
Oct 28, 2017
The thread title should be updated to read "isn't happening in the COVID relief bill" because right now it makes it sound like it's never happening.
Or even better, "isn't happening in the COVID relief bill due to reconciliation rules" since Biden DOES still want to push for it.
Look, we know that wasn't the intent of the thread, so that's definitely not going to happen.


Oct 28, 2017
15 dollar minimum wage is not a battle that should hold up covid relief.

also Why would Manchin want DC statehood? Serious question.


I’m seeing double here!
Oct 25, 2017
How come it's so easy for republicans to ruin lives with their legislation practically overnight. But doing the right thing always seems to have all sorts of roadblocks in the way?

Anyone ever notice that?
the irony about this comment is that the ACA repeal effort failed completely because they had to go through the same legislative process (reconciliation) that the stimulus bill is going through and thus made it impossible to cobble together a bill that every R Senator could feel good about supporting (which would have been a difficult task to begin with)

Like seriously people need to do some research. The pertinent information is even right there in the article.


Keeper of the White Materia
Oct 27, 2017
Come on Biden just do the minimum wage increase with an EO! Also make it $20!

Just joking around. I hope they can squeeze in the increase. It's needed.


Oct 26, 2017
Dallas, TX

This seems like the big problem. Manchin thinks $15 is too high for rural America and wants $11. You need him for any of the procedural moves that you would have to do to make it happen. So even if you can talk him into the Byrd rule stuff you'd need to do, he's still going to force you down to $11.

Darren Lamb

Dec 1, 2017
I don't know which is worse, that posts like this keep getting made by either ignorant or dishonest OPs, or that the respondents don't take the time to read the article and learn what the fuck they're actually supposed to be discussing.

It's in the article. READ THE GODDAMN ARTICLE.

The fuck you yelling at me for? My point is that it shouldn't have to fucking come down to the senate parliamentarian's adjudication of something in a reconciliation bill for us to be in a position to pass a policy that is endorsed by the majority of people in the US.


Oct 27, 2017
You need the filibuster blown up to get DC Statehood.
The filibuster is not going away - no Voting Rights or DC Statehood bills are going to pass. 2022 is lost (although I'm fairly optimistic about keeping the Senate).

I was under the impression that they could selectively remove the filibuster and not unilaterally do it and pass DC statehood via a simple majority like the GOP did to ream through their supreme court noms.

Guess we're fucked then.


May 15, 2019
If this is going to get stripped out of reconciliation and the filibuster isn't going to get blown up, then can someone explain to me why this policy isn't just dead dead? Handwring about bad headlines continuing to push for it all you like but this isn't happening.


Oct 25, 2017
Even if it's a separate bill it's supposed to be a gradual increase to $15 until 2025, when we're already past the point of $15 being a fair wage to begin with.

Most progressive president since FDR my ass


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
If you can't get big shit you promised during your election campaign done, you're handing the next round of elections to your opponents and the 2024 election to Trump.

Get your fucking act together America.


Oct 26, 2017
How come it's so easy for republicans to ruin lives with their legislation practically overnight. But doing the right thing always seems to have all sorts of roadblocks in the way?

Anyone ever notice that?

It seems that way, but from what I can tell its really just that when they hold majorities its not by the skin of their teeth most times...

We barely got the majority, we are using the VP as a tiebreaker... Meanwhile when R's have power they have enough seats for the occasional Senator Romney to rebel against Trump and vote against their agenda; yet still get it passed. We need to truly have a majority and not just barely so Manchin and Sinema types arent holding the progress hostage.

NC and Maine... That shit hurts. We should be counting down the days to blowing up the Filibuster and then adding DC regardless of Manchin and Sinema man.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
15 dollar minimum wage is not a battle that should hold up covid relief.

also Why would Manchin want DC statehood? Serious question.
Easy, attach it to a bunch of stuff he absolutely does want post-filibuster gone. He's nowhere near as vocally against D.C. statehood as other things. On paper Manchin is against checks going out like this, but he's gonna vote for them.

