Deleted member 17184

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Oct 27, 2017
Setting up Resident Evil Village has reminded me about Flip Model. Here's how the SpecialK Wiki describes it:
(DXGI) Flip Model is a new mode introduced in Windows 8 that makes the SwapChain work efficiently with the Windows DWM (Desktop Window Manager). Flip Model eliminates performance penalties normally associated with windowed mode rendering and introduces new methods to measure and regulate render latency.

Flip Model is required for all D3D12 software as well as all UWP games sold on the Microsoft Store. It is also useable in D3D10 and D3D11 software, but most developers shipping software on Windows are oblivious to this and your typical D3D11 game performs sub-par as a result.
So, if you're running a DirectX 12 game, just choose Borderless Fullscreen in-game and you're done.

Now, if you're running a DirectX 11 game, you'll need a few more steps. First, download SpecialK. I strongly recommend you to get it from their Discord server as they constantly update it there. Then, install it following these instructions. Once you launch the game with SpecialK enabled, press Ctrl + Shift + Backspace to open the app's settings, go to the "Direct3D 11 Settings" tab, and then "SwapChain Management." Enable "Use Flip Model Presentation" and follow the best settings for your PC here. Finally, choose Borderless Fullscreen in-game (and also on the Display tab on SpecialK if the game keeps reverting it), and you're done.

There's no performance penalty whatsoever for Borderless Fullscreen anymore. You get all of the advantages of it (such as working alt+tab) and none of the performance issues it used to have. You can also use it with VRR/G-Sync/FreeSync monitors.

Note: it's best to not use SpecialK with DirectX 12 games. You can limit the fps through RTSS or through the driver. It's apparently also not recommended for multiplayer games that have anti-cheat tech.


<<Tag Here>>
Oct 25, 2017
I always use borderless anyway since I have 2 monitors with discord etc, so it's nice to see the fps hit getting lower and lower to basically zero now


Nov 4, 2017
Now, if you're running a DirectX 11 game, you'll need a few more steps. First, download SpecialK. I strongly recommend you to get it from their Discord server as they constantly update it there. Then, install it following these instructions. Once you launch the game with SpecialK enabled, press Ctrl + Shift + Backspace to open the app's settings, go to the "Direct3D 11 Settings" tab, and then "SwapChain Management." Enable "Use Flip Model Presentation" and follow the best settings for your PC here. Finally, choose Borderless Fullscreen in-game (and also on the Display tab on SpecialK if the game keeps reverting it), and you're done.

Or enable Exclusive Fullscreen and just be done with it.

Seriously though is there a reason why Exclusive Fullscreen is bad?


One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
I've noticed that every game I play requires full screen for refresh rates above 60hz. Wish that wasn't the case.


Sep 27, 2020
SpecialK can also be used to fix games that have framerate cap problems on >60hz monitors. The Steam achievement popup is also a pretty nice feature.


Oct 27, 2017
Havent ran Exclusive Fullscreen in forever in games. Mainly because in most games it makes dual monitor usage ass. Borderless all day :3


Oct 25, 2017
I play most of my PC games on my big comfy couch and my TV. I don't alt+tab, so not sure there's any real reason to choose one over the other? But good to know if I'm gaming at my desk.

Deleted member 17184

User-requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I must be the only person who doesn't alt+tab during a gaming session. If I want to check something online these days I just prefer using my phone.
Breaks multimonitor, breaks streaming apps, breaks many overlays, sometimes games erroneously request the lowest refresh rate of the display resulting in e.g. 24fps cap on some TVs.
Ok that's a good explanation. I don't do most of the above so I wouldn't have known. Thank you.
If you also need to use the task manager (if a game isn't responding, for example), it's easier with borderless windowed because you can alt+tab.


Oct 31, 2017
Do you not then have to enable windowed gsync if you want to use it (which doesn't play well with some launchers)...?


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
Does a proper GSync/Freesync setup not require you to be in Exclusive Fullscreen for best results?


