
You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
This is absolutely about Trump. He continued the lie. And the conservative media fell right behind. If Trump conceded this would never happen.


Oct 25, 2017







Nov 1, 2017
Columbus, Ohio
2022. There is a lot more to this than just the presidency.

Well, yes of course. Especially the Senate. We could be having 2-3 SCOTUS retirements happen over the next 8 years. I think Breyer will retire in the next year or so and then there's a decent chance Thomas croaks, lol. Dude doesn't exactly seem healthy enough for 8 more years. Nor does it seem like he wants to.

Lucky Aces

Dec 7, 2020
And Democrats to want to "unify" with these people?

GOP can fuck off. Democrats have the House, Senate and Presidency. Enough playing nice with these people that will never show that kind of favor in return.


Oct 27, 2017

At some point, the GOP is just going to have to tell their constituents that they are absolutely wrong about this, or else this country will be in a lot more trouble come the midterms and 2024.

This poll result scares the crap out me, and it should scare politicians of ANY party.


Oct 29, 2017
And the media will keep putting onus of unity on democrats and not republicans.
Which all stems from a place of the media, by and large, fearing accusations of bias more than they fear not telling the truth to their audience.

A truthful American press would call the Republican Party what it is: an increasingly extremist group deliberately and strategically detached from reality in order to foment support and imbued with fascistic tendencies in order to maintain a grip on power, with a disinformation echo chamber that is increasingly an existential threat to democracy.


Oct 30, 2017
And Democrats to want to "unify" with these people?

GOP can fuck off. Democrats have the House, Senate and Presidency. Enough playing nice with these people that will never show that kind of favor in return.

The only people talking about unity at this point are the fascists who are using as a way to try to avoid consequences for their actions.

Deleted member 2533

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
So now with both parties agreeing that there's a need for more election security and transparency, Americans will see more polling days and places and a full paper trail system (such as printed ballots, or scanned manually-filled ballots)?

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
This was the goal all along for Trump and team. Just sew enough doubt into democratic processes that you can continue your grift well after being out of the White House. From reporting from Jonathan Swan and Maggie Haberman, Trump thought he was going to lose, knew he lost, everybody around him knew he lost, but he searched for people who would "Fight for Trump" to make it seem like he didn't lose, like it was stolen from him, and he turned that into hundreds of millions of dollars of donations *AFTER* losing an election.

Trump has got to have set the record for any politician getting donations *after* election day, and especially AFTER LOSING AN ELECTION.

Trump, of course, also sees campaign donations as a personal pot of money that he can get his lawyers to make arguments for why he can use it however he wants.

So now with both parties agreeing that there's a need for more election security and transparency, Americans will see more polling days and places and a full paper trail system (such as printed ballots, or scanned manually-filled ballots)?

I wouldn't bet on any bipartisan measure on election security or transparency. There has been some bipartisan effort on the state level, Georgia is a great example of that, but now many MAGA-type Republicans in Georgia are regretting going along with that. The funny things about the recounts in Georgia, Arizona, and Nevada was that they had fewer changes of votes than in any previous recount. Georgia in particular, their day of voting was pretty much exactly spot on ... I think it was in the single digits votes that were different for whatever reason, compared to say Florida in 2000 where at least it was in the tens and hundreds, not ... like single votes.

This call from Trump won't motivate Republicans to want to pursue transparency. They just want to sling allegations of voter fraud, hang it up all around Voter ID (which isn't implemented to root out fraud, but to prevent people from voting), and get voter registration rolls cancelled days or weeks before an election.


Oct 29, 2017
So now with both parties agreeing that there's a need for more election security and transparency, Americans will see more polling days and places and a full paper trail system (such as printed ballots, or scanned manually-filled ballots)?
Except that's not actually what the Republicans are doing on a local level:


Republicans advance more than 100 bills that would restrict voting in wake of Trump's defeat

State lawmakers have zeroed in on mail-in voting for new restrictions and rollbacks.

As has always been the case, Republicans know what game they are playing and they use their lies as the basis to justify voter suppression as a means retain power without actually having the support of their population.


Oct 25, 2017
They thought it was justfied because dear leader told them it was justified. So did a lot of other Republican leaders.

People are stupid and were gaslit for years by this administration and for decades by media. As a former Fox News viewer, I can promise you that they don't know it's bullshit. (I have rarely watched any news media but in my red state I was blissfully unaware of how much BS they spew.)


One Winged Slayer
Jan 19, 2018
Feels low honestly. Probably is lower compared to my local area. I imagine they're +90%.


Oct 25, 2017

At some point, the GOP is just going to have to tell their constituents that they are absolutely wrong about this, or else this country will be in a lot more trouble come the midterms and 2024.

This poll result scares the crap out me, and it should scare politicians of ANY party.

What makes you think they won't just embrace it, realizing it's the only actual pipeline for them to get and keep power? Why do they have to tell their constituents that they're wrong when the GOP platform is historically about being wrong on every issue?


Oct 27, 2017
Reminder that people who identify as Republican are not 1/2 of voters, closer to under 1/3 of voters actually identify as Republican (or Democrat for that matter, though more identify as Dem).


Jun 24, 2020
Republicans (not just elected ones) are rejecting democracy. These scum care more about their precious Dear Leader being in charge, than freedom. They hate this country, they hate freedom, and they hate anyone who isn't like them. They are a cancer on this country.


Oct 25, 2017
Republicans (not just elected ones) are rejecting democracy. These scum care more about their precious Dear Leader being in charge, than freedom. They hate this country, they hate freedom, and they hate anyone who isn't like them. They are a cancer on this country.

