Deleted member 8860

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
At what point do other nations at the UN say fuck what the US says, we will take care of it ourselves?

Never. Countries act in their own interests, not for the good of humanity (beyond easy missle strikes against non-aligned militias, as in Kosovo, or on-paper condemnations).

Even in the neighborhood, although Saudi Arabia and Egypt (et al) support symbolic measures for Palestinian human rights, both are strongly allied with Israel. The Iran-Russia block would do something, perhaps, if Israel didn't have nukes and US support.


Oct 25, 2017
"both sides need to come together to come to a solution for the israel palestine issue"

yea fuck that. when one side is shooting at children and unarmed protestors, there isn't much discussion to be fucking had.

First, intentionally killing children who are clearly no danger is wrong.

Now then, are we pretending Hamas is not killing innocent woman and children in public places now?

Is death by bullet somehow worse then death by suicide vest or home Meade rocket or mortar fire?

Again, clearly killing innocents is wrong, period full stop.
Oct 27, 2017
First, intentionally killing children who are clearly no danger is wrong.

Now then, are we pretending Hamas is not killing innocent woman and children in public places now?

Is death by bullet somehow worse then death by suicide vest or home Meade rocket or mortar fire?

Again, clearly killing innocents is wrong, period full stop.
One is an organisation that is backed by the government and the other is a terror group.

No body is pretending Hamas isn't shit but to pretend like Hamas is the voice for Palestine and is supported by most just to justify what IDF does is wrong.

And to your comparisons between killing techniques by IDF and Hamas. A bullet is much more direct and IDF has killed more civilians than Hamas ever did. The vests (which Hamas stopped using as far as I remember) or the home made missiles are much less effective to kill with.

Deleted member 8860

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
First, intentionally killing children who are clearly no danger is wrong.

Now then, are we pretending Hamas is not killing innocent woman and children in public places now?

Is death by bullet somehow worse then death by suicide vest or home Meade rocket or mortar fire?

Again, clearly killing innocents is wrong, period full stop.

The degree of violence/murders between the "two sides" is literally a thousandfold difference, besides which one "side" is fighting for freedom from an open-air prison camp and the other (a tremendously powerful state) for ethnic cleansing.

You can't "both sides" this anymore than the situation of American Indians attempting to leave their reservations in the 1800s or Polish Jews fighting for survival in the Warsaw Ghetto uprising.
Nov 2, 2017
Den Haag, Netherlands
Israel is going to get theirs. History proves that you can only push people so much. This is out of control.

From who? Palestinians are being externally displaced and too disparate to mobilise effectively. SA is all but ready to recognise Israel. Iran is the only potential candidate to really push for the defence of Palestinians, and they're using them for their own selfish gains.


Oct 25, 2017
One is an organisation that is backed by the government and the other is a terror group.

No body is pretending Hamas isn't shit but to pretend like Hamas is the voice for Palestine and is supported by most just to justify what IDF does is wrong.

And to your comparisons between killing techniques by IDF and Hamas. A bullet is much more direct and IDF has killed more civilians than Hamas ever did. The vests (which Hamas stopped using as far as I remember) or the home made missiles are much less effective to kill with.

We all know Iran bankrolls Hamas, although it varies depending upon their mood it seems.

No one's justifying anything. The poster I replied to attempted to get away with saying only kids on one side are dying. Thats a lie. Period.

The method does not matter. One side is in a school bus going to school and dies... Well that's not bad, it wasn't a bullet and was just pure chance... what???
Oct 27, 2017
We all know Iran bankrolls Hamas, although it varies depending upon their mood it seems.

No one's justifying anything. The poster I replied to attempted to get away with saying only kids on one side are dying. Thats a lie. Period.

The method does not matter. One side is in a school bus going to school and dies... Well that's not bad, it wasn't a bullet and was just pure chance... what???
So you are telling me Hamas who gets some support from Hizbollah who gets some support from Iran is the same as IDF that has the full backing of the Israeli government? Do you see how ridiculous that sounds?

What buss are you taking about? Edit: this one?
Because as far as I know Hamas shoots home made missiles that almost always misses. The last Gazan war killed 10 or so Israelis (most of them soldiers) compared to the thousand or more Gazans killed (most of them civilians).

