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Oct 27, 2017
It's just video games. I rather the staff be healthy, not worth the risk at this time.


Oct 28, 2017
There are fewer cases of coronavirus in Spain than the US, but AT&T, Amazon, BT, Ericsson, Deutsche Telekom, Cisco, Intel, Facebook, HMD Global, Nokia, LG, Sprint, Verizon, Sony, MediaTek, Royole, Marvell, Volvo, NVIDIA, Marvell, McAfee, Sprint, Rakuten, Western Digital, and Vivo all withdrew from the Mobile World conference in Barcelona. The conference was subsequently cancelled. Maybe all these large companies are overreacting, maybe they have risk assessment teams telling them better safe than sorry. Sony pulling out of PAX isn't an isolated event, and it will probably be a rocky road for conferences for the next couple months.

Le Dude

May 16, 2018
I also have concerns about the inevitable domino effect Sony's move will have on people's perceptions of COVID-19. If a large company makes an important decision based on unsupported science or misinterpreting information from the WHO or any other organization, that will have negative social consequences as well (as xenophobic reactions have shown). I choose to believe Sony made this in good faith but the potential consequences are worth mentioning.
I've personally already had to deal with overreactions and fear-mongering surrounding the virus. I work in a hospital and it was from staff. One of them was the nursing manager for a floor.


Jan 28, 2020
I heard the PS5 is on the verge of being cancelled because of the CoronaVirus.

It had a party and had a hangover and drank too much Corona. ;-p
Feb 10, 2018
While America is very low risk, Sony will have people flying in from Asia.

I wonder if this will effect E3 for other publishers.


Oct 25, 2017
The convention center is practically around the corner from Chinatown, but yeah... Sucks for people who were going to PAX for Sony's stuff.
I mean there's very little reason to think people in Chinatown are significantly more likely to have the disease atm than anyone else. Even if more of those people do travel to China or come into contact with people who do, there are currently a bunch of rules in place around such individuals to prevent spread.


Oct 25, 2017
So should we shut everything down every flu season? After all it killed an estimated 14k people this year IN THE US ALONE low balling the estimate.

I get why Sony took the precautions and I respect them protecting their employees. I also don't want everyone shutting the fuck down every time a health scare comes along.
Just because you can argue this, doesn't mean you should. Lol. It's the fact that the Flu AND the C-V are out there together what makes this even more sensible to do.
Nobody should be in danger so you can watch a new trailer or play a demo man.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
There are an incredibly small number of cases in the US which are already being quarantined. The restrictions on travel and limitations placed on people who might be at risk make it highly unlikely that you'll randomly Run into someone carrying the disease over here. A lot of care is being done to prevent an outbreak in the US and if the risk was enough to really merit concern the CDC would start recommending against gatherings like this in the first place which they aren't doing at the moment

Like I said earlier in the thread, it might not be about getting infected by Americans but rather having people from other countries infect Americans as well. Sure it is only 12 cases in America but there is already community spread in some countries, including my own. It took 1 person to spread to 7 others here, out of which 4 went back to their countries and spread it to other folks. These measures also keep the situation from getting worse in the US.


Blue Venus
Dec 24, 2017
There are an incredibly small number of cases in the US which are already being quarantined. The restrictions on travel and limitations placed on people who might be at risk make it highly unlikely that you'll randomly Run into someone carrying the disease over here. A lot of care is being done to prevent an outbreak in the US and if the risk was enough to really merit concern the CDC would start recommending against gatherings like this in the first place which they aren't doing at the moment
People are flying here internationally, on planes with other passengers flying internationally, from countries with higher rates of the virus than the US. Another thing is that were an employee to get sick, it would likely spread to many other employees, it's a large company. It could have a big effect on their bottom line.


Oct 25, 2017
There are fewer cases of coronavirus in Spain than the US, but AT&T, Amazon, BT, Ericsson, Deutsche Telekom, Cisco, Intel, Facebook, HMD Global, Nokia, LG, Sprint, Verizon, Sony, MediaTek, Royole, Marvell, Volvo, NVIDIA, Marvell, McAfee, Sprint, Rakuten, Western Digital, and Vivo all withdrew from the Mobile World conference in Barcelona. The conference was subsequently cancelled. Maybe all these large companies are overreacting, maybe they have risk assessment teams telling them better safe than sorry. Sony pulling out of PAX isn't an isolated event, and it will probably be a rocky road for conferences for the next couple months.
Worth keeping in mind Spain has way less people than the us so the actual rate of appearances isn't that difference, and the fact that the US is so much bigger also means the way outbreaks work will be different. Also with Spain it's an EU country so you need to keep in mind that travel from other EU countries that also have had cases need to be considered


Blue Venus
Dec 24, 2017
Wasn't there a PAX in the past where someone with swine flu spread it to those on the showfloor?

