
Oct 28, 2017
Just my personal feelings and experience when trying co-op with my friends.
All of us decided to play through the game solo after trying co-op.
We'll team up (maybe) for future playthrough.
im not sure of tension but nightmare mode put you on your heels. me and my friends are doing nightmare blind run
my friends are still working on the first boss we encounter (shroud). adds are such a pain.
quite fun to figure out how to fight the stronger mobs on the way to the boss tho.


Oct 25, 2017
Well, it isn't to artificially increase difficulty. It is to actually increase difficulty... by forcing to you to spin multiple plates. If we took out adds from say, Gorefist, you'd never take damage. All you have to do is strafe/walk to his right when he charges you (you don't even need to dodge him, ever), move away from him, and shoot him over and over. This happens with almost every boss. Most of the mechanics are very easy to avoid and the adds (besides giving you ways to charge mod power and gain ammo) force you to focus on multiple things at once.

In a shooter, it's hard to lean on expecting (and often requiring) the player to be within 3" of the boss at all time to do damage. Guns usurp that requirement. In melee based games, you have to put yourself at risk by getting in close.
I say artificially because it's not the boss that is actually difficult or interesting to fight when, in my mind, bossfights are supposed to be a test of the skills you're asked to develop up to that point. When I think back on that fight, I don't remember the boss, I just remember being annoyed by the random exploding mob spawns. You can increase the difficulty of any fight by just throwing more mobs in there but it won't make the fight any more fun or interesting, it often ends up doing the exact opposite.

This is exarcerbated by the fact that the hitstun from the explosions can leave you unable to avoid other damage and effectively one shot you. The mobs can also attack you from different direction and while there is a sound cue to indicate that they are in the vicinity you often have very little time to react and pinpoint exactly where it's coming from. Getting killed by something offscreen is never particularly enjoyable. You know what I did have fun with in that fight? Dodging the boss and using my hammer/shotgun combo up close to deal damage (exactly what I picked the class for).

I think it would be fine if there was a way to seal off the spawns if you play solo, it's probably easier to manage with 2 or more people. As it stands I didn't have the same satisfied feeling I usually do after beating a tough bosses in the souls series or other action games like DMC and that's a shame because again, everything else has been a lot of fun.

Anyway, those are just my two cents, I'm sure there are others who will feel differently. I know it must be tough to balance bossfights when the player hs an assortment of ranged weapons to fall back on, I just think throwing in more adds feels more like a band-aid fix to the problem. I'm still curious to see how the next bossfights will looks like, maybe it'll be less of an issue there.


Nov 1, 2017
User warned: "lazy dev" rhetoric is not allowed. Please review our FAQ.
Not having HDR support in 2019 is lazy and unacceptable.
Needs to be added asap...


Oct 28, 2017
btw, are the amount of mob spawn in the area base of from how many player is alive in a coop?
im playing on nightmare with friends. when my two friends died and i have no rez left, i notice as i approach the last stretch of the dungeon alone there's lesser enemies spawn compare when they were alive. totally making it more manageable lol.


Nov 10, 2018
out of curiosity, you don't have the magnum ?

magnum + assault rifle kinda is the best option in there as long as you don't have the beam rifle
That's exactly what i was using in the last try.
First try with that setup and boom, boss roasted.

Just for curiosity, is yellow number critic and red number weak point or the opposite?

R.T Straker

Chicken Chaser
Oct 25, 2017
The more I play the more I start to dislike the game.

I'm at like the 5th or 6th boss fight and I'm legit tired of every single one of them having ads. Do they actually get better? The only one so far that I enjoyed was Singe, and that was to the fact that he had almost no ads.

What a beautiful way to make artificial difficutly instead of designing good boss fights then have them swarm ads every few seconds at you.


