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Nacho Papi

Oct 27, 2017
Please take my mind of all the other shit...

At this stage I welcome an early 2000's era esque """console war"""


Oct 27, 2017
Tomorrow you'll see how much mindshare SIE has built through IP that resonates. You can't buy it. Mindshare is not an off the rack purchase. This type of energy is not sold separately.


Feb 12, 2018
All PlayStation generations BC would be exciting hardware in the past 20 years.
Kinda? If it's full on BC, then for sure, but otherwise it's pretty similar to current xbox BC.
It means there's far more social media interest in the PS5 than there is the Xbox Series X. Whether that translates in to far more sales or not, remains to be seen.

The article is pretty misleading. The fridge post has 70k likes.
I don't doubt sony has more of a social presence, but still comparing this right now feels pretty premature.


Oct 25, 2017
this doesn't reveal anything... we have no evidence that one system will have black magic techniques the other doesn't that will make the weaker TF one out-perform the other. these tweets aren't doing anything to actually prove that the TF aren't going to count.

For all we know, the two systems are going to have similar tricks for SSDs and ray tracing etc, but one will have more TF and there's no evidence to suggest that it won't be the performance differentiator right now.

I guess I don't get people gleaning big info from people offering vague excitement tweets
The most trusted journalist in the industry just replied to Id engine lead (who said the PS5 is awesome) that other devs said the same, and one who worked in the industry for at least 20 years said it was the most exciting hardware since then, and you don't understand why people are excited?

If by vague you mean they didn't mention hard numbers then of course they won't, and an enginer mentioning how tf doesn't matter probably means it's only a small part of the picture considering the big jump in SSD, CPU and Ram. GPU in next consoles is most likely the thing getting the smallest upgrade from current gen.


Oct 25, 2017
It's weird because MS seemed really confident around the specs, and all the Sony leaks were pretty negative, but doing this days after the glowing XSX spec write up would definitely suggest confidence on Sony's part too. Interested to see what this is.

wouldnt it be weirder if a company didn't seem confident around their products specs? How confident one company seems in their product rarely ever has any bearing on what a competitor is doing. The Series X could have had the tech specs of a Speak N Spell and MS would have been confident in them. That's how PR works.


Jan 22, 2020
Dope . I guess Microsoft force them to say something. I can't wait to have both in my house on day 1💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼


Oct 26, 2017
Re. Jason's tweet, I don't think BC (PS2/PS3...) would necessarily be the most exciting thing in the world to a developer? I assume it's a reference to things relevant to PS5 development, for PS5 games.

What it could be referring to, though, I've no idea. I wouldn't necessarily take it to be referring to performance stuff though - could be 'other' things we haven't been expecting.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't know what you're implying. These tweets are on the English Twitter where Xbox is far more popular than the other markets, so I didn't think the difference would be that big. Not to mention that Xbox is the only one, up to this point, showing anything off. Which I thought meant higher social media numbers.

But go off, champ. Tell me how I feel

If not popularity of the two what do you think causes the difference? It's not magic, I can tell you that. PlayStation is more popular. Everywhere. Just because MS does better in one region than it does in another doesn't mean Sony isn't still more popular. And yes, I go off. Go off off off 🎶🕺🏿🎶 You should see my Cha-Cha.

Tiago Rodrigues

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Nov 15, 2018
It's weird because MS seemed really confident around the specs, and all the Sony leaks were pretty negative, but doing this days after the glowing XSX spec write up would definitely suggest confidence on Sony's part too. Interested to see what this is.
Hh? The only leak negative to Sony was the GitHub one. All insiders and journalists said the opposite actually. But we'll see.

Hum 👀
As if hype wasn't already huge!


Prophet of Regret
Oct 25, 2017
Pretty simple to comprehend. A day after the big blow out by Xbox, Sony announcing they're showing off their system tomorrow. What do you think that would look like to someone with no knowledge of what's being planned behind the scenes.
Pretty simple to dismantle too. This was planned for this week at GDC, which means it's been ready for a while. It's not a knee jerk reaction if it was primed and ready for this week. This isn't hard to grasp.


Oct 25, 2017
The most trusted journalist in the industry just replied to Id engine lead (who said the PS5 is awesome) that other devs said the same, and one who worked in the industry for at least 20 years said it was the most exciting hardware since then, and you don't understand why people are excited?

If by vague you mean they didn't mention hard numbers then of course they won't, and an enginer mentioning how tf doesn't matter probably means it's only a small part of the picture considering the big jump in SSD, CPU and Ram. GPU in next consoles is most likely the thing getting the smallest upgrade from current gen.
Honestly unless it does something completely new it's valid for people to not be excited. Full bc isn't exciting I want to see something brand new that they are the first to do. I'm maintaining the hype level to a middle ground.
Oct 26, 2017
Why is this shocking to anyone? PS4 and PS in general is a much bigger World Wide brand than Xbox is. Sales alone of the PS4 vs. Xbox One is massive in favor of the PS4. Of course a tweet about this announcement is going to get more traction. Hell, even the showing of the PS5 logo was massive and that was a fucking logo.

Yes lol

This is like being surprised that "TES 6 OFFICIAL GAMEPLAY" trailer has more views and social media impressions than "DRAGON AGE 4 OFFICIAL GAMEPLAY" or the reveal of the New iPhone vs the new Galaxy etc....

No shit a much popular brand has way more interactions on social media than a weaker brand
Oct 28, 2017
I am going to go with #theywillshowthe console!

I have a feeling since the design for the XboxSX has been out there for a while, SONY is going to go with a big splash and reveal a LOT of what we want to know. They will probably have just as large of an audience with the stay at home social distancing as they would have at E3 at this point. So I feel they take back any momentum, blow out the specs, some features, and the design. Then, they have the next 8 months to a year (if it gets delayed) to discuss many finer points, show games, show operating system features, sharing/streaming, etc.


Oct 25, 2017
Outside of the GPU/CPU/Memory/Memory Bandwidth, which all have improved from one gen to the next...the other one that also has improved but not that drastically is the SSD and the tech they have in that. I think they do have some special stuff in the system and from everything I have read the SSD speed they have is going to be best in class imho. Not sure what other "special" things it could have, but I think it is going to be one of the big things Cerny focuses on tomorrow.

SSDs *have* improved drastically from PS4 times to PS5. I also didn't think the difference was that big but it is. Note the PS4 shipped with a 5400RPM HDD. Just look at the table here (under the section Basic Tests). The internal drive is on a SATA II port btw. The PS4 Pro also shipped with a SATA III port but didn't use it well. If you combine the moving from HDD to SSD, and then look at the bandwidth and speed improvements, and then look at things like optimization, software/hardware tricks (I'm sure Sony will have some of their own like MS unveiled DirectStorage), and havingt he game be purpose built for an SSD, that technology can be leveraged quite well and give a massive benefit over what we have now.

Give this a watch (from 2:15 to 3:15 - it's talking about another subject but the info is relevant).


The Artisan

"Angels are singing in monasteries..."
Oct 27, 2017
I honestly thought we would not be able to hear one single thing about the Ps5 until covid 19 was behind us
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