PAX Swine Flu Outbreak Soars to Nearly 100 Cases of 'H1Nerd1'

With sick gamers documenting their illnesses on Twitter, the organizers of last weekend’s Penny Arcade Expo are urging everyone who attended to take an apparent swine flu outbreak seriously. PAX organizers say they have confirmed nearly 100 cases of H1N1 virus infections, or swine flu, in the...

PAX Organizers Report "Confirmed Swine Flu Case" From Show

Communication from official PAX sources indicate that the show may have been home to an infestation of the H1N1 flu virus, more commonly known as the Swine Flu, with Penny Arcade reps urging attendees to monitor symptoms.


Oct 26, 2017
Is sony pulling out of gdc too since it's right around the corner? Well, honestly I have no idea if they were going to gdc.


Oct 25, 2017
Might be a good idea...
At the end of the day, they really want to put all the attention to the PS5 reveal evet, and they are just building expectations. Zoning the different periods of the year to generate hype for a specific moment or event is more effective than saturating everyone with stuff to the point of being a turn off. I wonder what is the specific time frame the want to hit....

Would they do it close to E3? One would think they would take all the attention anyways. Not gonna lie, I'm more excited about how thye decide to reveal it, than the reveal itself.


Oct 25, 2017
Part of the problem is that, right now, the WHO defers risk assessment to people and companies individually. It's up to you to assess the risk. Obviously some people/companies will be more or less risk averse in these circumstances than others, so you'll have varying responses. I mean, actually, maybe this isn't a problem per se, but it's just how it is. I'm not sure there's an objectively right or wrong answer here. I doubt in cases like this the decision to either press ahead, or withdraw from something is taken lightly, though, and I'm sure it's done in good faith. No-one would go into a decision process like that wanting to disrupt plans... if Sony didn't want to attend PAX for other reasons, I'm sure they'd have no problem saying so (see: E3).

Self-assessment is the only reasonable stance, imo. The WHO can't realistically make everyone's decisions. But that doesn't mean people should misconstrue what they're actually trying to assert or weaponize the WHO to push a particular agenda.


Oct 27, 2017
"Tis just games" is such a weak mindset. You are ok with Sony cancelling, losing, imperfection of a craft. When you stop getting angry after having an event cancelled, you've lost twice.
Imperfection of craft? What the fuck?... Is this a troll post?

People losing their minds over not being able to see a stupid new demo.


Oct 25, 2017
Like I said earlier in the thread, it might not be about getting infected by Americans but rather having people from other countries infect Americans as well. Sure it is only 12 cases in America but there is already community spread in some countries, including my own. It took 1 person to spread to 7 others here, out of which 4 went back to their countries and spread it to other folks. These measures also keep the situation from getting worse in the US.
I mean this is true, having a lot of measures in place is absolutely important. My point was more that most of those measures come before people would even be entering the con


Jan 24, 2018
Wow... comments in here ruined my day. Didn't know era was this full of asses.

Good on Sony. Westerners waving their fingers at an Asian company for thinking about safety during a virus outbreak in asia (and might be going global) is interesteing.

The smell of entitlement in the morning.


Visited by Knack
Oct 25, 2017
Imperfection of craft? What the fuck?... Is this a troll post?

People losing their minds over not being able to see a stupid new demo.
I shouldn't but...

Ninja: Not getting angry after losing suggests a 'weak mindset' Ninja says that not getting angry after losing suggests a 'weak mindset' The streamer received backlash after suggesting that gamers have a "weak mindset" if they do not get angry after losing: "When you stop getting angry after losing, you’ve...

Edit: Sorry for being a buzzkill, but this thread has enough hostility in it already. Last thing we need is people going bananas on a joke post.


Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
Imperfection of craft? What the fuck?... Is this a troll post?

People losing their minds over not being able to see a stupid new demo.
It's a joke:

Ninja: Not getting angry after losing suggests a 'weak mindset' Ninja says that not getting angry after losing suggests a 'weak mindset' The streamer received backlash after suggesting that gamers have a "weak mindset" if they do not get angry after losing: "When you stop getting angry after losing, you’ve...

Edit: beaten like Ninja getting mad at video games


Oct 26, 2017
Just because you can argue this, doesn't mean you should. Lol. It's the fact that the Flu AND the C-V are out there together what makes this even more sensible to do.
Nobody should be in danger so you can watch a new trailer or play a demo man.
Not what I was arguing but whatever. I just want the world to keep spinning and people to stop being racist to Chinese people due to a health scare. You can still go out and interact with people. Just wash your damn hands and if you are sick stay home and get tested. Is that so radical? CDC spread the information on this virus to curb the spread (which it is doing) and not make people lose their god damn minds.


