
Oct 27, 2017
It's odd coming out the theater happy. This movie hit different and is weirdly essential viewing for Asian Americans lol. So many things that made me seen and heard. And the acting/action/pacing were way better than expected.


Oct 25, 2017
I thought the point of Shang Chi was that he was "Master of Kung Fu", i mean that's literally the title of the comics
Don't mean nothing. Shang Chi was strapped.


Oct 25, 2017
In another timeline, the MCU somehow did a full fight scene of the Original 6 Avengers vs Wenwu and I'm sad we will never get that.


The Jackrabbit Always Wins
Oct 25, 2017
New York
I'm over the moon with this movie. I feel like it did so many little things at the end that other movies would have gotten lost in the sauce in and just skipped over. Things like Wenwu paying his respects to the mother's memorial, Shang-Chi yelling at his father at the end for choosing the rings over the family, and Wenwu generally just acting like a father throughout the movie and not just a villain.

I loved the use of Chinese for a number of scenes. It just did a ton right.


Feb 20, 2020
I've heard from some Chinese speakers that Shang Chi as a name doesn't make any sense. Is this accurate? If so i wonder if it would have been wise to be proactive and changed the comic characters name several years back in prep to change his name here
Oct 27, 2017
Some people are mentioning how audiences may miss out on some cultural references and feel the movie sags in places. Same thing happened with Assassin's Creed III, the native american portrayals felt flat to people due to how they processed the cultural references and speaking cadences. The game still gets dinged to this day for that.

This movie did the open-hand I-know-what-I'm-doing stances better than movies where the hand is open and a "come here and bring it" gesture is added - they did it here through the steadiness gestures alone. Really great, but yeah some people may miss it due to not seeing an overt gesture.


Nov 16, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
I've heard from some Chinese speakers that Shang Chi as a name doesn't make any sense. Is this accurate? If so i wonder if it would have been wise to be proactive and changed the comic characters name several years back in prep to change his name here

Yup. Although the official Chinese characters used by Marvel is 尚氣 (Still Air/Energy), linguistically it doesn't make sense and virtually no one has that name or would use that name anywhere.

It's a bleedingly obvious attempt at a Mandarin name by some non-Asian person.

Think Square Enix and their ridiculous use of the English language or Latin (for example, Kingdom Heart's "Dream Drop Distance"). All the words are real, but no native speaker would ever put them together.

Still though, given that it's fiction and in the end it's based off a comic book, I'm not too concerned about the name not making sense - Marvel worked hard to make sure the Chinese/Asian-American elements worked well enough and rectified most of the problematic stuff (including giving the Mandarin an actual workable new name in Wenwu), so I'm willing to give Shang-Chi's name a pass.

Deleted member 9241

Oct 26, 2017
I took the family to the drive in last night to see this and Free Guy back to back.

We prepped all day by deep cleaning the minivan, buying snacks/sodas from the store, and making sub sandwiches. Everyone had a bag if their favorite chips and a big kosher pickle. For desert, we had cheesecake, because why not? We ain't in no movie theater! My kids laid on top of the minivan on an air mattress while my wife and I laid in the back with the hatch open. We had a boombox up top and also one down below. We also had camp chairs set up in case people got sick of laying down. The night was cool but not cold, super cloudy, and pitch black. Eventually we all broke out hoodies as we laid in ridiculously large piles of heavy blankets and overstuffed pillows. It was the type of evening that memories are made. The type of night where everything aligns perfectly and in the middle of it, you are almosy overwhelmed with happiness and contentment when you take a step back to take it all in.

Part of what made the situation so perfect were the movies themselves. Shang Chi was wonderful. It was a huge hit with the entire family. Free Guy was the perfect follow up since it was so lighthearted and silly. My family is very much into video gaming so the setting and jokes were direct hits. Both movies will have a special place in my memory due to how they aligned with this particular Saturday evening on Labor Day weekend, during covid, in September of 2021.