I'll never forget a conversation I had with a co-worker after Trump won the election.

Coworker: why don't you like Trump?

Me: he has fascist tendencies.

Coworker: What's facism? *Googles facism* Oh that doesn't sound bad. What's wrong with patriotism?



Oct 26, 2017
Imagine saying you should reach over the aisle to work with these fascists.

In Germany these Republicans would probably be ostracized like the AfD. Just impossible to work with on a fundamental level.


Oct 25, 2017
Long Island
Shit we need to concentrate on making sure 2024 is a lock because they will come back with a vengeance if facts continue to not matter.


Jun 24, 2020
I'll never forget a conversation I had with a co-worker after Trump won the election.

Coworker: why don't you like Trump?

Me: he has fascist tendencies.

Coworker: What's facism? *Googles facism* Oh that doesn't sound bad. What's wrong with patriotism?

Good lord. These people are really behind saving.

Reminds of people who would be fine with a dictatorship as long as Trump was the dictator.

These people hate freedom, and democracy.
Oct 25, 2017
It's crazy to me that before Trump election fraud wasn't even a thought in most peoples minds. Yet over the course of a year seemingly half of the country thinks the election was stolen.
He was claiming the '16 election was rigged if he lost. Claimed it was the only way he could lose and repeated it again in '20 and got his party and base to go all in on it. Not sure how '16 would have played out if it lost but pretty sure it wouldn't have been this bad.


Oct 25, 2017
He was claiming the '16 election was rigged if he lost. Claimed it was the only way he could lose and repeated it again in '20 and got his party and base to go all in on it. Not sure how '16 would have played out if it lost but pretty sure it wouldn't have been this bad.

It's pretty wild that he's claimed all sorts of rigged shit his whole life, silver spoon and all. Somehow his base can't see this.


Oct 28, 2017
Between this and the shenanigans in AZ there's nothing left to suggest any Republican truly cares about democracy.

Looking at you, Baker. New England Republican is like saying "New England KKK" at this point.


Oct 27, 2017
Of course they thought it was justified. Trump said the only way he loses was by cheating back in like august so naturally the seed was planted early.


Oct 30, 2017

At some point, the GOP is just going to have to tell their constituents that they are absolutely wrong about this, or else this country will be in a lot more trouble come the midterms and 2024.

This poll result scares the crap out me, and it should scare politicians of ANY party.

Why would the GQP do that and kill their chances of gaining power?


Alt account
Jan 17, 2020
It's crazy to me that before Trump election fraud wasn't even a thought in most peoples minds. Yet over the course of a year seemingly half of the country thinks the election was stolen.
lol - you must not have remembered the GWB years. Us libs were crying election fraud then. Its a way for people to cope I think. Its just much much worse now cuz facebook.


Oct 25, 2017
lol - you must not have remembered the GWB years. Us libs were crying election fraud then. Its a way for people to cope I think. Its just much much worse now cuz facebook.
Lmao. This both sides bullshit. They did steal the election back then and used the same tactics they tried this time. They rioted in Flordia to delay the count and the conservative Supreme court stopped it.


The Enlightened "this guy are sick"
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Springsteen said we should meet in the middle tho


Oct 26, 2017
They realize that those "efforts" also include that insurrection that took play a few weeks ago, right?


Oct 27, 2017
What makes you think they won't just embrace it, realizing it's the only actual pipeline for them to get and keep power? Why do they have to tell their constituents that they're wrong when the GOP platform is historically about being wrong on every issue?
In order for me to keep my anxieties at a manageable level, I have to assume that the vast majority of folks democratically elected to their positions in this government believes in the rule of law at some level. While the GOP loves to twist the law to suit their purpose, they've never fully rejected it.

If they're betting on "good people" to do absolutely nothing while they throw the US Constitution in the trash due to their own cowardice or malicious intent, then you can forget what I said.


Oct 30, 2017
The demographics aren't in their favor now or in future projections so this is the natural transition shift to stay in power/relevancy

I'd be more worried if dems just didn't win the presidency and manage to turn Georgia blue. Still fuckery ahead but it's not all doom and gloom


One Winged Slayer
Jan 19, 2018
I'd be more worried if dems just didn't win the presidency and manage to turn Georgia blue. Still fuckery ahead but it's not all doom and gloom
Except they're already going all-in on "election fraud protections" already in an attempt to keep people from voting again. They can't win unless they cheat and we reminded them of that this year in front of the whole country, so you can expect them to fight tooth and nail...not to better represent but to better suppress.


alt account
Aug 1, 2020
lol - you must not have remembered the GWB years. Us libs were crying election fraud then. Its a way for people to cope I think. Its just much much worse now cuz facebook.
2000 was a travesty of democracy and the Brooks Brothers riot that fucked with the recount has all but been confirmed to be a Republican astroturf operation. That election will be seen as a flashpoint event for America's decline. GWB shouldn't even have won even if he won Florida but this dumb fucking EC system that ignores the popular vote says otherwise.

Both sides are not the same.

Deleted member 3017

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
lol - you must not have remembered the GWB years. Us libs were crying election fraud then. Its a way for people to cope I think. Its just much much worse now cuz facebook.
You really can't compare the election of 2020 to the election of 2000. C'mon. And 2004 was recognized by pretty much everyone as a decisive victory for Bush.


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
Republicans: We are correct and everything else is incorrect no matter what.

They're fascists. Of course they feel this way.