What will PS4's total lifetime hardware sales be, when all is said and done?

  • 120 million - surpasses Game Boy / GBC

    Votes: 214 25.8%
  • 130 million - midway point between PS1 and PS2

    Votes: 387 46.7%
  • 140 million - #4themillions

    Votes: 96 11.6%
  • 150 million - joins PS2 and Nintendo DS as the absolute best selling game systems

    Votes: 45 5.4%
  • 160 million - surpasses PS2 and DS and becomes the best selling system of all time

    Votes: 24 2.9%
  • 200 million - after the launch of Knack 3

    Votes: 62 7.5%

  • Total voters


Oct 25, 2017
A lot depends on how far PS4 can go in terms of pricing. If they can somehow get it to the $149 and $99 then it can get close to ps2.


Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
125 to 130 million seems most realistic

I think they will scrap Pro and go for an ultra low cost PS4 Slim 7nm at 199 to get into more homes


Dec 3, 2017
I'm guessing 120 million, I don't think they can really lower the price like PS1 and 2 as the memory architecture of the PS4 is based on GDDR5 which is not widely used do to low demand, guessing but there has to be a price floor that they can't drop below.


Oct 27, 2017
There is no way it stop at 130

it's ending this year at 110
With 250$ cut , tlou2 and some other game next year and if ps5 release end of year it will finish 2020 at 125M

it will sell easily until 2022 mostly if ps5 is BC. And can cut its price 1-2 more times.



I ... survived Sedona
Oct 27, 2017

With full BC giving people a reason to later upgrade to PS5, and services like PS+ and PS Now bringing in money after the console has sold there is every reason for Sony to look to keep the PS4 alive for long after the PS5 has launched.

I wouldn't be surprised if we get a super budget model next year like with the PS3.


Nov 10, 2017
anywhere between 125 and 140 million.

I have this fantasy that Dreams becomes a massive hit and ignites even more PS4 sales and justifies a follow-up on PS5.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Shit ton of low balling in here. 140mil is easily on table. People buying PS4 in 2020 aren't interested in PS5. Different market, plus 3 big exclusives left WITH a FF7 remake? And possible $99-$149 holiday bundles down the line? PS4 can easily be the new king IF sony chooses to push for it. PS3 is a bad example because sales were dead, too expensive and all focus was on PS4. I don't think they will do this with PS5.


Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
Shit ton of low balling in here. 140mil is easily on table. People buying PS4 in 2020 aren't interested in PS5. Different market, plus 3 big exclusives left WITH a FF7 remake? And possible $99-$149 holiday bundles down the line? PS4 can easily be the new king IF sony chooses to push for it. PS3 is a bad example because sales were dead, too expensive and all focus was on PS4. I don't think they will do this with PS5.

Its better to be pleasantly surprised and potentially lowball than to overestimate and get disappointed(although i dont think 130 is lowballing)
Oct 25, 2017
I'd say about 130 million. They are projecting 15m for this fiscal year, which will be surpassed I think. The remaining it should be able to hit leading up to PS5 and after.
Oct 25, 2017
PS4 is on pace for 120M-130M so I don't disagree there. There isn't going to be any notable steadiness to sales post PS5 though. It's downhill fast for 3 years, then a discontinuation at the 10-11 year mark.

PS4 will also be just as old as the PS3 when next gen launches. PS3 shipped ~4-5M after the PS4 launched, PS4 probably does ~7-9M after PS5 if we just assume PS4 has a better fall off than PS3.

I'm thinking 120M at the end of 2020, then ending somewhere in that 125M-130M range.
I see it more in the 130-135M range but we're essentially agreeing either way.

The PS4 is more healthy relative to where PS3 was, so that will allow it to push a bit further.


Deploying the stealth Cruise Missile
Oct 27, 2017
I don't think PS3 comparisons really apply here, as others have said, PS4 is in a way better place.
  • People were dying for a better controller than the DS3
  • Multiplat Devs wanted to get off Cell and onto a more homogenous console development landscape
  • Complex proprietary hardware made reducing the cost of the hardware difficult
  • No BC meant buying games for the PS3 was "investing" in a dying platform. Plus the rise of remasters further incentivized people to migrate.
Vs the PS4...
  • DS4 (build/battery issues aside) is in a good place, and will likely be forwards compatible on the PS5
  • Everything is x86 now, so no real need to stop developing for one platform at the exclusion of the other.
  • Cheaper commodity hardware and simplified architecture mean $199 or even lower are in the cards for PS4. I
  • Full BC means people don't have to stop buying PS4 games when they migrate, which means plenty of publishers will probably just keep releasing PS4 games with "upgrades" for next gen
Honestly I voted 130 mil, but after typing this I think that might be low. Especially if cross-generation multiplayer is seamless (because why wouldn't it be?). PS4 will remain the goto 1080p box well into the 4k future for multiplats.


