
One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Structurally, I didn't have a problem with it. It makes sense. But my god, it is by far some of the most obnoxious writing I've ever come across in a game. Both that and the controls killed it for me.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm so confused by people saying SuMo is worse. Like, SuMo has an actual plot and character development? And an actually well-established setting? X/Y has like a sequence of events that come, for the most part, out of nowhere and literally none of the characters actually change (most of them are barely even characters).

Yea I can't understand the "SM has worse writing than XY" take at all. At least the story makes sense? At least the villains aren't a joke but taken deadly seriously? At least the characters are actually like, characters, and not a single trait repeated throughout the entire game? At least elements of the story are introduced throughout the game and not suddenly dumped on you all at once?


Sep 2, 2018
i like the postgame story, lookers quest.
they should just make the next pokemon game revolve around lookers agency


Best Avatar Thread Ever!
Nov 20, 2017
Kingdom of Corona
I played most pokemon games, and honestly I don't remember a single story in any of them.
I kinda remember vaguely about Diamond, about Team Galactic trying to capture Dialga or Palkia for reasons, but that is mostly is because is my favorite Pokemon game.

Pokemon games I just press A to skip the dialoge fast.


Nov 26, 2017
It makes you wonder why the only person who knows there's a Death God hiding beneath France is an eccentric café owner and his dumb cohorts

Unova's military would be on that shit ASAP

Also, Fire Emblem Fates' story is so bad it retroactively made me like Fire Emblem Awakening's more. At least it's just bland with some cool moments instead of all-out terrible. Especially Revelations. Urgh


Jul 2, 2019
Eh, Pokemon X/Y's writing is bad, but at least it's not like Fire Emblem Fates where the writing is so offensively awful that it makes it impossible to enjoy the gameplay.


Is Here to Kill Chaos
Oct 27, 2017
I'll never understand why people keep looking for interesting plots and deep characters, in a Pokémon game out of all things

To be fair, you don't really get a choice, at least in X/Y. I'd have much preferred a more hands off approach and less story, since what was there was very off putting.


Oct 31, 2017
X and Y was hot garbage story wise in large part because looking back- the game was littered with what was clearly supposed to be additional story and in-game content but they were never able to finish it or were told to work on other projects.
I am absolutely convinced Magearna was supposed to be a Gen 6 Pokemon but they pushed it into Sun and Moon. We still didn't get the Kings Floette even though it's in the game code for X and Y and there are so many locked places with dialouge that will remain that way forever now.
And I thought Gen 4 was bad. Gen 6 takes the cake.


Oct 31, 2017
^^^ 100% CORRECT

Pokemon dialogue is eeeeeeh

but the entirety of Fire Emblem Fates is an unfathomably poor shitshow

Both sides of the same coin of trash, but boy, Fates story is still the only game SO FAR where I have to refrain from making a 5 paragraph rant about just how bad it is.
Pokemon lacks execution and just going through with the 'Ow McEdge' shit they try to implement in their games. Fates? Fucking christ.


Jul 2, 2019
I'll never understand why people keep looking for interesting plots and deep characters, in a Pokémon game out of all things, but I like that at least they try to make each villain's motives different. And I mean, it's got to be ridiculous in order to avoid kids saying "hey, this guy's got a point..." lol
To be fair, when your game has unskippable 5-10 minute cutscenes (Sun and Moon, I'm looking at you), the story better be good.


Oct 31, 2017
What an odd thing to say. Pokemon are sentient beings put almost on the same level as humans. In the world of Pokemon that is a completely okay thing to say. We're also gonna ignore that Lusamine had her collection cryogenically frozen lol (I assume it was Gladion who said that quote my mind is blanking).

It's like saying Silver, or Paul from the anime, was right all along.

The problem is that the gameplay NEVER reflects this at all. Arguably the only 'game play' mechanic that didn't rely on the player collecting the most broken and perfect shit to win the game was Pokemon Contests and that shit is dead in the fucking water.

From the very get-go you are tasked with 'discovering new Pokemon to complete the dex' and in order to do so you must CATCH them to get their info. You can't just look at them, you can't lure them in with some Safari-esque mechanic and feed them enough food for them to stay to document them, or BEFRIEND them (unless they are given to you by way of pre-scripted cutscenes and NPCs) you have to beat them up, WEAKEN them enough so that when you throw the pokeball they cannot catch you.

The lore, text, and dialogue of Pokemon are at direct odds with how the core mechanics of the game play out each and every installment.

