
Jun 24, 2020
lol - you must not have remembered the GWB years. Us libs were crying election fraud then. Its a way for people to cope I think. Its just much much worse now cuz facebook.
Big differences. There were only 537 votes seperating Bush and Gore in Florida, the state that decided the 2000 election. All Al Gore was trying to get was a hand recount, which the US Supreme Court blocked. There were two states in the hand recount margin in the 2020 election, Georgia and Wisconsin. Trump got two recounts in Georgia, and he could have had all of Wisconsin recounted, but chose to only a few counties due to the cost of the recount being on the Trump campaign.
Oct 28, 2017
Siloam Springs
The actions, existence and dogma of the fundamentalist christian/Q-anon party absolutely sickens me. No one is safe from this until it is stopped. This is the decline of America, fascists gaining full control and not realizing they cannot govern with their dogma and the country breaks apart or becomes subjugated by another nation. That is just a theory of what could happen. I'm hopeful we can come together (the left, not talking bi-partisanship) and fix things for the betterment of the citizens.


Oct 28, 2017


Dec 25, 2017
Nothing is going the change if the right wing radio and news networks keep the GOP base trapped in a web of lies.


Oct 25, 2017
The actions, existence and dogma of the fundamentalist christian/Q-anon party absolutely sickens me. No one is safe from this until it is stopped. This is the decline of America, fascists gaining full control and not realizing they cannot govern with their dogma and the country breaks apart or becomes subjugated by another nation. That is just a theory of what could happen. I'm hopeful we can come together (the left, not talking bi-partisanship) and fix things for the betterment of the citizens.

It's happening across the world. US was maybe the most blatant example but you've got countries like Poland, Hungary and India descending into this at various speeds. There is also Brexit.

Even in Canada, our "conservative" party is running on a slogan of "Take Back Canada".


Nov 6, 2017
This is why I'm not meeting them in the middle, republicans are so far gone that they've lost the plot. Republicans are straight up the party of American facism. "When they show you who they're really are, believe them".


Oct 25, 2017
The crazies now have control of the party and because Republicans tend to be more monolithic with their vote and "hold their nose" and vote for the person with the R next to their name as the party goes so they go, too. I see it play out in my own family. They aren't Q adherents and even repeat the line "Oh I can't stand what Trump says", but when it comes to brass tacks they vote for him and anyone else that is an R.


Alt account
Jan 17, 2020
Lmao. This both sides bullshit. They did steal the election back then and used the same tactics they tried this time. They rioted in Flordia to delay the count and the conservative Supreme court stopped it.
2000 was a travesty of democracy and the Brooks Brothers riot that fucked with the recount has all but been confirmed to be a Republican astroturf operation. That election will be seen as a flashpoint event for America's decline. GWB shouldn't even have won even if he won Florida but this dumb fucking EC system that ignores the popular vote says otherwise.

Both sides are not the same.

Don't dismiss what i'm saying as both sides bullshit. Thats lazy. I was responding to the poster saying "It's crazy to me that before Trump election fraud wasn't even a thought in most peoples minds." Election fraud was always a thing on peoples minds. I was an avid 2600 reader in the 2000's and people were claiming democrat votes were being changed to republican votes on electronic voting machines. Election fraud isn't new - sorry if you can't handle that assertion. Its a claim that i've heard personally from all kinds of normal people who voted against Bush. Pretending like election fraud claims is something new is wrong and it ignores at least 2 previous elections that I witnessed. The fact is election fraud claims aren't new. They me be more pervasive now and I think its because dumb people spread misinformation to other dumb people on facebook. I never once claimed both sides are the same. Its so fucking annoying you can't say anything even remotely critical of the left without the "BoTh SiDeS iS bUlLsHiT" brigade coming out.


Oct 25, 2017

Was predicted many years ago by slightly less crazy republicans.


Oct 24, 2017
Violent conflict isn't a matter of if, but when.

That a majority of the opposing party supports a coup is ominous to put it mildly.


Nov 6, 2017
At this point in America if you use the words; the constitution, our founding father's, patriotism, law & order, it means jack shit when it comes from the mouth of a conservative/republican.


alt account
Aug 1, 2020
Don't dismiss what i'm saying as both sides bullshit. Thats lazy. I was responding to the poster saying "It's crazy to me that before Trump election fraud wasn't even a thought in most peoples minds." Election fraud was always a thing on peoples minds. I was an avid 2600 reader in the 2000's and people were claiming democrat votes were being changed to republican votes on electronic voting machines. Election fraud isn't new - sorry if you can't handle that assertion. Its a claim that i've heard personally from all kinds of normal people who voted against Bush. Pretending like election fraud claims is something new is wrong and it ignores at least 2 previous elections that I witnessed. The fact is election fraud claims aren't new. They me be more pervasive now and I think its because dumb people spread misinformation to other dumb people on facebook. I never once claimed both sides are the same. Its so fucking annoying you can't say anything even remotely critical of the left without the "BoTh SiDeS iS bUlLsHiT" brigade coming out.
Claims of election fraud aren't new whatsoever and is something that certainly transcends political boundaries, but the difference in pretexts behind the complaints of 2000 and 2020 are night and day. Nothing is similar except the losers getting mad and claiming fraud. However, you can actually debate 2000 within the realm of fact.


