
Oct 28, 2017
After this, I never wanna see dumbass fellow Americans or American politicians shit on other countries for being authoritarian when they pull shit like this. I get that this isn't really anything new but, wow, it's insane how blatant the spin is on the protests, even more so than what we saw for the BLM protests

Trump was in office so Dems supported the BLM protests. Now a Dem is office and the protests are because of Biden so they hate the protests. Everything is eroding. World courts don't matter, sanctions don't matter, western hypocrisy is on full display. This will all usher in new global partnerships that will increasingly exclude western countries. The long term damage Biden's unwavering support for this genocide will do is unfathomable.


Oct 27, 2017


Imagine putting out this statement after 500 fucking cops storm into Columbia and beat the shit out of students and throw some of them down the stairs. Thanks for letting us you opposed vietnam protests, dumbass.

This is the lesser evil side. Instead of frothing at their mouths, they ask the police gently to beat the shit out of protestors.

"Everybody is a little peeved about the genocide, but vandalism is unacceptable."


Master of the Reality Stone
Oct 25, 2017
Metro Detroit


Imagine putting out this statement after 500 fucking cops storm into Columbia and beat the shit out of students and throw some of them down the stairs. Thanks for letting us you opposed vietnam protests, dumbass.

This is the lesser evil side. Instead of frothing at their mouths, they ask the police gently to beat the shit out of protestors.

Imagine being a career politician and thinking people only care about personal stakes being important. Smh
Oct 26, 2017
Trump was in office so Dems supported the BLM protests. Now a Dem is office and the protests are because of Biden so they hate the protests. Everything is eroding. World courts don't matter, sanctions don't matter, western hypocrisy is on full display. This will all usher in new global partnerships that will increasingly exclude western countries. The long term damage Biden's unwavering support for this genocide will do is unfathomable.
There definitely was a good chunk of that as some folk are deep in team politics but I don't think the Democrat establishment would be supportive of protests for Palestine had it happened under Trump either, seeing how a lot of the West is supporting Israel and cracking down on protests for Palestine. But you're not wrong that it's showing the full hypocrisy of the West. I can only hope that young folk take this to heart so things can change when they're in power


Oct 28, 2017
There definitely was a good chunk of that as some folk are deep in team politics but I don't think the Democrat establishment would be supportive of protests for Palestine had it happened under Trump either, seeing how a lot of the West is supporting Israel and cracking down on protests for Palestine. But you're not wrong that it's showing the full hypocrisy of the West. I can only hope that young folk take this to heart so things can change when they're in power

Perhaps your right. That AIPAC money runs deep. I'll never forget a piece I saw from Ali Velshi on MSNBC from December about the influence of AIPAC and it was pretty shocking. AOC has been posting about how Summer Lee defeated AIPAC. Hopefully that happens more.
Mar 11, 2020

Ok how do the lies not anger every person? i just don't get it. It's so fucking upsetting all these lies and they are getting disproven immediately but nothing changes, nothing ever fucking changes.

Like it's insane in this day and age this IS STILL HAPPENING.

You fucking get caught lying to the public, you should be kicked out of any public facing job immediately. how does it not work like that.


Oct 25, 2018
I'm putting them on ignore. How they can bring themselves to cape for a man with so much blood on his hands is mind-boggling to me. They don't show nearly enough fervor for the atrocities and that says a lot. It's just political hack shit and semantical debates. We haven't even had the slaughter in Rafah yet. I don't go into their election threads where they all ignore the elephants in the room. I leave them to their safe space yet every chance they get they pop into threads like this to spin for him.

I've had it. I only want to speak with people who care about Palestinian emancipation in these threads. In 20 years they will come around and pretend like they gave a shit.
Just like the administration has conflated Palestinians with Hamas, they've conflated peaceful protestors as anti-Semites.


Oct 25, 2017
So much respect for these protestors. I participated in Justice In Palestine week with our local SJP chapter 13 years ago at this point, and we camped out for only a week. I was there for around 48 hours with no sleep before I had to go home and pass out.

Nothing but respect and admiration for them all.