Oct 27, 2017
Part of it comes from the RNG affix of the boss. Some people find Shroud + adds insanely hard, others kill him in 35 seconds. For Gorefist, he is very easy to avoid without adds (just walk to his right anytime he Naruto runs at you with his sword). The Spores are there to distract you, but at even level, they should die in 1 Hunting Rifle shot or 3 Repeater Pistol shots. The Spores also pick a location away from you, and if your back is to the wall (or near one) they aren't going to spawn behind you... HOWEVER, when you are in the fight out in the open and turning around a lot, it's very easy to get them from behind.

Of course, I'm not saying adds are good or bad, just that we did tune them to be manageable and they have both logic to prevent certain things from happening (actually spawning behind you if you are near a wall, for example) and hp values to have a specific time-to-kill with every weapon. They are also on a timer, so eventually you can (hopefully) count on when they will show up next and use that time to beast the boss, then get in position for when the spores come.

Let me know if you find any of this to be true or not and I can run some more tests to make sure everything is working as advertised. If it isn't, we can certainly make some changes!

Thanks for the feedback!
Can confirm this is how it worked for me. It just took some time to figure out how to position myself such that the adds didn't run up behind me from a distance. That said, I still didn't love that specific add type's involvement in the fight because of the stagger/zone denial/heavy damage they incurred. In the end, I still enjoyed the fight overall, but completely understand how, to some, the fight can feel "cheap", especially solo.


Oct 25, 2017
We struggled a real long time debating which difficulty we should start the game at.

We played co-op shooters before division, destiny, etc. We have a guy who LOVES all soulslike games and 100%s them within a week and another who hasn't played any EVER. We ended up going with Hard because we read the Devs intend Nightmare to be a NG+ type of difficulty, but we have another group of friends who are playing on Nightmare and having a good challenge.

Hard seems like a good challenge for us. We beat shroud yesterday after about 15-20 tries. We had perfect execution for half of his health and split the group into individuals - 2 to focus on adds while the other focus attacking Shroud. Splitting the group up kept the focus attacker safe from adds and isolated as shroud would not teleport too far away. It was an extremely rewarding experience on Hard with 3 player co-op. Watched a stream this morning and shroud was just melting on Solo Normal.

I unlocked a Revive speed improvement Trait and the other group members were surprised why they haven't unlocked it yet. We are going to do some testing today to see if it only unlocks for the host or im just such a revive hero that i earned it. UPDATE: I let them kill me at the warp and they unlocked it too. I think its 10 revives a session. I am a revive hero.
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Oct 27, 2017
Alright so i met Gorefist last night. Was pretty tired and his gas-filled minions kept killing me over and over. No weapon upgrades yet. I waited by the checkpoint for 5 min to see if anybody would assist me in the fight, but no one showed up. Set on public and playing on PS4. Is matchmaking working properly on PS4?
I met the infamous Gore last night as well after matchmaking, we took him down the first go at it but I didn't get anything for it, is this normal? I thought you got a material to craft a weapon/mod for each boss you defeated the first time (and sometimes there are more than one way to defeat bosses so you get different items).


Speaking of ultra-widescreen support, the character select screen was fixed making me initially think it may have proper support in-game now but, nope, it's still cropped.
Oct 27, 2017
I kinda feel a little sad for the people who do their first playthrough co-op.
I personally feel the game loses a LOT of the tension and fun in co-op. There's basically no real challenge anymore if you got 2 or even 3 people.
The enemies are definitely scaled up and take a bit more to take down in co-op play but I'm with ya, I've enjoyed solo more mainly because of exploration and whatnot rather than rushing through everything.