For christ sakes Pokemon D/P/Pt directly tell you in the books that Pokemon are so closely integrated into society- and have the cognitive intelligence of humans in every way except maybe language that MARRYING them was a common practice 'back in the day.'

That's not even touching on the the micro-story section in Sun and Moon where two women were lusting after a Machamp and got MAD AT YOU for revealing it was just a regular human employee.


Jan 22, 2019
Eh, Pokemon X/Y's writing is bad, but at least it's not like Fire Emblem Fates where the writing is so offensively awful that it makes it impossible to enjoy the gameplay.
Funny, I would say the same but the other way around. XY is the only pokemon game I couldn't bother finishing, mainly due to its absolutely garbage writing. I had no will to fight Team Flare as all that was just so pathetic.. and those "friends" who would haunt you just to make you suffer and hate all what was going on there. That game would have been 500% better without a story. Like, your mom tells you "hey kid just go snatch those 8 badges and beat the hell out of that pkmn league, you understand? Now go!"


Oct 27, 2017
In what world is Sun and Moon a worse written game then X and Y lmao

Seriously lmao

I think people are letting their hatred for SM's cutscenes blind them, or they haven't played XY in awhile. Because I would honestly say XY's writing is objectively worse than SM's.

Like another user says, at least SM had actual characters who developed over the course of the game. I have my misgivings with the story (especially USUMs) but it is miles better than XY.


Editor at Nintendo Wire
Oct 27, 2017
the mainline Pokémon games have felt like overly literal translations for a while now - see also Cheren constantly mentioning "ideals" in the most unnatural ways possible. That's not even accounting for the weird motivations, either, I think just in general they're a chore to read because there's a lot of repetition and bizzare sentence structures. Sun/Moon was an improvement but that had other issues to contend with.

Also the "it's for kids" excuse doesn't really make sense to me, if I were a kid I'd be so bored of the dialogue 9 times out of 10.

It's also kinda weird considering how well written and full of personality the side games like Mystery Dungeon are.

Also Kid Icarus Uprising's writing isn't bad but I did find its humor incredibly grating
Last edited:


Alt Account
Apr 6, 2019
No, its as nonsensical as Team Plasma telling the player to stop pocketing pocket-monsters.
Its an IP where you're encouraged to collect, trade, breed and battle these creatures so when they try to play the moral dilemma its about the most laughable angle possible.

There are obviously different layers to this, obviously.

In the in-game context it's totally naturally that "collecting" Pokemon is a bad thing, they are sentient beings.

In the real world context they are just a bunch of anime characters, that is totally okay to collect.

Gacha Santa Alter

"This guy are sick"
Feb 9, 2019
Gacha Hell
I never played XY and SuMo but don't even try to tell me the bad guys are dumber than "I like earth and I hate water. I'm going to get rid of ALL the water."


Oct 27, 2017
This thread is bringing out all the people with the worst taste imaginable.
Xenoblade 2 bad writing??? Sun and Moon worse than XY and BW??? You people need Arceus. My goodness.


Oct 25, 2017
You have gutter trash like FFXV and even worse probably the worst game released in recent times Xenoblade 2.

lvl 99 Pixel

Oct 25, 2017
There's a huge difference between the way regular people in the Pokemon World collect the monsters and how Lusamine did it.

Pokemon centers offer trainers the option to store hundreds of Pokemon as data, which we have been doing for decades now. I assume the pelago thing was meant to sidestep that contradiction, but its also likely going to be gone again next game.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I never played XY and SuMo but don't even try to tell me the bad guys are dumber than "I like earth and I hate water. I'm going to get rid of ALL the water."
Honestly, even Maxie is a goddamn genius compared to Lysander.

Lysander wants to wipe out the majority of people and Pokemon because he believes overpopulation is causing strife and suffering... In a video game world that's basically a fucking utopia. So the bad guy wants to solve a nonexistent problem by killing everyone.

At least Maxie justifies more land being good for farming or urban development.

The Silver

Oct 28, 2017
The friends constantly interrupting me in X/Y was the bane of my existence, why won't those dickfucks leave me alone?

God I miss jerkass rivals who would leave me be except to have a fight after a short line or two.

Gacha Santa Alter

"This guy are sick"
Feb 9, 2019
Gacha Hell
Honestly, even Maxie is a goddamn genius compared to Lysander.

Lysander wants to wipe out the majority of people and Pokemon because he believes overpopulation is causing strife and suffering... In a video game world that's basically a fucking utopia.