Edit: Just to correct myself. 67 Israeli soldiers and 5 Israeli civilians were killed in that conflict.
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
I just don't get the purpose for killing children.
Even if they grow up and become a "threat" to Israel.

What kinda source is that, op posted?


Oct 25, 2017
So you are telling me Hamas who gets some support from Hizbollah who gets some support from Iran is the same as IDF that has the full backing of the Israeli government? Do you see how ridiculous that sounds?

What buss are you taking about? Edit: this one?
Because as far as I know Hamas shoots home made missiles that almost always misses. The last Gazan war killed 10 or so Israelis (most of them soldiers) compared to the thousand or more Gazans killed (most of them civilians).

Do you see how rediculous it sounds to suggest that because a terrorist organization receives less funding then a state that somehow it means the deaths are less of a outrage?

That's the one yep. Pretending Israel civilians are not dying due to Hamas terror attacks is a lie.

If you want to debate why killing Israel's people is less wrong then killing Palastiens go ahead but that's not a discussion I'm going to have, sorry.
Oct 27, 2017
Do you see how rediculous it sounds to suggest that because a terrorist organization receives less funding then a state that somehow it means the deaths are less of a outrage?

That's the one yep. Pretending Israel civilians are not dying due to Hamas terror attacks is a lie.

If you want to debate why killing Israel's people is less wrong then killing Palastiens go ahead but that's not a discussion I'm going to have, sorry.
"Do you see how rediculous it sounds to suggest that because a terrorist organization receives less funding then a state that somehow it means the deaths are less of a outrage?"

Less ridiculous than Israeli Defence Force killing civilians "to defend the country". Hamas kills people to "liberate the county" but they are terrorists. They are both the same but one has more technology and the full backing of the Israeli government and the others don't have anything of that sort.

"That's the one yep. Pretending Israel civilians are not dying due to Hamas terror attacks is a lie."

And who exactly is saying that?

"If you want to debate why killing Israel's people is less wrong then killing Palastiens go ahead but that's not a discussion I'm going to have, sorry."

Nobody is debating why killing one side is less wrong, not sure where you got that impression.
Oct 27, 2017
Do you see how rediculous it sounds to suggest that because a terrorist organization receives less funding then a state that somehow it means the deaths are less of a outrage?

That's the one yep. Pretending Israel civilians are not dying due to Hamas terror attacks is a lie.

If you want to debate why killing Israel's people is less wrong then killing Palastiens go ahead but that's not a discussion I'm going to have, sorry.
The difference is, Israel was kiling civilians way before Hamas even existed. The reason Hamas exists and has taken hold of the Gaza strip is precisely because Israel keeps killing its civilians and undermining with bombs and bulldozers the institutions Palestinians try to maintain.
Besides, killing soldiers who belong to a foreign occupation force is not terrorism. It's armed resistance. If you don't want your soldiers to be killed, don't occupy foreign countries and impose Apartheid on them and kill its civilians by the thousands. It's really not that hard, considering most countries don't do it.


Oct 25, 2017
Israel doesn't understand. Killing people gives Hamas more power in the region because more and more people will see their families, loved ones, friends and also innocent people killed for no reason and will want to fight back.

I've spoken to a lot of Israeli's due to my step family having lived there for 20 years and while this isn't the case for everyone, there are some people who genuinely view palestinians as sub human, exactly the way the people who persecuted the Jews did throughout WW2. It's like Israel as a country (mainly the government) haven't learnt from the past at all. :(


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Kitchener, ON
Israel could commit mass genocide and wipe out the entire Palestinian race with chemical weapons, flamethrowers, battery acid, nukes or whatever the fuck they pleased and the United States would do NOTHING. They are complicit and fully supportive in the death of every child Israel shoots in the head. Hell, it's practically a multi-party U.S. domestic policy. Might as well be written in the Constitution.


Oct 25, 2017

"That's the one yep. Pretending Israel civilians are not dying due to Hamas terror attacks is a lie."

And who exactly is saying that?

"If you want to debate why killing Israel's people is less wrong then killing Palastiens go ahead but that's not a discussion I'm going to have, sorry."

Nobody is debating why killing one side is less wrong, not sure where you got that impression.

How about when you reply to a post you read what I'm replying to huh?

I'll quote it again just for you...

"both sides need to come together to come to a solution for the israel palestine issue"

yea fuck that. when one side is shooting at children and unarmed protestors, there isn't much discussion to be fucking had.

