
One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
Okay what the hell is up with that ending?

I'd rather that Otis got with Ruby anyway as they seemed to get on well.

I was enjoying their dynamic so much! But never in a millions years would they
end up together!
And before that moment I was rooting way too much for
Otis and Maeve, because that's what I really want to happen

Anyway, loved the season, watched in one sitting and I really hope Netflix order the third season soon.

What I didn't liek was
the Adam and Eric stuff. Rahim deserved better! Even though they were pretty much plating the seeds of the fact that maybe they were not meant for each other
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Chicken Chaser
Oct 25, 2017
Just finished the show after binging the last 5 episodes. Absolutely loved it, just as good as the first season... Now at least a year's wait for S3 ugh.


Alt account
Jan 10, 2020
Finished it today. So mad that it's only 8 episodes. Loved the character development this season. Especially Adam and Jackson.

Fucking hated the ending. I ship Maevis so hard. But the way things are looking, they won't end up together until the series finale. Ugh. Also, I feel bad for Rahim.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
Just sitting down to watch S2, that was one hell of an opening. Takes a lot to make me audibly groan with uncomfortable laughter but that did it.


Oct 25, 2017
Just finished the season and hope there's a third season

Enjoyed the characters and the relationship they tried to have.

But I have an issue with Erics relationship
like hes been sneaking out with Adam and they show him building up a healthy relationship with Rahim but he fail to mention anything about Adam and them kissing. Also when he says I love you back he didn't hesitant long. And then Adam comes back at the end and he forgets about Rahim like that.


Oct 27, 2017
Anyone feels like there are too many characters?

Like, I enjoyed Jackson and Viv's story but it's not really related to anything and maybe that time would've been better used elsewhere? Likewise with a few other characters..


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
Ncuti Gatwa is a gift to this planet. I'm halfway through the season and while it's definitely a bit overstuffed (do we really need to focus so much on Jackson?) and there are way too many love triangles going on, I am still so head over heels in love with this show.

There is so much heart, nearly every episode has me laughing, sighing, nearly crying, it's all so well done and so earnest. Every actor kills it, almost all of the jokes land, it's just so easy to love. It handles meaningful subject matter with tact and it all feels so organic and honest. I may have had some issues with the
"bully is secretly just repressing his sexuality" direction at the end of the first season but they seemed to have really worked on redeeming him this season and while it still is an overdone trope that needs to be squashed, it's clear that the writers realized it was a mistake and every other subject is handled so gracefully that it's something I can push through.

If you aren't watching this series, you're only punishing yourself. Top shelf series, this.

Episode 5 spoiler
Need to give serious props to the writing too. "And the nightingale was a crow." Shit, man.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Half way through. Not as good as season 1 so far but still enjoying it a lot.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
If we don't get Margot Robbie, Samara Weaving and Emma Mackey playing triplets in something, the system is truly broken.


Oct 25, 2017
I had no idea this show existed until seeing this thread yesterday. Saw the first episode and ended up binging both seasons in an entire Saturday.

Love all the storylines, love all the characters and as an American, I find the British cast to be refreshing (even if the school seems like an odd British parody of the US system).


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
"I might be going to prison because apparently my boyfriend is 15."

"Anyone else into younger men?"


Jan 14, 2019
I didn't like it quite as much as first season. A lot of it felt like the bigger & more = better approach.

Still very entertaining and looking forward to season 3.


Nov 13, 2019
Really like this show. It's one of those weird ones that is like a comedy while also makes you care so much for the characters. It is light but also at times very serious.
Really like the representation as well. Great show. Not all is good like the ending with the wheelchair guy (really, who doesn't use a passcode on her phone and who wanders off to the store without a phone anyway?) and what did Rahim do to be sidelined like that, hope he gets his redemption
Can't wait for next season :/


Oct 27, 2017
Loved this season but I felt like Adam was underutilized. I want to see more of that!

Arcus Felis

Unshakable Resolve
Oct 26, 2017
Discovered this show completely by chance, and I have to say that I enjoy it a lot. I have quite a few nitpicks, and my whole body is rejecting Adam and Eric's relationship:

HE BULLIED YOU FOR YEARS FOR CHRIST'S SAKE! So, if someone makes your life miserable, it actually means that they are deep down a violent Tsundere with a hidden heart of gold crippled with self-image issues and that you should overlook all they did to you because they gave you a blowjob? WHAT KIND OF AESOP IS THAT?! Eric, man, what the fuck are you doing? I can empathize with Adam, to a degree, but this relationship has all the flags of a toxic one, and that can't end well. Rahim was badly written (acting like a genuine creep at the beginning), and deserved much better.
Not helped by the fact that I pretty much guessed from the first episode that this was the plotline they were going for.

I'm not a fan of Ola, but her character was consistent despite her flaws. And her gesture to Adam was extremely sweet.
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Oct 26, 2017

Fuck sake all I want is for Otis and Maeve to get together and that kid has just pushed it off for another whole season.


