
Oct 25, 2017
"calls for harassment and push for any Trump supporter to avoid the public is unacceptable." - SHS

"But as a Trump supporter if I want to harass anyone, don't you dare stop me because mah rights!!!" - SHS supporters
I mean because of Sanders, Trump just sent his supporters to harass Waters. What a hypocrite.


Oct 27, 2017
As a non-American guy too, I think you should start there. This goes beyond to "political idea", unless things like separating kids from their families and put them in cages is a "political idea".

Also, this happens a lot to blacks and LGTB people around America, but I guess that's no problem from that part of the fence.
Eh, ignore, I misread.

Hard my eyes starting to get mixed up reading so much text.

Apologies. :P
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Oct 25, 2017
So she supports Trump policy about migrants without even questioning it. I understand.

No. She works there. She is the press secretary. She's not a supporter of a policy. You wouldn't call Goebbels a Hitler supporter. He was a part of the Nazi party inflicting damage upon the population.

This isn't some person with a Trump shirt walking into a restaurant. This is Trump administration. This is a person influencing policy, putting it into place, and helping make sure it runs as best it can. And that policy is literally death for some people.
Oct 27, 2017
Ok keyboard activist.

Its crazy how pathetic the left has gotten because Trump got elected.
It's crazy how far this country as a whole has fallen because of white fragility. We tear babies from mothers arms and lock kids in dog kennels inside concentration camps and we have people getting upset because a liar was asked to leave a restaurant. How fucked up is that? We're worried about a stupid person getting butthurt because she's so awful no one there wanted to be around her more than children stolen from their families.


Nov 20, 2017
Victim of being asked to leave a private business? Oh won't someone think of the lying sack of shit Sarah Sanders.
I think you're misdirecting your frustration. Getting kicked out of private establishments isn't a trivial thing.

What makes this a unique situation is that Sarah Sander was kicked out of the restaurant for being a lying sack of shit (not a protected class), not because of what color her skin was or what religion she practices or what language she speaks (all protected classes).

We don't need to act like getting kicked out of a restaurant is so trivial as not to be worth complaining about. We just need to make it plain that in this scenario it was fine specifically because it was about her behavior and not about who she is.
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Oct 25, 2017
Listen, don't ever defend (or serve) evil scumbags doing evil things.

Future history books will not look back kindly on people like Sarah Sanders, her father, and all the rest of these goons.

So cut out the both sides and tone poilce bullshit, whoever's doing it.
Oct 27, 2017
User banned (1 week): wishing harm on another member
Ok keyboard activist.

Its crazy how pathetic the left has gotten because Trump got elected.

You legitimately have no idea the things that I do irl, the causes I donate to, and the time I spend on the ground

Call me a fucking keyboard warrior? You're literally a waste of human skin and tragedy can't befall you soon enough


Oct 25, 2017
Do you not see how far this game can easily go? How long before the right gets the idea that they can in turn politely ask black or brown people to leave their establishments and it gets protected by precedent?
Precedent of what?
Being a fascist fuckface working for a monstrous fascist administration isn't a protected class.


Oct 25, 2017
What's funny to me about those saying how wrong it is to deny service to SHS is that it's actually an anti-capitalist view. The right has twisted the definition of capitalism to be that if you have money then you can use it, but if you read up on some of the major proponents of capitalism (e.g. Milton Friedman), they believed capitalism was the ultimate tool for social change precisely because businesses could choose who they wanted to do business with. If a store said "no blacks", that would mean that a store that welcomed black people would not only get black customers, but those who found racism abhorrent. Personally, I didn't find that argument all that compelling, but I get the idea and I've seen it in action for both good and bad.

TLDR: this is capitalism in action

Yeah, this is important. Part of the liberal victory in the cultural arena is that liberals have slowly gotten access to the tools of social control wielded by large employers, educational institutions, etc., which have historically been controlled by conservatives* and used to suppress leftist views. They're still used to suppress leftist views but now they're also used against the right wing. People on the right wing experience this as a world-shattering change because they've never had to deal with a society where all the sources of cultural capital and economic pressure were implicitly structured to refuse them service.

