
Dec 22, 2017
It's not just you. I'm also aware this isn't the first time it's happened but the sheer disconnect between reality and the message being broadcast is just...baffling. a genocide is happening and this is what we're doing?
I've realized for a long time now that genocides against the "right" people are always widely accepted or ignored. This is just the most openly blatant case so far.


Nov 1, 2017
I've realized for a long time now that genocides against the "right" people are always widely accepted or ignored. This is just the most openly blatant case so far.
And there is this disconnect where the powers that be, who I'm sure understand the numbers, can't quite grasp the concept that most of us 35 and under aren't getting our news about these types of situations from them. We are getting our news from watching live streams of these things as they are happening, so any spin is immediately obvious and refutable. We might as well have fucking been there, how tf you gonna lie to us about it?

Like this divide has always been there, but now since the actual truth is undeniable and we can all watch it from an extensive litany of primary sources, they don't know what to do. Currently the battle plan seems to be "just keep lying even louder about it!" which is amazing to watch unfold as the gulf between real life and the media narrative is laid out in front of the entire population and we can watch it grow into a bottomless pit in real time as our future tumbles into the void.

Like the plan for the last decade as we got here was "well, it's only young 20 somethings that have abandoned traditional media, they will get older and return to main stream news and we can just keep demonizing teens and young adults in perpetuity." They really buy into the version of the world that they built so much that it feels like they never even considered we would all be in our 30's and 40's now and more detached from their version of events than ever before.
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Oct 26, 2017
And there is this disconnect where the powers that be, who I'm sure understand the numbers, can't quite grasp the concept that most of us 35 and under aren't getting our news about these types of situations from them. We are getting our news from watching live streams of these things as they are happening, so any spin is immediately obvious and refutable. We might as well have fucking been there, how tf you gonna lie to us about it?

Like this divide has always been there, but now since the actual truth is undeniable and we can all watch it from an extensive litany of primary sources, they don't know what to do. Currently the battle plan seems to be "just keep lying even louder about it!" which is amazing to watch unfold as the gulf between real life and the media narrative is laid out in front of the entire population and we can watch it grow into a bottomless pit in real time as our future tumbles into the void.

Like the plan for the last decade as we got here was "well, it's only young 20 somethings that have abandoned traditional media, they will get older and return to main stream news and we can just keep demonizing teens and young adults in perpetuity." The really buy into the version of the world that they built so much that it feels like they never even considered we would all be in our 30's and 40's now and more detached from their version of events than ever before.


Oct 26, 2017
Ugh, I couldn't sleep. UC management is bullshit for letting the cops attack the student protesters at UCLA right now.

Effing CHP can't stop people from driving like assholes on the freeway cause they too busy playing fascist games on our tax dollars.


Oct 25, 2017
Between the zionist gang attacking them the other night and the insane police incursion happening now, the students of UCLA are so goddamn brave, resilient and especially nonviolent in the face of all of this fascist aggression. The dedication to justice is really inspiring.
Jan 18, 2018
I've realized for a long time now that genocides against the "right" people are always widely accepted or ignored. This is just the most openly blatant case so far.
Between the zionist gang attacking them the other night and the insane police incursion happening now, the students of UCLA are so goddamn brave, resilient and especially nonviolent in the face of all of this fascist aggression. The dedication to justice is really inspiring.
Oh yeah. Now it's our turn to stand up for those kids.


Oct 25, 2017
They are more than likely to not vote, I don't think they will vote red. You don't do what you're doing today if you had any intention of voting red. You just stop voting
Especially when the Republicans are openly spouting the same rhetoric
Like the Arab Americans and Muslims so forth are not going to suddenly forget Republicans hate them after the Muslim ban fiasco
Oct 25, 2017
They are more than likely to not vote, I don't think they will vote red. You don't do what you're doing today if you had any intention of voting red. You just stop voting

I would love to see the numbers of voters of age during the iraq ware protests and bush re-election to now in terms of turn out. I have to imagine a surge for Obama and then steady drop off again.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
They are more than likely to not vote, I don't think they will vote red. You don't do what you're doing today if you had any intention of voting red. You just stop voting

Given their ages, they probably have never voted in the first place (they would not have been 18 in 2019). So rather than stop voting, they won't engage with it at all though its hard to say how much this has an impact on it because the age group in question has such low turnout in the first place.