Oct 30, 2017
Do they think that this is going to do anything to slow down protests?

The brutality of the crackdown just means they know even more they're in the right.

Also, the country suffers from a lack of feeling like you're part of something bigger. People don't understand the power of that in these protests

Hollywood Duo

Oct 25, 2017
Truly wonder how mainstream media is going to spin pro-Palestinian protestors as being violent agitators when there is an overwhelming amount of documented evidence on Twitter/TikTok showing Zionist freaks at UCLA inflicting harm through the usage of bear spray/pepper spray, fireworks, sticks, etc.
By doing the same thing they've been doing so far


Charitable King
Oct 27, 2017
What'dya know. It is possible. My university is having a student government meeting tonight at 7, so we're hoping that the administration heeds our concerns and considers divestment from Caterpillar. If not, we're setting up our encampment again.

I love how a whole lot of this is surfacing deep rooted incompetence on top of whatever fuckery we can't plainly see.


Oct 30, 2017
What's amazing to me is that they could have avoided all this trouble by bogging down negotiations in administrative nonsense or like removing one or two unimportant companies from where they invest.

But nope went straight to calling the cops. Guess no disagreement should be allowed
Oct 26, 2017
Perhaps your right. That AIPAC money runs deep. I'll never forget a piece I saw from Ali Velshi on MSNBC from December about the influence of AIPAC and it was pretty shocking. AOC has been posting about how Summer Lee defeated AIPAC. Hopefully that happens more.
As older generations die out and younger ones make their way in, I can only hope that the more Zionist / military industrial complex influence withers away

What's amazing to me is that they could have avoided all this trouble by bogging down negotiations in administrative nonsense or like removing one or two unimportant companies from where they invest.

But nope went straight to calling the cops. Guess no disagreement should be allowed
And, for some reason, we don't see the cops come out when neo Nazis or the alt right are doing more than just protesting. I wonder why...


Oct 29, 2017
Fucking hell. Anyone in the media going to condemn this violent counter protest? No?
This clear and obvious discrepancy in coverage and language reminds me of something a socialist and linguist on a program I was listening to that has stuck with me back during the coverage of Hillary and Trump and than again during Kavanaugh.

She was explaining how the way the media and American society writ large perpetuates systemic inequality through the culture in part, by the ways in which we frame the same actions or behaviors based on who is doing them.

For white men that get angry, forceful, and emotional with their language the natural response is for the media and people to immediately take that as a cue that what they are saying should be heard and given thoughtful consideration, humanize, and offer fair minded explantations.

When woman do it they are framed as shrill and irrational, and that whatever they are articulating is questionable because their anger signals their emotions overriding their logic.

When black and brown people do it they are framed as scary and violent and lectured about how they are expressing their anger wrong. That they must meet arbitrary benchmarks of assuaging white fears before they are allowed to have their opinions considered.

When protests challenging the status quo of white Judeo-Christian supremacy or American political consensus they are immediately viewed with skepticism and marginalized, while those that act worse in their behavior toward those protestors get their actions filtered thru the lens that the angry white men above do. No one is saying that the violent acts of anti-protestors call into question if all supporters of Israel's war are racists, or that their violence or violent rhetoric delegitimizes the whole. If it's acknowledged at all it's often explicitly spoken in isolationist terms and/or immediately provided some level of excuse or qualification.


Oct 26, 2017
Portland State University had its library completely taken over by protestors on Monday, and it's hitting national news today. Up until last night, the only reporting I could find was one local news article and IG Reels from the student newspaper.

Link - NYT

Alien Bob

Nov 25, 2017
Do they think that this is going to do anything to slow down protests?

The brutality of the crackdown just means they know even more they're in the right.

Also, the country suffers from a lack of feeling like you're part of something bigger. People don't understand the power of that in these protests

If there's one thing I know from the entirety of human history, it's that violently oppressing nascent protest movements always and 100% of the time completely stops those movements in their tracks.


Oct 25, 2017
What's amazing to me is that they could have avoided all this trouble by bogging down negotiations in administrative nonsense or like removing one or two unimportant companies from where they invest.

