
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL
Posting my thoughts separately:

So it looks like they're trying something new here with these limited time quests with the larger 24-player pools and easy weapon drops. Will these work? The game certainly needs new content between the big releases but recycled areas and mobs+bosses likely won't be engaging for most people.

The game is doing real poorly in terms of Steam players lately; player count usualy hovers around 2K. There's likely at least another 1K online from other platforms at any given moment.

I'll credit the dev team for making the biggest 180 degree turn since Kvaris; its enough to give you whiplash! We've gone from farming for ★7 Kaizaar weapons for 6 months, having to earn bages for the budget option ★7 Kaizarr Mk I., and the ocassional decent event weapons to easily ★8 obtainable *everywhere*. I certainly like that better. I imagine either the Global player count plunge has really spooked them or they have data and/or feedback regarding how difficult it is for new players to catch up. Or maybe its both.

Reminder that we are now in February so today's news matches the roadmap. In March we can expect the Spring Event to return. I've reposted it below.


  • Colossal Boss Suppression: Emergency Quest
  • Two Types of Limited Quests
  • Special versions of enemies in Exploration Sectors
  • Collaboration Scratch Ticket with a partner company.

  • Spring 2023 Event
  • Two Types of Limited Event Quests
  • New Rank added to Geometric Labryinth.

April ~ May
  • New Class + New Gunslash Weapon Category
  • Two Types of 2nd Anniversary Boss Rush Quests.
  • 2nd Anniversary Emergency Quests
  • Story Chapter 5

  • NGS Ultra Evolution Update (tentative)
  • Creative Space
  • Level Cap 75
  • New Class Skills


Nov 4, 2017
Looks like Febs gonna be a whole month of nothin for me in NGS-land in terms of the new stuff. I may be max lvl but my gears far from it an I dun care, plus I already don't care for the raid-style UQs we already got. Fighting regular bosses but tankiers not interesting. They not gonna have a Valentine's themed lobby for Central? An I can't help but wonder how locked behind premium the houses are gonna end up being z_z


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL
Quoting for new page. Make sure to jump back to original post or visit or Bumped's detail pages for all the info.

Here's the February 2023 page on the official site. February 2023 Update Info

February 2023 Update 1


February 2023 Update 2


Here's the Headline recap from Bumped. PSO2 NGS Headline Recap #20 (01/31/2023)

I've condensed everything below but check Bumped or the official site for all details:

Next NGS Headline will be on February 28th

Important! 2/1 Special event: Ultra PSO2 Day! Triple Burst


PSO2 Day, which is the 1st of every month, is leveling up to Ultra PSO2 Day! Triple Burst! It will take place from 2/1/2023 (Wed) 7:00 PM (EST) to 2/5/2023 (Sun) 7:00 AM (EST)

Your timezone: to

Campaign Details

NGS Blocks Content

Boost Event

  • EXP Earned +50%
  • Rare Drop Rate +50%
  • Drop Item Preset Skill Rate +150%
*For quests with fixed rewards, only the EXP Earned +50% boost will be applied.

Limited-Time Tasks

  • PSO2 Day Limited-Time Tasks
*For more information, please go to the in-game main menu Tasks/Quests, select Tasks, and check the Limited Time Tasks.

NGS Blocks Gifts Introduction

All players who log in to NGS on Ultra PSO2 Day
  • SG 50 Ticket (x2)
  • Special Scratch Ticket (x4)
  • N-Enhancement Success Rate +100% (x1)
  • N-Augmentation Success Rate +20% (x1)

I felt this is important to call out separately. Play this weekend to get the freebies and take advantage of the boosts.


Oct 27, 2017
Posting my thoughts separately:

So it looks like they're trying something new here with these limited time quests with the larger 24-player pools and easy weapon drops. Will these work? The game certainly needs new content between the big releases but recycled areas and mobs+bosses likely won't be engaging for most people.
I might change my mind after playing it, but just from what they've said it sounds more fun that the recent limited quests.
I liked the limited quest that was a competition to see who could get the most points from defeating enemies, but aside from that all the other ones were too boring/long to me so I only did them to complete tasks.


Nov 4, 2017
Whats up with the character storage bug? Is that for both games? Just the weapons or all the items in there? Segacs info is lacking.

btw whats a Kaida Haru an who vandalized the region mags??


Oct 27, 2017
The Dark Falz Aegis fight is so good.
The music is great too (although the NGS theme as the final attack music doesn't have the same impact as Whole New World did in PSO2's boss fights).

