
Feb 15, 2018
I think they should just staff up or create another studio somewhere else like they have Dallas, Austin, and Montreal. Then let Bethesda deal with the staff however they want. Maybe it makes sense to just have more people working on games and getting them out sooner.


Oct 25, 2017
I think teams dedicated to a single IP is a mistake - though MS seems to be at least realizing that as it seems 343 and Coalition are going to be working on new IP next.

I would tend to agree with that especially for a first party that can afford and needs to take risks. Bethesda could have turned themselves into an Elder Scrolls factory years ago and it would have made every sense in the world, so why didn't they? Why not Elder Scrolls instead of Fallout 3 and Fallout 4? Why didn't they do Elder Scrolls instead of Starfield, when Elder Scrolls makes all the business sense in the world when compared to a new IP?

That's the lesson to be learned here.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't think this is the right question. This is the question I'd ask instead: now that they have a big wallet owner behind that could provide cash and financial stability, will Bethesda leadership expand the staff and create separate, dedicated teams for the big IPs?

So much this!

While people talk about the MS acquisition being nothing but a detriment to end users, this is where the value to those who play games lays. Like any good partnership, it's about bringing the strengths of both sides together, Bethesda has the ability to make these games, and MS has the dollars to allow them to scale to levels previously unavailable.


Oct 27, 2017
MS barging in and imposing their will on their acquisitions is a sure way to ruin morale and end up with bad quality games. So no, I think they should allow BGS to continue as they have been.
Yeah I think that decision should 100% be a BGS decision. BGS Austin is capable, they just needed more time with 76 in the oven.
I don't think this is the right question. This is the question I'd ask instead: now that they have a big wallet owner behind that could provide cash and financial stability, will Bethesda leadership expand the staff and create separate, dedicated teams for the big IPs?
All this.

I dont think MS needs to really get involved besides the financial backing. With them now part of MS it might be a burden off their shoulders.

MS should sit back and see how it plays out first.


Nov 26, 2020
Let BGS work on proper sequels if they want, but Xbox should 100% outsource spin offs (in the same vein as FO:NV) to their other studios or even third party devs.

It's completely ridiculous we will have to wait 10-15 years between Elder Scrolls and Fallout releases. Just think, someone who is 30 years old now may be retired before TES8 or Fallout 6 comes out.
Jan 4, 2018
So...... they should have dedicated studio for Fallout?

Ideally yes. Among their 4 biggest IPs:

(not the exact picture but to give a aproximate idea)
Halo franchise has 343 Industries (+750 employees)
Minecraft franchise has Mojang (+600 employees)
TES franchise has (in some ways) a large portion of ZeniMax Online (+400 or +450 employees) working on TESO since the early 2010s and parts of BGS Maryland now working on TES6 (pre-production).
Fallout franchise currently has BGS Austin (~100 employees I believe) with some of them helping on Starfield if I recall correctly.

Fallout is clearly the odd one in the list now. BGS Austin loves Fallout and has good experience now so I think they deserve to lead the next game.

Plus the TV series is coming at Amazon Prime.


Oct 25, 2017
At the very least, whether they go with new studios, or new teams. They certainly need more people to work these IPs because I dont think having these 20 year delays is good for them

I think teams dedicated to a single IP is a mistake - though MS seems to be at least realizing that as it seems 343 and Coalition are going to be working on new IP next.

Actually, dedicated studios works pretty well for Xbox. And Microsoft makes it pretty easy for developers to jump between studios if they want to do something new, or do contract work with other Microsoft studios from within their home studio.

Besides, Microsoft isn't the only studio that does it. And not all Microsoft studios are dedicated studios to an IP. And even with dedicated IP studios, those studios aren't locked into making a single type of game because they are given freedom to make Spinoffs or games in different genres, or with different gameplay style.


Jan 24, 2020
Considering how successful their games are, it's honestly surprising they haven't just double/triple sized the studio to do exactly this. I guess management could become a nightmare, but that's why you have competent leads.


Oct 27, 2017
i mean those are all pretty similar games in different settings, if we got them faster id burn out real quick


Oct 27, 2017
I would love a Vault-Tec studio, but that's up to MS and Bethesda to decide if that's what they want to do.


Oct 25, 2017
The Stussining
I think people are severely underestimating how hard it is to make the games Bethesda makes. Like there's a reason there are no rip offs of their games.


Jun 25, 2019
They should let BGS leadership decide. If they want 3 separate teams then MS should find a way to make that happen. Otherwise don't mess with their formula.
Couldn't agree more. You don't buy zenimax for 7.5 billion them start strong arming them. You let them do what they will. We are moving on to the 6th game in their respective series and they are crazy hyped. Part of that is because we don't get them every 5 years. It's an event Everytime they launch.