However, we should not lose sight of the inherently problematic nature of these sources of cultural capital and economic pressure, because, as noted, they still act to suppress leftist views, both economically and socially.

* This is arguably a simplification and you can probably argue that the "conservatives" in America (specifically the people who support the status quo, not American movement conservatives) have just shifted rather than liberals getting more control


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I mean because of Sanders, Trump just sent his supporters to harass Waters. What a hypocrite.

Plus let's all be 100% real here, she knew what she was doing with that tweet. If she legit didn't realize that would spark people to flock to harassing the restaurant, then she should be removed from her job for being too STUPID instead of just malicious and evil.


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
Look folks you just have to respect that Sarah Huckabee Sanders just has a different opinion than you on Star Wars and the internment and potentially permanent separation of asylum seeking and other immigrant families


Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
It's always good to see posters come into a nearly 50 page thread, and not have any context of the story, the topic, or even try to read through a few pages to get an idea what the discussion is about.

Because plopping into a 50 page thread, and nonchalantly making ignorant views, is always the best way to approach an important topic.

Just the fact you, and the poster you quoted had to note that you're not American, shows that you lack the capacity to even understand what this issue is about. This is not an "American" thing, this is a crime against humanity thing, so you can get that out of the way first and foremost if you feel you want to actually participate in this discussion.
I think you are misreading Ferrs's post. He was criticizing the other poster, not agreeing with him.
Nov 8, 2017
I keep seeing these messages saying things like "they put children in cages," and I want to make sure that people aren't actually referring to the 2014 photos that resurfaced and were mistakenly used to reference what is happening today. http://www.businessinsider.com/migrant-children-in-cages-2014-photos-explained-2018-5

These photos are disgusting, and things like this should NEVER happen. But it's insane to me that it took Trump being in office to get people aware and upset about some of these policies. I'm sure folks here are gonna accuse me of being a Trump supporter, but I'm not. Lets just keep the same energy regardless of who's in office, because children in cages is wrong. And politicians pointing fingers and playing the blame game, instead of taking action is pure evil. Sarah Sanders included


Oct 28, 2017
Arkansas, USA

It may be unacceptable to you Sarah, but it isn't to me - deal with it.

The assholes in power that think they can get away with abusing the less fortunate by doing things like breaking up families and getting rid of preexisting condition protections need to be taught that they answer to us, not the other way around.
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May 24, 2018
Los Angeles
I keep seeing these messages saying things like "they put children in cages," and I want to make sure that people aren't actually referring to the 2014 photos that resurfaced and were mistakenly used to reference what is happening today. http://www.businessinsider.com/migrant-children-in-cages-2014-photos-explained-2018-5

These photos are disgusting, and things like this should NEVER happen. But it's insane to me that it took Trump being in office to get people aware and upset about some of these policies. I'm sure folks here are gonna accuse me of being a Trump supporter, but I'm not. Lets just keep the same energy regardless of who's in office, because children in cages is wrong. And politicians pointing fingers and playing the blame game, instead of taking action is pure evil. Sarah Sanders included
whataboutism is a piss poor showing.
Oct 27, 2017
The right fears this sort of protest because they can't get their media buddies to let them spin it into being dirty hippies keeping people from going to work or other similar smear bullshit. This protest is brilliant in that it interrupts individuals directly, the individuals that are deserving of being treated as the human scum they are.


The Fallen
The Fallen
Oct 31, 2017
Why is there a press conference even happening? What's even being addressed?


Oct 27, 2017
Why is there a press conference even happening? What's even being addressed?


Oct 27, 2017
I liked the tweet from a restaurant owner that said he would have let her sit for an hour without food, presented her with a bill for her meal, then gaslighted her when she said she hadn't eaten anything.


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
I'm utterly stunned that people are celebrating this, and going a step further to say that it should happen more and more. This is not a road to go down no matter what your personal politics, personal views, and so on stand.

