
Oct 25, 2017
No, I don't.

The Dems suck at politicking. They suck at drafting legislation. They even suck at retiring (RBG) and this is the culmination of their ineptitude.

Yes, we all get it the Repubs are evil, etc. But we *knew* that going in. Reading the letter that RBG wrote to the Senate before she passed made my fucking head spin. She honestly expected McConnell to do the right thing? Are these fucking people paying attention??

they drive out the most votes every national election, they have the most popular policies in the country. none of that matters because of the status quo nature of people and society, but the almost intractable -- inherent conservatism of the american political structure empower the GOP brand more.

i understand the frustration though, Dems sucking isn't really the sticking point. if nothing else, the party is a useful target to vent frustrations to
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Oct 25, 2017
Mitch McConnell's legacy is secured. He can feel free to die any time now.

Merrick Garland, Amy Coney Barrett, and the “Two-Faced,” “Duplicitous” Republican Senators

In 2016, eight months was a rush—but now six weeks is plenty of time to put a new justice into a lifetime appointment on the Supreme Court. Here’s how Senate

On Night Ginsburg Died McConnell Pushed Trump to Nominate Barrett

An excerpt from FRONTLINE’s ‘Supreme Revenge: Battle for the Court’ goes inside Sen. McConnell’s swift maneuvering to achieve a 6-3 conservative majority.

Whatever pact he made with the devil to deal with that necrosis on his hand still seems to be in full effect.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I know the headline is Roe Vs Wade, but the actual reasoning in this draft is damn scary by saying the 14th amendments "due process" clause doesn't mean what previous rulings have said it does. The due process clause has been used as the basis of gay marriage, contraception, interracial marriage, other discrimination lawsuits, etc...
100%. This isn't the endgame. It's the beginning.


Oct 27, 2017
This analogy doesn't work...because we're not talking about fucking tigers.

Republicans are not animals and Democrats are not zookeepers. Think about that.

Think about the space you're giving to Republicans to continue to be heinous, the blame you're shifting to Democrats for not being able to tame the untamable, and the space you're giving Independents to just not engage.

... But it literally was tamable. If one person retires instead of selfishly holding her seat and dying with a Republican in office, this doesn't happen.

The analogy works just fine. Your rebuttal would work if there was nothing the zookeepers could have done to prevent this. That's not the case.


Oct 28, 2017
No, I don't.

The Dems suck at politicking. They suck at drafting legislation. They even suck at retiring (RBG) and this is the culmination of their ineptitude.

Yes, we all get it the Repubs are evil, etc. But we *knew* that going in. Reading the letter that RBG wrote to the Senate before she passed made my fucking head spin. She honestly expected McConnell to do the right thing? Are these fucking people paying attention??
It's one of those things that was a bit inevitable. Republicans have been playing the long game since around Goldwater. They've effectively taken basically every area of government from small to large in huge chunks of the country while pushing dems to the right. Like on the most small town issues there are right wing looms waiting to swarm a Schoolboard meeting to rant against CRT and trans rights on any random night. And, that's only possible after laying the groundwork of making your party so intertwined with religious and racial identity that the most vocal republican voters say shit that would make Alex Jones blush a decade ago on a daily basis.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017

Lobster Roll

signature-less, now and forever™
Sep 24, 2019
That's why people blame Democrats - when the tiger gets loose, you don't blame the tiger, you blame the zookeeper. The tiger will always be a tiger: you either contain it, or you kill it. You can't change its nature. The zookeeper is the person that we've entrusted with the responsibility of keeping us safe. If they're incapable of doing so, they're not worthy of that trust. If you think it's "our" responsibility, instead, you have to question why we have zookeepers at all.
This implies that Democrats are in a position of absolute authority and that Republicans are animals acting on instinct. A better analogy would be focusing negative energy on the human beings that are actively harming this country and its people. Wait that's not an analogy because an analogy isn't fucking needed.


Oct 25, 2017
At some point we have to accept that conservatism, as an ideology, cannot be reasoned with. It's incompatible with progressive goals. No amount of arguing, persuading, or cajoling will convince conservative voters to change their tune, because, as people keep saying, "the cruelty is the point." There's a huge bloc of Americans, maybe a majority of Americans, that are fundamentally bad and will vote for fundamentally bad people.

