
Oct 25, 2017
My god Resetera you have failed me. I gave this a go way back when but I dismissed it because it wasn't like the Sands of Time trilogy I loved, but after the rumours and subsequent announcement of the Sands of Time Remake I saw a lot of people praising this game and figured with 12 years of space between my last play of those games, maybe I could give this a proper look with fresh eyes.

...What on earth are you guys talking about? For serious? The first red flag was when I started the game and was going through all the options (as is my preferred way to start any game) and between each and every menu transition was this ridiculous 3 second ball of light travelling animation between them. An immediate waste of time and something that grated, but I chalked it up to the mid 00's tendency to use form over function to make their AAA games seem better than they were.

But after about 6 hours of playing this game... if I had to describe it, it would be "The Worst 3D Platformer I've Ever Played". The Light Seeds are an uninteresting and unsatisfying collectible and from the several hours I played they are the only tangible goal you have. The platforming is beyond dull, and an absolute nightmare to control. It feels so bad, consistently.

There is this constant tension between where the camera is facing and where your character is facing and what controls do what. Climbing poles and ledges is a nightmare in this sense, especially when you have to rotate around and are facing differently from the camera.

About 50% of the time I would try and do a wall climb, but due to a slight angle it would be a wall run and I would die.

Actually no, you can't die. There is absolutely zero failure state in this game as far as I can tell. You can fall into chasms endlessly and Elika will save you. You can get beat around by enemies by Elika will save you. Which would be more annoying if the game wasn't so clunky that this happened often enough that I was actually thankful I didn't have to replay any of the godawful level design I'd already done. The game is built almost like a 3D platformer where you have these abilities to use to traverse the environment and collect the whatevers, but also extreme linearity. I see a light seed floating a few feet in front of me that I can't reach with a jump. However, trying to double jump to reach it results in Elika deciding I need saving and I would have to go all the way around to jump at it from the Game Approved Angle™

Combat is so clunky and overly cinematic while also conveying absolutely no real weight or impact to anything that happens. And to top it all off these characters are so so flat. Never mind that to get the conversations you have to completely break all flow of gameplay and stand still and press a dedicated button (honestly, why did they not make this an optional thing for while you're platforming? It would make the monotony at least halfway palatable) but the dialogue, writing and voice performances are at best... passable, but most of the time they're just bland and uninteresting and completely lacking in character. The prince has the illusion of character, but really he's just a bit of a pompous wannabe cool guy. He thinks he's clever but he super isn't.

ugh. I couldn't do it man, I had to put the game down. I will need someone to explain why this game is even taken seriously because to me this is truly one of the least interesting games i've ever played on just about every level.


Oct 27, 2017
The art is great and I really liked the story.

But yeah, gameplay-wise the game is pretty weak.


Oct 26, 2017
Completely agree. It was a total disaster.

It's got some decent looking elements (mostly the environments), but I can't really think of anything else nice to say about it.


Oct 25, 2017
San Francisco
I enjoyed the story and the world looks gorgeous. Combat was fine and I liked how they incorporated Elika into combos. The game was too easy though which I'm sure turns some people off. And the auto running when wall running took some getting use to.


terminus est
Aug 12, 2018
It is a bizarre game that came at a super weird time in the franchise's history. It has great art, but the rest is terrible. The combat is consistently same-y and repetitive, the lack of failstate causes the game to have no real stakes or engagement, and the story ends up being pretty much nonsense.

Weird, weird game.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
I liked it. Sure, it doesn't offer much of a challenge, but I enjoyed the art style and the story. It's definitely not a bad game at all.


Shinra Employee
Oct 26, 2017
Op has been tainted by the corrupted....

Loved that game with a passion the banter alone was worth the $60!!!


Oct 27, 2017
Try playing it as Light Seed collection simulator 2008. Thats the part of the game I really dig. I can definitely see how its not everyone's cup of tea but it's better if you dont conceptualize it as a conventional platformer. It's sort of a rhythm based environmental exploration/puzzle game.


Oct 27, 2017
The game has many flaws (ending cliffhanger, ending DLC cliffhanger, too many orbs, etc), but I can't agree on it being uninteresting. It's pretty different, for good and bad, from games before and after it. Perhaps people expecting Sand of Time is more disappointed than someone coming in with no expectations, but I thought the character combos were interesting, the boss fights were interesting (not necessarily good, but interesting), the open world structure and dialogue workarounds interesting, the ending interesting, etc etc.