Jun 3, 2019
That depends on how much independence they're willing to grant Bethesda. They clearly prefer to work in a game at a time from what I can see, so meddling at this level could lead to trouble internally.


Oct 27, 2017
If you want to pump them out quick, sure. But I imagine those games actually profit from the cycle, applying things they learned one IP to the other IP


Oct 25, 2017
Richmond, VA
They should let BGS leadership decide. If they want 3 separate teams then MS should find a way to make that happen. Otherwise don't mess with their formula.

Yep. And that's what they say they will do…for now.

My fear all along with this purchase is the "for now" part. Long term, I'm not optimistic.
Last edited:


Apr 15, 2018
I think teams dedicated to a single IP is a mistake - though MS seems to be at least realizing that as it seems 343 and Coalition are going to be working on new IP next.
I agree. It leads to creative stagnation and people leaving to work on other projects.

Just let BGS be, expand them organically to accelerate the projects. There's no need to create separate teams for each IP.


Oct 27, 2017
Ipswich, England
i genuinely think that as things settle in, and the next few years play out as they were originally planned, you will start to see an ES, SF, or FO game drop every couple of years (not each, but one off)

This might involve other studios, as i'm sure MS will want 'one' of these dropping more regularly then what they are currently planned for

if ES6 is 2025, MS won't want FO5 dropping in 2028, and SF2 dropping in 2031... they'll want a quicker turn around then that for the three major franchises


Oct 25, 2017
Yep. And that's what they say they will do…for now.

My fear all along with this purchase is the "for now" part. Long term, I'm not optimistic.

With any company of its size it is always "for now". Any changes in leadership, especially at the very top could jeopardize the vision. Phil has done a good job but none of this would be possible without Nadella's support/buying in.


Oct 25, 2017
Richmond, VA
This is common. Becomes very apparent when folks talk about them throwing out their engine.

Yep. These threads are so irritating. There is literally nobody making BGS games except BGS, and they need to be left the fuck alone to keep doing their crazy ass thing. Yet every thread is people wanting to blow them up or fuck up the secret sauce. It's like fingernails on the chalkboard to me.

Like I said, my biggest fear is that they aren't their own master anymore. How long until MS starts to feel like they aren't getting ROI? That's what worries me.

With any company of its size it is always "for now". Any changes in leadership, especially at the very top could jeopardize the vision. Phil has done a good job but none of this would be possible without Nadella's support/buying in.

Let's hope it stays that way.


Nov 1, 2017
United States
If Bethesda would like to grow an entire new studio to get on a quicker cadence, I would have no problem with that, and I hope MS would fund it.

If it comes from MS to do that, I would have a problem with that.


Oct 25, 2017
Bethesda RPG games, quite simply, do not come out fast enough.

At the very least, I'm hoping that things get sped up just a little what with the Microsoft resources.

But I don't want the games to lose their "flavor" either just for the sake of rushing them out.

We need a balance.


Oct 25, 2017
Let BGS work on proper sequels if they want, but Xbox should 100% outsource spin offs (in the same vein as FO:NV) to their other studios or even third party devs.

It's completely ridiculous we will have to wait 10-15 years between Elder Scrolls and Fallout releases. Just think, someone who is 30 years old now may be retired before TES8 or Fallout 6 comes out.
I mean think of it this way, when Skyrim came out, somebody that was 15 will be nearly 30 before they play ES6. They were just a kid man, and now likely have kids and a family of their own.

or if you had a baby when Skyrim came out, that baby will be about a teenager when ES6 comes out, probably playing the next game better than you are.


Oct 31, 2017
I think studios dedicated to GaaS multiplayer titles is a good idea but we really don't need endless sequels of every big IP.


Oct 31, 2017
We really do when Bethesda only makes these games. That's like saying we don't need a new Mario or a new Zelda.
I don't think we "need" those either. If the Mario and Zelda teams came up with new ideas they wanted to explore instead of BotW2 I'd be extremely interested.
Oct 25, 2017
No. If MS wants to go around gobbling up studios then the best thing they can do is give them a pile of cash and then leave them alone. Once MS starts taking an active hand in management of the studios, that's the beginning of the end.


Apr 15, 2018
Ideally yes. Among their 4 biggest IPs:

(not the exact picture but to give a aproximate idea)
Halo franchise has 343 Industries (+750 employees)
Minecraft franchise has Mojang (+600 employees)
TES franchise has (in some ways) a large portion of ZeniMax Online (+400 or +450 employees) working on TESO since the early 2010s and parts of BGS Maryland now working on TES6 (pre-production).
Fallout franchise currently has BGS Austin (~100 employees I believe) with some of them helping on Starfield if I recall correctly.