That's why people blame Democrats - when the tiger gets loose, you don't blame the tiger, you blame the zookeeper. The tiger will always be a tiger: you either contain it, or you kill it. You can't change its nature. The zookeeper is the person that we've entrusted with the responsibility of keeping us safe. If they're incapable of doing so, they're not worthy of that trust. If you think it's "our" responsibility, instead, you have to question why we have zookeepers at all.

But the reality is, there's no reality where Democrats in the 21st century have the means to keep us safe. They'll always have one hand tied behind their back, because the structure of our government rewards ruralism and conservatism and reactionary policies. Democratic politicians (on an individual basis) are either incapable of changing that system, or unwilling to do so, but the result is the same in either case: nothing happens.

Vote, for sure. Vote every election, every primary. You'll be treating the symptoms, and the symptoms are BAD. But electoralism isn't capable of addressing the fundamental issues. America is not going to elect enough Senators willing to, say, reform the Supreme Court. And America isn't going to elect enough Senators to reform the Senate enough to adjust the underlying system to put the means to reform the Supreme Court in place. We're just changing the bandages.
Kind of an interesting take, and I think it is mostly accurate. I would also point out that conservativism is also fundamentally anti-democratic. You are correct, we literally can not fix the baked-in problems that have managed to be weaponized against us. The tiger/zookeeper analogy is flawed, but I think it does highlight that they do not play by the same rules, and have been given carte blanche to continue to do so.


May 14, 2020
No chance. There's no defensible Christian/Jewish philosophy behind banning interracial marriage, unlike abortion and gay marriage. And the modern US conservative movement is based on winning epic debates using Christian/Jewish philosophy.

Plus they need their multiracial coalition of conservatives for the future.
Nothing would surprise me at this point. This court is a farce


Apr 1, 2019
I hope that the Supreme Court are ready for a lot of riots to happen all over this country, & for a majority of Republicans in Congress & everywhere else to lose this year. I also happen to be a pro-choice male.

It's also the fault of the following:
  1. The DNC for running Hillary Clinton back in 2016 against Trump, knowing all of the baggage that she & her husband had for decades from the Republican/GQP Party & from right-wing media propaganda. Bernie should've won the presidential nomination instead, & if he were the nominee back then, he would've definitely won.
  2. People in 2016 sitting in their homes & apartments & not getting their lazy asses out there to vote for Hillary to begin with.
  3. Bill Clinton, Barack Obama & Joe Biden for not having things like Roe V. Wade signed into law, especially when Obama was President, as he had control of all three branches of Government with a supermajority in the legislature. They've completely failed on that front.
  4. RGB for not retiring when Obama was President.
This was exactly why I've been screaming from the rooftops that something like this was going to happen everywhere (including on this forum) & what happens when people keep voting for corporate, neoliberal Democrats. And I lost my posting privileges on this forum over this shit.

They only do the bare minimum & nothing else. They don't care about us poor & middle class people; They only care about insider trading & dark &/or bribe money from their rich corporate masters (corporations, donors, lobbyists & from Wall Street). They're absolutely no better than Republicans are in whom they've been getting Russian money from Putin.

Current Democrats (with the exceptions of everyone from the Congressional Progressive Caucus) are center-right while Republicans are now far-right. This entire scenario has me fucking livid.
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This Guy Helps
Oct 27, 2017
Women are about to lose fundamental control over their bodies and trolls are up in here trying to shit up another thread with Democrat hate.

Shameful behavior.
Not all women. Just poor or underserved women. They'll no longer have access to safe medical practices. Rich women can still get what they want since it'll just be a matter of time and money.


Mar 28, 2018
I know the headline is Roe Vs Wade, but the actual reasoning in this draft is damn scary by saying the 14th amendments "due process" clause doesn't mean what previous rulings have said it does. The due process clause has been used as the basis of gay marriage, contraception, interracial marriage, other discrimination lawsuits, etc...
Yup, this is really scary and going to start some even more vile discussion.


I can say DEI; you can't.
Oct 24, 2017
... But it literally was tamable. If one person retires instead of selfishly holding her seat and dying with a Republican in office, this doesn't happen.

