if Sony don't change, will you change?

  • No

    Votes: 3,385 73.0%
  • yes

    Votes: 1,253 27.0%

  • Total voters

Hyun Sai

Oct 27, 2017
Similar in what way? You have 25% of people here saying they'd drop the PS for another console due to crossplay versus 6% there. Nobody's arguing that literally none of the "yes" votes are legit, only that 25% is not likely true.
Thanks you. 6% seems about right, and outside of the enthusiast forum users, I can bet it's even much less.


Oct 25, 2017
I have only been getting Sony systems for third party games for the last couple generations, so it depends how many Japanese RPGs the system gets that are exclusive.


Oct 28, 2017
I wonder where "I'll buy a PS5 but all multiplatform games will now be bought elsewhere" would fall under.

Would that be the grudgingly continue to support answer?

Can you make a list of all the multiplatform games that are cross play,cross buy and cross progression. People are making it seem like every multiplat if cross play and has DLC carry over. Every large scale MP game I know you have to buy on each console you want to play it on including DLC. I don't think there is any issue with sony locking items you purchase on PSN to their network. The only thing Sony has done wrong with Fortnite is locking content purchased outside of PSN which is wrong and actually anti-consumer.

Akita One

Oct 30, 2017
This thread is crazy. I'm for fighting for this but most people do not care about crossplay, do not care about Fortnite, and most importantly, will not let this prevent them from playing Sony 1st party games on future systems.

Another case of people here being too invested in talking about gaming online that you lose touch with the vast majority of gamers.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
So we dump Sony next gen because they have not given us crossplay this gen (which they have just not with Xbox,) and forget all about the amazing exclusives they have released this gen.

Let me think about this...

It's funny when you think about it. People bought a ps4 knowing it didn't have crossplay and will dump it for that very reason because they can't play the 3-5 games that support it with people on a different console. Talk about dramatic.


Oct 27, 2017
Eastern WA
I don't know for 100% certain when it comes to next gen. I think we're a couple years from even needing to consider that, but as far as "changing" from PS4 to say PC or Xbox, no I won't be "changing."
Oct 27, 2017
This thread is crazy. I'm for fighting for this but most people do not care about crossplay, do not care about Fortnite, and most importantly, will not let this prevent them from playing Sony 1st party games on future systems.

Another case of people here being too invested in talking about gaming online that you lose touch with the vast majority of gamers.

That is the crux of a lot of this.


Oct 27, 2017
Houston, TX
My first console was a PS2, then switched teams and bought a 360, and at the start of this gen, I definitely did not like the direction MS was heading so I got myself a PS4. Guess MS it is then.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 26, 2017
This thread is crazy. I'm for fighting for this but most people do not care about crossplay, do not care about Fortnite, and most importantly, will not let this prevent them from playing Sony 1st party games on future systems.

Another case of people here being too invested in talking about gaming online that you lose touch with the vast majority of gamers.

Yup. People are reading twitter and here and getting it overblown in their heads. There's no doubt that this is a PR mess for Sony but its not near as damaging as people think or want it to be. It's a black eye at most that they could clear up at any time.


Self-Requested Ban
Apr 1, 2018
Thing will Change A lot IF Fifa , Cod , Bf all big MP games , Then It Will really hurt the PS player....

Now All of them Will not care Because It's not affecte them now.


Oct 30, 2017
As a single player, Sony has all the games. Xbox's focus is only on multiplayer. So I voted "No".

I don't care about multiplayer, hence I don't care about cross-play. I just need the single player games coming. So unless Sony f***s up the games lineup and Microsoft ups their single player game, I have no reason to change.

In fact it makes sense to move from Xbox to PS if you are interested in single player games, since Xbox have clearly showed that they are only interested in multiplayer and not so much anything else.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
I was always more MS, but the simple fact that everything i buy now is gonna work on future MS consoles is reason enough for me to just stick with MS.

This cross-platform stuff is just another reason on top of that that makes me validate my decision.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
It will depend on where the fun is, and where my friends are. Cross-platform play will only be an issue if my friends get super spread out. Right now that isn't really an issue, as most of my friends are playing on PS4. If that changes, then I will change.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 29, 2017
Lol. I knew NO was going to win.

I doubt there is a line so low that Sony can cross that will get their fans to avoid them.

I myself voted no because I always buy all consoles so it doesn't really affect me personally but I am sure most that say they only can buy 1 would not change.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
I was just using your post for as a free (to play) laugh for a certain other who thinks this poll is any legit metric to the mainstream PS4 owner consumer-base.

So what did you vote out of curiosity?

