if Sony don't change, will you change?

  • No

    Votes: 3,385 73.0%
  • yes

    Votes: 1,253 27.0%

  • Total voters

Penny Royal

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
QLD, Australia
What's funny about Sony's decision is that they probably think this is a battle against Nintendo/Microsoft, when really it's a battle against mobile/PC.

And let me tell you, in terms of total user base, they're never going to win the battle of being a walled garden against the two most popular platforms in the industry.

What's funny is you clearly not knowing what you're talking about and going for maximum self-righteousness in your post. I mean it was even in Sony's press statement about the issue.

Re: the poll. While it's flawed (not public, badly worded question) it still returned a huge majority from people who are exclusive or main PS4s.

The account locking thing is BS tho, and that should be actionable unless it was in the Epic EULA for PS owners.


Oct 25, 2017
You expressed disbelief at a notion that the current 'outrage'(if you can even call it that) because of a company not allowing crossplay with competitors could be fabricated.

Yet the very people who are strong advocates for crossplay, would probably sweep MS current stance of crossplay with steam under the rug. Ask yourself, do you really care about Steam and Windows users being able to #playtogether? Are they not gamers? If you buy a game on windows store and I buy the game on Steam, should we not be allowed to #playtogether? We are both gamers, as well as PC gamers. If anything, we deserve cross play the most

You are implying that 1. This stuff didn't happen until Microsoft did it and 2. That no one would care if Microsoft didn't do anything.

Both of these are false. No one is denying that Microsoft is stoking the fire. Just that this is some grand manufactured conspiracy.

Deleted member 5596

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
  1. No: 76.5%
  2. Yes 23.5%
seems like a good representation of what we saw in this thread.
So, if I were Sony, I'm would stick with the current politic regarding this issue. No need to change at all as long and they keep with the amazing first/second party libeup and stronger 3rd party support.

They should stick with it if they lose like 20% of their user base? Even if is just like 5% in the end that's a ton of sales just for a stupid, easily reversible policy.


Jun 3, 2018
No one is denying that Microsoft is stoking the fire. Just that this is some grand manufactured conspiracy.
It is not a conspiracy, as you are saying; MS is stoking the fire.

I am not seeing any twitter campaigns to try and enable UWP and Steam cross play.. But seeing as how Phil Spencer loves cross play so much, it could happen any moment now.


Nov 27, 2017
For me, as long as Sony keeps doing good exclusives, I'll continue buying it's hardware. I only buy exclusive PS4 games for the console, I play other games on PC and some indies on Switch.


Oct 30, 2017
They should stick with it if they lose like 20% of their user base? Even if is just like 5% in the end that's a ton of sales just for a stupid, easily reversible policy.

the policy potentially brings in more players than it chases away. i've lost count of how many times i've read "i'm buying (MP game) on PS4 because it's where my friends are" or "i'm buying a PS4 because all my friends have one"

Right now it's playerbase is a selling point. it acts as incentive for friends of friends to play on PS4 so they can play with each other. in terms of business decisions it's potentially a wiser one. does it suck for some PS4 owner who wants to play with their switch only owning friend? yeah, of course. but the decision might just be enough to push that switch only owning friend to go out and buy a PS4.

Deleted member 5596

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
the policy potentially brings in more players than it chases away. i've lost count of how many times i've read "i'm buying (MP game) on PS4 because it's where my friends are" or "i'm buying a PS4 because all my friends have one"

Right now it's playerbase is a selling point. it acts as incentive for friends of friends to play on PS4 so they can play with each other. in terms of business decisions it's potentially a wiser one. does it suck for some PS4 owner who wants to play with their switch only owning friend? yeah, of course. but the decision might just be enough to push that switch only owning friend to go out and buy a PS4.

I don't think in an incresingly MP online connectivity between games and platforms the net balance is positive. Considering that more and more MP games are designed with this continuous "play it on any platform anytime" and that companies are seeking to encourage it to keep players engaged in the game, the Sony policy is definetly backwards. The model of yearly MP sequels is definitely going away and people want the possibility of keep playing of these games as service in the best conditions possible and less and less restrictions.