The analogy works just fine. Your rebuttal would work if there was nothing the zookeepers could have done to prevent this. That's not the case.

And what can the party do?

RBG is a person. One person with autonomy in the life she lived.

The analogy does not work unless you think that there wasn't a single (single!) Democrat pressuring her to step down behind the scenes.
Nov 3, 2021
The terminally online right wind racist nutjobs who are obsessed with winning epic debates are irrelevant
Well leaving aside the question of racism, I'm not sure that your statement is even true. Seems to me we live in the age of "no more normies", especially after covid hit. Winning epic Youtube debates is a pretty mainstream form of politics.
Oct 27, 2017
I fucking hate this world.

Remember the week of questioning Kavanaugh. With every other question being "Will you overturn Roe v Wade?"
Oct 25, 2017
100%. This isn't the endgame. It's the beginning.
Speaking of endgame, what is the endgame here?

I have talked to so many people who call themselves 'pro-life', none of them will talk about it. They act like getting rid of Roe is some panacea. Poof, there goes abortion. All the while they tell me gun control won't work, because a criminal will always find a way to get a gun.

So how does this work, what are the logistics? How are we not going to punish women? You have made an act illegal, how do you only punish one party?


Oct 25, 2017
For users in Michigan:

Find out How to Sign Reproductive Freedom for All! · Reproductive Freedom for All

Help Reproductive Freedom for All qualify for the November 2022 Ballot by signing our petition! Completing this form does not constitute a valid petition signature. After completing the form, you will receive instructions for signing the petition. To qualify for the November 2022 ballot...

We need signatures to get this on the November ballot.


Oct 28, 2017
Remember the pink pussy hats of 2017?

The Woman's March that year was, and continues to be, the largest single demonstration the world has ever seen.

What was the result?

More white women voted for Trump in 2020.

I still hope there are large protests and that Republicans lose badly next election because of this. Not the worst things to hope for after such horrible news.

Deleted member 43

Account closed at user request
Oct 24, 2017
... But it literally was tamable. If one person retires instead of selfishly holding her seat and dying with a Republican in office, this doesn't happen.

The analogy works just fine. Your rebuttal would work if there was nothing the zookeepers could have done to prevent this. That's not the case.
The idea that the actions of one woman can be blamed on "Democrats" is absolute nonsense.

"Democrats" couldn't make RBG retire. No one could, except RBG. Even ignoring the basic ghoulishness of blaming a lifeline crusader for women's rights for this tragedy, it's illogical, empty-headed bullshit.


Oct 25, 2017
GOP must be pretty confident in winning midterms.

think it's more they are confident in overturning them, and even if they lose they still have the court. so literally any law they don't like can be challenged and potentially struck down.

basically GOP leadership feel any backlash they may get is backstopped by the fact that their obstructionist priorities are entrenched in the most powerful governmental entity in America. so even if they aren't progressing an active federal agenda, they are still achieving their political goals.


Oct 27, 2017
At some point we have to accept that conservatism, as an ideology, cannot be reasoned with. It's incompatible with progressive goals. No amount of arguing, persuading, or cajoling will convince conservative voters to change their tune, because, as people keep saying, "the cruelty is the point." There's a huge bloc of Americans, maybe a majority of Americans, that are fundamentally bad and will vote for fundamentally bad people.

That's why people blame Democrats - when the tiger gets loose, you don't blame the tiger, you blame the zookeeper. The tiger will always be a tiger: you either contain it, or you kill it. You can't change its nature. The zookeeper is the person that we've entrusted with the responsibility of keeping us safe. If they're incapable of doing so, they're not worthy of that trust. If you think it's "our" responsibility, instead, you have to question why we have zookeepers at all.

But the reality is, there's no reality where Democrats in the 21st century have the means to keep us safe. They'll always have one hand tied behind their back, because the structure of our government rewards ruralism and conservatism and reactionary policies. Democratic politicians (on an individual basis) are either incapable of changing that system, or unwilling to do so, but the result is the same in either case: nothing happens.