Shinra Employee
Oct 25, 2017
I play most of my PC games on my big comfy couch and my TV. I don't alt+tab, so not sure there's any real reason to choose one over the other? But good to know if I'm gaming at my desk.
Yeah me too. That's the perk of comfy couch gaming, when it's gaming time then I'll be gaming. I can still pause and browse on my phone anyway.


Alt Account
Nov 30, 2019
I need it for DSR, so it's out of the question.

It's actually one of the things that's been annoying about Unity and UE4.

Deleted member 17184

User-requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
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Oct 28, 2017
You don't actually need to bother with Special K for non-DX12 games, as Windows automatically converts exclusive full screen games to flip mode unless you explicitly "Disable full screen optimisations" in the exe properties.
That's what that setting does?! Microsoft should've communicated that better when they rolled that option out


"This guy are sick" of the One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
You don't actually need to bother with Special K for non-DX12 games, as Windows automatically converts exclusive full screen games to flip mode unless you explicitly "Disable full screen optimisations" in the exe properties.
I don't get this, I never disable this and always have a noticeable performance hit in Fullscreen windowed mode to the point I can tell when a game has defaulted to windowed due to the FPS drops. Battlefront 2 does this for me.


Nov 2, 2017
Freesync with my C9 somehow breaks when I try borderless, so have been using exclusive since

Deleted member 17184

User-requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I don't get this, I never disable this and always have a noticeable performance hit in Fullscreen windowed mode to the point I can tell when a game has defaulted to windowed due to the FPS drops. Battlefront 2 does this for me.
I wonder if that setting has any difference compared to what SpecialK does. You could try disabling it and trying SpecialK to see what happens.
Freesync with my C9 somehow breaks when I try borderless, so have been using exclusive since
Weird! Does it happen with DX12 games and SpecialK too?
More details


Oct 27, 2017
Great thread!
The only slight correction I'd make is to say that not all Microsoft Store games use flip-mode.
Ori and the Will of the Wisps is one notable title where people were reporting bad frame rate drops/stuttering as a result of it using borderless mode rather than flip-mode (because windowed-mode G-Sync has a tendency to do that).

You don't actually need to bother with Special K for non-DX12 games, as Windows automatically converts exclusive full screen games to flip mode unless you explicitly "Disable full screen optimisations" in the exe properties.
Well, the main issue is that more and more games now lack the option for an exclusive output altogether.
In this case, SpecialK can convert windowed-mode to flip-mode, so you get the best of both: fast alt-tabbing, and proper G-Sync functionality.

Do you not then have to enable windowed gsync if you want to use it (which doesn't play well with some launchers)...?
No - that's is the best part!
Flip-mode bypasses the desktop compositor: so as far as G-Sync is concerned, it's running in "full-screen" mode, not "windowed" mode.

Not required. Windowed G-Sync also performs much better these days. Haven't experienced any issue for a while.
I still see exactly the same problems in windowed-mode as always.
But sometimes you might not realize that a game is using flip-mode rather than windowed-mode, if the option for windowed-mode G-Sync is enabled.

I recommend that you disable windowed-mode G-Sync entirely, since that setting has no effect on flip-mode.
That way you can easily tell whether a game is using flip-mode or borderless mode (check if G-Sync is working or not) and can use SpecialK to fix it, if it is not using flip-mode.

I don't get this, I never disable this and always have a noticeable performance hit in Fullscreen windowed mode to the point I can tell when a game has defaulted to windowed due to the FPS drops. Battlefront 2 does this for me.
Microsoft has changed things around a lot, and I haven't kept up to date with my testing.
As far as I am aware though, 1709 is the only version of Windows 10 that upgraded full-screen windowed (borderless) games to flip-mode.
Newer versions of Windows 10 only upgrade full-screen exclusive (FSE) to flip-mode.

And though it does upgrade them to flip-mode, some games have logic built in so that when you alt-tab away, they do things like switch into a window or other weird behaviors.
So even though flip-mode permits fast alt-tabbing, those particular games may still be a hassle if you're running them in FSE-mode, even though it has been upgraded to flip-mode presentation.
Oct 27, 2017
I don't get this, I never disable this and always have a noticeable performance hit in Fullscreen windowed mode to the point I can tell when a game has defaulted to windowed due to the FPS drops. Battlefront 2 does this for me.