As to your last point.. That is indeed what you are arguing. Sorry you cannot see that.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Do you see how rediculous it sounds to suggest that because a terrorist organization receives less funding then a state that somehow it means the deaths are less of a outrage?

That's the one yep. Pretending Israel civilians are not dying due to Hamas terror attacks is a lie.

If you want to debate why killing Israel's people is less wrong then killing Palastiens go ahead but that's not a discussion I'm going to have, sorry.

Israel created Hamas and the PLO etc when it invaded Palestine, displaced its people and has slowly pushed them into ghettos and bombed and shot the civilian populace.

Israel is simply reaping what it sowed.

Oppression breeds resistance.


Oct 25, 2017
First, intentionally killing children who are clearly no danger is wrong.

Now then, are we pretending Hamas is not killing innocent woman and children in public places now?

Is death by bullet somehow worse then death by suicide vest or home Meade rocket or mortar fire?

Again, clearly killing innocents is wrong, period full stop.

We were talking about Israel and Palestine. Not Israel vs a terrorist organization.

Sorry you cannot see that.
Oct 27, 2017
How about when you reply to a post you read what I'm replying to huh?

I'll quote it again just for you...

As to your last point.. That is indeed what you are arguing. Sorry you cannot see that.
I don't get your point. The poster is talking about this incident which has IDF snipers killing protesters and children by the orders of the IDF. Not sure how that means that people are for the killing of Israeli civilians.

"As to your last point.. That is indeed what you are arguing. Sorry you cannot see that."

Sorry, mind showing me where I said that?
Dec 4, 2017
It's an ideological thing. Israel is a western cultural colony in the middle east.
Which is really fucking ironic, since Israelis aren't really 'Western'. In terms of general cultural mores, they're closer to Russians. And Russians definitely aren't 'Western'.
The only 'Western' thing about Israelis is that they're white (well, most of them) compared to their brown(er) neighbours. I guess that's enough for the US...


Oct 25, 2017
Palestinian kids are throwing rocks. Time to murder thousands of Palestinians. It's only right!

I Don't Like

Dec 11, 2017
A country has the right to defend itself regardless if the reason is wrong or right. The problem here is, snipers being ordered to take out children doesn't seem like defending yourself.

If you are defending yourself then realistically the reason is right. I can't really think of a scenario where you're defending yourself but it's objectively wrong.

Anyway, this is all fucked up. Fuck the Israeli government. They don't give a shit about peace. They know they have military superiority and if it allows them to kill Palestinians they're willing to put Israelis in danger to do it.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Might also help to understand why they do it: Because there are more and more attacks carried out against Israel from kids as young as 8. There is no good and bad in this conflict, it's all bad.

Kids throwing rocks at soldiers behind fence = shoot 8 year old kid.

You arithmetic is astonishing.

Hey when someone steals your land, takes your rights and attacks with impunity ... you going to just sit there?

The world is ignoring this, people are resisting in whatever manner they can.

I will back the people with nothing, living in awful conditions.


Oct 25, 2017
Hamas is Palestine?

I see there is no point arguing with you. It is clear where this is going.

I was not aware we are "arguing". I thought we were having a discussion. Good to know.

So, to sum: We are rewritting history in this thread. In it, Israel was never attacked by anyone in the Middle East. The six day war never happened, and it certainly did not happen after Egypt decided to try and be a tough guy, then call in help. Hamas is certainly not funded by any goverment entity in any country. Israels civilians are not being killed, at all. All Hamas does is ineffective rocket attacks that never kill anyone. Every soldier is ordered to snipe children from a dubious source taken as 100% fact, clearly ignoring the reality of children being used repeatedly ( ) as armed combatants.

That's about it for me..not sure we can go anywhere with this as there is no where to go. Killing children, using children to kill, killing innocents regardless of children or not is wrong. Both sides are doing it. Both sides will continue to do it because both sides profit from it. The innocent men, woman, and children in Palestine who are not constantly throwing rocks at soldiers are the true victims as no one will help them. We send money that gets stolen by Hamas, we try various solutions in the UN that's blocked by Israel (via US), its a no win situation.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Wow, didn't think he'd just come out and say it. The Israeli military murders children because they may be a future threat. Pretty sure that's ethnic cleansing. Too bad most of our government and population won't care. Disgusting.
That's not what he meant and you probably know that,but you case you don't:
He meant future threat as in the near future, like sabotaging the fence. Not that those children will grow up and become a terrorists or something.