I voted yes. I bought all my 3rd parties on ps4 this generation until the X came out. But this would make me think twice about next gen even if ps5 ends up being more powerful than the next xbox. I dont want my 3rd party accounts be locked to one platform when the future is clearly crossplay. Seeing that minecraft xbox/switch love makes me wanna support that.


Oct 27, 2017
Lol. I knew NO was going to win.

I doubt there is a line so low that Sony can cross that will get their fans to avoid them.

I myself voted no because I always buy all consoles so it doesn't really affect me personally but I am sure most that say they only can buy 1 would not change.
Well they could try and harm my family...I think I might consider buying only 2 controller from them instead of 5.

In case you don't get the sarcasm it's insulting to imply Sony fans are being gullible or lacking principle. MS would surely not be caving if X1 sold 80+million and PS4 was struggling to hit 40 advertising "lets play together in the spirit of friendly competition" I'm not gonna bring up old shady stuff MS did, but it's there. Lol. Like everyone company ever in the history of capitalism...


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
This poll is on an enthusiast forum. Im pretty sure results will differ in real world and the question was worded accurately. While I don't care much about crossplay it is undeniable how healthy online communities can get from it (pretty much a win-win). Locking accounts from being used on the competition sucks because it primarily hurts the consumer.


Nov 10, 2017
It's bewildering that this is such a loud issue online all the sudden tbh. Like YES full cross play would be better, YES Sony isn't doing it because they're the market leader. Totally agree. But it barely affects my life. When I'm playing Rocket League, I hardly care if my opponent is on PS4 or PC. I feel like this is primarily a push because Xbox One X is objectively the best console hardware right now, and lack of access to the largest online community is a big reason not to get one. Cross play between console and PC is still a relatively new thing, so I'm surprised people suddenly expect full cross play between all consoles. I support it, I agree Sony is being anti-consumer with their policy, but also I don't really care.

It seems weird that this is suddenly the hill to die on and not (for example) ending console online gaming fees, or the PSN name change issue.


Shinra Employee
Oct 26, 2017
It's bewildering that this is such a loud issue online all the sudden tbh. Like YES full cross play would be better, YES Sony isn't doing it because they're the market leader. Totally agree. But it barely affects my life. When I'm playing Rocket League, I hardly care if my opponent is on PS4 or PC. I feel like this is primarily a push because Xbox One X is objectively the best console hardware right now, and lack of access to the largest online community is a big reason not to get one. Cross play between console and PC is still a relatively new thing, so I'm surprised people suddenly expect full cross play between all consoles. I support it, I agree Sony is being anti-consumer with their policy, but also I don't really care.

It seems weird that this is suddenly the hill to die on and not (for example) ending console online gaming fees, or the PSN name change issue.

Or backwards compatibility.

It's almost like most of the people that care about this issue aren't PS4 gamers huh.

Deleted member 984

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Cross platform means nothing to me. I will get the hardware that looks the most attractive to me. Cross platform play won't factor into that decision but backwards compatibility will as will VR. I have loads of PC cross platform games on PS4 and never use that feature.


Oct 25, 2017
Or backwards compatibility.

It's almost like most of the people that care about this issue aren't PS4 gamers huh.

This wouldn't even be an issue if I wasn't a PS4 gamer.

It's actually because of my ownership of a PS4 that I noticed that my Epic account wasn't connecting correctly to my Switch and Xbox through the web service. If I only had a Switch and Xbox I would have been completely oblivious to the Sony restriction on my Epic account.


Nov 10, 2017
Or backwards compatibility.

It's almost like most of the people that care about this issue aren't PS4 gamers huh.

Yeah, the difficulty accessing PS3 games really sucks right now. But it's a huge technical challenge due to the PS3 architecture. I never thought they'd be able to do it natively on PS4. The only way I can see it working is if games are recompiled like Xbox One does, but even then it's going to be a compatibility nightmare for years.


Oct 27, 2017
Buffalo, NY
Can you make a list of all the multiplatform games that are cross play,cross buy and cross progression. People are making it seem like every multiplat if cross play and has DLC carry over. Every large scale MP game I know you have to buy on each console you want to play it on including DLC. I don't think there is any issue with sony locking items you purchase on PSN to their network. The only thing Sony has done wrong with Fortnite is locking content purchased outside of PSN which is wrong and actually anti-consumer.

Currently I know of Rocket League, Minecraft, Fortnite, and Paladins. There's some smaller games too.

Funny enough, of those I only play Rocket League. I've never once played Fornite or Minecraft.

But it's the principle of the thing. I plan on getting an Xbox and PS5 anyways so I can enjoy exclusives on both consoles. Why would I continue to give further support to a company that restricts it, when I can buy my multiplatform games elsewhere and let Microsoft get a cut of my purchases instead? Not to mention enjoying things like EA Access, which Sony also won't allow on PS4 because they said it "wasn't a good value for customers."


