
Oct 27, 2017
Cheryl did more heroic things dressed as scarlet witch than Wanda did.

CW is braver than marvel.


Nov 13, 2017
Is that Betty or Cheryl?

Actually that sounds kinda cool, if it's not just a "big plotline in the finale fully resolved in the first two episodes of next season" thing. I'd dig a retro Archie season.


Oct 25, 2017
lmfao honestly I've not seen a single episode of this thing but I adore reading about how batshit wild it went after starting as just another dating lives of hot young people show


Oct 25, 2017
CW creating its own universe
i need to go back once the series is over and binge the whole thing


Oct 25, 2017
So, like, did anyone actually know this show would go insane, or is it just something that happened?


Oct 26, 2017
So what's the general consensus on this show?

Like, I know it's ridiculous, but i've also read comments that it's mostly the boring sort of cw schlock. Is it actually worth watching, or do i just enjoy the era threads mocking the latest absurd thing the show has done?


Oct 25, 2017
What the fuck is going on with this show? Wasn't it a teen murder mystery? It's been a while since I watched the first season.

In terms of the insanity this show goes through this gif comes to mind Lmao. Like it's honestly unexplainable haha


Laser Ramon

Oct 28, 2017
So what's the general consensus on this show?

Like, I know it's ridiculous, but i've also read comments that it's mostly the boring sort of cw schlock. Is it actually worth watching, or do i just enjoy the era threads mocking the latest absurd thing the show has done?
I have a feeling if you know how crazy it gets or what to expect, it takes some of the fun out of watching. It seems the writers are ultra focused on being as out there and unpredictable as possible, so I would suggest just hopping on next season without watching the rest and see if you get invested at all.


Don't dream it, be it
May 2, 2018
One of my favorite hobbies is hearing about what's going on in this show.


Oct 25, 2017
i haven't watched a single episode, but i have very quickly become bored with the "riverdale did something OUTRAGEOUS again" narrative, so i can only imagine how tiring it would be too actually watch it. hearing that it started as a mildly over-the-top dramatic teen show that then went bonkers, that was fun. but just going from bonkers to bonkers over and over just makes it sound like it's been coasting on the same trick.
Oct 25, 2017
Atlanta GA
lmao this show

i haven't watched a single episode, but i have very quickly become bored with the "riverdale did something OUTRAGEOUS again" narrative, so i can only imagine how tiring it would be too actually watch it. hearing that it started as a mildly over-the-top dramatic teen show that then went bonkers, that was fun. but just going from bonkers to bonkers over and over just makes it sound like it's been coasting on the same trick.

it was never normal this show was weird af all the way back in season 1, here's archie about to film a gangbang video


it went off the rails from there after slowly morphing into Sons of Anarchy, then I guess some superhero shit I stopped watching around the time Cheryl became Red Arrow and now I guess she's Scarlet Witch


Oct 25, 2017
too bad smackdown isn't on cw/upn anymore because they're doing what the WWE should be doing and a riverdale crossover would be the fastest way to get there. just go full crazy. lucha underground kinda tapped into that at least. so did bischof-era tna. nxt 2.0 leans into it too.

you know what you need to do, tk.


Oct 25, 2017
lmfao honestly I've not seen a single episode of this thing but I adore reading about how batshit wild it went after starting as just another dating lives of hot young people show
At the start it was teenage Twin Peaks, then it was about a serial killer targeting the main cast, a supernatural Dungeons and Dragons game taking over the town, then they did a time skip and became FBI agents, war veterans etc. and took over the local high school to save the town, then they did an alternate universe arc, gained superpowers and magic, had a Sabrina crossover and now this. The show is batshit insane and kinda genius at the same time.


Oct 27, 2017
What the fuck is going on with this show? Wasn't it a teen murder mystery? It's been a while since I watched the first season.

I only watched the first season. I caught an episode my roommate was watching a while back and Archie was in an underground prison fight ring and I think there was a biker gang war going on. This show apparently went batshit crazy.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 8, 2017
I dropped the show sometime during the post-timeskip season. Kinda want to pick it back up.


Oct 27, 2017
the entire latter half of this season is basically Madelaine Petsch's audition reel for Marvel/Disney's Jean Grey. Good luck, sis.



Gabe’s little helper
Oct 25, 2017
Hull, UK
lmao this show

it was never normal this show was weird af all the way back in season 1, here's archie about to film a gangbang video


it went off the rails from there after slowly morphing into Sons of Anarchy, then I guess some superhero shit I stopped watching around the time Cheryl became Red Arrow and now I guess she's Scarlet Witch

Hey, that was Season 2.

Also this is the greatest show of all time.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Oh I thought she was a regular in Riverdale now since her show was cancelled

Nah, she went back to Greendale. They probably SHOULD'VE asked her for help in this episode though. She literally lives one town away from them.

So it was all a very convulted way to make riverdale .... archie ?

Honestly my gut feeling is they did this time reboot thing because next season is the end of the show, so they can play around with the 1950s setting for a few episodes then return everything to normal at the end of the series. Jughead is aware of the timeline alteration (and the only character who is), so that's going to be important next year for sure.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
lmfao honestly I've not seen a single episode of this thing but I adore reading about how batshit wild it went after starting as just another dating lives of hot young people show

Honestly Riverdale is the best show I've never watched an episode out of because I get the most enjoyment just learning about this shit out of context.