Oct 28, 2017
A lot of people seem to think that Sony is just gonna stop selling PS4's entirely within a year or so.

120 is the absolute floor and an unrealistically low final number, barring a drastic move by Sony to kill the system.

130 is a much more likely result, but still constitutes the lower end of the sales potential.

140 to 150 are the high end, but depending on the strategy that Sony adopts, these are entirely achievable and even surpasable.

Agreed. I have a hard time seeing the PS4 stop at 120 million. That's why I put it in as the absolute minimum, at this point it's at the edge of possibility. It would really require Sony doing a Nintendo Wii and deliberately killing off the system prematurely. But what I think will happen is that PS4 will blast through 120 million and keep going. 130 million and up is the more realistic range based on where we are now, and with the expectation that Sony will want to keep the PS4 going alongside PS5.

I voted 120 before reading the OP.

It will get supported after the PS5 launches, I think 130 is realistic.

You should be able to change your vote if you want to.


Associate Game Designer
Oct 25, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
The point? It'll be way cheaper. But of course, people could be willing to transition faster because of PS5's BC.

I think people are underestimating how many casual consumers aren't chomping at the bit to drop $400-$500 on a new console just because it's the latest version of a current console, and can play their old games. As always, hardcore gamers and early adopters will be flocking to the PS5 during that first year or so of release.

The casual consumers that haven't purchased a PS4 yet (and there are still plenty, because not everyone can spend over $300 on stuff), so if they aggressively price the PS4 (like sub $200), that's going to entice a lot of casuals. I know when I couldn't afford to buy game systems at launch, or because they were too expensive, $200 and less was the sweet spot for me. I could usually afford the console, and a few of the must have classics that were generally heavily discounted at that time (PS Classics were a godsend to my broke ass).

And then those casuals will buy into the PS5 when it hits their sweetspot, because they know their PS4 library will carry over to the new machine.
Last edited:


Oct 30, 2017
I think people are underestimating how many casual consumers aren't chomping at the bit to drop $400-$500 on a new console just because it's the latest version of a current console, and can play their old games. As always, hardcore gamers and early adopters will be flocking to the PS5 during that first year or so of release.

The casual consumers that haven't purchased a PS4 yet (and there are still plenty, because not everyone can spend over $300 on stuff), so if they aggressively price the PS4 (like sub $200), that's going to entice a lot of casuals. I know when I couldn't afford to buy game systems at launch, or because they were two expensive, $200 and less was the sweet spot for me. I could usually afford the console, and a few of the must have classics that were generally heavily discounted at that time (PS Classics were a godsend to my broke ass).

And then those casuals will buy into the PS5 when it hits their sweetspot, because they know their PS4 library will carry over to the new machine.
Yup, exactly my reasoning - I totally agree. And another thing people seem to be forgetting (can't blame them, they're up to date with everything) is that people who are just entering the current generation have an almost embarrassingly huge amount of games to choose from, that they've missed out on and that they can find for dirt cheap.

Uncharted 4? 10 bucks. Horizon? 12 bucks. The Witcher 3? Could find that for 13 bucks as well.

Heck, and I'm not even talking about getting them used either!

They have an entire generation's worth of games to play. Waiting out is arguably smarter too... But I just can't - Getting a PS5 on launch day! 😊


Associate Game Designer
Oct 25, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
Yup, exactly my reasoning - I totally agree. And another thing people seem to be forgetting (can't blame them, they're up to date with everything) is that people who are just entering the current generation have an almost embarrassingly huge amount of games to choose from, that they've missed out on and that they can find for dirt cheap.

Uncharted 4? 10 bucks. Horizon? 12 bucks. The Witcher 3? Could find that for 13 bucks as well.

Heck, and I'm not even talking about getting them used either!

They have an entire generation's worth of games to play. Waiting out is arguably smarter too... But I just can't - Getting a PS5 on launch day! 😊

Yeah, I meant to say that I agreed with the post I was quoting. lol. But that's exactly how I used to get through console generations on a limited gaming budget. Waited until the console fell in price to my affordable range, then cleaned up on all of the classics that were between $10-$20 by that point. Generally, it was enough to keep me more than occupied well into the life cycle of the latest console, where I'd rinse and repeat. I think the PS3 and PS4 eras were the only two eras where I was able to afford the console during their first years (about 6 months after launch for PS3, and i got my PS4 on launch day).