Considering the outgoing problem and how it keeps raising more and more voices against kinda shows the paradigm is changing and fast. Sony needs to drop this.
Oct 25, 2017
It's a culmination of a lot of things. Putting online behind PS+, jacking up the price of PS+, not bringing digital PS1 purchases forward, blocking EA Access, blocking cross-platform play, and now locking peoples third party accounts.These days the vast majority of third party games are also coming to PC I'm seeing less and less of a reason to stick with the Playstation ecosystem. I personally don't see loosing out on their first party and third party exclusives as a significant loss.
The first two in your list are Microsoft's fault, because they came up with paid online first. Sony jacked up the PS+ price to match Xbox Live Gold's price. Sony just made the obvious choices to make more money - that is capitalism.

Not having PS1 BC is indeed bullshit. The PS2 emulator is not very good and only works well in their officially available games - this is seen on hacked PS4s.

Cross-play and cross-progression are currently irrelevant to me because both of the locked platforms have paid online. I don't care about playing on Xbox or Switch because I'm not paying for another online sub in addition to Plus, which I already don't want to pay for.


Oct 30, 2017
I took a good look at my pre-order lists and saw only 3 games exclusive to PS4, and two of which the more I see the less I care about, not to mention won't be out till who knows when.

I made the call to just unload my Pro. With more releases hitting PC or being crossplay/play anywhere (makes my one x worth keeping) I just don't see the value in having it idle for months between releases and I hate having to keep the ps+ sub going.

I figure maybe when PS5 hits Sony will actually give a damn about making developers use the new horsepower since Pro's usage was so damn hit and miss. I also can't help but feel like The Last of Us 2 and FFVII Remake will end up being PS5 launch titles or some crap.

Meh might help me clear the backlog removing the platform lol


Oct 30, 2017
I don't think in an incresingly MP online connectivity between games and platforms the net balance is positive. Considering that more and more MP games are designed with this continuous "play it on any platform anytime" and that companies are seeking to encourage it to keep players engaged in the game, the Sony policy is definetly backwards. The model of yearly MP sequels is definitely going away and people want the possibility of keep playing of these games as service in the best conditions possible and less and less restrictions.

Considering the outgoing problem and how it keeps raising more and more voices against kinda shows the paradigm is changing and fast. Sony needs to drop this.

i honestly don't agree. sony are simply trying to keep people playing on THEIR system. which as a business, makes perfect sense. yes there is a stronger focus on GaaS when it comes to MP titles these days, but it's not like this decision stops people playing those games on PS4. it just means you can't continue to play them off their system (on competing consoles at least)....but how exactly does that benefit Sony? Someone continuing to play fortnite on switch doesn't benefit them at all. someone going out to buy a PS4 to play fortnite with his PS4 owning friends because that's the only way they can play together, however, does.

when you consider the fact sony stocks dropped only 2% over this "outrage" and Nintendo's dropped 7% just because they had a crappy E3 showing to me puts everything in perspective. by and large, most people do not care about this. the poll in this very thread indicates the same.

but i guess we'll see. some people claimed the massive data breach at Facebook was going to push people away from the service and then we saw numbers actually increase! "scandals" like this don't usually change anyone's way of consuming entertainment. people aren't going to not play god of war 2 or last of us 3 on PS5 in 3 years just because they can't play fortnite with a friend with a switch today. some people might claim to do that on an enthusiast gaming forum comprised of but a fraction of the tens of millions of people who own a PS4, but that's not really an amount Sony need to be worried about...like...at all.


Oct 26, 2017
They should stick with it if they lose like 20% of their user base? Even if is just like 5% in the end that's a ton of sales just for a stupid, easily reversible policy.

An Era poll is not representative of the populace. Any tom, dick and harry can also vote without even owning the system.

What you should look at are sales, NPD, mediacreate etc.


Oct 28, 2017
I was under the impression that Call of Duty for example did not allow for it, as my cousins told me that. But I will look into it, thanks for clarifying
CoD doesn't have cross play between W10/Steam. That's not MS' decision to make though, since it's not their game (unlike KI).


Oct 28, 2017
Nope... Whilst it's probably true that Sony need to get over themselves and move with the times a bit more, a lack of cross-platform support isn't a reason for me to jump ship. Only reason to do that would be if they stop releasing games that I enjoy playing.


Oct 26, 2017
The poll is still lob-sided despite it being anonymous and unscientific.