Apr 6, 2018
I liked the movie, but didn't love it.The martial arts action shot really well and Simu Liu is a fantastic physical actor. But I've become a bit tired of the ' Marvel third act' - lots of CGI and fantastical elements. Just wish the last part of the movie was a bit smaller in scale and purely focused on the family conflict.


Oct 25, 2017
I think someone asked simu if he got a contract yet - I bet they're waiting for box office numbers to ink a deal. Really hoping we get some info sooner than later

I thought Marvel dont do super big long term deals anymore and they just reach out to the actors when they need them now or something


Oct 25, 2017
Oh hey, was one of the people in the fight club an Extremis user? I could have swore I saw something like that but I can't remember for sure.

jon bones

Oct 25, 2017
I took the family to the drive in last night to see this and Free Guy back to back.

We prepped all day by deep cleaning the minivan, buying snacks/sodas from the store, and making sub sandwiches. Everyone had a bag if their favorite chips and a big kosher pickle. For desert, we had cheesecake, because why not? We ain't in no movie theater! My kids laid on top of the minivan on an air mattress while my wife and I laid in the back with the hatch open. We had a boombox up top and also one down below. We also had camp chairs set up in case people got sick of laying down. The night was cool but not cold, super cloudy, and pitch black. Eventually we all broke out hoodies as we laid in ridiculously large piles of heavy blankets and overstuffed pillows. It was the type of evening that memories are made. The type of night where everything aligns perfectly and in the middle of it, you are almosy overwhelmed with happiness and contentment when you take a step back to take it all in.

Part of what made the situation so perfect were the movies themselves. Shang Chi was wonderful. It was a huge hit with the entire family. Free Guy was the perfect follow up since it was so lighthearted and silly. My family is very much into video gaming so the setting and jokes were direct hits. Both movies will have a special place in my memory due to how they aligned with this particular Saturday evening on Labor Day weekend, during covid, in September of 2021.

lovely post, thank you sharing


Nov 12, 2017
The beginning was a little strange? Like, all this plot is set up via this postcard, and then assassins are sent to *clearly* murder Shang Chi if necessary, and then the Ten Rings attacks right as Shang reaches his sister...

...fucking, why? Wenwu is established as A) Knowing where his kids are at all times. B) Not really wanting them dead (the excuse of "well they couldn't kill you if they tried" doesn't hold up, if he really believed that, he just sent many of his men to their deaths for no reason, and if he didn't, he was killing his own son). What's the point of all this? Why bother? Just show up yourself if you want the pendants, lol.

Yeah the fight scenes were very good but I don't fully understand the point from a motivation perspective.

Yeah there were like 15 people in an afternoon showing, plenty of space and all that. Checked the show about an hour before to see if it would be crowded at all before ordering the tickets.

Will miss the second viewing you get with premiere access, but I get it, it will blow the doors off of labor day box office for a change.

People walked out after the first name credit hit the screen. They still gotta pee that badly after a Marvel movie, I guess.

The last movie that dared to put two dragons on screen in a scene, and only two dragons, was the third how to train your dragon movie. This was also well done here.

The performances were great.

Was expecting people to leave after the credits started, surprisingly no one did till the very end after the 2nd scene. People did walk out every now and then during the middle of the movie though for the bathroom or whatnot.

Anyway I think they knocked it out of the park with this movie and there were more cameos than I expected, which is always cool.


Feb 20, 2020
Yup. Although the official Chinese characters used by Marvel is 尚氣 (Still Air/Energy), linguistically it doesn't make sense and virtually no one has that name or would use that name anywhere.

It's a bleedingly obvious attempt at a Mandarin name by some non-Asian person.

Think Square Enix and their ridiculous use of the English language or Latin (for example, Kingdom Heart's "Dream Drop Distance"). All the words are real, but no native speaker would ever put them together.