Vote, for sure. Vote every election, every primary. You'll be treating the symptoms, and the symptoms are BAD. But electoralism isn't capable of addressing the fundamental issues. America is not going to elect enough Senators willing to, say, reform the Supreme Court. And America isn't going to elect enough Senators to reform the Senate enough to adjust the underlying system to put the means to reform the Supreme Court in place. We're just changing the bandages.
Republicans are not mindless animals without agency or accountability. So many lefties treat Republican evil as a fait accompli that it totally lets them off the hook. And I get it, when you're a progressive, a Republican is so far from your worldview that even thinking about one is unfathomable. But as a result, we get situations like these where the left predominantly blames the left for what is a right-wing decision. Consequently, Roe being overturned is the fault of RBG and Dems sucking, and Republicans are left conveniently out of the convo.

Changing policy means winning elections, and you don't win elections by saying your party are the real bad guys.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I'm curious what your idea of "Kill the tiger" is in this situation.
Repeal the filibuster, admit Washington DC and Puerto Rico as states, pass sweeping voting rights legislation, bar partisan media (such as reintroducing the fairness doctrine) and crackdown on the dissemination of misinformation via social media, motivate the justice department to ferret out the corruption in the Republican Party and, when evidence allows, jail prominent politicians from the Trump era and beyond, pack the Supreme Court in the short term and, in the long term, reform it into a more balanced entity whose non-partisan nature can be enforced.

The end goal being to create a landscape where the Republican party, as it currently exists, cannot succeed on a national level, forcing it to either wither and die (then be replaced) or undergo a fundamental transformation. Then we can have an opposition party that marginalizes the fringe element, but can still act as a healthy counterpoint to a strong American left. It's happened before and it needs to happen again.

Do the Democrats have the means to do this? No. But it's nice to dream.


Oct 26, 2017
This is pretty unprecedented though as well, as this is the first time I can think of where an existing right has been TAKEN away. Have to see how Americans react to this.

Lord Fanny

Apr 25, 2020
At some point we have to accept that conservatism, as an ideology, cannot be reasoned with. It's incompatible with progressive goals. No amount of arguing, persuading, or cajoling will convince conservative voters to change their tune, because, as people keep saying, "the cruelty is the point." There's a huge bloc of Americans, maybe a majority of Americans, that are fundamentally bad and will vote for fundamentally bad people.

That's why people blame Democrats - when the tiger gets loose, you don't blame the tiger, you blame the zookeeper. The tiger will always be a tiger: you either contain it, or you kill it. You can't change its nature. The zookeeper is the person that we've entrusted with the responsibility of keeping us safe. If they're incapable of doing so, they're not worthy of that trust. If you think it's "our" responsibility, instead, you have to question why we have zookeepers at all.

But the reality is, there's no reality where Democrats in the 21st century have the means to keep us safe. They'll always have one hand tied behind their back, because the structure of our government rewards ruralism and conservatism and reactionary policies. Democratic politicians (on an individual basis) are either incapable of changing that system, or unwilling to do so, but the result is the same in either case: nothing happens.

Vote, for sure. Vote every election, every primary. You'll be treating the symptoms, and the symptoms are BAD. But electoralism isn't capable of addressing the fundamental issues. America is not going to elect enough Senators willing to, say, reform the Supreme Court. And America isn't going to elect enough Senators to reform the Senate enough to adjust the underlying system to put the means to reform the Supreme Court in place. We're just changing the bandages.

Yep, very well said summary (not sure the analogy with the tiger/zookeeper is going to come off well but I get where you are coming from). The system is the issue, and until something happens to change that system, we're never going to get anywhere significant. And that change isn't going to come from within the system, and it's not going to come down to something as simple as just voting all the time, because the system is made to make voting over effective to a point and is getting less effective as that system continues to be altered more.

You'll get a lot of hate for saying this, since I express a lot of these similar ideas and get attacked for them, but it's a hard truth many don't want to face.
Oct 27, 2017
That's why people blame Democrats - when the tiger gets loose, you don't blame the tiger, you blame the zookeeper. The tiger will always be a tiger: you either contain it, or you kill it. You can't change its nature. The zookeeper is the person that we've entrusted with the responsibility of keeping us safe. If they're incapable of doing so, they're not worthy of that trust. If you think it's "our" responsibility, instead, you have to question why we have zookeepers at all.
What is it with some people on the left where they treat Republicans like unaccountable forces of nature with no more agency than an earthquake or tsunami?

