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Jul 20, 2018
If you seriously think kicking the entire mod staff and replacing them with a bunch of corporate robots is going to prevent the kinds of anti-moderation snafus and blowups we've had in the past, you haven't been paying attention.

As soon as these hypothetical new mods make a mistake or do something people don't like - and they will, because it is impossible to moderate a community perfectly, regardless of whether you're being paid or not - we'll be right back where we are now.
The difference is that they can lose their jobs in such scenario rather than getting away with a slap on wrist.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
Rarely have we seen a bigger L than being an era mod lol.
Kinda insulting to the mods, and you'd have to see life soley in terms of dollar dollar bills to come out with that. Seems plenty of them are happy to keep doing what they've been doing going forwards... people shouting on their behalf for a salary yet not seen one post from a mod saying that's what they want in order to continue, so...

The biggest L is surely reserved for every single user here who has had their data sold on to a corporate entity that indends to further monetise them and subject them to more targeted advertising. Especially those who thought this was a site scraping by to cover costs, and in particular those that chose to pay monthly and yearly to block ads a free browser add-on could handily manage.

Damn, posted this in the middle of the night and ran.
It's always the middle of the night somewhere. Was posted at the start of the working day in the new owner's country - as they announced the news. Seems reasonable.

But ran... hell the fuck yes, lol. $3.5m in the bag and another mil to come by the end of the year as long as this place doesn't go into meltdown I assume.


tag reference no one gets
Oct 25, 2017
Anyone else just received an invite to the new Prominent Members hidden board from Björn?


Oct 25, 2017
It did have multiple sh
I remember SweetNicole.
Does she involved in fuckery too or what, not following too much of this site


Oct 26, 2017
how did Cerium even come to be the owner of this place? Basically he was the first one to set up a forum during the exodus and got kind of lucky that most people decided to come here? or is there more to it?


Oct 25, 2017
West Coast, USA
I think a lot of people had this notion that ERA was like this massive cooperative, contrasted against GAF and its single owner. That's the promise many bought into during the GAF exodus, even if it was never in the fine print. Chickens have come home to roost.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah there's a couple red flags there. Very much a "see how it goes" moment, but it has more looking for a lifeboat more than any of the other blowups... just in case.

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
Nice, glad you could work out an arrangement that seems to preserve the site and get some investment. Haven't read the 25+ pages yet so hoping there's no divisive bombshells haha.

Oh shit nice sale.

I'm gonna give the site room to transition and see what changes there are before jumping to conclusions about what the sale could change. I'm too old to switch to another forum. Guess I'll finally get some work done.
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Deleted member 29682

User requested account closure
Nov 1, 2017
So, in terms of EU General Data Protection Regulation where do we as users stand legally with our personal information (email included) being sold without consent?

GDPR ensures a right of access to know what data the company holds, how they use it, with whom they share it and how they obtained it in the first place. Legally they cannot refuse this request without a very good reason (i.e. it infringes on the privacy of others). Here is a more comprehensive outline of your rights as a data subject:

It's probably best to contact the site's Data Protection Officer, though if we have one then I can't find a way to identify or contact them. You could always ask and admin about who to speak to about it, though if they are unwilling or unable to provide this information then your next best bet is to file a report with the relevant public body (not sure whether it should be your country or the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection).


It's not a loop. It's a spiral.
Oct 25, 2017
Cape Cod, MA
I have no problem that the owner get paid. Hopefully the mods also have no problem doing volunteer works for a for-profit corporation now.
I can only speak for myself but I'd be surprised if I'm the only mod who feels this way. I don't moderate for the sake of the owners past or present, but for the sake of the community.

Paid moderators are usually there to protect the brand, the corporation, or the income. Youtube mods sure aren't there to protect the Youtube *communities*.

I doesn't bother me that people think a paid mod team would do better, or if people are concerned about what happens to this community... because we've been through some real shit in the past, even predating this site and fears based on things that actually happened are hardly irrational. I hope (and for the record believe) that moderators will continue to be volunteers from within the community, and will continue to operate as an independent team.


Oct 26, 2017
I think a lot of people had this notion that ERA was like this massive cooperative, contrasted against GAF and its single owner. That's the promise many bought into during the GAF exodus, even if it was never in the fine print. Chickens have come home to roost.

yea, I never really thought about it much, someone had to be putting a lot of work into this place to keep it running. I assumed they were collecting some ad money and maybe making a ok living off it.

but $4.5 million pay day while there's dozens of volunteers and the only reason this place works and exists is because of the users? hahahaha.