But nope went straight to calling the cops. Guess no disagreement should be allowed
Yeah, I think about this too. It strains credulity for school admins and cops to go straight to mass arrests and cracking skulls then be surprised when tensions escalate. So many of them have been throwing gasoline on the fire.


Oct 27, 2017
Fucking hell. Anyone in the media going to condemn this violent counter protest? No?
Not only they're not condemning it, BBC, NYT and other usual "liberal" suspects are phrasing headlines in such a way it is not clear that the violence was carried out by Zionist counter-protesters.

"Violence erupted today at a protest until police were called in", and just conveniently leave out the important parts.


Jun 24, 2018
Chicago, IL


Imagine putting out this statement after 500 fucking cops storm into Columbia and beat the shit out of students and throw some of them down the stairs. Thanks for letting us you opposed vietnam protests, dumbass.

This is the lesser evil side. Instead of frothing at their mouths, they ask the police gently to beat the shit out of protestors.

LMAO "I will be on the wrong side of history both times and nothing will stop me"


Oct 25, 2017
Apparently DC has resisted sending cops to arrest the George Washington University encampment, thinking it would enflame things. And in a strange coincidence, things have not escalated and have remained peaceful:
Last week, D.C. police rejected pleas from GWU officials to clear out the on-campus encampment, saying they worried about the optics of moving against a small number of peaceful protesters. The police stance remained the same after more demonstrators moved onto the adjacent H Street Northwest, a public street fully within the jurisdiction of D.C. police. Now on its seventh day, the tent encampment has remained peaceful. Police have yet to make a single arrest.

I rarely consider DC government and MPD as examples of good decision making, so I'm surprised by this.

Hollywood Duo

Oct 25, 2017
Apparently DC has resisted sending cops to arrest the George Washington University encampment, thinking it would enflame things. And in a strange coincidence, things have not escalated and have remained peaceful:

I rarely consider DC government and MPD as examples of good decision making, so I'm surprised by this.
Whose kid goes to GW


Jul 4, 2023
Something professionals carry? You can buy that chain at any decent sized hardware store in the country. Lmao, these people are ridiculous.

I find this alarming because this sort of clownishness is very much a symptom of fascism. They start seeing the public as rubes and their enemies as inhumanly stupid yet unfathomably dangerous at the same time. It's funny to laugh at but also a dark insight into where their heads are at these days.
Oct 27, 2017
Protests are always a good test of which of your local dems will suddenly forget all their lip service and reflexively start acting and talking like Republicans. They will be looking to increase police budgets after this.

Berry Pie

Nov 29, 2022
I got fed some random reddit post of a zionist student at UCLA confronting protestors for not letting him pass through the main quad where the protestors setup so he could get to class. In the background, you could see students going around the protesting area and going about their day as normal. Dude just wanted to be a Karen though and make a stink.


Oct 25, 2017
Protests are always a good test of which of your local dems will suddenly forget all their lip service and reflexively start acting and talking like Republicans. They will be looking to increase police budgets after this.


For this, somehow I don't think they'll do anything in solidarity, even if it's fake solidarity.
Feb 1, 2024
User Threadbanned: Trolling in a sensitive thread


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Classes that cost a lot of money, that's for sure.

And you think inconveniencing a bunch of nobodies like us will drive any meaningful change?


"In 1985, students successfully pressured Columbia to divest itself from a slew of major companies that operated in apartheid South Africa. After weeks of demonstrations, university authorities buckled and pulled out of companies like Coca-Cola, Chevron, Ford and American Express."


Berry Pie

Nov 29, 2022
Classes that cost a lot of money, that's for sure.

And you think inconveniencing a bunch of nobodies like us will drive any meaningful change?

These protests actually worked in getting colleges like Brown (and possibly Wesley) to begin the work of divesting in Israel just this morning. Past protests on campuses have also historically shown in being an effective means in getting universities to divest and having a tangible impact (i.e. South Africa).

For someone who's paying a bunch of money to go to school at these incredibly expensive institutions, don't you care that your tuition money is being funneled to fund genocide? If you knew you could change that, wouldn't you want to?
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