You could have a republican shit in the middle of the street and you'd have some posters finding a way to blame a democrat for not finding them a bathroom.

Deleted member 43

Account closed at user request
Oct 24, 2017
  1. The DNC for running Hillary Clinton back in 2016 against Trump, knowing all of the baggage that she & her husband had for decades from the Republican/GQP Party & from right-wing media propaganda. Bernie should've won the presidential nomination instead, & if he were the nominee back then, he would've definitely won. But the DNC had screwed him over all because he was a progressive & not another corporate, neoliberal Democrat.
This is not the thread for this moronic conspiracy theory nonsenses. Take that shit elsewhere.


Oct 25, 2017
The grand irony for me continues to be that we on the left waste so much fucking time arguing that we can't do what we see the right do literally every fucking election.

This is why I'm so protective of Black voters. Not JUST because I'm Black myself, but because Black voters are literally THE ONLY Leftist voting block that operates this way. We take our asses out and vote for the D candidate no matter WHO that fucker is.

So. Much. This.


I can say DEI; you can't.
Oct 24, 2017
Republicans are not mindless animals without agency or accountability. So many lefties treat Republican evil as a fait accompli that it totally lets them off the hook. And I get it, when you're a progressive, a Republican is so far from your worldview that even thinking about one is unfathomable. But as a result, we get situations like these where the left predominantly blames the left for what is a right-wing decision. Consequently, Roe being overturned is the fault of RBG and Dems sucking, and Republicans are left conveniently out of the convo.

Changing policy means winning elections, and you don't win elections by saying your party are the real bad guys.

Ding ding ding.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Speaking of endgame, what is the endgame here?

I have talked to so many people who call themselves 'pro-life', none of them will talk about it. They act like getting rid of Roe is some panacea. Poof, there goes abortion. All the while they tell me gun control won't work, because a criminal will always find a way to get a gun.

So how does this work, what are the logistics? How are we not going to punish women? You have made an act illegal, how do you only punish one party?
Contraception & Gay Marriage are likely next


Jun 28, 2018
Speaking of endgame, what is the endgame here?

I have talked to so many people who call themselves 'pro-life', none of them will talk about it. They act like getting rid of Roe is some panacea. Poof, there goes abortion. All the while they tell me gun control won't work, because a criminal will always find a way to get a gun.
Also the old "You can't put toothpaste back in the tube" argument. Except when it comes to controlling women's bodies…

Deleted member 4614

Oct 25, 2017
Bernie should've won the presidential nomination instead, & if he were the nominee back then, he would've definitely won.

You can type all kinds of delusional opinions using a keyboard, this is one of them.

2016 America was not ready for a socialist, 2020 America wasn't, 2022 isn't.

You fundamentally do not understand American politics in any detail if you believe Bernie had a shot in 2016.

I also won't let anyone on this forum absolve themselves for not voting for Clinton in the general election under any rationale. At least not while pretending to care about women's rights 👍


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Speaking of endgame, what is the endgame here?

I have talked to so many people who call themselves 'pro-life', none of them will talk about it. They act like getting rid of Roe is some panacea. Poof, there goes abortion. All the while they tell me gun control won't work, because a criminal will always find a way to get a gun.

So how does this work, what are the logistics? How are we not going to punish women? You have made an act illegal, how do you only punish one party?
I'd imagine that the endgame is a federal ban on abortion, which the GOP is planning on introducing. Then a gradual clawback of any civil rights incompatible with white evangelical Christianity, starting first at the state level and then, over time, adopted federally. Things like gay marriage and anything (that's even left) that supports trans people are the next targets. Black people aren't "next" under this paradigm; they've been targets since the founding of the country. But them too.

But logistically, you'll see a lot ushered in under "religious freedom." Not to be overly pessimistic, because I have to believe this country can change for the better, but I can nevertheless imagine a future where we're wistfully nostalgic about robust judicial disputes over gay wedding cakes.

Lord Fanny

Apr 25, 2020
This is pretty unprecedented though as well, as this is the first time I can think of where an existing right has been TAKEN away. Have to see how Americans react to this.

Not the first time exactly. There was also Prohibition that banned the sale and distribution of alcohol. It lasted awhile but was repealed relatively quickly. Don't see abortion being the same, though