Oct 25, 2017
Resetera was setup and ready for hundreds of thousands of users immediately. Weeks of work somehow planned and ready to go as soon as Malka saga came up. This site was a professional job, built to increase its value and sell.
It was always a curiosity to me that some of the founding members of era were long time banned members on gaf, it was a bit strange that once the issues emerged on gaf they were among those willing to lead the exodus for a community they weren't really involved with.

It wouldn't surprise me if it was a planned competitor with a different focus and pivoted once the opportunity arose.


Oct 27, 2017
Ruhrgebiet, Germany
Someone got swindled. I'm not gonna clearify exactly who in any more specificity than this, now that bans are flying, but, hint-hint, it's everyone.
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Oct 27, 2017
I should have seen this coming after Sweet Nicole left. She made it feel like this was a small community focussed site. Bless her she did well.
Oct 26, 2017
how did Cerium even come to be the owner of this place? Basically he was the first one to set up a forum during the exodus and got kind of lucky that most people decided to come here? or is there more to it?
No that is pretty much it. He assembled the best team the fastest and created the most viable successor to GAF and thus all the migration went to Era. A few others tried as well to cash in on the exodus with their own forums, but Cerium lucked out. He promised transparency and to that effect there would be no sole owner, instead a whole team collectively owned the site. Shortly after the LLC was established and ads began to roll to "cover the server expenses" and pay some coding staff. Eventually all the other owners sold their shares to Cerium and retired and suddenly he became the sole owner, announced over night. After that he pretty much vanished, likely to avoid risking ever getting cancelled over something like Lore, so to not ruin his chances to eventually sell the site. I assume a lot of the prominent communities leaving has resulted in reduced traffic and revenue this year (membership growth has also stalled), so this was the best time to jump ship for him.
Oct 26, 2017
So it was never about getting away from a sexual harassing owner of another site…

it was about exploiting people's anger about it.

who could have foreseen this?


Oct 25, 2017
To be honest, the factual site management down to the moderation always fell short of the promises made when Era first came to be. The hierarchy never was flat, the moderation never was transparent. I stopped expecting it to be at one point after one of many shitshows that happened over the past 4 years. So I find it hard to be surprised (outside of the $4.5M evaluation) that the site would be sold at some point now. Somehow seems like a fitting end.


I can say DEI; you can't.
Oct 24, 2017
I can only speak for myself but I'd be surprised if I'm the only mod who feels this way. I don't moderate for the sake of the owners past or present, but for the sake of the community.

Paid moderators are usually there to protect the brand, the corporation, or the income. Youtube mods sure aren't there to protect the Youtube *communities*.

I doesn't bother me that people think a paid mod team would do better, or if people are concerned about what happens to this community... because we've been through some real shit in the past, even predating this site and fears based on things that actually happened are hardly irrational. I hope (and for the record believe) that moderators will continue to be volunteers from within the community, and will continue to operate as an independent team.
Hear hear.


Cute Animal Whisperer
Nov 3, 2017


The Walnut King
Oct 25, 2017
Washington, D.C.
I can only speak for myself but I'd be surprised if I'm the only mod who feels this way. I don't moderate for the sake of the owners past or present, but for the sake of the community.

Paid moderators are usually there to protect the brand, the corporation, or the income. Youtube mods sure aren't there to protect the Youtube *communities*.

I doesn't bother me that people think a paid mod team would do better, or if people are concerned about what happens to this community... because we've been through some real shit in the past, even predating this site and fears based on things that actually happened are hardly irrational. I hope (and for the record believe) that moderators will continue to be volunteers from within the community, and will continue to operate as an independent team.
My name is Transistor and I endorse this message.


Oct 24, 2017
It wouldn't surprise me if it was a planned competitor with a different focus and pivoted once the opportunity arose.
Y'all have no idea how little relative effort it takes any remotely experienced web dev to set-up a website, and especially one that runs on forum software, it's kind of amusing how y'all think it's some kind of monstrous effort that took months of planning.


Oct 25, 2017
United Kingdom
I think a lot of people had this notion that ERA was like this massive cooperative, contrasted against GAF and its single owner. That's the promise many bought into during the GAF exodus, even if it was never in the fine print. Chickens have come home to roost.

It's actually unbelievable we let one person own the whole site after what happened with GAF. It should never have been allowed.


Oct 25, 2017
It was always a curiosity to me that some of the founding members of era were long time banned members on gaf, it was a bit strange that once the issues emerged on gaf they were among those willing to lead the exodus for a community they weren't really involved with.

It wouldn't surprise me if it was a planned competitor with a different focus and pivoted once the opportunity arose.
lmao what. It takes almost no effort to get a forum up.