First they came for Sarah Huckabee Sanders and I spoke up because they already took all the children away anyway
Oct 27, 2017
I keep seeing these messages saying things like "they put children in cages," and I want to make sure that people aren't actually referring to the 2014 photos that resurfaced and were mistakenly used to reference what is happening today. http://www.businessinsider.com/migrant-children-in-cages-2014-photos-explained-2018-5

These photos are disgusting, and things like this should NEVER happen. But it's insane to me that it took Trump being in office to get people aware and upset about some of these policies. I'm sure folks here are gonna accuse me of being a Trump supporter, but I'm not. Lets just keep the same energy regardless of who's in office, because children in cages is wrong. And politicians pointing fingers and playing the blame game, instead of taking action is pure evil. Sarah Sanders included
Trump's policy of separating children from parents and his illegal blocking of legitimate asylum seekers is what spurred this on.


Oct 26, 2017
Repeat the same three carefully worded statements to any question being asked.

"Donald Trump just said he would eat Mexican babies at the border."

What we want to have happen is to avoid this situation by not having people cross the border illegally.

"Donald Trump just said he wants to have every member of Congress murdered."

The president has asked the Democrats to work with him repeatedly. Congress are the only ones who can fix this.

"Every American just lost their job because of these tariffs."

The Europeans are being unfair. All President Trump wants is a level playing field.


Oct 27, 2017
I keep seeing these messages saying things like "they put children in cages," and I want to make sure that people aren't actually referring to the 2014 photos that resurfaced and were mistakenly used to reference what is happening today. http://www.businessinsider.com/migrant-children-in-cages-2014-photos-explained-2018-5

These photos are disgusting, and things like this should NEVER happen. But it's insane to me that it took Trump being in office to get people aware and upset about some of these policies. I'm sure folks here are gonna accuse me of being a Trump supporter, but I'm not. Lets just keep the same energy regardless of who's in office, because children in cages is wrong. And politicians pointing fingers and playing the blame game, instead of taking action is pure evil. Sarah Sanders included

Did you even read the article you cited?

"What the Obama administration did, which is what the law requires, is to find shelter facilities for those kids, which were put together by the Department of Health and Human Services. So the goal was to get kids out of the Border Patrol, into proper care by HHS, and then HHS is supposed to release them to the least restrictive setting, and in more than 80% of the cases, that was their parents who were already in the United States."

The policy we have today is not what we had during Obsma's Administration. And while there were children held in these types of facilities, they were the exception rather than the rule. And even then DHS tried to get those children to their parents or other guardians. I'm not going to call you a Trump supporter, but you're clearly not as educated on this matter as you think if you're going to conflate what DHS is doing now versus what they did during Obama's years.

Gaia Lanzer

Oct 25, 2017
It's the normal White House Press Briefing.
Trump and his administration (though mostly him) are attention junkies. I don't recall ANY past President having the number of live press briefings as Trump's Presidency up to NOW. Hell, he takes a shit and wants to not only alert all the "FAKE NEWS" news people he took the most immaculate, golden turd of all, he goes on a rally tour promoting his taking of that turd!


Oct 25, 2017
Trump and his administration (though mostly him) are attention junkies. I don't recall ANY past President having the number of live press briefings as Trump's Presidency up to NOW. Hell, he takes a shit and wants to not only alert all the "FAKE NEWS" news people he took the most immaculate, golden turd of all, he goes on a rally tour promoting his taking of that turd!
On the contrary, this is the first press briefing they've done in a week because they've been hiding. A daily press briefing is normal.


Oct 25, 2017
It's kind of crazy how the headlines went from abuse and neglect of migrant children in makeshift jails to fucking restaurants. The media falls for this shit every time. I don't know if they're just stupid or if it's intentional.
Nov 8, 2017
Trump's policy of separating children from parents and his illegal blocking of legitimate asylum seekers is what spurred this on.
The separation of children from their parents isn't a Trump policy. https://www.humanrightsfirst.org/resource/flores-settlement-brief-history-and-next-steps

Trumps "zero tolerance" policy exposes the problems with the Flores agreement, which Obama also ran into problems with during his administration. But Trumps executive order that "keeps families together" violates that agreement and will probably be overruled. Either Trumps team doesn't know what they're doing, (most likely) or Trump was trying to put out the fire momentarily while knowing it would fail in the long run.