Though since these are very engaged young people, they may well actually get galvanized into voting because of this. This can have a pretty big impact on local elections as colleges tend to have a pretty big sway on local results. Whether or not they vote for Biden remains to be seen but I doubt they vote Trump.


Oct 27, 2017
In November: "Its a shame we didn't get a bigger youth turnout"

Gee, I wonder why.

Proud of these kids, can't hide the truth of whats happening in Gaza.


Oct 27, 2017


Oct 29, 2017
It's like America is doing a reboot of the worst timelines of the last century but trying to cram all the shit into the first movie.

We have the re-rise of fascism mirroring the political dynamics of Weimer Germany on the right, except this time the deranged artist is a trust fund reality tv star, and on the left we have 1968 being repeated with Biden doing his best LBJ impression supporting an increasingly unpopular war against minorities on behalf of a deranged client state and destroying all his domestic goodwill by doubling down. And I fully expect Chicago to end up a shitshow just like 1968 given that it seems all indicators are we are going to see Israel begin slaughtering everyone in Rafah soon. With the media covering everything acting cartoonishly complicit.

Very proud of the protestors at these front and center universities though, honestly the more I read on how they are handling everything, staying peaceful, tactically securing protest spots, deliberately not giving interviews and engaging with bad faith provocateurs showing up to get soundbites, policing internal trouble makers that would be weaponized against them. If I do have some hope it has to be that. Every major institution wants to see them fail and find that angle to disgrace and turn the public against them and they have handled almost all of it masterfully.


Oct 29, 2017

Meanwhile, in the Manufactured Consent Media,

NPR's morning coverage followed up yesterdays despicable whitewashing by doing a 5 minute piece giving a metaphorical blowjob to police for not killing protestors. When it came to describing what happened at UCLA, they described the tactics as necessitating a "different approach due to clashes amongst protestors"(who attacked who? What were those tactics? Why did police do nothing for two hours? Any context on the counter protestors? You mentioned the video the AP has of counter protestors attacking, why no context about it?).

Seems NPR's approach for whitewashing is spend day one framing the protestors as violent and anti semitic by cherry picking statements from politicians making bad faith accusations, day two is to gaslight about how the police have been so peaceful by contrasting them to some of the worst incidents of student protest in U.S. history and ignoring all inconvenient evidence of those narratives.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
alienating the youngins (and also beating them up) protesting over an "ally" that is making you complicit in a genocide, that siphons you billions every year and also have said multiple times they'd rather the next president be trump/ a republican

like god damn democrats get your shit together already. instead every news outlets is demonizing fucking kids peacefully protesting. absolute lunacy


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
It's like America is doing a reboot of the worst timelines of the last century but trying to cram all the shit into the first movie.

We have the re-rise of fascism mirroring the political dynamics of Weimer Germany on the right, except this time the deranged artist is a trust fund reality tv star, and on the left we have 1968 being repeated with Biden doing his best LBJ impression supporting an increasingly unpopular war against minorities on behalf of a deranged client state and destroying all his domestic goodwill by doubling down. And I fully expect Chicago to end up a shitshow just like 1968 given that it seems all indicators are we are going to see Israel begin slaughtering everyone in Rafah soon. With the media covering everything acting cartoonishly complicit.

Very proud of the protestors at these front and center universities though, honestly the more I read on how they are handling everything, staying peaceful, tactically securing protest spots, deliberately not giving interviews and engaging with bad faith provocateurs showing up to get soundbites, policing internal trouble makers that would be weaponized against them. If I do have some hope it has to be that. Every major institution wants to see them fail and find that angle to disgrace and turn the public against them and they have handled almost all of it masterfully.