Oct 25, 2017
Honestly I'd personally be more worried about people traveling from nations that don't have major outbreaks yet but also don't have good restrictions on people traveling from areas that do than I would for people who had actually been in China a few weeks ago

this is obviously from the standpoint of who I'm likely to interact with btw, since it's under the pretenses that someone with COVID 19 is more likely to be found and quarantined if they had been to China than anywhere else


Jan 28, 2020
Do you think Sony will give the information about the PS5 using surgical masks and hazmat suits? ;-p

Seriously, I think this is an overreaction. I can understand being cautious when needed but I don't think we are there yet with all of this panic.
Maybe it's a coverup, we already know Sony doesn't seem to like marketing lately.

Maybe the company has been taken over by introverts. ;-p

LOL, I am just joking here guys, not being serious. Just so you know, I just find it funny that they are that afraid of this when it's severely unwarranted.

Maybe if everyone lived in China, but the flu every year kills people.


Apr 24, 2018
They did the right thing. Lives and the health of others are more important than video games.


Oct 25, 2017
Hey remember when this happened?

PAX Swine Flu Outbreak Soars to Nearly 100 Cases of 'H1Nerd1'

With sick gamers documenting their illnesses on Twitter, the organizers of last weekend’s Penny Arcade Expo are urging everyone who attended to take an apparent swine flu outbreak seriously. PAX organizers say they have confirmed nearly 100 cases of H1N1 virus infections, or swine flu, in the...


Herald of Stoptimus Crime
Oct 25, 2017
The convention center is practically around the corner from Chinatown, but yeah... Sucks for people who were going to PAX for Sony's stuff.


Oct 27, 2017
There are an incredibly small number of cases in the US which are already being quarantined. The restrictions on travel and limitations placed on people who might be at risk make it highly unlikely that you'll randomly Run into someone carrying the disease over here. A lot of care is being done to prevent an outbreak in the US and if the risk was enough to really merit concern the CDC would start recommending against gatherings like this in the first place which they aren't doing at the moment
Well, it seems that the president of MWC, who is american , was influenced, on top of cancellations, by CDC recommendations.
Yes MWC probably has more Chinese people attending than other events,but any important meeting, conference etc is a potential risk. As i said, the 2 cases in Spain were, if not mistaken , a German and an English, both coming from conferences in Europe , apparently not related with China, yet they had the virus. So even overreaction, seems the right thing to me, at least hold the expansion as much as possible until a vaccine is created.
And i think cancelling a few events is not a major thing.
It will be interesting, if things continue like this, what will happen with Olympic games for example.


Oct 25, 2017
If Sony play their cards right they can use Corona virus to delay the ps5 launch to next year. That way they can push their commitment they made with end of this year.
Oct 31, 2017
This is not what the staff post is saying at all. The staff post did not say that viruses are a belief.

You are right, that isn't what the staff post was saying. It was saying that it was okay for people to believe their decision was an overreaction, which I simply don't agree with. I'm sure Pax East is a large event with a large number of people attending from all over different places, and, as a result, I personally think it is more than justifiable for Sony to make this decision.

My equivalence was a bit too extreme, and I do apologize for that. Still though, I don't know how people think it's an overreaction considering the event, its size, the amount and various origins of different people, so on.

Wanting to mitigate risk for both employees, event staff, and event goers is not an overreaction IMHO, even if the overall risk is truly "low".

The reasoning used to pull out of PAX East is the same reasoning people are using to avoid Chinatowns and Chinese restaurants.

Quantifiable data showing actual risk is not present in either case.

Avoiding Chinese restaurants/people is an overreaction, but I don't think it is one to want to pull out of a large scale, individual an company diverse, convention.


Oct 25, 2017
Well, it seems that the president of MWC, who is american , was influenced, on top of cancellations, by CDC recommendations.
Yes MWC probably has more Chinese people attending than other events,but any important meeting, conference etc is a potential risk. As i said, the 2 cases in Spain were, if not mistaken , a German and an English, both coming from conferences in Europe , apparently not related with China, yet they had the virus. So even overreaction, seems the right thing to me, at least hold the expansion as much as possible until a vaccine is created.
And i think cancelling a few events is not a major thing.
It will be interesting, if things continue like this, what will happen with Olympic games for example.
I mean keep in mind that when we talk about this issue each EU member country isn't that functionally different from an individual US state, since people from one can freely travel to the others, so it's a bit different than the normal situation between countries


Oct 25, 2017
If Sony play their cards right they can use Corona virus to delay the ps5 launch to next year. That way they can push their commitment they made with end of this year.
There's no "playing their cards right". If Sony delays the PS5 it's due to delays on the production line due to people getting sick. There isn't some conspiracy behind the scenes.


May 31, 2018
Good on Sony, its better to be on the safe side.

Wearing a mask does not guarantee you will be fully protected from the virus, and people who carry the virus do not always show symptoms so things like temperature scanning at the entrance doesn't really help.
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