The ratio is probably a lot higher in reality.


Nov 16, 2017
As I think about it a little more, there could be other reasons why I wouldn't buy a PS5 over the next Xbox : crossplay I don't really care about, even if it's a good thing to have. But Gamepass with day one exclusives (well... if they could bring more good exclusives of course), EA Access, backward compatibility, PlayAnywhere allowing me to play on TV or PC depending of where I am, ...
As things adds up, passing on PS5 could be a decision I would make in the end.


May 31, 2018
"I don't care, so let's not push Sony to improve and get rid of anti-consumer practices!"

My god, what even is this thread?
If I don't play MP ehy should I die on this hill? Why should I protest fir the sake of protest when I can protest other things like BC or more imports? You picked your battles cuz they matter to you...or are you willing to jump on the "localize Sengoku basura please" Hill with me? No? Thought so.....
Last edited:


Oct 26, 2017
I've never owned an Xbox myself, I played on my brothers 360 a bit but PlayStation has always been my primary platform since PS2 even. But because I mostly play multiplayer third party stuff if they keep this up there's no reason for me to keep using it as my main platform.

you forgot to erase you post history and the link to your 3+ year youtube channel with 399 videos ,395 of which are dedicated 100% to nintendo.


Oct 26, 2017
I love how many die hard super fans of Nintendo/MS are using the echo effect to hide in plain sight. Sad part is it's working elsewhere.

im just mighty impressed with his work management skills. god knows i dont have the balls to do playthroughs of sparkle 2 and beach buggy on the switch and still somehow be spending most of my gaming time on a separate console playing multiplayer games. And on top of it, he aint even trying to prove anything , dawg.


Oct 26, 2017
Cross-platform play and the definitive versions of multiplatform games make Xbox a smart choice as a main console these days.


Oct 28, 2017
I purchase each console based on its own merits every gen, and this gen it just happened to be a PS4 and later a Switch, but tbh I'm not sure if cross-play even makes the list of considerations.


Nov 1, 2017
They do, though. The original poster is accurate. It's all a matter of perspective. Like, Microsoft bought a bunch of first-party studios and announced them at E3 2018 which is great for the future of Xbox; Sony did not buy any first-party studios to announce at E3 2018.

On the surface it looks like Microsoft did more, which in a way they did, but the reality is that Sony already has a great network of first-party studios.

The Internet tends to be very black-and-white; there's a constant push-and-pull, when the truth is that all of the companies are following their own paths independently. Sony is not doing absolutely nothing, they're just doing different things. And that's fine.

You are not wrong.
Dec 4, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
With this thread i learned:

Even if i don't play multiplayer i still have to care about crossplay.

If i don't give a fig about crossplay, i'm either a shill or a terrible person with no principles. Maybe both!

I should definitely stop playing playstation games because of crossplay although i only play single player games.

No crossplay is literally worse than paying Gold to play F2P games, than paying a subscription for multi, having no BC, having DLC locked inside toys, DRM, lootboxes, you name it.

People who don't even own a playstation are really, really worried about who people who own a playstation play with.


May 31, 2018
With this thread i learned:

Even if i don't play multiplayer i still have to care about crossplay.

If i don't give a fig about crossplay, i'm either a shill or a terrible person with no principles. Maybe both!

I should definitely stop playing playstation games because of crossplay although i only play single player games.

No crossplay is literally worse than paying Gold to play F2P games, than paying a subscription for multi, having no BC, having DLC locked inside toys, DRM, lootboxes, you name it.

People who don't even own a playstation are really, really worried about who people who own a playstation play with.
Don't forget that if Sony is completely out to screw over their consumers and Xbox and Nintendo gave the ideal "gamer first" approach to polices.

Deleted member 23046

Account closed at user request
Oct 28, 2017
People seems to forget one thing with online : the ping.

Apart knowing them personally and no matter how cool they are, there is no reasons for a player in Vienna, Seoul or Buenos Aires to play with a US californian dude or an UK Essex lad. Linguistic and techincal reasons I mean, when 6 to 7 Xbox are sold in the US and 1 to 2 in the UK.

It's a cool feature but when you draw interest circles in it, by countries, languages, time zones, network congestion, server attribution and platform geographical distribution, you see that it's far more fragmented than the ideal crowded fun fair showed on advertising.