Unfortunately on my first clear Dark Falz had the last laugh:


Oct 27, 2017
Vice City
that shit's heartbreaking, man

i solo'd the first dak falz fight and had to use so much shit to make it, not even sure i have enough in the tank for whatever form the next fight is.


Oct 25, 2017
This version is fantastic though, best fight in NGS by a mile and up there with some of PSO2's UQs. Now that I've been through it, it feels like an NGS version of the Deus Esca fight.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 27, 2017
This new UQ is great, and I like that they're upping the drop rates for the weapons.
Reminds me of the Dragon UQ in Episode 5 that would give you at something worthwhile for doing it.

God, I hope this game gets good at some point, because I love playing it


Oct 26, 2017
Fight would be better if the fight wasn't almost 30 mins. Second phase kinda drags because it's too long and boss moves start to repeat too much.

Also of 4 runs only 1 drop.......... U_U


Oct 25, 2017
This version is fantastic though, best fight in NGS by a mile and up there with some of PSO2's UQs. Now that I've been through it, it feels like an NGS version of the Deus Esca fight.
My exact thoughts. they clearly looked to esca and Primordial darkness boss fights. The game is the most fun when they stop holding back and tap into that batshit insane stuff pao2 was doing.

I hope the gunblade class is just like the pso2 version. Lots of speedy stuff. Lots of animation cancels so it feels good rather than animation lock NGS is known for.


Oct 25, 2017
Well this was awkward, I did the new Dark Falz, but the cutscene skipped when everyone was like "it's up to you" then everyone was rejoicing, I guess I'll have to youtube it.
Then they ask if Manon is fine and it just ends like that? So weird.

And yes it was a 30 min fight.

EDIT : yeah it did skip 1 min of the cutscene, maybe because it automatically teleported me out of the trial. And it does end like that.
They should really make a "to be continued" splash screen.
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Jun 1, 2021
Yeah randos only. I suppose thats why lol

Also up to 6 runs with only 1 drop u_u getting the weapon will take longer than I thought.

I just got the rod to drop after my 4th run. Insanely lucky. I like that you can turn in unwanted weapons for materials to trade in for one you want, but i'd like the weapons to drop a little more frequently to aid this or have the material itself drop.


Oct 26, 2017
Yeah Im sure I did all the Falz UQ that played today and I got absolutely nothing.

I feel like rather wait for the golden variant, even if they're weaker.


Nov 4, 2017

NGS be glitching out for me today. Got some kinda double loading thing, map takes long to open, and the game seems to think I've never discovered any ryuker/trainia/mag/tower in all of Aelio & Retem!

Good to know the character storage bug only applies to weapons and only to PSO2. As "good" as such a thing can be anyhow!


Oct 25, 2017
I will soon have more playtime on PSO 2 than FF XIV (500 hours), despite playing FF XIV a short amount of time (started before Heavensward and stopped before Stormblood) I play PSO2 daily but like 15 mins when there's no new events / story.


Nov 4, 2017
Wish Sega would rename PSE Climax to something else so that people change their dumb horny autochat to something else >_< Would also be nice if they made cut-ins not freak the heck out. They need to be static not following peoples movement else they look really stupid.


Oct 25, 2017
I will soon have more playtime on PSO 2 than FF XIV (500 hours), despite playing FF XIV a short amount of time (started before Heavensward and stopped before Stormblood) I play PSO2 daily but like 15 mins when there's no new events / story.
I have over 1500+ hours on pso2/NGS. But I fall asleep a lot while playing it. This is my chill game that I kinda leave on sometimes. No stress vibes.

Edit: this is not including my windows store playtime as well. I forgot the game launched there first.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL
Here's the February 2023 page on the official site with previous, current and upcoming updates for this month. We're still in the first half of Feb updates. February 2023 Update Info

February 2023 Update 1


Here's what's new along with Bumped's link. PSO2 NGS JP: Maintenance (02/08/2023)

What We Getting Tonight?