Also, the "you can't die" argument has been waged since release, and I don't expect minds to be changed now, but I am definitely on the side of: how is that different from a loading screen, and moreover the interaction builds(tricks?) character intimacy - and comes into play in one story element, so I like it. And overall I really like the game. A shame we will never see a sequel...


Oct 26, 2017
Yeah, it's got it's charm when you're flying through the air with the powers of Ormazdszdz, but the whole thing feels pretty on-rails.

The combat is so brain dead it should have just been QTE's ...or cut all together.


Crisis Dino
Oct 25, 2017
Ibis Island
It's definitely more Style than substance. It's a decent game but far from what i'd call the best PoP game outside the graphical style. I think there was potential in its ideas, but it definitely wasn't good enough to replace all of PoP I feel (Though I wouldn't have minded that graphical style but with SoT style gameplay).

As said, the combat never really shines all that much and the platforming just never felt as good as it could've. This is including playing the ending DLC which is just more of the same.

Also will never forget the Game Informer interview saying the bosses were MGS inspired lol.


Oct 27, 2017
Seattle, WA
We're all entitled to our opinions, but yours is wrong ;). Nah it's fine, I could understand why you don't like it, but it's one of my favorite games of all time. It's almost like a rhythm game in how the platforming works. Very chill and beautiful. Story was pretty great too. That ending still sticks with me.


Oct 29, 2017
While the platforming was fairly simple, I recall it having great animation, which gave a good flow to traversal.

The combat was rather dull, but IIRC there wasn't much of it, so it didn't bother me much.


Oct 25, 2017
The Elika thing, about her saving you - the devs said in interviews that this was done so that you don't go back to a loading screen while keeping it consistent with her abilities and story. It's no different that going to a loading screen and reloading the last checkpoint.

El Crono

"This guy are sick"
Oct 27, 2017
It's been a while since I played it, but I remember I liked it. If not a good game, at least it must be enjoyable.


Oct 25, 2017
The Elika thing, about her saving you - the devs said in interviews that this was done so that you don't go back to a loading screen while keeping it consistent with her abilities and story. It's no different that going to a loading screen and reloading the last checkpoint.
Yeah, I never understood that complaint. They changed the presentation of the fail state, they didn't removed it, you still failed.

That said, I remember bouncing off the game for one reason or another when I tried it years ago, can't remember why. Been meaning to give it another go, but you know how backlogs go.

My Cow Phelps

Oct 25, 2017
The platforming in this game feels too automated, kind of like Uncharted. You don't need to be precise with the timing of the inputs. And similar (but worse) to the other 3D PoP games, there is always some "assist" in the direction and distance of the jumps, it feels really restrictive compared to the classic Tomb Raider games or Mirror's Edge (to name other games with parkour gameplay). The combat is very shallow and boring as well. I guess you could say exploring the levels to find the orbs is the only thing remotely interesting gameplay-wise, but the level design can make the backtracking boring because its was kind of linear (too many corridors, not many shortcuts etc.) IIRC.

Elika saving you is indeed basically a checkpoint system, but its a checkpoint that happens every 15-30 seconds, making a braindead easy game even easier.

The presentation is amazing tho.

Overall, i really dislike the game.
Last edited:


Dec 4, 2017
Yeah, people tend to get really touchy about it around here, but... like... it's not great. I was way more happy with the return to the Sands of Time games with Forgotten Sands - which, while still not anything special, I found surprisingly decent.


Feb 25, 2018
Lmao, I was in your exact same situation and wanted to play it (and still plan to, got it on Uplay like a week ago) because of that thread. But while the reactions there were pretty much 100% positive, here they are rather mixed, balancing a bit more towards negative, even.

Cue the gif with the guy standing up and the ResetEra logo appears, I guess.


Oct 28, 2017
Played it around release time and don't remember much but part of it is still fresh in my mind like art style, whole presentation, innovative reload system when you die it was like 1 second reload time (in 2008) and you don't start way back. Reload system made game look easy but I liked it. May be it shouldn't have respawned you so fast and right there where you die to add some artificial challenge.

I also remember interaction/chatter with Elika which was much better at the time when compared to other games. For me it was a game with lots of potential for sequels. Sucks that it never happened.


Oct 31, 2017
I remember combat being absolute trash but loving the art style, the story, the characters and exploring environments for light seeds or w/e they are called.


Oct 26, 2017
There, fixed it for you...


One of the best games of that generation for me. Fun gameplay, good story, great visuals.