Oct 25, 2017
EP7 and ending spoilers

Everyone talking about Maeve and Otis not ending up together. And here I am wanting more of Ruby/Otis.


Oct 28, 2017
They leaned much more into the drama rather then comedy this season. This feels more like a british One Tree Hill but well written. It's really good but I wanted more focus on the main four kids so I wasn't loving the campsite brothers, since everything they did could've been done with characters already in the show, and the Groffs subplot.

I agree with people here about the Eric stuff but having worked with teens for many years I can role with it. I do hope they backtrack on it next season but kids make sometimes make so dumb choices it's baffling.

Deleted member 49179

User requested account closure
Oct 30, 2018
Just finished binging the second season. It was so good! I really liked it as much as the first one. The only small negative point I can think of is that sometimes their attempts to educate the viewers are just a bit on the nose. It's almost like the characters were looking directly at the camera to explain what was an asexual, a pansexual, etc. But it's a very minor thing, all in all it was an incredibly fun season. Let's hope for a third one!


Oct 26, 2017
I liked the season, some points:
  • That Otis/Ruby chemistry was sooo good.
  • I wish that Maeve would just go back to that swimming guy, he seems like the best fit for her. Both Otis and the wheelchair kid are beneath her especially after wheelchair kid heard and deleted that voice mail.
  • Finally Eric's relationship with Adam is just gross, they should never be a thing.


Oct 25, 2017
Season 2 spoilers

I liked season 2. I think it suffered due to many of the characters and storylines feeling disconnected. Eric / Otis is the only dynamic among the students that's feel similar. I think the dynamic and chemistry between the kids is what made season 11 special and you don't get it enough. Maeve, Jackson, Aimee and Adam are all just involved in their own storylines for the most part and it makes the show feel less focused and interesting. And the romantic conflicts in the middle of the show don't feel as compelling as they were in season 1. Otis / Ola / Maeve isn't sold as well as Otis / Jackson / Maeve. Viv was a delight and I wish she was more involved in storylines other than Jackson's. Ruby was hilarious in the little bit she got to do. Most of the side characters are good.

I think it's still a very good show and I'm excited about a season 3 once that's official.

Palette Swap

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
There was a bit too much drama for me at times, but I liked it a lot and love how this show mostly has its heart in the right place.

My MVPs: Aimee, Rahim, Jackson, Viv, and kinda Jean and Maeve.

Deleted member 49179

User requested account closure
Oct 30, 2018
Why do people ship Otis and Ruby? They did have chemistry (briefly) during their scenes, but they have absolutely nothing in common. Plus, Ruby is kind of a jerk.


Oct 27, 2017
Although short, I was kinda digging the Otis/Ruby dynamic myself. If they're gonna drag out the Otis/Maeve thing for another season, I wouldn't mind them exploring that. They did Rahim dirty too. I was kinda warming up to the idea of the wheelchair kid and Maeve until that last scene, he can beat it now.

Deleted member 8579

Oct 26, 2017
The first episode was absolutely hilarious.
Oct 25, 2017
Had to pause episode 6. Fuck off Otis.

I feel like the only person who prefers Otis/Ola to Otis/Maeve.

I liked them more too. I don't mind Otis/Maeve even though I'd prefer if they stayed friends, but if they are going to do this pairing I wish they would get it over with. I'm tired of it being dragged out.

Edit: Actually, nevermind. I hope they don't ever get together.


Oct 25, 2017
It's kinda bold that they're going full forward into the characters having toxic relationships. Maeve can't catch a break and Eric/Adam's relationship is doomed. Not sure if they'll actually go indepth about relationships borne out of abuse though, they seem to be going more toward Adam not being ready to care for someone else.


Oct 26, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
Didn't like how this ended but at the same time this relationship seems like the endgame for this type of show. On the bright side they hopefully know they'll be doing another seaso


Very low key
Oct 25, 2017
I've seen the first half of S2 and I'm a little disappointed. It's love triangle after love triangle and some of the decisions the characters make feel contrived (including one whopper straight out of "Friends"). It's basically a better-written CW romcom at this point.


Nov 8, 2017
Thought it was a little weaker than S1. The characters didn't really grow, they just got bogged down with drama and love triangles.

Part of what made Season 1 easy to watch was that drama came second to the episodic nature of the advice clinic they were running - and that business is almost completely absent this season despite its existence becoming a conflict between Otis and his mom.

The other issue to me is that everyone in this town is perpetually horny, sucking and fucking wherever they can, yet are bafflingly uneducated about sex and seem incapable of googling anything. The season begins with everyone in the school being misled into thinking chlamydia is airborne. Just unrealistically pants-on-head dumb. They don't need to be this stupid, but if they were any smarter the writers would have to think of interesting conflicts without clear solutions.