
Dec 2, 2017
Great finale.

Loved the twist there of Jerlamarel being another crazy nut in the vein of the Queen. The contrast of the beautiful natural scenery of the previous episodes and the harsh, cold concrete prison was a great hint that something was not quite right. There were some great plot lines introduced by the episode, such as the other tribe vying for power against Queen Kane, the Queen wanting sighted children (also, gross!), Tamacti Jun Inception moment, and the mention of continent. I wonder if they will expand to other continents.

Season 2 has a lot of exciting possibilities.


Oct 25, 2017
Great finale.

Loved the twist there of Jerlamarel being another crazy nut in the vein of the Queen. The contrast of the beautiful natural scenery of the previous episodes and the harsh, cold concrete prison was a great hint that something was not quite right. There were some great plot lines introduced by the episode, such as the other tribe vying for power against Queen Kane, the Queen wanting sighted children (also, gross!), Tamacti Jun Inception moment, and the mention of continent. I wonder if they will expand to other continents.

Season 2 has a lot of exciting possibilities.
What did you mean about tamacti? I don't understand the reference even though I've seen the movie


Oct 25, 2017
i don't understand what he means either šŸ™ƒ
Looking at some stuff on the internet just now (I finished the show an hour ago, really enjoyed it) it seems as though the consensus is
Tamacti is waking up as the house is burning. So presumably he comes back for revenge
I hope that's the case. I didn't notice it while watching but it would be great if true, it'll make for an interesting side plot to season two. I still don't know how that relates to inception though


Oct 27, 2017
Looking at some stuff on the internet just now (I finished the show an hour ago, really enjoyed it) it seems as though the consensus is
Tamacti is waking up as the house is burning. So presumably he comes back for revenge
I hope that's the case. I didn't notice it while watching but it would be great if true, it'll make for an interesting side plot to season two. I still don't know how that relates to inception though
Yea they're
hinting he's still alive. He's too great of a character to kill off rn. No way in hell im watching boots over Tamacti lol. It's going to be an interesting dynamic since he might be coming for the princesses head too. Plus all those soldiers still don't know the cold truth. Can't wait for more!


Oct 25, 2017
I just want to add, the show has it's flaws, big ones, and the tail end of the series drags a little, but holy shit that fight choreography. It's so good. It really is a beautifully shot show as well. The locations, cinematography, set design. Really all incredibly top notch. I'll definitely be subbing again for season 2 if I have dropped the service by then


Oct 27, 2017
I find it hilarious that
Baba Voss knows what a gun is, but doesn't know shit about books šŸ˜‚


Oct 27, 2017
So I really liked the concept and desperately wanted to believe in this world... But I found the attention to details was lacking to a point where it got really hard to suspend my disbelief. Little things kept nagging me such as :

- What is the point of all these visual ornaments on costumes except for us viewers? It'd have made so much more sense to have every design focused on the sound they make or on overtly tactile elements, and one would think the clothing would look pretty stained and visually ugly in this culture. The queen does have costumes that get close to that idea except the next scene they put her in these elaborate ceremonial robes complete with a huge crown and lavish jewelry, none of which serve any purpose for anyone present except for the bells on her fingers.

- The mannerisms seem *way* off at times. Why do actors nod? Why isn't everyone touching each other's faces all the time? Did Baba Voss *really* have to use the expression 'we will live to see another day'? I also think it'd have been really interesting to have a little bit of random nudity in this show as the concept of visual decency would be absent to these people, but I get that Apple would be more conservative than say HBO in that regard.

- Although beautifully choreographed I find the blind combat scenes so hard to believe, a lot of that attacking and parrying is done with pinpoint accuracy worthy of a jedi, and I get they didn't want action scenes to look too ridiculous but they might have swung too hard in the other direction. In a similar way I have the hardest time imagining these people build those complex symmetrical structures, then again since that's been kept off screen maybe there is a believable system behind it.

Still, the show had some interesting ideas despite its flaws and I had a decent time watching the season.


Oct 25, 2017
Saw a clip of that Ep3 fight so I had to check this out. Just saw the first episode, and it's way way better than the trailer made it look. Horizon + everyone is Zatoichi/Daredevil


Oct 25, 2017
Up to ep5, this show is so much fun. The acting can be pretty hammy, but Mamoa as post-apocalyptic tribal Zatoichi, the world-building, the pacing, the action!

All very engaging


Oct 25, 2017
Just finished the season and I'm glad I watched it. Overall I was pretty into it. Not the greatest writing ever or anything, but it was enough to get into. The concept is really cool and the show is well shot. I think for the most part they really hit it. The concept is so out there that it's always going to have some things that don't quite work for some people or don't hold up to hyper analysis. For the most part the entire cast needs to be praised for their blind acting. This was honestly some of Mamoa's best acting that I've seen. Queen Kane was fucking batshit and awesome. Dude who played Tamacti was great, too. Maghra was good, and I liked Paris. Haniwa and Kofun were pretty good overall too. Just a pretty great cast really.