Not that I disagree with the rest but I think you need to review the 1968 convention and the conditions surrounding it. It feels like people see Chicago and think it must be the same. People also keep bringing up Kent State but the situations were very, very different.

Part of what caused the 1968 riots and chaos at the convention was that LBJ had chosen to not run for re-election while the party was split and at each other's throats between LBJ, McCarthy (anti-war) and RFK (Catholics and minorities), and a fourth faction of the remaining segregationists left in the party. RFK was likely to have been the unifying force but he was assassinated before the convention throwing everything into complete chaos.

The party was broken going into the conventions, and there was a fever pitch between backlash on the Civil Rights Act, MLK & RFK's murders, and the Vietnam War.

The situation in 1968 was a nationwide powder keg driven by racial division, an unwanted war with US troops dying in record numbers, and it was set off by the assassinations of two highly influential men at the time.

I don't want to say people downplay the history of 1968, but it feels like we're just comparing very shallow surface similarities. Nixon also came in from a new position with the Southern Strategy to win off of massive racial resentment. Not to mention how much damage Nixon did with weaponizing the Vietnam War and making everything worse surrounding it.
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Sep 14, 2023
Biden has to do something, like none of these students are ever voting democrat again.
Why should they? I'm 52 and have never voted for a republican in my life. I am a leftist and I have voted for democrats consistently since 1990. That's 34 years, and that party has been less than useless. They are a Wall Street party with a culturally liberal veneer that's barely covering anything up at this point. They take for granted the votes of those who know the alternative is worse, and the only way this ends is if people finally stop voting for them.

This was written in 1972, the year I was born, and it is exactly the same now as it was then. Fuck Joe Biden, fuck Donald Trump, fuck Israeli genocide and fuck the rotten Democratic Party to its evil core.

That's the real issue this time," he said. "Beating Nixon. It's hard to even guess how much damage those bastards will do if they get in for another four years."

The argument was familiar, I had even made it myself, here and there, but I was beginning to sense something very depressing about it. How many more of these goddamn elections are we going to have to write off as lame, but "regrettably necessary" holding actions? And how many more of these stinking double-downer sideshows will we have to go through before we can get ourselves straight enough to put together some kind of national election that will give me and the at least 20 million people I tend to agree with a chance to vote for something, instead of always being faced with that old familiar choice between the lesser of two evils?

Now with another one of these big bogus showdowns looming down on us, I can already pick up the stench of another bummer. I understand, along with a lot of other people, that the big thing this year is Beating Nixon. But that was also the big thing, as I recall, twelve years ago in 1960 – and as far as I can tell, we've gone from bad to worse to rotten since then, and the outlook is for more of the same.

—Hunter S. Thompson, Fear and Loathing: On the Campaign Trail '72


Oct 27, 2017
alienating the youngins (and also beating them up) protesting over an "ally" that is making you complicit in a genocide, that siphons you billions every year and also have said multiple times they'd rather the next president be trump/ a republican
Thats the part that kills me. Biden has accomplished fucking nothing here, its all a net loss. He's destroyed his legacy and for what? A mountain of charred dead babies and the birth of a new future generation of anti-US and Israel sentiment?

You didn't move the needle for world peace or stability in the middle east, you made it worse. Nobody fucking likes you, not even the monsters you're enabling.

The sorry piece of shit.
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Feb 21, 2018
Chicago, IL
Fuck, I don't know why I decided to check social media and see what the other students on campus feel about us. Some think that what we're doing is "performative", some are just annoyed that we're protesting in general, some are just blatantly cheering on genocide, etc. And then there's this:

It all seems a bit disheartening at first but no one ever said it was going to be easy. We have seen support from faculty and townspeople. And there are students who may not be out there protesting with us, but they are 100% standing by us. We are on the right side of history. Those who stood against us are going to regret their decision in due time.