Still though, given that it's fiction and in the end it's based off a comic book, I'm not too concerned about the name not making sense - Marvel worked hard to make sure the Chinese/Asian-American elements worked well enough and rectified most of the problematic stuff (including giving the Mandarin an actual workable new name in Wenwu), so I'm willing to give Shang-Chi's name a pass.

So i guess that's a good way of putting things in perspective. No one would name their kid Cloud for example but i don't think anyone really questions it. I wonder if that's how some Chinese people feel: it is kinda dumb but they also understand the context of how the name came about

Squid Bunny

One Winged Slayer
Jun 11, 2018
It seems that way, but my question is rather "why would Blonsky be on friendly terms and who gave their stamp of approval to do so?'

Can't imagine Ross having a soft spot for his own failures.
Hopefully the SheHulk MCU series explains this.
So i guess that's a good way of putting things in perspective. No one would name their kid Cloud for example but i don't think anyone really questions it. I wonder if that's how some Chinese people feel: it is kinda dumb but they also understand the context of how the name came about
I can definitely relate to the Chinese audiences in this case. American media in general is really bad at creating foreign names. Brazilian names are especially terrible, too.

Rice Eater

Oct 26, 2017
If they announce shang chi 2 he'll get a contract for that ;)

Doesn't mean he will get a 5 movie deal but any announcement would be great.

I think his future in the MCU was safe regardless of how this performed. But it doing as good as it has really solidified his place and will definitely shut up a certain groups of people. I would guess Shang Chi 2 coming in 2025, hopefully 2024 instead though.

The rings might just be my favorite superhero weapon now. They're so fucking cool and I wasn't expecting them to be used in such versatile ways. Jumping with them looks so badass too.

Yeah I really liked seeing all the various ways they were used. I feel like there are even more tricks up its sleeve that has yet to be shown and the sequel will unveil even more uses. Maybe even more magical elements instead of it being more focused as a projectile/melee weapon.

And him using it to get around was also a really nice touch. I hope he can also use them to swing around like Spiderman, except he can always use one as basically a floating wall/ceiling while the others acts like a grappling hook. Even Spidey would be jealous of that 😆
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Aug 3, 2021
The rings are definitely now some of the most inventive and coolest weapons/superhero powers in the mcu. Really hope they continue to come up with creative ways of using them.


Nov 4, 2017
Wenwu was one until his sins came back to haunt him. Tragic.
His final acts, once his fully realized that he was wrong, were one of a loving father.

He pushed his son out of harm's way, saving his life at the cost of his own. And his last act, after looking to his son with acknowledgement of regret and contrition (the legendary Tony Leung can convey more with just his eyes than most actors can do with their whole bodies!) was to pass on the ten rings to his son.

EDIT: typo
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Jul 10, 2018
Yup. Although the official Chinese characters used by Marvel is 尚氣 (Still Air/Energy), linguistically it doesn't make sense and virtually no one has that name or would use that name anywhere.

It's a bleedingly obvious attempt at a Mandarin name by some non-Asian person.

Think Square Enix and their ridiculous use of the English language or Latin (for example, Kingdom Heart's "Dream Drop Distance"). All the words are real, but no native speaker would ever put them together.

Still though, given that it's fiction and in the end it's based off a comic book, I'm not too concerned about the name not making sense - Marvel worked hard to make sure the Chinese/Asian-American elements worked well enough and rectified most of the problematic stuff (including giving the Mandarin an actual workable new name in Wenwu), so I'm willing to give Shang-Chi's name a pass.

I wonder if there would be a better work around regarding his name. Instead of 氣 (Chi), would 冀 (Ji) be a suitable replacement?

The romanization of 冀(Ji) would still be written as Chi, so he'd be able to keep the name Shang Chi in English.

His name in Mandarin would be pronounced a little differently ( Shang Ji) but I'm wondering if it would sound a little more appealing/ make more sense in Chinese.
Jul 10, 2018
The rings are definitely now some of the most inventive and coolest weapons/superhero powers in the mcu. Really hope they continue to come up with creative ways of using them.