I think the tone and writing were kind of sold as GoT but it maybe hit closer to Walking Dead, which was fine for me.

Also I think a lot of people, me included, though the story of babies born with sight sounded dumb as hell, but it really worked in context. Whoever cut the trailer did a disservice to the show.

I'm definitely in for Season 2.

My biggest question/problem was that Tamacti was apparently away from Queen Kane for 20 years looking for the kids and collecting taxes, etc? That seems ridiculous. He didn't ever go back to the fucking capital? Like... at all? Why?
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Dr Doom

Oct 25, 2017
Finished it. It's barely average.

The show moves fast not giving enough time for story arc to breathe.

The House of Enlightenment lasted 2 episodes.
I was expecting the Kingdom to last longer but they took that out midway the season.

The show throws so many twists that some doesn't make sense. It's like twist for the sake of twist.

RIP Gather Bax
Stoo-rage Rum must revenge his brother


Nov 10, 2017
That was freakin' fantastic. 2 for 2 with Apple TV shows now. This and TMS are top 5 for 2019 IMO


Oct 27, 2017
I just watches the whole season over the last week and I really liked it. I simply started to watch it because I saw Mamoa on the poster. The story is cool and somehow stupid, but they somehow make it work and I really like Baba Voss' fights scenes. I look forward to season 2.


Oct 26, 2017
Fantastic season finale.

Just watched the whole show over a few days.

Momoa as Baba Vass is damn good.

Need a gif of the library fight where Momoa pops up behind the kids father as hes firing the gun.


Oct 27, 2017
Okay the last few posts have convinced me to continue after bailing out after episode 1. Dave Bautista in Season 2? Alright, time to start watching again.


Oct 25, 2017
Really late to the party here but I just finished the season and I loved it. It's a little slow in places but man does it pay off. Those final two episodes and especially the fight in the library are incredible. I can't wait for season 2.


Oct 28, 2017
I'm a bit late too but I thought this series was great. It also looked stunning on my new TV.

Giving it a bump because more people should watch it. Overall Apple has a couple of good shows right now.
Oct 30, 2017
Trying to get into this atm, but it feels like a low budget 80s drive in post apoc film with a gigantic budget. It's just as dumb, maybe more so. Why the elaborate costumes? How could they make those houses? So many things are just really dumb.
But it looks nice and Momoa is always great.
Just not sure I can get over how stupid it is.


Oct 25, 2017
This has such a ridiculous premise lol. At times it's hard to suspend my disbelief but it's interesting enough to keep me watching. Also some wtf moments. Like this actress "praying" in episode 1.

not once did this sister ask herself, "where did my brother go?" Lmao. These kids are going to give me a headache, aren't they?

That lack of aging is also weird. Here's an (almost) two decade timeskipā€¦everybody still looks the same. Lol.

Finished it over the past couple days. I enjoyed it but it's far from anything I'd call "great". The daughter might be one of the most unlikable brats in the show.
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Are we human or are we dancer?
Oct 25, 2017
S2 premiered - how was it? Noticeable step up in quality due to Tropper's involvement or too early to say?


Oct 27, 2017
Great first episode. Freaking love the premise of the show. Reason I liked season 1 also


Oct 25, 2017
This really isn't popular here eh? It's a fun show, even with its issues. First episode was good. I like the introduction of more people who can see. I mean it would've been impossible if Jerlamarel was the only one, anyway.

This show is pretty brutal too. It's Khal Drogo doing what he did in GoT, but a lot more, and in a more gruesome manner.

Also, that's totally a ship with the daughter and the other lady who can see, right? Maybe it's just me.

edit : well. Lol.
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Oct 25, 2017
Glad to see some folks are enjoying it. There's really nothing else like it on TV right now and the budget is insane. Season 2 seems to be quite a bit better than season 1 so far. There's interesting sub plots and the world feels more believable. The actual main plot trajectory is far more interesting too. If you haven't checked it out I'd say it's a wonderful time to jump on in. It's fantastic


Oct 25, 2017
Finally caught up on S1, and man the scope, action, and production looks on another level in S2. Really looking forward to starting it tonight

What's the S2 consensus so far?


Oct 25, 2017
Finally caught up on S1, and man the scope, action, and production looks on another level in S2. Really looking forward to starting it tonight

What's the S2 consensus so far?
Far better than season 1. I'm one of the few on era that adored season 1 faults in all but season 2 is broader in scope, more realistic world building, an even larger budget, insane violence and fight choreography in nearly every episode and a better series of sub plots. It's really coming into its own. We'll see if it holds up throughout the season but so far it's one of my more enjoyed shows of the year. Great fun stuff


Oct 27, 2017
Why does it seem like shows on Apple TV+ never seems to be all that popular or drive any significant amount of buzz?
Is their marketing just not as strong compare to Netflix or Disney+?