Limited Quest: Simulation: Plateau Mop-Up Operation (24 Players)
  • A new 24 player quest where you defend a broken down transport truck.
  • Some enemies will appear in Megalotix form.
  • You can acquire the new ★8 Neos Justitean that can multiweapon with ★8 Neos Astraean series weapons.
  • **Quest is available only for a week**

  • Collab limited-time concerts with items and titles - see more info below

  • AC Scratch: Sweet Wonderland
  • AC Scratch: Item Select 6 (Same lineup as AC Support: Item Select 5)

Click banner image for Bumped's Sweet Wonderland AC Scratch Page

Arks-Visiphone AC Page with Global Item Names linked further down below

Click banner image for Arks-Visiphone's Sweet Wonderland AC Scratch Page with Global Item Names Limited-time movie concerts: "Little Humming" and "Toumeina Shinzouga Naiteita"

Those who watch the concerts in-game will get Music Discs of the songs they watched as well as Title Names.

Conditions for receiving gifts

Players who watch the movie concert of "Little Humming" (Hakase Fuyuki)Music Disc: Little Humming
Title Name: Hakase Fuyuki
Players who watch the movie concert of "Toumeina Shinzouga Naiteita" (Kaida Haru)Music Disc: Toumeina Shinzouga Naiteita
Title Name: Kaida Haru

See schedule on

** Ongoing Boosts and Promotions **

  • Start Dash Boost : Gain a +20% EXP Boost during the collab period (until maintenance start at ).

Web Comic: CENTRAL! Episode 68 available now! Events and campaign schedule
Check for end dates for current Missions Passes, Scratches, and campaigns.
Last edited:


Nov 4, 2017
Did they fix the PSO2 storage bug? Would be nice if I could get back ta using that weapons storage space. Seems its dangerous to visit towns in NGS for the next few weeks... >.<


Nov 4, 2017
I found a third alpha reactor spot tonight by chance. Which means I've been missing out on the full set of alpha reactors these past 2 weeks x.x

more NGS changes I thought of and want:
- on the minimap make enemy icons a different color/more distinct than TAMES icons are
- need item menu memory cause it stinks opening the item menu an being on a different tab than before
- punish whomever vandalized the region mags and terrorized the towns by allowing vbots in!
- fix the heck outta the augment exchange! show the max amount you're able to make with the materials you have and let you select how many ya wanna make! no more of this adding every single part 1 by 1 manually!!

Yes, that was fixed in last night's patch.
Hurrah! Now so long as they didn't break anything else in the process all is well!!
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Mar 1, 2021
so i did the big uq for once it's a great fight and i managed to beat it with 1 other dude it was 3 of us but one left before the 2nd phase i knew it would be long but lots of me dying and 40+ mins later we cleared it

so do people need higher ranks for better drops? only reason why i'd see you wouldn't want to pug it besides that it wasn't that insanely harder than some of the uq for pso2


Nov 4, 2017
Several days after reaching L80 with my subclass in PSO2 I noticed its exp wasn't going up anymore! >_< I thought I could just be fulltime ranger an subclass the others to L100 in due time but i guess I gotta change which stinks cause I haven't been saving up weapons/armor for other classes. L70/57 in NGS right now, do subclasses also have a level cap in that game? Cause likewise I haven't been saving or investing in anything but ranger stuff there!


Oct 25, 2017
Yes. In NGS, subclasses stop gaining XP 5 levels below whatever the current cap is. So 65 right now.


Oct 25, 2017
Yea I subclass force for my waker. And I've been 65 forever. Don't see a reason to level it up though.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL
Here's the February 2023 page on the official site with previous, current and upcoming updates for this month. We're now in the second half of Feb updates. February 2023 Update Info

February 2023 Update 2


Here's what's new along with Bumped's link. PSO2 NGS JP: Maintenance (02/15/2023)

What We Getting Tonight?

Limited Quest: Simulation: Old Capital Mop-Up Operation (24 Players)
  • Another new 24 player quest where you defend a broken down transport truck; this quest takes place in Lost Central.
  • Some enemies will appear in Megalotix form.
  • You can acquire the new ★8 Neos Justitean that can multiweapon with ★8 Neos Astraean series weapons.
  • **Quest is available only for a week**
Pre-announced Urgent Quests with campaign boosts
  • Se below for details

Mission Pass 17
  • With Mag Form Snow Bell

Collab Campaign
  • Collab limited-time concerts with items and titles - see more info below

  • AC Scratch: Rewind Collection 9
  • SG Scratch: Volcanic Heart

Click banner image for Bumped's Sweet Wonderland AC Scratch Page

Arks-Visiphone AC Page with Global Item Names linked further down below

Click banner image for Arks-Visiphone's Sweet Wonderland AC Scratch Page with Global Item Names Pre-announced Urgent Quests with campaign boosts!