Key is to create a situation where Manchin/Sinema have to break down the filibuster or things explode, paygo override is one way to get him there. Basically a deadline where medicare can implode if things aren't overridden and pubs are unlikely to be cooperative saving it when dems would be blamed.
How come it's so easy for republicans to ruin lives with their legislation practically overnight. But doing the right thing always seems to have all sorts of roadblocks in the way?

Anyone ever notice that?
Gimme a list of Republican legislation under Trump. The reason pubs have it easier is that allowing things to implode is simply a matter of doing nothing.


Oct 28, 2017
The fuck you yelling at me for? My point is that it shouldn't have to fucking come down to the senate parliamentarian's adjudication of something in a reconciliation bill for us to be in a position to pass a policy that is endorsed by the majority of people in the US.
Sorry, the statement was more for posterity rather than out of anger, and the caps weren't necessarily yelling but emphasis. It was more directed at users who have no real comprehension of the mechanisms at work and were reacting to the shitty headline, rather than reading the article.

Also, yeah, no one is arguing that the mechanisms in place are fucked; that's not the point of contention.


One Winged Slayer
Sep 12, 2018
oh damn, he says he's not going to give up? Totally clears the president. Thank you!

How are the Senate's arcane rules Biden's fault?

Even if it's a separate bill it's supposed to be a gradual increase to $15 until 2025, when we're already past the point of $15 being a fair wage to begin with.

Most progressive president since FDR my ass

Once again, Biden is not the roadblock in this. I would focus your attention on Manchin and Sinema who don't want to blow up the filibuster.


Oct 25, 2017
oh damn, he says he's not going to give up? Totally clears the president. Thank you!
The issue here is that this issue can't actually be solved by the president, and we don't have the votes in congress to undo a bunch of procedural bullshit that prevents it from being handled by them with our current majority


Jan 6, 2021
Should be $25 an hour for minimum wage but I guess that's a different conversation.


Oct 27, 2017
If Manchin is the problem then Biden should be raising hell and forcing Manchin to change. They should make it clear that he's opposing it and force him to get in line or lose.

You might argue 'that's just giving West Virginia to the Republicans!!' but if Biden can't pass basic policies like this, then we're losing 2022 and 2024 to the Republicans full stop. At least if Manchin forced to get in line then we could get some policies passed before Republicans come in to tear things down again.


Oct 26, 2017
Dallas, TX
I was under the impression that they could selectively remove the filibuster and not unilaterally do it and pass DC statehood via a simple majority like the GOP did to ream through their supreme court noms.

Guess we're fucked then.

You could, but since you have only a 50-seat majority, you need every member on board. Since Manchin (and Sinema too to a lesser extent) seem to be true believers in it's-not-good-policy-if-you-can't-convince-Republicans-to-vote-for-it centrism, yeah, you're fucked.

You really, really needed to pick up one or two more Senate seats than you did to pull this stuff off. 50 got you stimulus now, and it'll probably get you some decent welfare program reforms and environmental spending in the second reconciliation bill, but falling short of 52 to get around Manchin/Sinema really killed minimum wage, voting rights, DC statehood, immigration reform, etc.

If Manchin is the problem then Biden should be raising hell and forcing Manchin to change. They should make it clear that he's opposing it and force him to get in line or lose.

You might argue 'that's just giving West Virginia to the Republicans!!' but if Biden can't pass basic policies like this, then we're losing 2022 and 2024 to the Republicans full stop. At least if Manchin forced to get in line then we could get some policies passed before Republicans come in to tear things down again.

Problem is then you create a situation where Manchin's best path is to change parties, and as a Republican vote against the stimulus altogether and put McConnell back in charge of approving appointments and all that. You already have judges who have resigned so Biden can replace them. You alienate Manchin and you hand McConnell back the power to hold all those seats open for four years again. And there's still a lot of good that can happen in reconciliation bills now that all depends on Manchin.


Oct 25, 2017
If Manchin is the problem then Biden should be raising hell and forcing Manchin to change. They should make it clear that he's opposing it and force him to get in line or lose.

You might argue 'that's just giving West Virginia to the Republicans!!' but if Biden can't pass basic policies like this, then we're losing 2022 and 2024 to the Republicans full stop. At least if Manchin forced to get in line then we could get some policies passed before Republicans come in to tear things down again.