Oct 27, 2017
Buffalo, NY
Also, I think people forget the historical context behind this. When PS3 was launched Sony wanted cross play with the Xbox, but Microsoft turned them down because they were leading the generation at the time. Now that the shoe is on the other foot, people wonder why Sony is acting the way it is.


Nobody is forgetting that. It's literally mentioned in every thread.

The point is that it doesn't matter.
  • That was 10 years ago.
  • Xbox was run by completely different people
  • Sony was clearly bluffing. Don't forget that just a few years ago around 2015-2016 Sony said "we're open to discussing crossplay with anyone who wants it" and as soon as Microsoft said "great, let's do it!" all of the sudden Sony said no. Microsoft called their bluff.


Oct 31, 2017
Imagine how lopsided that poll would be if warrior votes were taken out..

The OP posed a simple question so if people dont care they are automatically labeled as "warriors". You do realize that there are millions who either dont even realize what cross-play is or simply dont care cause it has no effect on their gaming hobby? Just because YOU believe it's a massive issue that is deserving of Sony to go down in flames doesnt mean the majority shares in that opinion. Cause I can guarantee you, no matter how many tweets or threads get started to make it appear like this is a huge issue it is NOT a huge issue, plain and simple.


Oct 25, 2017
I am a multi-console owner and probably always will be. Decisions like this wont affect my decision to purchase 1st party games or hardware. However, 100% of 3rd party games will not be on a Sony console.


Oct 28, 2017
To be perfectly honest I don't give zero effs about crossplay. Does it suck for people who want it, of course, but sony has the games I want, the others not so much, so I will stick with sony, even with these dumb decisions.

El Bombastico

Oct 25, 2017
Yup. People are reading twitter and here and getting it overblown in their heads. There's no doubt that this is a PR mess for Sony but its not near as damaging as people think or want it to be. It's a black eye at most that they could clear up at any time.

Its not even a black eye. Sony went through the exact same shit for Minecraft, did nothing about it, and people completely forgot in a couple months...

Akita One

Oct 30, 2017
You like be sony and epic announcing a fortnite bundle? Lol hmm

It's actually a good move by Sony. By the time it releases next month, this will have blown over, and by Black Friday, people will only see the market's #1 system available for $199.

You guys do know that most people only own one system right? And most console gamers don't even touch a lot of the F2P games, not to mention indie F2P games, which are a relatively new phenomenon with consoles.

The VAST majority of console games buy only AAA games or other games they see in a commercial. How much do you want to bet people see that bundle on store shelves and say "Hey I think it's that Fortnite game people were talking about" LOLOL


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
It's actually a good move by Sony. By the time it releases next month, this will have blown over, and by Black Friday, people will only see the market's #1 system available for $199.

You guys do know that most people only own one system right? And most console gamers don't even touch a lot of the F2P games, not to mention indie F2P games, which are a relatively new phenomenon with consoles.

The VAST majority of console games buy only AAA games or other games they see in a commercial. How much do you want to bet people see that bundle on store shelves and say "Hey I think it's that Fortnite game people were talking about" LOLOL

Fortnite is a massive game right now in many places though?


Oct 28, 2017
Currently I know of Rocket League, Minecraft, Fortnite, and Paladins. There's some smaller games too.

Funny enough, of those I only play Rocket League. I've never once played Fornite or Minecraft.

But it's the principle of the thing. I plan on getting an Xbox and PS5 anyways so I can enjoy exclusives on both consoles. Why would I continue to give further support to a company that restricts it, when I can buy my multiplatform games elsewhere and let Microsoft get a cut of my purchases instead? Not to mention enjoying things like EA Access, which Sony also won't allow on PS4 because they said it "wasn't a good value for customers."

You didn't have to repurchase rocket league or Minecraft? Unless all games become f2p there's no way this single purchase cross platform Utopia that MS is allegedly all for comes to pass. But then it's weird we are back to the pre Xbox live days were each game or publisher has its own log in and account.

Giga Man

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I really couldn't care less about online cross-play ESPECIALLY when every console manufacturer charges for online now. If the Playstation 5 gets enough games that I want to play that Nintendo doesn't get, I'll buy into it eventually like I always have.

Uno Venova

Oct 25, 2017
This poll is on an enthusiast forum. Im pretty sure results will differ in real world and the question was worded accurately. While I don't care much about crossplay it is undeniable how healthy online communities can get from it (pretty much a win-win). Locking accounts from being used on the competition sucks because it primarily hurts the consumer.
If the question was still "would you leave?" why would the "real world" make a change in the poll results?