Deleted member 5028

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Yeh it's really bad. Couldnt even finish it.

Apparently the ending is locked behind some dlc, or something like that.
The games fine without the DLC. The ending sets up a grim sequel which they explored in the DS game. The epilogue follows on from that sure but it was a 2/10 addon

Prince of Persia: The Fallen King

Prince of Persia: The Fallen King is the third-person action-adventure spinoff of the third Prince of Persia rebooted series. Taking place after the Epilogue, the Prince continues his fight against the God of Darkness, Ahriman. Facing imminent danger, the Prince flees to a deserted kingdom that...

Just play this


"This guy are sick"
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
This game is a good way to weed out opinions on games I won't agree with.

Anybody that thinks this is a good game is unlikely to value what I do in a video game.
Oct 27, 2017
Parts of Era have this really weird hang up about admitting they like a game primarily because of it's art style/art direction and try to wrap that opinion in "objectivity" to make their stance stronger.

Its a super pretty game, but not good. Sorry you were duped, OP


Nov 2, 2017
I remember truly despising the combat in this. And the climbing was bettered by Assassin's Creed, Uncharted and Tomb Raider. So yeah, no real reason for this to exist.


Oct 27, 2017
Can't say I agree with any of the control/camera issues, sounds more like a you problem than the game's problem. Yeah, the game is a bit on the easy side of things, but it was still enjoyable to traverse through the world, getting all the orbs & all that. I'd say it's a pretty solid 8/10 that could've been better with slightly more challenging platforming & combat mechanics as well as slightly more involved & intricate puzzle design.


Dec 10, 2018
I finished it a couple of nights ago and loved it. I had played through the 2003-5 trilogy through June to August and loved them, but I had to put down '08 for a few weeks after trying to hop straight into it since it's so different. Now I can't get it out of my head.

Literally woke up this morning, pressed play on the End Credits medley on my phone, open Era, and this is the first thing I see :P

I played on PC so I didn't have the Epilogue, but watching it on YouTube and from the following quote from the producer it's clear it was added due to post-release feedback:

This is not at all a chunk of the game that was supposed to ship but that we didn't finish in time--this is a significant DLC team that has taken all of the lessons they learned during the development of PoP and all of the feedback we've read on boards and in reviews and are creating something really special.

For people criticising the ending of the main game:

For me, it's up to the player whether they unleash Ahriman or not. The end credits have already rolled. Whether you save Elika or not is up to you.


Oct 27, 2017
Honestly don't understand what they were going for with the combat system, you expect that the bosses will be a real challenge the further you progress through the game, but they never are.


Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
It is a bizarre game that came at a super weird time in the franchise's history. It has great art, but the rest is terrible. The combat is consistently same-y and repetitive, the lack of failstate causes the game to have no real stakes or engagement, and the story ends up being pretty much nonsense.

Weird, weird game.
By weird you mean terrible


Oct 27, 2017
I always got the sense that the game was primarily a vessel for its artwork. I wouldn't ever call it mechanically engaging, but I appreciated it for what it was at the time and still see value in its restraint.


Oct 30, 2017
I have no idea what you mean, OP. I thought the clumsily sign-posted repetitive platforming and disgraced court jester turned hobo protagonist were great.


Oct 25, 2017
I loved it back then, not sure how it would hold up today. It was the art and graphic setting, being in those areas was fantastic. The traversal of high vantage points was well done, I don't remember having a problem with wall running or the poles and ledges up high but expectations today could make it seem bad.

Combat I didn't find interesting and if I recall, lots repeat boss types


Oct 27, 2017
I think it's great, love the way the platforming flows and it's a delightful game to play, to this day.


Jul 27, 2018
i actually really liked this game. the combat was boring and the platforming was a bit too automated but i still enjoyed the game overall. we're likely never getting a sequel though :(

Señor Sepia

Aug 2, 2020
One of the best videogame endings i have ever seen, the art, story, lore, characters and music were good, but the game was a chore to play.

The DLC ruined the ending tho, its better to skip it.


terminus est
Aug 12, 2018
By weird you mean terrible
I am more or less deeply confused by how it even came to be, more so than offended by its terribleness. Especially with the DLC in mind. It is a bad game. But it's a baffling game to think about, and I would love to learn more about its development for that reason.


Oct 27, 2017
I didn't like it, just the cel-shaded look and that's it. There's a fairly vocal group of fans that really like it, that's nice for them, but I never saw the appeal lol