Oct 27, 2017
Well I knew the adds thing was going to be controversial to say the least. I'd like to say I told you so but really this shouldn't surprise anyone. Adds are a boss designer crutch that has been hated forever. I respect developers, I know games are not easy to make. That being said saying "we had to put the adds in or you could just literally walk away" shows me a larger problem. Instead of going "how can we make an interesting boss" it's clear the design was "ok we made this boss, how can we make it harder?". If bosses like gorefist aren't hard without the adds then, and here's just a suggestion that clearly no one said during the process, DON'T MAKE THAT GUY A BOSS! See how simple that was? Just don't make it a boss. That's just the first thing.
2. We need adds for ammo! No you don't. You have ammo boxes, that you can buy. But what happens when you run out of scrap from buying them? OK. I can almost buy this argument except for the fact that damn near every boss inflicts a status in you. And to get them off you need Consumables! So what happens if you run out of scrap from buying Consumables? See how that line of thinking breaks down basically instantly?

I'm not saying remnant is a bad game, I'm saying it's a good maybe even great game that has been plagued by really bad design choices. But it's not to late! These things can be fixed, can be changed. Take adds off a timer tie them to boss % health so you have a true add phase. And not just adds all the time.


Oct 27, 2017
Alright so i met Gorefist last night. Was pretty tired and his gas-filled minions kept killing me over and over. No weapon upgrades yet. I waited by the checkpoint for 5 min to see if anybody would assist me in the fight, but no one showed up. Set on public and playing on PS4. Is matchmaking working properly on PS4?

I've not tried hosting yet, but I've had absolutely no issues joining games on PS4.

Deleted member 56580

User requested account closure
May 8, 2019
I know. I don't want an easy mode at all for myself.
But looking at so many comments over the weekend, people seem to just not be good at the game and so an easy mode would help them.

There's multiplayer to help them, aswel as normal mode. You can combine both

I got the beam rifle (radiation) in some ruins. Is just me or it feels a little broken?

Its not really broken, there's much, much, much more damaging but it involves a bit of creativity and quite a bit of traits

I'm not saying remnant is a bad game, I'm saying it's a good maybe even great game that has been plagued by really bad design choices. But it's not to late! These things can be fixed, can be changed.

You're clueless. Honestly stop embarassing yourself like that

Remnant is about taking good positions that will make you not take damage / always have a clear vision of what can be coming up

If not you do need to manage your environment well in order to spread radiation clouds and stuff like that. Most people complaining are 100% suffering from tunnel vision and / or poor on the fly thinking. Its frustrating to overcome, it takes a lot of focus but its doable
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Deleted member 56580

User requested account closure
May 8, 2019
That's exactly what i was using in the last try.
First try with that setup and boom, boss roasted.

Just for curiosity, is yellow number critic and red number weak point or the opposite?

Correct, you can also get critical weak points damage. They're still displaying in red but the font is much bigger

also dot / elemental damage can crit

edit : just got the alternative Ent kill in nightmare, was super easy lol. Beam pushing back the exploding adds is huge


Oct 27, 2017
There's multiplayer to help them, aswel as normal mode. You can combine both

Its not really broken, there's much, much, much more damaging but it involves a bit of creativity and quite a bit of traits

You're clueless. Honestly stop embarassing yourself like that

Remnant is about taking good positions that will make you not take damage / always have a clear vision of what can be coming up

If not you do need to manage your environment well in order to spread radiation clouds and stuff like that. Most people complaining are 100% suffering from tunnel vision and / or poor on the fly thinking. Its frustrating to overcome, it takes a lot of focus but its doable

1st, I lack the ability to be embarrassed. It's a weird personality quirk. 2nd, adds are a shitty boss mechanic. I played wow at a very very high level. There was a time during Wrath of the Lich King where, upon submitting our weekly logs to world of logs, I'd be ranked in the top 15 dps in the world. So I know about positioning, and knowing what mechanics are coming up. Been doing it for literal years and at a level most never attain.

Edit: also I find it telling instead of making counter points to anything I said you just attacked me.


Oct 27, 2017
Do you get the boss kill trophies only when you're host? Helped someone take out Singe last night (got the tail, too), and while I have a cool new flaming sword strapped to my back, I didn't get a trophy.