Oct 27, 2017
It's not like the scales have fallen from my eyes or anything. The way this site was originally pitched sounded like a bunch of idealist horseshit to me from the get go. An opportunity presented itself when neogaf imploded and an opportunist with the resources to act upon it seized their chance; it was never about community, ideology or a shared vision other than making a profit somewhere down the road. And I get it. That's just the way the world works. I'll wait and see how everything shakes out, but I won't be terribly surprised if ResetEra withers on the vine.
Oct 25, 2017
The ownership of Era was always BS. They could have set up a non-profit foundation or a user-owned co-op to own it, but chose not to. I guess some Swedish company owning it isn't necessarily worse than some individual rando owning it.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
I think this part of the argument is pretty amazing:

For the first part, this is a nice way of saying "I let B-Dubs and the mod team do all the work for me", while the latter part is immense hypocritcal. You know, it is ok in principle to do business, but Resetera was always displaying itself as a left-wing community effort, not as a business opportunity. It was even argued Era Clear was required to be able to pay for the website's expenses, which always was suspicious (because how bad would you need to be at managing such a site to not be able to at least get it to turn +-0 with the commercials it was running, while not paying its staff a dime?). It appears, you actually made 10 times the median individual US income yearly, and pretty much exactly the top 1% US yearly household income. It is ok to earn money from a forum, what's not OK is to be dishonest about it. And in that context, this argument above is ludicrous. It wasn't a huge burden, you earned a manager's income off the back of volunteer work and under the guise of a far left leaning forum culture.

If, indeed, the pressure, after having B-Dubs do all your day-to-day-work for you, presumably unpaid, was still too high, there would have been numerous ventures available to reduce the pressure on you, e.g. you could have offered the moderation team to take over shared ownership and pay a reasonable sum over the years by giving you, e.g. 20% of the generated profits over the next five years. You did, however, take the most profitable way out for you. Which, again, you can do, but be fucking honest about what you are doing and why. You just wanted as much cash as possible, without doing anything to protect the few people who worked in a paid capacity for you or at least giving the volunteers who did most of the work for you free of charge a share of your enormous profit off selling the website.

Quite a few full-on- for-profit companies do way more than you did to protect their workers when selling off. In other words, from my perspective, you were and are signalling left wing, but are acting ultra capitalist.

This is the perfect post to this bullshit.

I didn't realise Cerium was the sole owner, and that wasn't super fucking transparent. if he really was 'breaking his back' over managing the site then he should've explored sorting out a coop amongst admins and looked into paying mods. But nah fuck everyone else just sell it for millions after already pocketing millions in ad revenue and exploiting labor. running after you sell it to a corporate entity that's already said it plans to exploit us for more profit.

Fuck this.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
I dunno I'd probably respect the paid employees version of mods because they'd have a vested interest in doing the job tbh I'd expect more of them too which probably would be a good thing

Or they would do the bare minimum needed to keep their jobs, know nothing about this community and the people in it, and do whatever their bosses tell them at the end of the day. You would expect more of them and not get it.

A random faceless corporation focused on maximizing revenue isn't going to do a better job of moderating a community as large and varied as Era is.


Oct 25, 2017
No that is pretty much it. He assembled the best team the fastest and created the most viable successor to GAF and thus all the migration went to Era. A few others tried as well to cash in on the exodus with their own forums, but Cerium lucked out. He promised transparency and to that effect there would be no sole owner, instead a whole team collectively owned the site. Shortly after the LLC was established and ads began to roll to "cover the server expenses" and pay some coding staff. Eventually all the other owners sold their shares to Cerium and retired and suddenly he became the sole owner, announced over night. After that he pretty much vanished, likely to avoid risking ever getting cancelled over something like Lore, so to not ruin his chances to eventually sell the site. I assume a lot of the prominent communities leaving has resulted in reduced traffic and revenue this year (membership growth has also stalled), so this was the best time to jump ship for him.

The LLC was there from the start. Founded October 23, 2017 from looking at the public records. Which makes sense considering shares were divided between different people in the beginning.


Nov 6, 2017
I had no idea there was just one owner.
Not that I ever looked into to it, but I always assumed it was a collaborative sort of thing after the exodus of the old place.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm glad its an EU company at least and not US or Chinese based

As it stand they most likely bettet owner than Cerium anyway.


alt account
Dec 13, 2018
Y'all have no idea how little relative effort it takes any remotely experienced web dev to set-up a website, and especially one that runs on forum software, it's kind of amusing how y'all think it's some kind of monstrous effort that took months of planning.
That and it was very clear day 1 that it was a barebones site, even from just lurking.
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