Pretty silly I agree, but I see it as a variation of the "humans are filth, must cleanse!" vs "give them one more chance!" plot. It's sadly pretty common.

Having a ten year old sit down with the adult villain and explain to him he's made of water too though? Phew.

Deleted member 35204

User requested account closure
Dec 3, 2017
i played my 50+ hours of X/Y and i swear to god i didn't know what the hell was going on in that game plot wise.


Oct 27, 2017
You must have not played Fire Emblem Conquest.

First 15 minutes be like:

Corrin is my brother!
No, he's mine!
No, mine and our prince!
Oh, Corrin, you alright?!
Thank god you alright, Corrin!
Yeah, our brother is back!
No, you scum, he's OUR brother!
Filthy Hoshidians, Corrin's my sweet little brother!

It certainly ranks among the very, very worst.


The Fallen
Feb 22, 2019
XY is way worse than SuMo story wise. I was abput 25% invested in SuMos story as opposed to the negative percentage I had for XYs. Plus SuMos had characters I liked and character development I enjoyed as opposed to XYs who tried to be non intrusive bit still have a big story ending with a legendary so it's just characters exposing dialogue with no actual personality


Oct 25, 2017
I see FE Fates being mentioned a lot, anyone have some good examples or videos? Never played and don't care for spoilers.
In the Conquest path, you side with your kidnappers and particpate in the invasion and destruction of your mother's kingdom knowingly while also acting like it's all out of your hands, on the chance that getting your kidnapper evil dad on the opposing kingdom's throne will reveal to your adopted siblings that he's an evil monster.

In Birthright, it's just a traditional Fire Emblem game, you were kidnapped, you find out your true parentage, you side with the good guys to take down your evil kidnapper dad from the other kingdom.

In revelations, you convince everyone that they shouldnt fight and that theres actually a super evil dragon controlling the strings of the kidnapper kingdom.


Oct 26, 2017
I don't think it was worse than Diablo 3. I think chapter 3 in or so melted my brain. Why did write so much dialogue and why did they decide to still keep it after reading it out loud. My only explanation would be, that Blizzard needed to stretch playtime of the game.


Oct 25, 2017
The Stussining
Seriously lmao

I think people are letting their hatred for SM's cutscenes blind them, or they haven't played XY in awhile. Because I would honestly say XY's writing is objectively worse than SM's.

Like another user says, at least SM had actual characters who developed over the course of the game. I have my misgivings with the story (especially USUMs) but it is miles better than XY.
Yup like it's fine if you don't like any version of Sun and Moons story. But you can't walk into here and claim that's its worse written then X and Y. Cause X and Y is one of the few games I've played were it was clear it needed more time in the oven for its writing.
Oct 26, 2017
Seriously lmao

I think people are letting their hatred for SM's cutscenes blind them, or they haven't played XY in awhile. Because I would honestly say XY's writing is objectively worse than SM's.

Like another user says, at least SM had actual characters who developed over the course of the game. I have my misgivings with the story (especially USUMs) but it is miles better than XY.

This I agree with, the way cutscenes are presented is the only issue with Sun and Moon. It's writing is okay and has its fair share of good and bad moments, but nothing as consistently terrible as XY's was.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't think it was worse than Diablo 3. I think chapter 3 in or so melted my brain. Why did write so much dialogue and why did they decide to still keep it after reading it out loud. My only explanation would be, that Blizzard needed to stretch playtime of the game.
Blizzard hasn't written a good story in decades


Oct 27, 2017
Los Angeles
I'm sure it's hyperbole (on a gaming forum? why I never) to say that it's the most poorly written modern game in existence, but reading the longer dialogue excerpts that have been posted reminds me of the sort of dry, direct, robotic-sounding Japanese-to-English translations that the Anime Tiddy Defense Force and their like champion for game scripts, as opposed to more natural sounding, well-written localized dialogue. So that's pretty bad.


You seem to have confused "script I don't like" for "bad writing."


May 24, 2019
It's funny that this thread has been made because I am doing my first play through of Pokémon Y.

I.... am having mixed feelings about it thus far. I mean it's Pokemon so it's still a good romp, but I feel like it's trying to teach me life lessons with the cheesy storylines and writing. And the meet ups with that fat dancing kid every 10 minutes are really starting to get to me.


Oct 25, 2017
Corrin vs Greninja in smash is like battle of the terribad 3DS plots
Truly the ultimate crossover

Though at least I get to laugh at Fates, X/Y has no such unintentional hilarity, though AZ comes close, seriously what the heck were they thinking with that eternal giant hobo angle?!