Nov 4, 2017
I've love to see them slash the Ps4 Pro to like $249 late next year and drop the base Sku, market it as a budget 4k machine to its looming big brother PS5. Doubt you'd see anything remotely close to that in reality. I don't think its breaking 130m without some very aggressive pricing once PS5 hits. All in all, between hardware sales, psn subs, quality exclusives and bringing VR to the console market, it's been a pretty damn good generation for Sony overall.


Oct 28, 2017
I think people are underestimating how many casual consumers aren't chomping at the bit to drop $400-$500 on a new console just because it's the latest version of a current console, and can play their old games. As always, hardcore gamers and early adopters will be flocking to the PS5 during that first year or so of release.

The casual consumers that haven't purchased a PS4 yet (and there are still plenty, because not everyone can spend over $300 on stuff), so if they aggressively price the PS4 (like sub $200), that's going to entice a lot of casuals. I know when I couldn't afford to buy game systems at launch, or because they were two expensive, $200 and less was the sweet spot for me. I could usually afford the console, and a few of the must have classics that were generally heavily discounted at that time (PS Classics were a godsend to my broke ass).

And then those casuals will buy into the PS5 when it hits their sweetspot, because they know their PS4 library will carry over to the new machine.

When Sony gets the PS4 down to $199 permanently, it's going to move a lot of units. Anecdotally, I've spoken to people who don't have a PS4 yet but might just skip straight to PS5, but also people who don't have a PS4 yet and want to get one for the weirdest reasons, like the FF8 remaster. Not the FF7 remake, the FF8 remaster. So there are still all kinds of people eyeing the PS4. Some might get the PS5 instead, but some are finally getting around to buying a PS4 when they can get it on the cheap without a huge hassle, and don't care about the PS5 at what will be a premium price point.


Nov 1, 2017
It will get to 140 million for sure when all is set and done. Probably somewhere halfway through the PS5 lifecycle. The inevitable PS4 mini will help Sony get to that.


Oct 27, 2017
As for people even suggesting PS2 numbers, they'd have to sell half of what they've sold in the past 5.5 years (years in which Sony boasted record-breaking sales, no less) to get there. When you consider current dwindling sales and the release of PS5 next year, that honestly seems like a laughable prospect.
I don't think PS2 sales are likely, but what you're describing as a "laughable prospect" is pretty much exactly what the PSone and PS2 did.

When the PS2 launched the PSone was at around 70m sales. It sold another ~30m after the launch of the PS2. It was actually the second-best-selling console of that entire generation, after the PS2.

Near the end of 2005 the PS2 was in approximately the same position as the PS4 is now - sitting on ~100m sales with a successor about a year away. To reach its eventual total, Sony had to sell half of what they'd sold in the past 5.5 years (of record-breaking sales).

I'd agree if you said that the PS4 didn't seem likely to repeat that, but when two out of Sony's three previous consoles had long-tail sales totalling ~33% of their eventual sales, I don't think that anyone's suggestion that the same might happen with the PS4 is "laughable".


Oct 27, 2017
140m is certainly possible but needs to drop to $199 fast.

150m only if they manage to drop it to $149.

200m with black magic and $99.


Oct 28, 2017
Any idea as to where the Xbone currently sits?

It was at around 41 million at the beginning of the year.

Microsoft really doesn't like sharing Xbox One hardware sales, so we basically have just a lot of guesswork. (If somebody has a fresher estimate, please share.)

The general impression is that XBO sales have been mostly sluggish outside US, and not that hot in the US either, so it looks like the PS4 to XBO ratio is closing in on 5:2 worldwide.


Oct 25, 2017
Feel like 120 million or so is the ceiling for PS4 with PS5 out in less than a year. Don't think there is the kind of market for older systems like there was for PS1 or PS2, regardless of price, for consoles to have those kinds of tails anymore.


Oct 25, 2017
Dat bump.

I'm guessing 120M+. Doubt it can go much more than that unless they drop the price to instant buy prices (150$ or less). It's clear they're gonna start focusing on PS5 during this year and go all out from the Summer onwards.


Oct 27, 2017
They should really try and drop the price to $149 somehow, that'd secure one-fiddy no problem for those who are unable to jump to next-gen.