How do you feel about the avatar that Transistor "assigned" to you?

  • I loved it

    Votes: 27 22.9%
  • I hated it

    Votes: 16 13.6%
  • It grew on me

    Votes: 46 39.0%
  • I felt deeply ashamed whenever I posted

    Votes: 21 17.8%
  • Everything will be fine once I turn on my PS5 for the first time

    Votes: 33 28.0%
  • I'm going to keep it

    Votes: 25 21.2%
  • It was just as enjoyable as a bag of walnuts

    Votes: 14 11.9%

  • Total voters
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Oct 30, 2017
This year has been a challenge, with far too few bright spots. However, in the midst of this trial, we had a very simple thing to look forward to.


Both Sony and MS decided that the time was ripe to transition to the newest generation of console gaming.

They were excited.

While information was scarce, people were undaunted. Some went on flights of fancy, letting their imaginations run wild imaging the best possible console to play their future games on.

But they got too invested...

The gamers swore unholy allegiance to their chosen gaming savior, engaging in an unhealthy obsession with a false plastic divinity. Information was scarce, and emotions ran unhindered.

They grew unhinged.

The site was facing challenges in keeping everything in line. Moderators were pushed to the edge, and in some case over. Something needed to be done.

They sought relief from this burden, the interminable unknowing...

The tone needed to change, the energy - redirected. A plan was hatched.

Let there be a wager.

Place your avatar on the line, predict when we might know the real truth, when we might clear the air, and truly understand how we might achieve our new gaming nirvana.

And so they bet.
Many chose poorly.

And so Transistor, in meting out a just punishment, presented each of the lost souls with a carefully hand-selected new identity. Until the PS5 was released, they could find solace and guidance in their new persona.

But their transformation accelerated...

The treatment was more efficient than initially expected, the cure arrived ahead of schedule. With Transistor's blessing, the day of redemption has come early.

They put the past to rest.

Now you have been given the chance to be released from your burden and share you rebirth. As you begin changing your avatars to commemorate your more advanced selves, leave a note that includes your old avatar, so we may always have a record of the things we've lost, gained, and overcome.

Remembrance of the first to fall: Tonky

He believed too deeply
Tonky said:
I don't think it's a PS Meeting. I think that Greg Miller's prediction is coming true. SoP in February and then full conference blowout in May. And I think that February 5th is the reveal, not the announcement of the reveal. At this point I'll take either.

He raised the stakes
Tonky said:
The PS5 is getting revealed tomorrow.

And I'm putting my avatar on the line now.

Transistor wouldn't just let him make irresponsible claims, he had to own it
I'll set my alarm clock. See you tomorrow.

And so a dinner was planned

A fitting punishment was meted out.

Never forget Tonky.
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The Walnut King
Oct 25, 2017
Washington, D.C.
It's been one hell of a ride and I'm going to miss all of these wonderfully horrible avatars. I hereby decree that I'm ending this silliness early. Y'all done good.

However, let's be real:

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User requested ban
Dec 13, 2019
It'll be nice not to have this awful avatar.

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Oct 28, 2017
Going to keep rocking mine. Just wish it was a black baby to better match my skin tone.


Oct 29, 2017
I'm gonna stick with this one until after release. (I kinda have no idea what to change it to)


Oct 25, 2017
It's just bad, i'd rather have got a blocked toilet or something distinct.
Why does a man even have this picture in his PC?


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Was hoping for a worse avatar
Gonna keep it either way just because I have nothing else


Jan 17, 2018
Mexico CIty
There are so many ironically horrible avatars that for most I could've never guess their avatar was the result of a bet.


Oct 25, 2017
Blessed be all that threw ourselves into the volcano in hopes of the gods taking pitty on us and showering us with news.

I actually grew to love mine, so that Transistor šŸ‘


Oct 29, 2017
My favorite Star Trek villain ever.

You ain't even read my post, did ya? I'm lettin' ya out early :D

For real and for truth? I ain't gonna get banned for changing it before launch???!?

Woot!!! šŸ˜ƒ
Thank you kind Transistor! If you were here I'd give you a huge hug and lick your face šŸ˜›



The Walnut King
Oct 25, 2017
Washington, D.C.
Aliand MrWilson Brohan bob100 495 AgonyRon Outrun perineumlick MrKlaw SayemAhmd Mastermind thebigmanjosh texhnolyze mister.metronome TheRealTalker hanmik Coastel jayu26 Jade1962 2Blackcats Toler Supreme Logan Hardy Nickerbocker98 Rumpestump Otakukidd KOHIPEET MrHedin Jayembi Chippy13 jroc74 Patent RandomViolence TheUnseenTheUnheard Wace SuperBoss Graefellsom Aswitch CypressFX Dirtyshubb vivftp Vervain Chamon iboshow jsnepo NLCPRESIDENT ResistCritical chris 1515 CosmicBolt Personae Fargoth's Ring N.47H.4N Nazgƻl Turbowaffles Xeontech Stider klik BreakAtmo HalStep SilentFlyer Phatzo Kintaro JJD Gedi Adookah Electro15 foamdino melodiousmowl Whatislove Super Barrier renx Expy Mus1Ckk Wordstar Md Ray StiLteD brokenswiftie defaltoption EBomb Kyolux RiteMana nss Carmelozi PJV3 PrimeRib ppn7 JosephMichael PunishedPrince supkid JamboGT EsqBob Anastasis gsab1 Jaypah Gamechanger87 FirewalkR S1L3NT SH0T 419 GrayDock Kinan Pheonix zombiejames Robbo3 eagleian TiG Paper Wario anexanhume elzeus BlacknGoldBlood Shpeshal Ed Griever foxbeldin PopcornMegaphone Heidern LilBiscuit Eeyore CerealBro1 khemical modiz aweedswee nightstalker962 DigSCCP 3bada Lausebub zephiross ekim jikevgw Crumpo TheCommonDan sleepr et3rn1tyGR panda-zebra Adum Civzy CD_93 FSmallhands Midas Dest KevdotL hemo memo Luck SlipperyFishes Kalasai That1GoodHunter meenseen84 Azurik Xanfrabot DrKeo RoninStrife Hybrid Rainbow Pharaoh Florin4k4 janusff Openrob haugh645 Searsy82 ActusReusJB Jack-O-Lantern Evolved1 TechnicPuppet Cincaid Bunta groganos DamnedLife Reckheim Blanquito theusedversion FacesAndAces Joe White jesu Lostduke MistaPropella Sedated Hey Please Mitchman1411 Hamrub MrDeveus Sambodianninja KingBae Ganja Isayas zodiaq Sense Retsudo Sojillo KoRnTuNeS andresmoros Katzenbuckel zeldor711 Stoopkid john miller nizerifin Alandring ZOONAMI Andromeda D BATCH ____ EagleClaw spookyghost Trieu Azdoune Jdogg4089 Quintus FlikBlueLightning



The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
I wasn't really attached to my avatar before, so I'm just gonna keep this one until I lose in another bet or something.

when can we start bets on ps5pro?
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