
Oct 25, 2017
I have to go actually work and not just debate online, so the last thing I'll say for now is this:

I really wish y'all would cool off just a little bit and be less hostile towards me, because that is really endemic to precisely what I'm taking issue with. At the core of all this, I AGREE WITH YOU ON THIS ISSUE. I get that it's something to be passionate about. I feel that. But everyone has to also be realistic about the situation. Unless there is violent revolution (which I am not advocating for, and won't happen in modern America), there is literally no way for radical change to happen as quickly as some of you want. And that absolutely sucks. But once we accept that, we have to be realistic about what can be done and how it can be done. And for that to happen it starts with being united as a party and taking back control of government. No group within the party can do ANYTHING until that happens, hopefully in a couple years.

They aren't communist or socialist. They're socdem which means they're still capitalist
That's quite honestly the best you're going to get though. Anything further left than that is simply unrealistic and will not happen in this country. Not in our lifetimes anyways.

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
I'm well aware they are inheriting the planet, but those kids are clearly in grade school still. The mentality of "in scared for the future so you should be too" is a pretty pathetic thing to throw on children.

Kids only have their innocence for a short time, let them fucking enjoy it.
Jesus christ dude they're 16 not 6


Oct 26, 2017
Yeah I'm looking at this from a totally different angle. Let kids be kids, this world is fucked up, why have the looming thoughts of everything getting fucked drilled into their heads at such a young age. Its one thing to teach them about this stuff, but kids shouldn't be dragged into these political issues.
So they grow up with an interest in their political and environmental future instead of being blindsided by it like millenials were around 2007-2008.

"Let kids be kids."

"Wtf why don't the youth vote more?"

What a mystery it is.


Oct 25, 2017
Nobody responded because it was a useless segue, of course we all hate the GOP. Also that guy only posted it bc he was mad about feinstein handling this so horribly but go off

It's lovely that you're personally informed, but this sort party in-fighting / purity testing clearly leads a large portion of populace to the conclusion that both sides of the aisle are the same on issues like this, which is quite obviously not the case.

Deleted member 9330

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
I have to go actually work and not just debate online, so the last thing I'll say for now is this:

I really wish y'all would cool off just a little bit and be less hostile towards me, because that is really endemic to precisely what I'm taking issue with. At the core of all this, I AGREE WITH YOU ON THIS ISSUE. I get that it's something to be passionate about. I feel that. But everyone has to also be realistic about the situation. Unless there is violent revolution (which I am not advocating for, and won't happen in modern America), there is literally no way for radical change to happen as quickly as some of you want. And that absolutely sucks. But once we accept that, we have to be realistic about what can be done and how it can be done. And for that to happen it starts with being united as a party and taking back control of government. No group within the party can do ANYTHING until that happens, hopefully in a couple years.

Well we have two options: radical change really really soon, or death. So excuse me if I don't accept that.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm well aware they are inheriting the planet, but those kids are clearly in grade school still. The mentality of "in scared for the future so you should be too" is a pretty pathetic thing to throw on children. Something clearly needs to be done, but these kids aren't going to solve it.

Kids only have their innocence for a short time, let them fucking enjoy it.
Maybe those kids would enjoy it more if they didn't have a ticking time bomb called climate change


May 31, 2018
"Yes, the planet got destroyed. But for a beautiful moment in time we got to tell some kids to shut up and know their place."


Oct 26, 2017
Jesus christ dude they're 16 not 6

What? Where does it say that? The girl doing most of the talking doesn't look that old at all. If they are in HS then I take back everything I said, they are old enough. I thought they where in grade school.

Edit: it looks like they are a mix, a few looks like they where in HS, the others looked and sounded A LOT younger. Those younger ones shouldn't be there.


Oct 27, 2017
What? Where does it say that? The girl doing most of the talking doesn't look that old at all. If they are in HS then I take back everything I said, they are old enough. I thought they where in grade school.
They seem to be in grade school or middle school or something. There is a 16 year old present but yeah most of them aren't that old.


Oct 28, 2017
Man if SNL doesn't do a skit on this tomorrow

It might be too late in the week tho.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm kinda impressed that a seasoned politician handled that that badly.

Especially when the cameras are on, ya gotta tell the kiddies they're potentially ultimately facing a dying world on their own with a little bit more tact.


Oct 27, 2017
The Green New Deal is so impractical and poorly thought out... What else is she supposed to say.


Dec 7, 2017
That doesn't change my general point, which I thought came across fairly clearly. These kids are being scared shitless and then used by the adults around them. It borders on child abuse, in my opinion.

Realistically, there was no way for this to go down with positive optics for Feinstein, who is generally a good politician and Senator, because children were never going to understand how things actually work and what needs to be done.
Used for what though? Used to protect their future? Like what do you think the goal is of the adults/kids here.


Oct 29, 2017
Lol @ ambush. If we actually took this threat seriously, this wouldn't even register in the news. But we live in this shit reality where we let these old fucks continue driving us off a cliff because they're protecting the status quo they lived and gorged in to our expense, while we are inevitably left holding the wheel.

Feinstein fucked up. She chose the most dangerous path in her responses.

Deleted member 15440

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Oct 27, 2017
100% disagree with this. Nobody is perfect. And no political party will ever be perfect. Even in an ideal situation where the Democrats control government, there are going to have to be compromises because the party is comprised of a lot of different ideologies and no one group is large enough to have the dominant ideology.

On the other hand, I completely agree with this.
nobody's asking for perfection, just a party that will take a solid stand on this issue that is 1) actually incredibly popular across every demographic except old rich people and 2) necessary if we even want to possibly survive the next hundred years as a civilization

that's a really, really low bar to clear
Oct 25, 2017
I would be appalled if my representative talked to me and children as condescending as she did, even if the Green New Deal was shit smeared on a piece of paper. That was unbearable.