Oct 29, 2017
Fuck, I don't know why I decided to check social media and see what the other students on campus feel about us. Some think that what we're doing is "performative", some are just annoyed that we're protesting in general, some are just blatantly cheering on genocide, etc. And then there's this:

It all seems a bit disheartening at first but no one ever said it was going to be easy. We have seen support from faculty and townspeople. And there are students who may not be out there protesting with us, but they are 100% standing by us. We are on the right side of history. Those who stood against us are going to regret their decision in due time.
I see this gaslighting response all over Reddit(which has basically devolved into a bot farm for Israel on this issue), but Hamas leadership literally offered every hostage on Oct 10th in exchange for sparing Gaza. They have put on the table a path to returning all hostages in exchange for a commitment to a conditional permanent ceasefire.

Israel continues to refuse that commitment and just yesterday made it clear they will not accept any deal that doesn't allow them to slaughter Rafah, even if all hostages are released. And if anyone is deluding themselves that it is just Bibi, Yair Lapid, the Israeli Opposition leader says the same exact thing. He just thinks Israel should message better and offer more crocodile tears about civilian deaths to placate the West.


Oct 27, 2017
I see this gaslighting response all over Reddit(which has basically devolved into a bot farm for Israel on this issue), but Hamas leadership literally offered every hostage on Oct 10th in exchange for sparing Gaza.
To be honest, its Hamas. Don't know if I would take their word for it any more than I would the IDF's at this point.

But I don't doubt Israel doesn't care either way.


Oct 27, 2017
These kids are really brave. It seems like a long road, I think this kind of activism can really have a long term effect on public perception of this issue and shift the general public's sympathies over time.


Jun 24, 2018
Chicago, IL
To be honest, its Hamas. Don't know if I would take their word for it any more than I would the IDF's at this point.

But I don't doubt Israel doesn't care either way.

The report of a rejected hostage exchange proposal on Oct 9/10th came from the Israeli hostage families' spokesperson, not Hamas.

The fact remains that they rescued 100+ hostages through hostage exchange (and curious how the media dont talk about why Israel has so many prisoners without any charges to begin with). And they killed as many hostages as they rescued in military operations and the number is a laughable 3.


Oct 27, 2017
These kids are heroes, glad to see some students in the UK be inspired by their example and courage.


Oct 30, 2017
Every institution in the United States is speed running trying to ensure that most of the young people will never ever trust them again.

The irony of the media completely torpedoing their credibility now is that they are making themselves useless as propagandists in the future. You could have made your whitewashing less brazen but there's no hiding from the VIDEO FUCKING EVIDENCE or your lies.


Feb 21, 2018
Chicago, IL
We just found evidence showing that our university allowed protestors to set up encampments during protests back in 2011.

Optimism is looking up. We are so back.
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Oct 29, 2017
To be honest, its Hamas. Don't know if I would take their word for it any more than I would the IDF's at this point.

But I don't doubt Israel doesn't care either way.
I mean the source for both wasn't Hamas, it has been multiple third party's on both sides and the verification for the Oct 10th offer was the Jerusalem Post citing several sources including an Israeli hostage rep. So tbc that is not me repeating their words.


Oct 28, 2017
Cape Town
I am not from the US and i have been watching the event evolve from afar and i don't usually post but i've got to let this out... Biden is a piece of shit, Genocidal asshole . Fuck him.


Oct 25, 2017
It's all the same neolib bullshit about the sanctity of property with condemning riots (even though pro-Palestine protestors weren't the ones doing that), "no place for antisemitism" despite the significant Jewish presence in the pro-Palestine encampments and the fact that we have evidence the pro-genociders were the ones shouting antisemitic shit, no actual mention of the racist genocidal rhetoric and violence the pro-genocide scumbags engaged in and it's all filed under milquetoast condemnation of "islamophobia" in yet another form of erasure in the diversity of Palestinian identity.

And most importantly: no budging on his unconditional support for the genocidal apartheid fascist state.

Biden is a repugnant genocidal bastard and I'm completely done with him and all his apologists.


On Break
Oct 25, 2017
It's a hell of a disconnect to say "you will always defend free speech" when over 1300 students across America have been arrested. The protests have largely been peaceful, its the reaction by the states that was overwhelming vicious and disproportionate.