Campaign details
  • Enjoy Rare Drop Rate +100% and Drop Item Preset Skill Rate +150% boosts in the Urgent Quest: The Battle of Halphia Lake until the start of scheduled maintenance on 2/21/2023 Tue EST (if usual maintennance start then ).

** Ongoing Boosts and Promotions **

Web Comic: CENTRAL! Episode 69 available now! Events and campaign schedule
Check for end dates for current Missions Passes, Scratches, and campaigns.
Last edited:


Mar 1, 2021
best SG scratch so far lots of good stuff but i only had enough for 10pull lol hopefully i can snag a hair or 2 before i have to use a ticket , got the daggers though so thats neat


Nov 4, 2017
Hurrah I learned some commands! uioff and the hide the palette! Maybe theres a task hide command? I got sucked into the truck defense thing twice and both times after if ended I got disconnected >_> is that quest bugged or does the game fail to know where to put me since I haven't actually been to Kvaris yet?
Hurrah I learned some commands! uioff and the hide the palette! Maybe theres a task hide command? I got sucked into the truck defense thing twice and both times after if ended I got disconnected >_> is that quest bugged or does the game fail to know where to put me since I haven't actually been to Kvaris yet?
Could be, access to each region is cut off until the game grants you one.


Nov 15, 2018
The ps5 version is pretty damn competent. I'm impressed.

I started fresh with a free to play account on ps5. I miss when pso2 was a nice complement to ffxiv as my go to secondary mmo, so ngs might finally fill that void after all the improvements.

Also they finally implemented auto selling it seems, but of course it's locked behind SG paywall. So if I want both mat storage and auto sell I need at least 800 SG per month, how feasible is that for casual play?

Also it's best to just go male in this game, the fashion is so much more cheaper compared to female. When I played on PC with my female character the fashion was priced outrageously in the player shop.
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Oct 27, 2017
Also they finally implemented auto selling it seems, but of course it's locked behind SG paywall. So if I want both mat storage and auto sell I need at least 800 SG per month, how feasible is that for casual play?
Material Storage is definitely doable because I've pretty much always had it in NGS despite never paying for it.
Dunno about autosell because I've never used it and to be honest it seems like a waste, unless you're doing an insane amount of grinding I don't think you're ever getting enough drops that it's a problem to just go to your inventory, select multiple, then sell before you log off. Plus if you get the gold mission pass ticket (which you also get enough SG to do without paying) then they often contain a ticket for a period of free autosell, I can't remember how long it lasts because again I've never used it.


Oct 25, 2017
Dunno about autosell because I've never used it and to be honest it seems like a waste, unless you're doing an insane amount of grinding
It does not take an insane amount of grinding to have your inventory fill up with silver/gold (units, swords) + other items within minutes. Do your dailies and watch it overload your inventory easily. This is known. Especially if you get a burst. It's over.

they often contain a ticket for a period of free autosell
The mission pass version of auto sell lasts 1 hour. That's not good at all. Borderline useless.


Nov 15, 2018
Auto Selling shouldn't be locked behind a paywall. Especially when you can't turn off auto loot pick up.

If they are locking it behind a paywall then make it cheap like 100 SG or so. 500 SG is kind of crazy.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL
Auto Selling shouldn't be locked behind a paywall. Especially when you can't turn off auto loot pick up.

If they are locking it behind a paywall then make it cheap like 100 SG or so. 500 SG is kind of crazy.
Yep. And lots of people on Twitter and some content creators (the ones that I watched) said it should be free but they still implemented it as a paid feature.

Its absolutely frustrating that they created the problem and only sell you the solution. I'm willing to bet that the Global staff understand our frustrations but there's fuck all they can do.

The game is primarily made for a Japanese audience and everything about is planned around that hardcore audience. Global and its playerbases' concerns is an afterthought. Its one of the reasons why I think they'll never get a foothold outside of Japan.


Oct 25, 2017


Oct 27, 2017
It does not take an insane amount of grinding to have your inventory fill up with silver/gold (units, swords) + other items within minutes. Do your dailies and watch it overload your inventory easily. This is known. Especially if you get a burst. It's over.
I only ever have issues with inventory space if I get a forte burst, and even then it would be due to gold/silver swords which I would want to keep so I can combine them together for weapon exp so I would not be using autosell on them.
As a test, here is my inventory the instant I logged in today:
23 items total, now here is my inventory after doing all of my dailies for today (which included one PSE burst and one encore):
33 items total, doing my dailies only added 10 items to my inventory. There was a UQ in ten minutes so I decided to spend that time in Neusen Plant, I joined midway through one PSE burst and stayed long enough to get to another burst which left my inventory at:
39 items total, nowhere near having my inventory full after doing all my dailies (inc two PSE bursts) and an extra one and a half bursts afterwards. After that I grinded all the gold/silver swords/armour together and sold the Cinquem Launcher and now my inventory is back to 23.