If you're explicitly setting the game to use the 'old' borderless fullscreen method, then it won't do anything. What it does is convert games which display in exclusive fullscreen into this new flip model borderless widescreen. You can test if it's working by setting the game to full-screen and alt-tabbing, and you should get an instant response without any display-mode changes (unless you're running at a different refresh rate on the desktop or you're toggling HDR modes).


Oct 27, 2017
It's also notable that a lot of games that advertise an "Exclusive Fullscreen" mode are actually still running in Borderless Window, even if it's an entirely different option.

Deleted member 17184

User-requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Great thread!
The only slight correction I'd make is to say that not all Microsoft Store games use flip-mode.
Ori and the Will of the Wisps is one notable title where people were reporting bad frame rate drops/stuttering as a result of it using borderless mode rather than flip-mode (because windowed-mode G-Sync has a tendency to do that).

Well, the main issue is that more and more games now lack the option for an exclusive output altogether.
In this case, SpecialK can convert windowed-mode to flip-mode, so you get the best of both: fast alt-tabbing, and proper G-Sync functionality.

No - that's is the best part!
Flip-mode bypasses the desktop compositor: so as far as G-Sync is concerned, it's running in "full-screen" mode, not "windowed" mode.

I still see exactly the same problems in windowed-mode as always.
But sometimes you might not realize that a game is using flip-mode rather than windowed-mode, if the option for windowed-mode G-Sync is enabled.

I recommend that you disable windowed-mode G-Sync entirely, since that setting has no effect on flip-mode.
That way you can easily tell whether a game is using flip-mode or borderless mode (check if G-Sync is working or not) and can use SpecialK to fix it, if it is not using flip-mode.

Microsoft has changed things around a lot, and I haven't kept up to date with my testing.
As far as I am aware though, 1709 is the only version of Windows 10 that upgraded full-screen windowed (borderless) games to flip-mode.
Newer versions of Windows 10 only upgrade full-screen exclusive (FSE) to flip-mode.

And though it does upgrade them to flip-mode, some games have logic built in so that when you alt-tab away, they do things like switch into a window or other weird behaviors.
So even though flip-mode permits fast alt-tabbing, those particular games may still be a hassle if you're running them in FSE-mode, even though it has been upgraded to flip-mode presentation.
This is great! Threadmarked.


Oct 27, 2017
By the way, Pargon, do you know why Ori wasn't using Flip Mode? Was it not a DX12 game on the MS Store?
I think it's a DX11 game rather than DX12.
I'm not sure whether they fixed this - either by moving to flip-mode, or by adding an exclusive option. I only had access to it briefly via a Game Pass trial.


Oct 31, 2017
I thought Gsync didn't work as well in borderless. At least I swore it wasn't last time I tried


Oct 25, 2017
Window gsync mode can breaks some apps causing major stutters and is not fixed at all. 1Password for example so as other productivity apps.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I thought Gsync didn't work as well in borderless. At least I swore it wasn't last time I tried
People say that but I haven't noticed tearing or framerate issues with borderless + G-Sync. RTSS properly restricts borderless framerates to non-standard values and there's no tearing.
Window gsync mode can breaks some apps causing major stutters and is not fixed at all. 1Password for example so as other productivity apps.
Now that is true. Some productivity applications don't work well with G-Sync at all.
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Deleted member 17184

User-requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
What is flip-mode? And with gsync do I need to enable/disable something in the Nvidia driver?
Flip Model, sorry! It was a typo in my earlier post. It's defined on the OP. No need to enable/disable anything in the driver. Just follow the instructions from the OP.
I thought Gsync didn't work as well in borderless. At least I swore it wasn't last time I tried
Window gsync mode can breaks some apps causing major stutters and is not fixed at all. 1Password for example so as other productivity apps.
As Pargon explains, Flip Model doesn't require windowed G-Sync enabled to work with G-Sync. Flip Model makes G-Sync believe a Borderless Windowed game is running on Fullscreen, so it works regardless of that setting.