Mar 18, 2018
Might also help to understand why they do it: Because there are more and more attacks carried out against Israel from kids as young as 8. There is no good and bad in this conflict, it's all bad.

Would you like to provide a link to the increased number of Palestinian children murdering IDF soldiers then? Cus I seem to have missed that little bit of news and that's quite the claim.
Oct 27, 2017
That's not what he meant and you probably know that,but you case you don't:
He meant future threat as in the near future, like sabotaging the fence. Not that those children will grow up and become a terrorists or something.
Well, they certainly won't grow up now.
They and their rocks were such a threat to a high-voltage electrified fence that kept them in an open-air prison.
Oct 25, 2017
Brooklyn, NY
The conflict is so asymmetrical that "both sides" is effectively just a slightly less inflammatory version of "Israel can do no wrong." Either way, you're overwhelmingly favoring Israel by willfully overlooking the actual balance of power and attributing to the Palestinians a level of agency that they simply don't have.


Mar 18, 2018

You mean fought a war and won right? Just curious... are we rewriting history now?

That's disgustingly reductionist towards the political events of the time that led to the six day war, both towards Israel and the opposing nations.

"Israel won!" Says a lot about how you view the Israel/Palestein situation to be quite frank. The fact that you choose to push this in a topic about an IDF general admitting they kill children is even worse.


Jan 23, 2018
A country has the right to defend itself regardless if the reason is wrong or right. The problem here is, snipers being ordered to take out children doesn't seem like defending yourself.

I'm not condoning it but I bet the order stems from them using those children as suicide bombers. Children are easy to get into a religious fervor and do something they'll never live to regret. It's a horrible situation on both sides.


Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
The right wing israeli government must be destroyed and rebuilt in the same way the US government must be destroyed and rebuilt. Until that happens, Israel will bring tons of pain to its citizens onto itself. And i don't want to hear anyone calling people antisemites to acknowledge that fact.

Baji Boxer

Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
That's not what he meant and you probably know that,but you case you don't:
He meant future threat as in the near future, like sabotaging the fence. Not that those children will grow up and become a terrorists or something.
Yes, it does look like I misread it after looking at the full transcript again. I think it is pathetic of you to try and play gotcha over misinterpreting the specific justification for deliberately murdering children. You want to accuse me of dishonesty, maybe pick a better hill to die one. One that doesn't make you look like pro-child murder.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Idk why every time someone commits a crime in Israel, it's the entire country of Israel. The sniper and their commanding officer(s) committed crimes, and they need to be arrested->sent to jail/courtmartialed w/e they do there. Before you quote me, I'm aware this starts at the top - so yeah, other countries need to put sanctions on the Israeli government, so the people get pissed off that their gas prices skyrocket or whatever the fuck, and push for change in their government.

This makes sense without damning an entire country full of diverse people, no?


Dec 23, 2017
Cincinnati, OH
Look at this article's source.

Fake news is an important subject to you guys until it fits your agenda.

Bad things are happening in Israel but we need to be careful about how we filter our facts and sources, otherwise you're feeding into the hate.
Oct 27, 2017
Look at this articles source.

Fake news is an important subject to you guys until it fits your agenda.

Bad things are happening in Israel but we need to be careful about how we filter our facts and sources, otherwise you're feeding into the hate.
Maybe read through the article? The source isn't them. They are merely translating the radio interview.
Idk why every time someone commits a crime in Israel, it's the entire country of Israel. The sniper and their commanding officer(s) committed crimes, and they need to be arrested->sent to jail/courtmartialed w/e they do there. Before you quote me, I'm aware this starts at the top - so yeah, other countries need to put sanctions on the Israeli government, so the people get pissed off that their gas prices skyrocket or whatever the fuck, and push for change in their government.

This makes sense without damning an entire country full of diverse people, no?
Who is doing that?

People who say fuck Israel mean it like when a person say fuck USA. As in the government.


Feb 25, 2018
Look at this article's source.

Fake news is an important subject to you guys until it fits your agenda.

Bad things are happening in Israel but we need to be careful about how we filter our facts and sources, otherwise you're feeding into the hate.

I'm with you on this. Is this confirmed by other news outlet?