And how would someone force Manchin get in line in a state that Biden lost by 30 points?


Oct 25, 2017
it's bizarre that on this very important issue I don't see the same very funny memes about manchin "just playing politics" and "being a vote with us in the end like always"

every time someone suggests that hey, Manchin might actually be a shit dude and not allow people to get needed help they get finger-wagged to death about doomposting

can't we just accept that he's kind of a vile person and shouldn't be counted on as a lock on any number of genuinely important issues?


Oct 25, 2017
Were Republican forums clamoring about how the party was just handing Democrats 2018 and 2020 on a silver platter a month into Trump's presidency?


Nov 11, 2017
Easy, attach it to a bunch of stuff he absolutely does want post-filibuster gone. He's nowhere near as vocally against D.C. statehood as other things. On paper Manchin is against checks going out like this, but he's gonna vote for them.

Key is to create a situation where Manchin/Sinema have to break down the filibuster or things explode, paygo override is one way to get him there. Basically a deadline where medicare can implode if things aren't overridden and pubs are unlikely to be cooperative saving it when dems would be blamed.

Gimme a list of Republican legislation under Trump. The reason pubs have it easier is that allowing things to implode is simply a matter of doing nothing.

Replace the word legislation, thats not my point. 4 years of their leadership is just devastating almost instantaneously. It is like an impossible hurdle to overcome when every 4 years they can ruin, obstruct, remove all regulations, acting directors, give all the money to the wealthy, dems get in office and can barely move an inch, then they get blamed for the mess that was made. Thats what I mean.

Doing the right thing is seemingly impossible and it will be destroyed later on. Their party is a virus but the system sort of works in their favor. Its not setup to protect people or help people. Those things have hurdles. But absolutely destroying everything? Theres little to no hurdles in their way.
Oct 27, 2017
Look, we know that wasn't the intent of the thread, so that's definitely not going to happen.
I don't know why people keep making misleading threads about politics. Seems like it's been happening a ton lately

No excuses, dems control the senate, congress and presidency. Make him sign this bill, he wont veto it
You really don't understand this at all...Dems have a "majority" (with the VP vote), but that assumes 100% of them support everything that they want done which isn't the case. This is like way back when the ACA was first being introduced and the public option had to be dropped. You guys keep assuming every single Dem will vote yes on every Dem proposition and that isn't what happens. People don't keep bringing up Manchin just for fun.

Not to mention a President signs bills. He isn't Congress. He doesn't make them. There is no "make him sign the bill" because he has no control over whether a bill comes to him. Plus he already says he supports it so he isn't even the holdup


Oct 27, 2017
And how would someone force Manchin get in line in a state that Biden lost by 30 points?
Do everything in their power to make sure Manchin loses? Attack his career, publicly shame him etc. Again, if Biden doesn't make good on his promises because of Manchin we will lose far bigger in 2022 and 2024 than just WV.

They need to make it explicitly clear that the reason why they can't pass policies is because of Manchin.

Empyrean Cocytus

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Upstate NY
I get what he's saying though. Don't wait on Min wage hikes. Right now the power lies with the states, the states should be the ones to bump it up.


Oct 25, 2017
About the gradual increase? Discussing whether that should happen or not isn't even relevant considering the fact that it can't get through the Senate to begin with.
How is it not relevant? If Biden himself is playing devil's advocate for a gradual increase, is that not indicative of what the bill will entail when it does go to the Senate?

If the thread is just about talking about the minimum wage in the context of the covid relief bill, then I apologize for derailing. I think a broader discussion on the issue would be more productive rather than focusing on the petty BS politics aspect of it.


Oct 25, 2017
Salt Lake City, Utah
Do everything in their power to make sure Manchin loses? Attack his career, publicly shame him etc. Again, if Biden doesn't make good on his promises because of Manchin we will lose far bigger in 2022 and 2024 than just WV.

They need to make it explicitly clear that the reason why they can't pass policies is because of Manchin.
If Manchin goes he is replaced by a hard R and we lose our majority and Mitch is Leader again.

Definitely the better option.