Oct 25, 2017
lol it's completely ridiculous to compare 2000 to now.

never forget

The insurrection on Capitol Hill directly descends from the legacy of the Brooks Brothers riot and Bush v. Gore

The Brooks Brothers riot in 2000 created a new blueprint for electoral disputes that deployed violence to intimidate officials into discarding votes.

The Brooks Brothers Riot, the J.C. Penney Skirmish, and the Changing Republican Uniform

A “fashionable” 20-year-old protest is newly relevant.

and roger stone was responsible in 2000 and in 2020.


Oct 27, 2017
Not entirely sure how democracy can withstand the fact that the other side of the political aisle fundamentally doesn't believe in its process. However, that has been the case for ages with the Republican party if we are being honest.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
White people, especially white men, are a lost cause. We need to progress with or without them. I fear though that civil war may be the only solution.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017

Was predicted many years ago by slightly less crazy republicans.
Goldwater may be the GOP goblin most responsible for the party's direction. There's an argument to be made for Nixon, Palin (yes, really; she was a foreshadowing of the Tea Party) or Reagan but this is not someone i'd use a quote for in regards to "lo, the GOP of the past is no more" when he is the reason why they became the party of bigots and buffoons.


Oct 25, 2017
Goldwater may be the GOP goblin most responsible for the party's direction. There's an argument to be made for Nixon, Palin (yes, really; she was a foreshadowing of the Tea Party) or Reagan but this is not someone i'd use a quote for in regards to "lo, the GOP of the past is no more" when he is the reason why they became the party of bigots and buffoons.

That's why I thought he'd be the perfect poster boy.

He got the ball rolling and thought he could control the nut jobs but in the end his prediction became true.


Nov 1, 2017

Was predicted many years ago by slightly less crazy republicans.
Tough words from a dude who's version of conservatism opened the floodgates for racist southern democrats to have a major seat of power in the Republican Party. He's saying "I'm with these shitheads, not those basically identical shitheads"


Oct 30, 2017
How do you even begin to address this problem...

It's just so daunting. And yet I don't want my daughter growing up with this being the norm.


Oct 28, 2017
This is why the 2022 midterms are the most important election yet.

If republicans get back the House, it's over. They'll steal the election in 2024.


Mar 10, 2018
Someplace Far Away
What I want to see is a poll asking registered party voters if they endorse violence against their political opponents 'in certain situations'

Anticipating 66% 'Yes' among Republicans and 15% among Democrats


Mar 10, 2018
Someplace Far Away
How do you even begin to address this problem...

It's just so daunting. And yet I don't want my daughter growing up with this being the norm.
Same. The only solutions I can think of are fash as fuck, like using GOP-style disenfranchisement on their base. Or we could recruit thousands upon thousands of non-white 'poll watchers' to stare down the white folks in deep red areas, similar to what they did last year.

The only serious solution I have is to keep enthusiasm as high as possible, election after election, until the boomers have mostly died off. Even then we'll have to wait and find out what fresh hell awaits us in the ageing Gen X mindset.


Oct 27, 2017
This is why the 2022 midterms are the most important election yet.

If republicans get back the House, it's over. They'll steal the election in 2024.

a silver lining that 2020 wasn't a complete blowout. historically the ebb and flow is violent

theoretically the GOP is losing its cancerous grip on the lever slowly rather than democrats going whole hog immediately and voters being pissed AF everything wasn't magically changed within 2 years


Sep 17, 2020
As I suspected, mainly older people. Mainly white. Mainly those with no further education than high school.

These Republicans are playing their hand. Good luck in the future. I'm only worried about the violent ones. It is very much mob mentality. Also worth considering more people are registering as Democrat or Independent than Republican.

I'm not going to read too much into it, since I'm sure even those that voted they thought Trump was right don't believe the protests should have turned violent.

Regardless, keep in mind if only 30% identify as Republicans 70% while seeming large is around 20% of the overall vote. And keep in mind, again not all of them agree with the violence.

So while it is concerning, it is more a sign that the Republican party has become a pack of ignorant, out of touch, fools. With time hopefully they'll lift their blinders.