when you see loved ones fail to hit their GoFundMe goals for live-saving medical procedures?

Actually he's the only one out of all of us that would be underprepared enough to have that happen. Unfortunately he went and had 3 kids "accidentally" at 19 and wasn't well-off in the first place.
Oct 25, 2017
He's not going to step down.

If he does, the replacement likely wouldn't be Bernie. Not that it would matter, at that point, we'd probably have lost November due to how much of a cluster fuck it would all be.
Oct 25, 2017
The Democratic Party is not going to ignore their ENTIRE PARTY to instantly nominate an independent who couldn't even win a primary. He's not a Democrat, they owe him nothing.

Then they need to either reform their entire party or just have progressives form their own 3rd party without their baggage. If they're gonna keep hunkering down on establishment, wallstreet, status-quo faces, then they're basically the GOP-lite party.
Oct 25, 2017
Personally I feel that Bernie Sanders is still, despite *everything*, the best chance Dems would have to win office IF -- and this is a BIG 'if' -- Biden were to take leave of the stage. Sure, from a support standpoint, Bernie didn't have what it took to beat Biden, but who is to say that with Biden out of the running entirely that Bernie wouldn't have the best chance given that shake-up? Certainly there was nobody else other than Bernie who was 2nd to Biden. It is safe to say that if the goal was to have a chance at winning, Bernie would be the guy.

If it's not about winning, but rather, having a 'true' Democrat, then of course he would not be the selection because, as others have so aptly pointed out, he's not a Democrat, really.

For what it's worth, I don't think he's raped anybody.


Oct 25, 2017
Then they need to either reform their entire party or just have progressives form their own 3rd party without their baggage. If they're gonna keep hunkering down on establishment, wallstreet, status-quo faces, then they're basically the GOP-lite party.
Progressives starting a 3rd Party would ensure GOP dominance for the rest of our lives.
Oct 31, 2017
I'm making this thread so the inevitable conversation that will derail new Tara Reade thread has a place to go instead of shitting up a thread that is strictly about sexual harrasment claims only.

So let's say Joe steps down or is forced to step down. What the hell are we going to do? Who replaces him? My mind immediately goes Cuomo because he has the country wrapped around his finger at the moment and I can see Joe's delegates going there (if that's how that works?)

I know people love Bernie but I can see him losing to Trump in a major way.

Who will hold our sword and do battle against the enemy?

I like Bernie infinitely better than Cuomo, but from a strategic point, yes, Cuomo would be very strong coming out of this.


Oct 29, 2017
Doesn't really matter who would replace him in this unlikely scenario. Trump would win.

Not necessarily. It would require someone with high name recognition that is also well liked.

Also, you can be sure there will be another reason publicly why Biden stepped down (health, etc) and not this.

Deleted member 171

Oct 25, 2017
Doesn't really matter who would replace him in this unlikely scenario. Trump would win.

It's the truth here. There's no way that Biden stepping down and being replaced by anyone that isn't completely beloved and outside of the primary, which is in extremely short supply, leads to anything but a fractured party.


Oct 27, 2017
The best we can hope for is that if Biden wins the presidency he drops out and lets his VP become president.

Deleted member 4413

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Not necessarily. It would require someone with high name recognition that is also well liked.

Also, you can be sure there will be another reason publicly why Biden stepped down (health, etc) and not this.

Idk, Bernie doesn't have enough mainstream support. Nobody else comes to mind that could sway voters so close to the election. It would have to be a universally liked celebrity level politician like Michelle Obama, and that isn't happening.
Oct 31, 2017
Since we are talking in the realm of shit that wont happen, lets just keep it greasy.

Won't be Bernie, wasn't accepted by enough. They also would have their pick of the establishment Dems.

So it would be Hillary Clinton in this fantasy world that has no chance of happening. Shes shown that shes more accepted by the voter base than Bernie, and is an establishment Dem through and through.

That argument doesn't hold water. He was accepted by more than any other candidate.
Oct 31, 2017
What's all this Cuomo shit??? DO YALL NOT REMEMBER EARLY ON HOW HE WAS AGAINST SHELTER IN PLACE???? waving off San Francisco's approach? Being publicly ignorant about what it meant?

If you're going to push for some Governor who got attention because of this pandemic, you would think Gavin Newsom's name would be brought up before Cuomo... but hey "New York" right?

Cuomo speaks out his ass at times as well. Yall love just jumping on new trends just for the fuck of it.

I don't trust Establishment Democracts, but I trust Gavin more so than Cuomo, if I had to choose. And no it's not just because he was a former Mayor of San Francisco or the current Governor of California.

Totally get what you're saying, especially since Cuomo is extremely popular now but had mixed approval ratings prior to the pandemic. It's more that he's the one making waves, I think, though I'm sure some people like certain Democrats without knowing a lot about them.

Blue Skies

Mar 27, 2019
Guy who's wanted to be president his whole life isn't going to suddenly step down in an election in which people overwhelmingly have looked at him to be the savior.
Oct 25, 2017
Progressives starting a 3rd Party would ensure GOP dominance for the rest of our lives.

In the current scenario, yeah. But I'm referring to *if* dems and gop were somehow forced get rid of the measures put in place that keeps perpetuating their duopoly. I realize they'll never do this now, and I'll begrudgingly vote for whatever mediocre they choose as their nominee if they replace Biden. But any opening there is to etch away at their current lackluster state, I'll personally take. Even if it means eventually breaking off to a 3rd party if people leave in large enough numbers.


Oct 26, 2017
That argument doesn't hold water. He was accepted by more than any other candidate.

Disagree. The party. The voters rather, have made it pretty clear twice that they don't want Bernie. Both times choosing mediocre to boring and disliked candidates over him. But this is hardly worth arguing about honestly. Its a joke of a hypothetical. It just seems extremely easy to predict. The DNC is not going to overlook a party of Establishment Democrats to put up Bernie. That's beyond far fetched man. Nothing in the history of this country or party would lead me to believe they would do that. I would expect Warren before Bernie. At least shes a Democrat year round and not just during election periods when she's running for office.


Oct 29, 2017
Idk, Bernie doesn't have enough mainstream support. Nobody else comes to mind that could sway voters so close to the election. It would have to be a universally liked celebrity level politician like Michelle Obama, and that isn't happening.

If Michelle was the only person people could get behind I think she would do it, but I think there are other candidates who also fit the bill that are not Bernie.


Oct 25, 2017
In the current scenario, yeah. But I'm referring to *if* dems and gop were somehow forced get rid of the measures put in place that keeps perpetuating their duopoly. I realize they'll never do this now, and I'll begrudgingly vote for whatever mediocre they choose as their nominee if they replace Biden. But any opening there is to etch away at their current lackluster state, I'll personally take. Even if it means eventually breaking off to a 3rd party if people leave in large enough numbers.
The First Past The Post system ensures that whoever splits off will lose AND ensure whoever they split from will lose as well. Until that's changed, there's never going to be any break away.
Oct 25, 2017
I dont see him stepping down. It seems like that is mostly behind him already, which is probably more to do with the pandemic than anything else. But if this turns out to be anything, I see him getting stronger as a candidate:

And, he wasnt on my list of choices for President, but it seems like were stuck with him

I don't believe this at all, no fucking way.