Granted it would be a different story if any of those PSE bursts were fortes but again, then those would be drops that I wouldn't want to autosell so having autosell would make no difference in that case.


Oct 25, 2017
I only ever have issues with inventory space if I get a forte burst, and even then it would be due to gold/silver swords which I would want to keep so I can combine them together for weapon exp so I would not be using autosell on them.
As a test, here is my inventory the instant I logged in today:

23 items total, now here is my inventory after doing all of my dailies for today (which included one PSE burst and one encore):

33 items total, doing my dailies only added 10 items to my inventory. There was a UQ in ten minutes so I decided to spend that time in Neusen Plant, I joined midway through one PSE burst and stayed long enough to get to another burst which left my inventory at:

39 items total, nowhere near having my inventory full after doing all my dailies (inc two PSE bursts) and an extra one and a half bursts afterwards. After that I grinded all the gold/silver swords/armour together and sold the Cinquem Launcher and now my inventory is back to 23.

Granted it would be a different story if any of those PSE bursts were fortes but again, then those would be drops that I wouldn't want to autosell so having autosell would make no difference in that case.
So lemme get this straight: You went from 23 to 39. You only got 16 items total? Is your game bugged lol? I have never seen such a low amount of drops before in my entire PSO2 gaming career. And I've been playing since launch (with a bit of JP beta experience). You have some incredible luck, my friend. That's seriously impressive. I cannot keep materials and capsules from filling my inventory up every 5 minutes. That's not even counting weaponry/units. Autosell helps me out a lot and then I just worry about capsules which mostly stack in the area I am farming. I say mostly because it doesn't always. There's a lot of garbage out there.

Anyways: WOW.


Oct 25, 2017
tbh the only time autosell is useful is when you're spamming alnothe for event points (or basically grinding in aelio/retem) as they started to not giving fodder weapons and units in bulk from kvaris upwards.
of course it is different matter if you don't have the single most useful sg purchase which is mat storage lol


Nov 15, 2018
Braver Katana is so fun now. Guess all the complaints from Braver mains paid off, hah.

I'm hoping they bring back Luster at some point.


Oct 25, 2017
Braver Katana is so fun now. Guess all the complaints from Braver mains paid off, hah.

I'm hoping they bring back Luster at some point.


In this episode, we will be sharing information about the March 2023 update with videos, including clips of the new Gunblade-carrying class coming in April.

Less than a week away from seeing what Sega's done to Luster! (hat tip to TheMeanScene for the links)


Oct 25, 2017
So lemme get this straight: You went from 23 to 39. You only got 16 items total? Is your game bugged lol? I have never seen such a low amount of drops before in my entire PSO2 gaming career. And I've been playing since launch (with a bit of JP beta experience). You have some incredible luck, my friend. That's seriously impressive. I cannot keep materials and capsules from filling my inventory up every 5 minutes. That's not even counting weaponry/units. Autosell helps me out a lot and then I just worry about capsules which mostly stack in the area I am farming. I say mostly because it doesn't always. There's a lot of garbage out there.

Anyways: WOW.
Your inventory will fill up very quickly if you don't have Material Storage enabled. However, 99% of those drops will auto-filter into Material Storage if you have that enabled. It's one of the major reasons why you want the SG for that feature!

I'll 100% back what Aero is saying -- especially with most of the trash drops being converted straight into n-meseta now (and I think they also went back and retroactively applied this to the older zones?), drop storage actually fills up fairly slowly now outside of PSE Forte bursts (which really are obnoxious, granted). It basically only needs to be managed whenever a Forte burst happens and you get flooded with hundreds of gold exp swords.

I only ever have issues with inventory space if I get a forte burst, and even then it would be due to gold/silver swords which I would want to keep so I can combine them together for weapon exp so I would not be using autosell on them.
As a test, here is my inventory the instant I logged in today:
Isn't the issue with merging Silver/Gold Primm swords for leveling that you end up spending more money than what they cost to buy a +20 or +30 item on the player market? It always seemed like a net negative to me so I just yeet them (outside of the 30/week you use to trade for the +10% enhance success capsules).