Agreed, since watching the movie, I've just been imagining ways he can use his rings.

It would be cool if he can control them each independently as projectiles, like Yondus whistle controlled arrow.

I'm picturing Shang Chi fighting someone hand to hand, while his rings all fire off in different directions attacking different enemies around him, would be so OP though lol.

Lastly if people are familiar with the Chinese character Nezha, he uses a pair of flaming wheels to fly around. They can actually do the same for Shang chi maybe, since they float around him anyway, he can probably use them to levitate himself/ fly. Would be a little silly, but a great body to Nezha.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm also wondering why the Ten Rings were sending the beacon when Shang-Chi got them and not beforehand. Was Wenwu suppressing it? Was it because of the "heart of the dragon" power that those taught Ta Lo style have (remember Shang-Chi's mother caused the rings to be golden when she had them temporarily)? Or was it because of the huge energy output used to destroy the Dweller-In-Darkness? I think I'm going with the last one.

I also wonder if the sorcerers in Kamar-Taj had any indication that Ta Lo and the Dweller-In-Darkness existed, as that seems like a big potential security risk, what with a big horrifying monster sealed behind a door made out of dragon scales.


Nov 19, 2017
I want to go watch another movie with similar fighting action and mythology. The movie just has me jonesing for more.


Oct 25, 2017
Just watched All Hail the King again and despite that this movie basically uses it as a springboard to bring back the Ten Rings and its real mastermind, it does lightly retcon it--All Hail the King repeatedly mentions that Trevor Slattery stole his "name," the Mandarin, and Norris refers to him by this a few times, but the Shang-Chi film establishes pretty firmly that Wenwu never used that title and that it was all a creation of AIM's. Small change in the long run, maybe we can say Norris was being metaphorical and hiding his true name.
Oct 27, 2017
Loved it. genuinely funny and moving at times. I did think Ta Lo felt like one house with a bunch of extras, instead of this other world or something. Having Tony Leung and Ben Kingsley in the movie really elevated it for me.


Oct 25, 2017
Well that was a damn homerun. Fantastic action, imaginative visuals and a great balance of serious and humorous. It also put the characters front and center, the story is simple and driven by its cast.
I'd put it in the top tier of the MCU. Absolutely made for the cinema too.


Dec 11, 2017
I took the family to the drive in last night to see this and Free Guy back to back.

We prepped all day by deep cleaning the minivan, buying snacks/sodas from the store, and making sub sandwiches. Everyone had a bag if their favorite chips and a big kosher pickle. For desert, we had cheesecake, because why not? We ain't in no movie theater! My kids laid on top of the minivan on an air mattress while my wife and I laid in the back with the hatch open. We had a boombox up top and also one down below. We also had camp chairs set up in case people got sick of laying down. The night was cool but not cold, super cloudy, and pitch black. Eventually we all broke out hoodies as we laid in ridiculously large piles of heavy blankets and overstuffed pillows. It was the type of evening that memories are made. The type of night where everything aligns perfectly and in the middle of it, you are almosy overwhelmed with happiness and contentment when you take a step back to take it all in.

Part of what made the situation so perfect were the movies themselves. Shang Chi was wonderful. It was a huge hit with the entire family. Free Guy was the perfect follow up since it was so lighthearted and silly. My family is very much into video gaming so the setting and jokes were direct hits. Both movies will have a special place in my memory due to how they aligned with this particular Saturday evening on Labor Day weekend, during covid, in September of 2021.

Beautifully described, happy to hear your family had such a good experience!


Oct 25, 2017
Really pleased to see them put in memory of Brad Allan during the end credits, the behind the scenes guys have a habit of being forgotten a bit with those things.


Oct 25, 2017
I was very pleased with the new comics accurate design for Abomination, then disappointed he seemingly jobbed in a moments, then pleased again when him and Wong were just working the crowd. Look forward to however he returns in She-Hulk.