Edit - Also, does the SMG ever become a decent weapon? It's rather nicely hidden at the very beginning, but I feel like it's damage and range at +5 just don't compare to the +5 starter repeater pistol.


Jan 10, 2018
Rio de Janeiro
1st, I lack the ability to be embarrassed. It's a weird personality quirk. 2nd, adds are a shitty boss mechanic. I played wow at a very very high level. There was a time during Wrath of the Lich King where, upon submitting our weekly logs to world of logs, I'd be ranked in the top 15 dps in the world. So I know about positioning, and knowing what mechanics are coming up. Been doing it for literal years and at a level most never attain.

Edit: also I find it telling instead of making counter points to anything I said you just attacked me.

The dev tragic already explained several times in this thread why there are adds in the Boss designs, if you can't agree with it just move on and accept that the game is not for you. I really hope the devs don't decide to change the game that lots of people are enjoying because of some complains. The game have a +90% positive rate on steam, so i think the great majority of players are ok with the bosses add's.


Oct 27, 2017
The dev tragic already explained several times in this thread why there are adds in the Boss designs, if you can't agree with it just move on and accept that the game is not for you. I really hope the devs don't decide to change the game that lots of people are enjoying because of some complains. The game have a +90% positive rate on steam, so i think the great majority of players are ok with the bosses add's.

Yeah, and his explanations as I pointed out are pretty bad. Also being "ok with the boss adds" isn't the same thing as enjoying them. Or thinking that they are a good mechanic.


Oct 27, 2017
Thx for the reply. How exactly does coop with randoms work? Just stand by the crystal before the boss and wait and suddenly someone jumps into my session? I've set my game to public.

Don't know. As I said, I never hosted. I know that when I've joined a session, I can only spectate until the host (and other summoned helper) either rest at a crystal or die. Then I join in.


Oct 27, 2017
I like the adds. Remnant has some of the best boss fights I've ever played in a shooter.

Devs, please don't change it.

Deleted member 56580

User requested account closure
May 8, 2019
1st, I lack the ability to be embarrassed. It's a weird personality quirk. 2nd, adds are a shitty boss mechanic. I played wow at a very very high level. There was a time during Wrath of the Lich King where, upon submitting our weekly logs to world of logs, I'd be ranked in the top 15 dps in the world. So I know about positioning, and knowing what mechanics are coming up. Been doing it for literal years and at a level most never attain.

Edit: also I find it telling instead of making counter points to anything I said you just attacked me.

This is not a mmo, what is your point ? very strange to compare bosses designed to be beaten by 24 persons vs solo player. As said just above, don't embarass yourself thinking you got some superior knowledge / experience, thank you

Also I absolutely don't care about your credentials. That's cool and all, but in the topic at hand you just wanna take control of the narrative. I'm ego impervious


Oct 27, 2017
This is not a mmo, what is your point ? very strange to compare bosses designed to be beaten by 24 persons vs solo player. As said just above, don't embarass yourself thinking you got some superior knowledge / experience, thank you

Also I absolutely don't care about your credentials. That's cool and all, but in the topic at hand you just wanna take control of the narrative. I'm ego impervious

My point, is, tragic made his argument as to why there are adds. I tore said arguments apart, you attacked me instead of my arguments. At this point I don't remotely care what you say on the topic until you actually address the issues.
Oct 27, 2017
I like the adds. Remnant has some of the best boss fights I've ever played in a shooter.

Devs, please don't change it.
Yeah, it's likely an unpopular opinion but I view them as a great complement-to-the-main boss in the encounters.

Folks who are struggling with certain parts of the game should consider just playing with the idea of just leveling up their traits and returning to those troublesome parts after you've upgraded a bit.


Oct 25, 2017
1st, I lack the ability to be embarrassed. It's a weird personality quirk. 2nd, adds are a shitty boss mechanic. I played wow at a very very high level. There was a time during Wrath of the Lich King where, upon submitting our weekly logs to world of logs, I'd be ranked in the top 15 dps in the world. So I know about positioning, and knowing what mechanics are coming up. Been doing it for literal years and at a level most never attain.