Oct 25, 2017
The Green New Deal is so impractical and poorly thought out... What else is she supposed to say.

I'd go with something like:

First off, I want to thank you for showing initiative by coming here and talking with me today. You represent the future of America. You represent what I'm fighting for, and you represent our hope for a better tomorrow.

When it comes to the Green New Deal, I will be honest with you: I don't agree with everything it encompasses. But I absolutely agree that action must be taken to combat climate change so that when you have children, they can look forward to a bright future that you helped create.


Oct 26, 2017
Do people think climate change activists are doing what they do for fun and profit?

"I don't like the way these kids are being used..."

Yeah, used to... create a better future for these kids.

Deleted member 15440

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I have to go actually work and not just debate online, so the last thing I'll say for now is this:

I really wish y'all would cool off just a little bit and be less hostile towards me, because that is really endemic to precisely what I'm taking issue with. At the core of all this, I AGREE WITH YOU ON THIS ISSUE.
i don't agree with you at all. even if you rhetorically concede that climate change is an existential threat i believe your preferred tactics lead us nowhere and are almost as bad as republican accelerationism.

Dude Abides

Oct 27, 2017
I'm kinda impressed that a seasoned politician handled that that badly.

Especially when the cameras are on, ya gotta tell the kiddies they're potentially ultimately facing a dying world on their own with a little bit more tact.

Difi is not a good politician. She subsists on name recognition and having been there forever. She's the embodiment of why the Senate is an awful institution.


Jan 20, 2019
I didn't have an issue with her response. She seemed really receptive to being called out and was even baiting it so if anyone was really willing to follow her up this might have been more interesting.

If I was 16 and I was in front of her I would have been intimidated as hell but I think that can be an important experience for kids. I know a few 16 year old who could have gone a few layers into a discussion in those few minutes.

Deleted member 22490

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
I didn't have an issue with her response. She seemed really receptive to being called out and was even baiting it so if anyone was really willing to follow her up this might have been more interesting.

If I was 16 and I was in front of her I would have been intimidated as hell but I think that can be an important experience for kids. I know a few 16 year old who could have gone a few layers into a discussion in those few minutes.
Bragging about how many millions of votes she received in the last election is not being receptive.


Oct 25, 2017
Why are people having more mindless and completely irrelevant tribalist sessions about "liberals" and "leftists." This is your daily reminder that 99% of Americans say "liberals" to refer to anyone who is broadly on the American left. Self-described leftists in the US are still "liberals" to everyone, and imagining that all "liberals" refer to capital-L Liberal Centrists is completely out of step with the real world.

Back on topic: Feinstein is a massive waste of a US Senator from California, and it's an embarrassment that she's still in office in 2019. It's a shame she ran for re-election in 2016, and a further shame that we couldn't primary her, even after the state Democratic Party endorsed her challenger. The "jungle primary" system we have here now is actually pretty bad for ousting insufficiently liberal (there's that word again! See how it is clearly means progressive/left and not centrist) Democratic politicians, since if Democrats win the top two spots it gives Republicans in the general election a guarantee to always at least get the least liberal option of the two.

The video itself doesn't even matter. Good or bad as it makes her look, there's already a long record to go against Feinstein. And the bottom line is, we could be doing better and there shouldn't be any need to compromise at this level. Yes, we have to live with her for the rest of her term, but we in the most liberal states need to be pushing for better, more liberal elected political representatives. If that means working with left/liberal groups that have certain anti-establishment tones that don't always represent an educated take on the world, then so be it, because nobody's perfect, even on the left, but the status quo is going to have to be aggressively challenged (not in a fake populist, Trumpian way, obviously!) for us to be able to face the problems on the horizon.


Oct 29, 2017

What's there to explain? It is impractical. It's impractical because people like him and Feinstein and a whole lot of old money in Congress and positions of power will fight to make sure that the status quo is maintained. Crumbs will be doled out here and there over the years, and we'll champion it as progress as the world continues to literally burn around us and as conflicts are ignited in areas that aren't as lucky as we.

But I hope kids today continue peeking behind the curtain and discovering that a lot of their "leaders" aren't actually shit. Millennials should've been able to do more sooner, but I blame a lot of it on everything that happened in the 00s and the recession for taking our eyes off the ball. Of course, Gen X and baby boomers could've helped out more too.
We're decades behind where we should've been if we listed to Carl Sagan in the 70s just a little bit more, but it's never too late. Huge things can be accomplished in a short time; we've seen it before. Let's just hope that we don't realize that until we're absolutely forced to, like all the other times. Because this won't be like the other times.

This is an actual, literal, no bullshit existential threat to the human race, more threatening and immediate than any alien invasion or religious apocalypse.


Oct 28, 2017
I have a 12 year old son. He understands that his world may likely be fucked due to climate change and the accompining economical downturn associated with it. He and his friends debate aby what needs to change in order to fix it.

Being 12 and gifted he and his friends do have flights of fancy, but they understand the underlying issues.

Kids aren't pawns in this. The understand that we aren't doing anything to combat climate change.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt-account
Oct 29, 2017
She really does not give a fuck about them at all. Good lord.


Jan 10, 2018
"I've been doing it for 30 years", you've been a sell out, sack o' shit, plutocrat serving, neoliberal sociopath for 30 years. I can't wait to see these people disappear from the pages of history beginning in 2020, where no history book will record them as anything other than doormats for their donors, watching over the tremendous decline in America that Reagan began.