Fallout is clearly the odd one in the list now. BGS Austin loves Fallout and has good experience now so I think they deserve to lead the next game.

Plus the TV series is coming at Amazon Prime.
As a huge TES fan, I disagree that Zenimax Online qualifies as a TES team. TESO is a good MMO, but it doesn't play like BGS single-player games do, it doesn't feel like them, since it's made in a different engine and isn't as immersive and detailed, and has the usual MMO things. Besides, the game is filled with hundreds of other players running around and ruining your immersion. Fallout 76, for all its online leanings, largely feels like a proper BGS game, since it's made by the same studio and on the same engine and you barely meet other players anyway. So it's not comparable, and it wouldn't be really correct to say that TES has a separate team working just on it. TES fans have been waiting for the next TES for a decade and will wait for 5 more years by the time TES VI releases. Fallout fans have it much better, with 3 Fallout games released since 2010, the last one released just 3 years ago, a live service game that's still supported with content.

Heck, I'd kill for a Fallout 76-style TES game made by BGS to play it until TES VI instead of a TES MMO by ZOS. If anything, it's the TES IP that doesn't have its own team--Fallout has BGS Austin while TES and Starfield have to just wait their turn until BGS Maryland is available.

Besides, Starfield, being another sci-fi BGS game, will likely play a lot like Fallout in many ways and I'm sure lots of Fallout fans will migrate to it until the next single-player Fallout.
Jan 4, 2018
As a huge TES fan, I disagree that Zenimax Online qualifies as a TES team. TESO is a good MMO, but it doesn't play like BGS single-player games do, it doesn't feel like them, since it's made in a different engine and isn't as immersive and detailed, and has the usual MMO things. Besides, the game is filled with hundreds of other players running around and ruining your immersion. Fallout 76, for all its online leanings, largely feels like a proper BGS game, since it's made by the same studio and on the same engine and you barely meet other players anyway. So it's not comparable, and it wouldn't be really correct to say that TES has a separate team working just on it. TES fans have been waiting for the next TES for a decade and will wait for 5 more years by the time TES VI releases. Fallout fans have it much better, with 3 Fallout games released since 2010, the last one released just 3 years ago, a live service game that's still supported with content.

Heck, I'd kill for a Fallout 76-style TES game made by BGS to play it until TES VI instead of a TES MMO by ZOS. If anything, it's the TES IP that doesn't have its own team--Fallout has BGS Austin while TES and Starfield have to just wait their turn until BGS Maryland is available.

Besides, Starfield, being another sci-fi BGS game, will likely play a lot like Fallout in many ways and I'm sure lots of Fallout fans will migrate to it until the next single-player Fallout.

Fair enough, I never played a TES game so I don't know how The Elder Scrolls Online compare to Skyrim. I thought it was somehow similar.


Unshakable Resolve - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
No, I dislike the way they've set up some of their studios to be single IP factories, and I don't think they should reorganize what already works even if it's less "efficient"


Apr 15, 2018
Fair enough, I never played a TES game so I don't know how The Elder Scrolls Online compare to Skyrim. I thought it was somehow similar.
It is similar only on the surface, nowhere near as similar as Fallout 76 and Fallout 4 are. For all the flack BGS gets for their engine, it's largely responsible for the things we're used to and take for granted in their games. TESO is a good MMO with some good stories, but it's a MMO made by a different studio, not a BGS game, and it shows.


Oct 27, 2017
United States
I would definitely leave it up to Bethesda, if they want to expand their development team(s) then support them 100% but otherwise let it be...


Oct 25, 2017
I don't think we "need" those either. If the Mario and Zelda teams came up with new ideas they wanted to explore instead of BotW2 I'd be extremely interested.
Fair enough. Personally I'm fine with formulas that work. I guess I don't have much patience for trying new things these days. I want to go to the comfort I'm familiar with. That's not to say I won't ever try new games, but, I think there is a market for both. I do think Nintendo should try to branch out a bit with say rpgs and adventure games that are not Mario or Zelda or other established character, sure.

Iron Eddie

Nov 25, 2019
Its in their best interest to be supportive but not meddle too much. Now Bethesda can get better support and they will have close access to Windows and the future of PC tools there as well.


Oct 27, 2017
They should let BGS leadership decide. If they want 3 separate teams then MS should find a way to make that happen. Otherwise don't mess with their formula.

This. They should be enabling and supporting them. Which appears to be their strategy anyway.

Personally I think it would be great, I cba waiting that long between Installments.