But sure using Minecraft for a cuddling with Ninty is a really smart and fun move from MS, especially with the private server option. But to take another online popular game, Overwatch stay a succes without it (and even without shared progression) while being multipat too.

Deleted member 18951

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
If I don't play MP ehy should I die on this hill? Why should I protest fir the sake of protest when I can protest other things like BC or more imports? You picked your battles cuz they matter to you...or are you willing to jump on the "localize Sengoku basura please" Hill with me? No? Thought so.....

How many posts do you think you have made in the last few days about something you don't care about (crossplay) or is it that you literally can't stand to see negative posts about Sony and feel compelled to combat them with your own posts?

The level of adulation and defence I've seen for Sony on this forum since E3 has been mental, amusing but still mental lol.


Oct 29, 2017
I don't pay for plus since multiplayer isn't a huge deal for me in general and paying for it seems ridiculous. Because MP doesn't matter to me, lack of cross play doesn't really impact my next gen purchasing decision.


Oct 26, 2017
Nah, most games I enjoyed was those single player games (mostly exclusives).

Dont give a shit about cross-play.


Oct 29, 2017
People seems to forget one thing with online : the ping.

Apart knowing them personally and no matter how cool they are, there is no reasons for a player in Vienna, Seoul or Buenos Aires to play with a US californian dude or an UK Essex lad. Linguistic and techincal reasons I mean, when 6 to 7 Xbox are sold in the US and 1 to 2 in the UK.

It's a cool feature but when you draw interest circles in it, by countries, languages, time zones, network congestion, server attribution and platform geographical distribution, you see that it's far more fragmented than the ideal crowded fun fair showed on advertising.

But sure using Minecraft for a cuddling with Ninty is a really smart and fun move from MS, especially with the private server option. But to take another online popular game, Overwatch stay a succes without it (and even without shared progression) while being multipat too.

dont see what ping has to do with crossplay
if anything, crossplay enables countries with less xboxes or nintendos sold to still have a big playerbase since its a shared pool.


Oct 29, 2017
Don't forget that if Sony is completely out to screw over their consumers and Xbox and Nintendo gave the ideal "gamer first" approach to polices.


In my country. Sony's first party games all translated with the local language and release on day 1. Meanwhile, Nintendo didn't give a system language support until today and half of MS' first party games have no localization support.


Oct 25, 2017
Cross-play is obviously great for the consumer but is it good for Sony?

I would think you would want people locked into your ecosystem.

Maybe this is the first step into a more open ecosystem next gen. Which again would be good for devs and consumers but not great for the console manufacturers.
Oct 27, 2017

In my country. Sony's first party games all translated with the local language and release on day 1. Meanwhile, Nintendo didn't give a system language support until today and half of MS' first party games have no localization support.

Stuff like this is very important, that most who live in their 'country/region bubble' do not consider, and will ignore, sadly.


Oct 26, 2017
I have never been big into PlayStation, mostly played Xbox and N64 when I was a kid and mostly play on PC now. I got a PS4 Slim on sale last Black Friday but do not play it much. If Sony keeps these kind of practices going it will be easy for me to avoid their next console. I mostly play single player, but I have more than enough games to play on PC (and Switch) to avoid their stuff and not lose out.


Oct 28, 2017
With this thread i learned:

Even if i don't play multiplayer i still have to care about crossplay.

If i don't give a fig about crossplay, i'm either a shill or a terrible person with no principles. Maybe both!

I should definitely stop playing playstation games because of crossplay although i only play single player games.

No crossplay is literally worse than paying Gold to play F2P games, than paying a subscription for multi, having no BC, having DLC locked inside toys, DRM, lootboxes, you name it.

People who don't even own a playstation are really, really worried about who people who own a playstation play with.

Spot on in my opinion.

Deleted member 3183

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Yep. I'll change for next gen if things don't change. This kind of arrogance is what got MS into their second place role with the XB1. Sony kicked their asses and they had to do better and they have come a long way. Competition's a good thing, people.

I suppose it also doesn't help that PSN (in my opinion) has consistently lagged behind XBL as a service. Their exclusives in the PS4 era made it easy to overlook the bad stuff about Playstation, but the crossplay stuff - for me - is a bridge too far.