Edit: also I find it telling instead of making counter points to anything I said you just attacked me.
What an exceptional post.

Deleted member 56580

User requested account closure
May 8, 2019
My point, is, tragic made his argument as to why there are adds. I tore said arguments apart, you attacked me instead of my arguments. At this point I don't remotely care what you say on the topic until you actually address the issues.

already did twice and as pointed out, you're irrelevant. Keep listening to yourself, I don't care. Good riddance
Oct 27, 2017
Does the AR slot into the first (Hand Cannons, SMG, etc) or second (Shotgun, Rifle, etc) weapon slot? I'm guessing second but just wanted confirmation. Going hunting for it tonight.


Nov 3, 2017
Well I got multiplayer working on PC, I went from no one joining in an hour to full group. I did two things so not sure which fixed it:

Went into advanced Windows firewall and added the game to private and public on incoming and outgoing.

Went to my Stream profile and set my game status from friends only to public.


Nov 10, 2018
undead king
boss fight


Mambo Number PS5
Oct 27, 2017
Technical fuckery making me not want to play the game. Load times, random stutters and crashes almost making it unplayable.


Writer/Critic at Hardcore Gamer
Oct 28, 2017
undead king
boss fight

Are you attempting it solo or co-op, and what parts of the fight are you having trouble with? If the former, here's some advice to begin with...

...when he goes to try and heal, make sure you're close to him preferably hugging the wall, and make sure that your side-arm has something like the burn mod equipped. It means you can easily switch between firing at the main boss and the inevitable hordes that come to attack you. Burn effect generally nullifies any health he recuperates

Deleted member 56580

User requested account closure
May 8, 2019
If you're going for the AR farm, go get the bandit set while you're at it !

its what enables a lot of crazy damaging builds, especially when you get the ring giving crit chance on kills. it gets legit whacked lol
undead king
boss fight

level up your traits / gear a bit because this fight is honestly hell at low level, especially if you cant one shot the flying turrets. need some mighty strong dps

if it can help

never dodge backward when the King is attacking, also never dodge when he jumps at you. let him jump then wait for him to attack. Whatever ensues, always dodge forward


Oct 27, 2017
New York
Is the coin that gets you the magnum just a random spawn? Friend of mine got it on her first try at the sewers. I've completely cleared them on three separate runs (rerolling world on normal then on hard then on normal again to try the shroud/gorefist bosses different ways) now and haven't found anything.

My point, is, tragic made his argument as to why there are adds. I tore said arguments apart, you attacked me instead of my arguments. At this point I don't remotely care what you say on the topic until you actually address the issues.
If someone's just going to keep attacking you with clearly no interest in actually discussing the concerns you have with the game, the ignore button is right there. No need to keep feeding them.


Oct 27, 2017
Just got the Untouchable trophy while helping out some randos with the Ent boss (also got the leg kill).
I got hit PLENTY. Was out of Dragon Hearts, even.


Nov 10, 2018
i always get in the final part of the fight but i get fucked by the lizard mobs...they spawn endless and the aggro mod endure only 10 sec, it's useless...

also i'm a shithead and i'm using both slow but powerfull weapons and they are not ideal against fast mob but the other weapon i have do shitty damage so...

i'm not even destroying the orbs, what's the point? he continue to spawn orbs if i destroy them...

playing solo btw.
i'm gonna try with different weapons tonight, right now i'm too livid lol...

Mango Polo

Nov 2, 2017
Found these three plinths in the Vault of the Herald. Do they do anything? A tiny semi-transparent circle appears above when I get close, but there's no interactions.

E. nevermind, found what they're for. Huh.
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Dec 5, 2017
Played for 3/4 hours, game seems a lot of fun.
If somebody wants to play together on Steam just PM me, i'm in Europe by the way