Prophet of Truth - Hero of Bowerstone
Oct 25, 2017
Let BGS do whatever they want. Make Morrrowind and Fallout 3 remakes in the interim.


Cute Animal Whisperer
Nov 3, 2017
In the end, it doesn't matter what Bethesda want to develop. Even hands-off Microsoft can bring out the next Fallout, Elder Scrolls, and Starfield "at the same time" if they want.

Bethesda doesn't "own" the IPs anymore, Microsoft does.
So Bethesda can make what they want and a new or old Studio from Microsoft makes a new Fallout and Elder scrolls.


Cute Animal Whisperer
Nov 3, 2017
Yep. These threads are so irritating. There is literally nobody making BGS games except BGS, and they need to be left the fuck alone to keep doing their crazy ass thing. Yet every thread is people wanting to blow them up or fuck up the secret sauce. It's like fingernails on the chalkboard to me.

I fully concur with you.
NOBODY is making Bethesda RPG's anymore, especially NOT Bethesda.
There are miles of cliffs between Morrowind > Oblivion > Fallout 3 > Skyrim > Fallout 4.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 29, 2017
Definitely for Fallout. It's not like Microsoft would be infringing on some amazing standard of quality or anything, there hasn't been a good Fallout game in 11 years.


Apr 15, 2018
In the end, it doesn't matter what Bethesda want to develop. Even hands-off Microsoft can bring out the next Fallout, Elder Scrolls, and Starfield "at the same time" if they want.

Bethesda doesn't "own" the IPs anymore, Microsoft does.
So Bethesda can make what they want and a new or old Studio from Microsoft makes a new Fallout and Elder scrolls.
I'm sorry, but this is the worst take in this thread. It's a sure way to piss off a lot of devs at BGS and have people leave. You don't just take away the IP from a studio you just bought and give it to another studio. You can make a case for Fallout, since some OG Fallout creators are now at InXile and Obsidian, but even then Bethesda's opinion should be taken into account, since they're the studio that made the IP famous (yes, Fallout 1-2 were very popular for crpgs 20 years ago, but it's Bethesda's formula that made Fallout the huge mainstream IP it now is). But while there's definitely a case for Fallout game made by Obsidian or inXile as long as BGS is fine with it, giving the original IP like The Elder Scrolls to another XGS studio would be pretty shitty and completely unjustified.

I fully concur with you.
NOBODY is making Bethesda RPG's anymore, especially NOT Bethesda.
I stand corrected. This take is even worse.


Oct 25, 2017
In the end, it doesn't matter what Bethesda want to develop. Even hands-off Microsoft can bring out the next Fallout, Elder Scrolls, and Starfield "at the same time" if they want.

Bethesda doesn't "own" the IPs anymore, Microsoft does.
So Bethesda can make what they want and a new or old Studio from Microsoft makes a new Fallout and Elder scrolls.
Yea, but they don't own the people that can walk off and make games elsewhere if they want, so it does matter what they think. Any hint of bs or un-freedoms from MS and some will leave. This whole deal is brand new and you're going to see that in the future anyways.

MS should be, roughly, hands off for now and let them do what they do.


Oct 27, 2017
Summerside PEI
The main BGS studio already expanded after Fallout 4. They went from 100-ish devs and one studio to 400-ish devs and 4 studios across USA and Canada.

They didn't made a new TES asap because they did put a ton of resources on ESO and Skyrim kept selling for years.

This is so sad but true. Oh, the state of gaming

IP not successful? goes dormant for years

IP TOO successful? Goes dormant for years.


The Lord of Cereal

Jan 9, 2020
Hell to the no, I don't want MS fucking with Bethesda and all that they do. Now if say, BGS Austin wants to split off and make a singleplayer Fallout game, I say that MS should go and try to support that, but I don't want MS to come in and force or strongarm BGS Austin or whoever to make a new Fallout game. Or if BGS proper decides to share their engine with other studios to make a new Fallout game or something, that'd be cool too, but I don't want MS forcing it to happen.

And I definitely don't want any spin-offs or mainline entries in BGS series without the Creation Engine either. That engine is half the reason those games are so good.

I think people are severely underestimating how hard it is to make the games Bethesda makes. Like there's a reason there are no rip offs of their games.
Yeah, pretty much honestly. The engine they use may seem rough on the consumer side but it's really the glue that holds everything together and it's an impressive engine that really makes the games as special and hard to replicate as they are.

Plus despite not looking the best graphically this generation (Fallout 4 mostly), I'd honestly argue that the engines are usually a solid generation ahead of the competition with all the technology that they utilize and everything else. And even then, Fallout 4's emphasis on physics and everything was honestly pretty damn good in my opinion